]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/rpm-build-tools.git/commitdiff
- remove conflicting files instead
authorElan Ruusamäe <glen@pld-linux.org>
Sun, 28 Jun 2009 16:45:40 +0000 (16:45 +0000)
committercvs2git <feedback@pld-linux.org>
Sun, 24 Jun 2012 12:13:13 +0000 (12:13 +0000)
Changed files:
    adapter -> 1.5
    builder -> 1.25
    rpm-build-tools.spec -> 1.17

adapter [deleted file]
builder [deleted file]

diff --git a/adapter b/adapter
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1b5f361..0000000
--- a/adapter
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# This is adapter v0.30-RELEASE. Adapter adapts .spec files for PLD Linux.
-# Copyright (C) 1999-2008 PLD Team <feedback@pld-linux.org>
-# Authors:
-#      Michał Kuratczyk <kura@pld.org.pl>
-#      Sebastian Zagrodzki <s.zagrodzki@mimuw.edu.pl>
-#      Tomasz Kłoczko <kloczek@rudy.mif.pg.gda.pl>
-#      Artur Frysiak <wiget@pld-linux.org>
-#      Michal Kochanowicz <mkochano@pld.org.pl>
-#      Elan Ruusamäe <glen@pld-linux.org>
-# See cvs log adapter{,.awk} for list of contributors
-# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
-self=$(basename "$0")
-adapter=$(dirname "$0")/adapter.awk
-usage="Usage: $self [FLAGS] SPECFILE
-       skip BuildRequires, Requires sorting
-       skip use_macros() substitutions
-       skip desc wrapping
-       skip %defattr corrections
-if [ ! -x /usr/bin/getopt ]; then
-       echo >&1 "You need to install util-linux to use adapter"
-       exit 1
-if [ ! -x /usr/bin/patch ]; then
-       echo >&1 "You need to install patch to use adapter"
-       exit 1
-t=`getopt -o hsmda --long help,sort,sort-br,no-macros,skip-macros,skip-desc,skip-defattr -n "$self" -- "$@"` || exit $?
-eval set -- "$t"
-while true; do
-       case "$1" in
-       -h|--help)
-               echo 2>&1 "$usage"
-               exit 1
-       ;;
-       -s|--no-sort|--skip-sort)
-               export SKIP_SORTBR=1
-       ;;
-       -m|--no-macros|--skip-macros)
-               export SKIP_MACROS=1
-       ;;
-       -d|--skip-desc)
-               export SKIP_DESC=1
-       ;;
-       -a|--skip-defattr)
-               export SKIP_DEFATTR=1
-       ;;
-       --)
-               shift
-               break
-       ;;
-       *)
-               echo 2>&1 "$self: Internal error: [$1] not recognized!"
-               exit 1
-               ;;
-       esac
-       shift
-        # vim like diff colourization
-        sed -e '
-        s,\e,\e[44m^[\e[49m,g;
-        s,\a,\e[44m^G\e[49m,g;
-        s,^\(Index:\|diff\|---\|+++\) .*$,\e[32m&,;
-        s,^@@ ,\e[33m&,g;
-        s,^-,\e[35m&,;
-        s,^+,\e[36m&,;
-        s,\r,\e[44m^M\e[49m,g;
-        s,     ,    ,g;
-        s,\([^[:space:]]\)\([[:space:]]\+\)$,\1\e[41m\2\e[49m,g;
-        s,$,\e[0m,
-        ' "$@"
-        # diff2hunks orignally by dig
-        perl -e '
-#! /usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-for my $filename (@ARGV) {
-       my $counter = 1;
-       my $fh;
-       open $fh, "<", $filename or die "$filename: open for reading: $!";
-       my @lines = <$fh>;
-       my @hunks;
-       my @curheader;
-       for my $i (0 ... $#lines) {
-               next unless $lines[$i] =~ m/^\@\@ /;
-               if ($i >= 2 and $lines[$i - 2] =~ m/^--- / and $lines[$i - 1] =~ m/^\+\+\+ /) {
-                       @curheader = @lines[$i - 2 ... $i - 1];
-               }
-               next unless @curheader;
-               my $j = $i + 1;
-               while ($j < @lines and $lines[$j] !~ m/^\@\@ /) {$j++}
-               $j -= 2
-                       if $j >= 3 and $j < @lines
-                               and $lines[$j - 2] =~ m/^--- /
-                               and $lines[$j - 1] =~ m/^\+\+\+ /;
-               $j--;
-               $j-- until $lines[$j] =~ m/^[ @+-]/;
-               my $hunkfilename = $filename;
-               $hunkfilename =~ s/((\.(pat(ch)?|diff?))?)$/"-".sprintf("%03i",$counter++).$1/ei;
-               my $ofh;
-               open $ofh, ">", $hunkfilename or die "$hunkfilename: open for writing: $!";
-               print $ofh @curheader, @lines[$i ... $j];
-               close $ofh;
-       }
-' "$@"
-       local tmpdir
-       tmpdir=$(mktemp -d ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/adapter-XXXXXX) || exit
-       if grep -q '\.UTF-8' $SPECFILE; then
-               awk=gawk
-       else
-               awk=awk
-       fi
-       local tmp=$tmpdir/$(basename $SPECFILE) || exit
