]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/mutt.git/blame - mutt.spec
- merged from DEVEL
[packages/mutt.git] / mutt.spec
2# Conditional build:
3%bcond_with slang # use slang library instead of ncurses
4%bcond_with nntp # use VVV's NNTP patch
5%bcond_with esmtp # use esmtp patch
45b62785 6%bcond_with folder_column # build with folder_column patch
7%bcond_without sasl # don't use sasl
8%bcond_without home_etc # don't use home_etc
1944845a 9#
8ee43b54 10Summary: The Mutt Mail User Agent
68eeb855 11Summary(de.UTF-8): Der Mutt Mail-User-Agent
12Summary(es.UTF-8): Mutt, cliente de correo electrónico
13Summary(fr.UTF-8): Agent courrier Mutt
14Summary(ko.UTF-8): 텍스트 기반의 MUA
15Summary(pl.UTF-8): Program pocztowy Mutt
16Summary(pt_BR.UTF-8): Mutt, cliente de correio eletrônico
17Summary(ru.UTF-8): Почтовая клиентская программа Mutt
18Summary(tr.UTF-8): Mutt elektronik posta programı
19Summary(uk.UTF-8): Поштова клієнтська програма Mutt
8ee43b54 20Name: mutt
68eeb855 21Version: 1.5.14
c6886254 22Release: 1
f668f5c2 23Epoch: 6
3315847b 24License: GPL
8ee43b54 25Group: Applications/Mail
68eeb855 26Source0: ftp://ftp.mutt.org/mutt/devel/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
27# Source0-md5: 6d33b4f0074e39772021d947c49b30c6
9410fa3a 28Source1: %{name}.desktop
e59f0c62 29Source2: %{name}.png
0c5cc6f4 30Source3: %{name}.1.pl
68eeb855 31#Patch0: %{name}-pl.po-update.patch
ba050ae5 32Patch1: %{name}-forcedotlock.patch
68eeb855 33Patch2: %{name}-rr.compressed.patch
34Patch3: %{name}-bj.status-time.patch
35Patch4: %{name}-vvv.quote.patch
36Patch5: %{name}-null_name.patch
37Patch6: %{name}-cd.trash_folder.patch
38Patch7: %{name}-cd.purge_message.patch
39Patch8: %{name}-cd.signatures_menu.patch
40Patch9: %{name}-folder_columns.patch
41Patch10: %{name}-nr.tag_prefix_cond.patch
42Patch11: %{name}-manual.patch
43Patch12: %{name}-send_charset.patch
44Patch13: %{name}-xface.patch
45Patch14: %{name}-Muttrc_mbox_path.patch
46Patch15: %{name}-po.patch
47Patch16: %{name}-vvv.nntp.patch
48Patch17: %{name}-esmtp.patch
49Patch18: %{name}-home_etc.patch
50#PatchXXX: %{name}-pgp_hook.patch
8ee43b54 51URL: http://www.mutt.org/
c8e7ecb3 52BuildRequires: autoconf
53BuildRequires: automake
5b7e3013 54%{?with_sasl:BuildRequires: cyrus-sasl-devel >= 2.1.0}
68eeb855 55BuildRequires: db-devel
fc04ca15 56%{?with_home_etc:BuildRequires: home-etc-devel >= 1.0.8}
68eeb855 57BuildRequires: gettext-devel
58BuildRequires: gpgme-devel >= 1:1.0.0
59BuildRequires: libidn-devel
60BuildRequires: lynx
61%{!?with_slang:BuildRequires: ncurses-devel >= 5.0}
432bdad3 62BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 0.9.7d
4f4c732e 63%{?with_slang:BuildRequires: slang-devel}
68eeb855 64%{?with_esmtp:BuildRequires: libesmtp-devel}
65BuildRequires: docbook-style-xsl
66BuildRequires: libxslt-progs
67BuildRequires: sgml-tools
68BuildRequires: sgml-tools-dtd
c8e7ecb3 69Requires: iconv
70Requires: mailcap
68eeb855 71%{?with_home_etc:Requires: home-etc >= 1.0.8}
4835d623 72BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
7ce86abe 73
68eeb855 74%define specflags_ia32 -fomit-frame-pointer
345713a9 75
7ce86abe 76%description
bae5245d 77Mutt is a small but very poweful full-screen Unix mail client.
