]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/widelands.git/blame_incremental - widelands.spec
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[packages/widelands.git] / widelands.spec
... / ...
1%define _version b9
2Summary: Game like Settlers II
3Summary(pl): Remake gry Settlers II
4Name: widelands
5Version: 0.%{_version}
6Release: 0.1
7License: GPL
8Group: X11/Applications/Games
9Source0: http://dl.sourceforge.net/widelands/%{name}-%{_version}-source.tar.bz2
10# Source0-md5: 0efaa379795496c05feee47de27b5dae
11Source1: %{name}.desktop
12URL: http://widelands.sourceforge.net/
13BuildRequires: SDL-devel
14BuildRequires: SDL_image-devel
15BuildRequires: SDL_net-devel
16BuildRequires: SDL_ttf-devel
17BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel
18BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
21In Widelands, you are the regent of a small tribe. You start out with
22nothing but your headquarters, a kind of castle in which all your
23resources are stored. Every member of your tribe will do his or her
24part to produce more resources - wood, food, iron, gold and more - to
25further this growth. But you are not alone in the world, and you will
26meet other tribes sooner or later. Some of them may be friendly and
27trade with you. However, if you want to rule the world, you will have
28to train soldiers and fight.
30%description -l pl