-       $awk -f $adapter $SPECFILE > $tmp || exit
-       if [ "$(diff --brief $SPECFILE $tmp)" ]; then
-               diff -u $SPECFILE $tmp > $tmp.diff
-               if [ -t 1 ]; then
-                               diffcol $tmp.diff | less -r
-                               while : ; do
-                                       echo -n "Accept? (Yes, No, Confirm each chunk)? "
-                                       read ans
-                                       case "$ans" in
-                                       [yYoO]) # y0 mama
-                                               mv -f $tmp $SPECFILE
-                                               echo "Ok, adapterized."
-                                               break
-                                       ;;
-                                       [cC]) # confirm each chunk
-                                               diff2hunks $tmp.diff
-                                               for t in $(ls $tmp-*.diff); do
-                                                               diffcol $t | less -r
-                                                               echo -n "Accept? (Yes, [N]o, Quit)? "
-                                                               read ans
-                                                               case "$ans" in
-                                                               [yYoO]) # y0 mama
-                                                                       patch < $t
-                                                                       ;;
-                                                               [Q]) # Abort
-                                                                       break
-                                                                       ;;
-                                                               esac
-                                               done
-                                               break
-                                       ;;
-                                       [QqnNsS])
-                                               echo "Ok, exiting."
-                                               break
-                                       ;;
-                                       esac
-                               done
-               else
-                               cat $tmp.diff
-               fi
-       else
-               echo "The SPEC is perfect ;)"
-       fi
-       rm -rf $tmpdir
-[ -f "$SPECFILE" ] || SPECFILE="$(basename $SPECFILE .spec).spec"
-if [ $# -ne 1 -o ! -f "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-       echo "$usage"
-       exit 1
diff --git a/builder b/builder
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d1bbfe2..0000000
--- a/builder
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2549 +0,0 @@
-# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
-# the GNU General Public License Version 2.
-# -----------
-# Exit codes:
-#        0 - succesful
-#        1 - help displayed
-#        2 - no spec file name in cmdl parameters
-#        3 - spec file not stored in repo
-#        4 - some source, patch or icon files not stored in repo
-#        5 - package build failed
-#        6 - spec file with errors
-#        7 - wrong source in /etc/poldek.conf
-#        8 - Failed installing buildrequirements and subrequirements
-#        9 - Requested tag already exist
-#       10 - Refused to build fractional release
-#      100 - Unknown error (should not happen)
-# Notes (todo/bugs):
-# - builder -u fetches current version first (well that's okay, how you compare versions if you have no old spec?)
-# - when Icon: field is present, -5 and -a5 doesn't work
-# - builder -R skips installing BR if spec is not present before builder invocation (need to run builder twice)
-# TODO:
-# - ability to do ./builder -bb foo.spec foo2.spec foo3.spec
-Build package utility from PLD Linux CVS repository
-$VERSION (C) 1999-2008 Free Penguins".
-# use rpm 4.4.6+ digest format instead of comments if non-zero
-# user agent when fetching files
-# It can be used i.e. in log file naming.
-# See LOGFILE example.
-DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`
-# Example: LOGFILE='../log.$PACKAGE_NAME'
-# Yes, you can use variable name! Note _single_ quotes!
-# let get_files skip over files which are present to get those damn files fetched
-# should the specfile be restored if upgrade failed?