78Features include MIME support, color, POP3 support, message threading,
79bindable keys, and threaded sorting mode.
7ce86abe 80
81%description -l de.UTF-8
82Mutt ist ein kleiner aber leistungsfähiger Vollbild-Mail-Client für
83Unix mit MIME-Unterstützung, Farbe, POP3-Unterstützung,
bae5245d 84Nachrichten-Threading, zuweisbaren Tasten und Sortieren nach Threads.
7ce86abe 85
86%description -l es.UTF-8
87Mutt es un pequeño, pero muy potente cliente de correo en pantalla
f00f6840 88llena. Incluye soporte a tipos MINE, color, POP3; encadenamiento de
89mensajes, teclas configurables y clasificaciones por encadenamiento.
91%description -l fr.UTF-8
92mutt est un client courrier Unix plein écran, petit mais très
bae5245d 93puissant. Il dispose de la gestion MIME, des couleurs, de la gestion
526e9628 94POP, des fils de discussion, des touches liées et d'un mode de tri sur
bae5245d 95les fils.
0b0e2df0 96
97%description -l ko.UTF-8
98Mutt는 작지만 매우 강력한 텍스트 기반의 메일 클라이언트이다. Mutt는
99많은 설정이 가능하다. 그리고, 키바인딩, 키보드 메크로, 메일 스레딩과
100같은 진보된 형태와 정규표현식 검색, 메일에서 선택된 그룹의 내용에서
101강력하게 일정한 패턴을 찾아내는 것을 지원함으로써 메일의 파워 유저에게
102가장 적합하다.
ad116805 103
526e9628 104%description -l pl.UTF-8
0d7cec54 105Mutt jest niewielkim programem pocztowym dla terminali tekstowych,
106posiadającym duże możliwości. Obsługuje MIME, POP3, cztery formaty
107skrzynek pocztowych, kolory, wątki, ocenę ważności listów (scoring)
bae5245d 108oraz skompresowane foldery.
28aef375 109
110%description -l pt_BR.UTF-8
111O Mutt é um pequeno mas muito poderoso cliente de correio em tela
f00f6840 112cheia. Inclui suporte a tipos MIME, cor, POP3, encadeamento de
526e9628 113mensagens, teclas configuráveis e classificação por encadeamento.
f00f6840 114
115%description -l ru.UTF-8
116Mutt - это небольшой, но мощный полноэкранный почтовый клиент.
117Включает поддержку MIME, цвет, поддержку POP3 и IMAP, группировку
118сообщений по цепочкам, переопределяемые клавиши, поддержку pgp/gpg и
119сортировку сообщений в цепочках. Включает также (пока что
120экспериментальную) поддержку NNTP.
4f08f01c 121
122%description -l tr.UTF-8
123Mutt, küçük ama çok güçlü bir tam-ekran Unix mektup istemcisidir. MIME
124desteği, renk ve POP3 desteği içerir.
7ce86abe 125
126%description -l uk.UTF-8
127Mutt - це невеликий, але потужний повноекранний поштовий клієнт.
128Містить підтримку MIME, колір, підтримку POP3 та IMAP, групування
129повідомлень по ланцюжкам, перевизначення клавіш, підтримку pgp/gpg та
130сортування повідомлень у ланцюжках. Містить також (поки що
131експериментальну) підтримку NNTP.
4f08f01c 132
7ce86abe 133%prep
68eeb855 134%setup -q
135#%patch0 -p1
136%patch1 -p1
137%patch2 -p1
cd2b4a0e 138%patch3 -p1
afcc6692 139%patch4 -p1
140%patch5 -p1
141%patch6 -p1
142%patch7 -p1
eb6df634 143%patch8 -p1
45b62785 144# breaks display if arrow_cursor is set
68eeb855 145%{?with_folder_column:%patch9 -p1}
2f7eb26d 146# disabled - changes default behaviour
68eeb855 147#%patch10 -p0
148%patch11 -p1
149%patch12 -p1
150%patch13 -p1
641188ce 151%patch14 -p1
b27071fe 152%patch15 -p1
68eeb855 153%{?with_nntp:%patch16 -p1}
154%{?with_esmtp:%patch17 -p1}
155%{?with_home_etc:%patch18 -p1}
21c56776 156
157# force regeneration (manual.sgml is modified by some patches)
158rm -f doc/{manual*.html,manual.txt}
7ce86abe 160%build
641188ce 161%{__aclocal} -I m4
49182680 162%{__autoconf}
2f7eb26d 163%{__autoheader}
641188ce 164%{__automake}
eb6df634 165%configure \
68eeb855 166 %{!?debug:--disable-debug} %{?debug:--enable-debug} \
167 --disable-warnings \
e088eb54 168 --enable-compressed \
169 --enable-external-dotlock \
68eeb855 170 --enable-gpgme \
28aef375 171 --enable-imap \
e22edb0e 172 --enable-mailtool \
fc04ca15 173 %{?with_nntp:--enable-nntp} \
68eeb855 174 --enable-pop \
175 --enable-hcache \
176 %{!?with_slang:--with-curses} \
177 %{?with_slang:--with-slang} \
d569e24c 178 --with-docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name} \
68eeb855 179 %{?with_home_etc:--with-home-etc} %{!?with_home_etc:--without-home-etc} \
e22edb0e 180 --with-homespool=Maildir \
68eeb855 181 %{?with_esmtp:--enable-libesmtp --with-libesmtp=/usr} \
e22edb0e 182 --with-mailpath=/var/mail \
68eeb855 183 --with-regex \
184 --with-mixmaster \
185 %{?with_sasl:--with-sasl2} \
186 --with-ssl \
187 --without-included-gettext
28aef375 188
f00f6840 189%{__make}
190%{__make} manual.txt -C doc
7ce86abe 191
c9d6a47c 193rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
d569e24c 194install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_desktopdir},%{_pixmapsdir},%{_mandir}/pl/man1}
7ce86abe 195
626a7a4b 196%{__make} install \
7ce86abe 198
68eeb855 199%{__patch} -p0 -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir} < %{PATCH12}
76f44ae0 200
626a7a4b 201install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_desktopdir}
c9d6a47c 202install %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pixmapsdir}
0c5cc6f4 203install %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/pl/man1
205# keep manual.txt.gz, the rest is installed as %doc
206rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/%{name}/[!m]*
207gzip -9nf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/%{name}/manual.txt
d7a1003b 208
d2a4296e 209# conflict with qmail
c9d6a47c 210rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/mbox.5*
d2a4296e 211
68eeb855 212rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/mime.types
ab700641 213
5e916280 214%find_lang %{name}
7ce86abe 216%clean
c9d6a47c 217rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
7ce86abe 218
5e916280 219%files -f %{name}.lang
28aef375 220%defattr(644,root,root,755)
2f7eb26d 221%doc contrib/{*rc*,*cap*} ChangeLog README TODO NEWS README.SECURITY README.SSL README.xface %{?with_esmtp:Muttrc.esmtp}
68eeb855 222%config(noreplace,missingok) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/Muttrc
cc0baea0 223%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/mutt
224%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/flea
225%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/muttbug
226%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/pgp*
68eeb855 227%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/smime_keys
c4437dcb 228%attr(2755,root,mail) %{_bindir}/mutt_dotlock
159f199d 229
d569e24c 230%{_docdir}/%{name}
626a7a4b 231%{_desktopdir}/*.desktop
cc0baea0 232%{_pixmapsdir}/mutt.png
e201943a 233%{_mandir}/man*/*
0c5cc6f4 234%lang(pl) %{_mandir}/pl/man*/*
This page took 0.11226 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.