-if rpm --specsrpm 2>/dev/null; then
-       if [ -x /usr/bin/rpm-getdeps ]; then
-       else
-       fi
-# Here we load saved user environment used to
-# predefine options set above, or passed to builder
-# in command line.
-# This one reads global system environment settings:
-if [ -f ~/etc/builderrc ]; then
-       . ~/etc/builderrc
-# And this one cascades settings using user personal
-# builder settings.
-# Example of ~/.builderrc:
-if [ -n "$HOME_ETC" ]; then
-       USER_CFG="$HOME_ETC/.builderrc"
-       BUILDER_MACROS="$HOME_ETC/.builder-rpmmacros"
-       USER_CFG=~/.builderrc
-       BUILDER_MACROS=~/.builder-rpmmacros
-[ -f "$USER_CFG" ] && . "$USER_CFG"
-if [ "$SCHEDTOOL" = "auto" ]; then
-       if [ -x /usr/bin/schedtool ] && schedtool -B -e echo >/dev/null; then
-               SCHEDTOOL="schedtool -B -e"
-       else
-               SCHEDTOOL="no"
-       fi
-if [ -n "$USE_PROZILLA" ]; then
-       GETURI="proz --no-getch -r -P ./ -t$WGET_RETRIES $PROZILLA_OPTS"
-       GETURI2="$GETURI"
-       OUTFILEOPT="-O"
-elif [ -n "$USE_AXEL" ]; then
-       GETURI="axel -a $AXEL_OPTS"
-       GETURI2="$GETURI"
-       OUTFILEOPT="-o"
-       wget --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- ' --no-check-certificate ' && WGET_OPTS="$WGET_OPTS --no-check-certificate"
-       wget --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- ' --inet ' && WGET_OPTS="$WGET_OPTS --inet"
-       wget --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- ' --retry-connrefused ' && WGET_OPTS="$WGET_OPTS --retry-connrefused"
-       WGET_OPTS="$WGET_OPTS --user-agent=$USER_AGENT"
-       GETURI="wget --passive-ftp -c -nd -t$WGET_RETRIES $WGET_OPTS"
-       GETURI2="wget -c -nd -t$WGET_RETRIES $WGET_OPTS"
-       OUTFILEOPT="-O"
-GETLOCAL="cp -a"
-if (rpm --version 2>&1 | grep -q '4.0.[0-2]'); then
-       RPM="rpm"
-       RPMBUILD="rpm"
-       RPM="rpm"
-       RPMBUILD="rpmbuild"
-# are we using cvs-nserver ?
-cvs --version 2>&1 | grep -q 'CVS-nserver'
-[ $? -eq 0 ] && CVS_NSERVER=1
-POLDEK_INDEX_DIR="$($RPM --eval %_rpmdir)/"
-POLDEK_CMD="$SU_SUDO /usr/bin/poldek --noask"
-       RES_FILE=$(mktemp -t builder.XXXXXX || ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/builder.$RANDOM)
-       if [ -n "$LOGFILE" ]; then
-               LOG=`eval echo $LOGFILE`
-               if [ -n "$LASTLOG_FILE" ]; then
-                       echo "LASTLOG=$LOG" > $LASTLOG_FILE
-               fi
-               (${NICE_COMMAND} ${POLDEK_CMD} `while test $# -gt 0; do echo "$1 ";shift;done` ; echo $? > ${RES_FILE})|tee -a $LOG
-               return $exit_pldk
-       else
-               (${NICE_COMMAND} ${POLDEK_CMD} `while test $# -gt 0; do echo "$1 ";shift;done` ; echo $? > ${RES_FILE}) 1>&2 >/dev/null
-               return `cat ${RES_FILE}`
-               rm -rf ${RES_FILE}
-       fi
-# functions
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -xv; fi
-       echo "\
-Usage: builder [-D|--debug] [-V|--version] [--short-version] [-a|--as_anon] [-b|-ba|--build]
-[-bb|--build-binary] [-bs|--build-source] [-bc] [-bi] [-bl] [-u|--try-upgrade]
-[{-cf|--cvs-force}] [{-B|--branch} <branch>] [{-d|--cvsroot} <cvsroot>]
-[-g|--get] [-h|--help] [--http] [{-l|--logtofile} <logfile>] [-m|--mr-proper]
-[-q|--quiet] [--date <yyyy-mm-dd> [-r <cvstag>] [{-T|--tag <cvstag>]
-[-Tvs|--tag-version-stable] [-Ts|--tag-stable] [-Tv|--tag-version]
-[{-Tp|--tag-prefix} <prefix>] [{-tt|--test-tag}] [--use-greed-sources]
-[-nu|--no-urls] [-v|--verbose] [--opts <rpm opts>] [--short-circuit]
-[--show-bconds] [--with/--without <feature>] [--define <macro> <value>]
--5, --update-md5    - update md5 comments in spec, implies -nd -ncs
--a5, --add-md5      - add md5 comments to URL sources, implies -nc -nd -ncs
--n5, --no-md5       - ignore md5 comments in spec
--D, --debug         - enable builder script debugging mode,
--debug              - produce rpm debug package (same as --opts -debug)
--V, --version       - output builder version string
---short-version     - output builder short version
--a, --as_anon       - get files via pserver as cvs@$CVS_SERVER,
--b, -ba, --build    - get all files from CVS repo or HTTP/FTP and build package
-                      from <package>.spec,
--bb, --build-binary - get all files from CVS repo or HTTP/FTP and build binary
-                      only package from <package>.spec,
--bp, --build-prep   - execute the %prep phase of <package>.spec,
--bc                 - execute the %build phase of <package>.spec,
--bi                 - execute the %install phase of <package>.spec
--bl                                    - execute the %files phase of <package>.spec
--bs, --build-source - get all files from CVS repo or HTTP/FTP and only pack
-                      them into src.rpm,
---short-circuit     - short-circuit build
--B, --branch        - add branch
--c, --clean         - clean all temporarily created files (in BUILD, SOURCES,
-                      SPECS and \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT and CVS/Entries) after rpmbuild commands.
--m, --mr-proper     - clean all temporarily created files (in BUILD, SOURCES,
-                                         SPECS and \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT and CVS/Entries). Doesn't run
-                                         any rpm building.
--cf, --cvs-force       - use -F when tagging (useful when moving branches)
--d <cvsroot>, --cvsroot <cvsroot>
-                    - setup \$CVSROOT,
---define <macro> <value>
-                    - define a macro <macro> with value <value>,
---alt_kernel <kernel>
-                    - same as --define 'alt_kernel <kernel>'
---nodeps            - rpm won't check any dependences
--g, --get           - get <package>.spec and all related files from CVS repo
-                      or HTTP/FTP,
--h, --help          - this message,
---http              - use http instead of ftp,
--l <logfile>, --logtofile <logfile>
-                    - log all to file,
--nc, --no-cvs       - don't download sources from CVS, if source URL is given,
--ncs, --no-cvs-specs
-                    - don't check specs in CVS
--nd, --no-distfiles - don't download from distfiles
--nm, --no-mirrors   - don't download from mirror, if source URL is given,
--nu, --no-urls      - don't try to download from FTP/HTTP location,
--ns, --no-srcs      - don't download Sources
--ns0, --no-source0  - don't download Source0
--nn, --no-net       - don't download anything from the net
--pm, --prefer-mirrors - prefer mirrors (if any) over distfiles for SOURCES
---no-init           - don't initialize builder paths (SPECS and SOURCES)
---skip-existing-files - skip existing files in get_files
---opts <rpm opts>   - additional options for rpm
--q, --quiet         - be quiet,
---date yyyy-mm-dd   - build package using resources from specified CVS date,
--r <cvstag>, --cvstag <cvstag>
-                    - build package using resources from specified CVS tag,
--A                  - build package using CVS resources as any sticky tags/date/kopts being reset.
--R, --fetch-build-requires
-                    - fetch what is BuildRequired,
--RB, --remove-build-requires
-                    - remove all you fetched with -R or --fetch-build-requires
-                      remember, this option requires confirmation,
--FRB, --force-remove-build-requires
-                    - remove all you fetched with -R or --fetch-build-requires
-                      remember, this option works without confirmation,
--sd, --source-distfiles - list sources available from distfiles (intended for offline
-                      operations; does not work when Icon field is present
-                      but icon file is absent),
--sc, --source-cvs - list sources available from CVS
--sdp, --source-distfiles-paths - list sources available from distfiles -
-                      paths relative to distfiles directory (intended for offline
-                      operations; does not work when Icon field is present
-                      but icon file is absent),
--sf, --source-files - list sources - bare filenames (intended for offline
-                      operations; does not work when Icon field is present
-                      but icon file is absent),
--sp, --source-paths - list sources - filenames with full local paths (intended for
-                      offline operations; does not work when Icon field is present
-                      but icon file is absent),
--su, --source-urls  - list urls - urls to sources and patches
-                      intended for copying urls with spec with lots of macros in urls
--T <cvstag> , --tag <cvstag>
-                    - add cvs tag <cvstag> for files,
--Tvs, --tag-version-stable
-                    - add cvs tags STABLE and NAME-VERSION-RELEASE for files,
--Ts, --tag-stable
-                    - add cvs tag STABLE for files,
--Tv, --tag-version
-                    - add cvs tag NAME-VERSION-RELEASE for files,
--Tp, --tag-prefix <prefix>
-                    - add <prefix> to NAME-VERSION-RELEASE tags,
--tt, --test-tag <prefix>
-                    - fail if tag is already present,
--ir, --integer-release-only
-                    - allow only integer and snapshot releases
--v, --verbose       - be verbose,
--u, --try-upgrade   - check version, and try to upgrade package
--un, --try-upgrade-with-float-version
-                    - as above, but allow float version
-                    - try download source from tag head if don't find it in
-                      current tag
--U, --update        - refetch sources, don't use distfiles, and update md5 comments
--Upi, --update-poldek-indexes
-                    - refresh or make poldek package index files.
--np, --nopatch <patchnumber>
-                    - don't apply <patchnumber>
---show-bconds       - show available conditional builds, which can be used
-                    - with --with and/or --without switches.
---show-bcond-args   - show active bconds, from ~/.bcondrc. this is used by
-                      ./repackage.sh script. in other words, the output is
-                      parseable by scripts.
---with/--without <feature>
-                    - conditional build package depending on %_with_<feature>/
-                      %_without_<feature> macro switch.  You may now use
-                      --with feat1 feat2 feat3 --without feat4 feat5 --with feat6
-                      constructions. Set GROUP_BCONDS to yes to make use of it.
---target <platform>, --target=<platform>
-                     - build for platform <platform>.
---init-rpm-dir       - initialize ~/rpm directory structure
-# change dependency to specname
-# common changes:
-# - perl(Package::Name) -> perl-Package-Name
-depspecname() {
-       local package="$1"
-       package=$(echo "$package" | sed -e '/perl(.*)/{s,perl(\(.*\)),perl-\1,;s,::,-,g}')
-       echo "$package"
-update_shell_title() {
-       [ -t 1 ] || return
-       local len=${COLUMNS:-80}
-       local msg=$(echo "$*" | cut -c-$len)
-       if [ -n "$BE_VERBOSE" ]; then
-               echo >&2 "$(date +%s.%N) $*"
-       fi
-       if [ "x$TITLECHANGE" == "xyes" -o "x$TITLECHANGE" == "x" ]; then
-               local pkg
-               if [ -n "$PACKAGE_NAME" ]; then
-                       pkg=${PACKAGE_NAME}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}-${PACKAGE_RELEASE}
-               else
-                       pkg=${SPECFILE}
-               fi
-               msg="$pkg: ${SHELL_TITLE_PREFIX:+$SHELL_TITLE_PREFIX }$msg"
-               msg=$(echo $msg | tr -d '\n\r')
-               case "$TERM" in
-                       cygwin|xterm*)
-                       echo >&2 -ne "\033]1;$msg\007\033]2;$msg\007"
-               ;;
-                       screen*)
-                       echo >&2 -ne "\033]0;$msg\007"
-               ;;
-               esac
-       fi
-# set TARGET from BuildArch: from SPECFILE
-set_spec_target() {
-       if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ] && [ -z "$TARGET" ]; then
-               tmp=$(awk '/^BuildArch:/ { print $NF}' $SPECFILE)
-               if [ "$tmp" ]; then
-                               target_platform=$(rpm -E '%{_target_vendor}-%{_target_os}%{?_gnu}')
-                               TARGET="$tmp"
-                               case "$RPMBUILD" in
-                               "rpmbuild")
-                                       TARGET_SWITCH="--target ${TARGET}-${target_platform}" ;;
-                               "rpm")
-                                       TARGET_SWITCH="--target=$TARGET" ;;
-                               esac
-               fi
-       fi
-# runs rpm with minimal macroset
-minirpm() {
-       # we reset macros not to contain macros.build as all the %() macros are
-       # executed here, while none of them are actually needed.
-       # at the time of this writing macros.build + macros contained 70 "%(...)" macros.
-       safe_macrofiles=$(rpm $TARGET_SWITCH --showrc | awk -F: '/^macrofiles/ { gsub(/^macrofiles[ \t]+:/, "", $0); gsub(/:.*macros.build:/, ":", $0); print $0 } ')
-       # TODO: move these to /usr/lib/rpm/macros
-       cat > $BUILDER_MACROS <<'EOF'
-%x8664 x86_64 amd64 ia32e
-%alt_kernel %{nil}
-%_alt_kernel %{nil}
-%requires_releq_kernel_up %{nil}
-%requires_releq_kernel_smp %{nil}
-%requires_releq_kernel %{nil}
-%requires_releq() %{nil}
-%pyrequires_eq() %{nil}
-%requires_eq() %{nil}
-%requires_eq_to() %{nil}
-%releq_kernel_up ERROR
-%releq_kernel_smp ERROR
-%releq_kernel ERROR
-%kgcc_package ERROR
-%_fontsdir ERROR
-%ruby_version ERROR
-%ruby_ver_requires_eq() %{nil}
-%ruby_mod_ver_requires_eq() %{nil}
-%__php_api_requires() %{nil}
-%php_major_version ERROR
-%php_api_version ERROR
-%requires_xorg_xserver_extension %{nil}
-%requires_xorg_xserver_xinput %{nil}
-%requires_xorg_xserver_font %{nil}
-%requires_xorg_xserver_videodrv %{nil}
-%py_ver ERROR
-%perl_vendorarch ERROR
-%perl_vendorlib ERROR
-# damn. need it here! - copied from /usr/lib/rpm/macros.build
-%tmpdir                %(echo "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}")
-%patchset_source(f:b:) %(
-       base=%{-b*}%{!-b*:10000};
-       start=$(expr $base + %1);
-       end=$(expr $base + %{?2}%{!?2:%{1}});
-       # we need to call seq twice as it doesn't allow two formats
-       seq -f 'Patch%g:' $start $end > %{tmpdir}/__ps1;
-       seq -f '%{-f*}' %1 %{?2}%{!?2:%{1}} > %{tmpdir}/__ps2;
-       paste %{tmpdir}/__ps{1,2};
-       rm -f %{tmpdir}/__ps{1,2};
-) \
-%add_etc_shells(p) %{p:<lua>}
-%remove_etc_shells(p) %{p:<lua>}
-%lua_add_etc_shells()  %{nil}
-%lua_remove_etc_shells() %{nil}
-       if [ "$NOINIT" = "yes" ] ; then
-               cat >> $BUILDER_MACROS <<'EOF'
-%_specdir ./
-%_sourcedir ./
-       fi
-       eval $RPMBUILD $TARGET_SWITCH --macros "$safe_macrofiles:$BUILDER_MACROS" $QUIET $RPMOPTS $RPMBUILDOPTS $BCOND $* 2>&1
-cache_rpm_dump() {
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       if [ -x /usr/bin/rpm-specdump ]; then
-               update_shell_title "cache_rpm_dump using rpm-specdump command"
-               rpm_dump_cache=$(rpm-specdump $TARGET_SWITCH $BCOND $SPECFILE)
-       else
-               update_shell_title "cache_rpm_dump using rpmbuild command"
-               local rpm_dump
-               rpm_dump=`
-                       # what we need from dump is NAME, VERSION, RELEASE and PATCHES/SOURCES.
-                       dump='%{echo:dummy: PACKAGE_NAME %{name} }%dump'
-                       case "$RPMBUILD" in
-                       rpm)
-                               ARGS='-bp'
-                               ;;
-                       rpmbuild)
-                               ARGS='--nodigest --nosignature --nobuild'
-                               ;;
-                       esac
-                       minirpm $ARGS --define "'prep $dump'" --nodeps $SPECFILE
-               `
-               if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
-                       error=$(echo "$rpm_dump" | sed -ne '/^error:/,$p')
-                       echo "$error" >&2
-                       Exit_error err_build_fail
-               fi
-               # make small dump cache
-               rpm_dump_cache=`echo "$rpm_dump" | awk '
-                       $2 ~ /^SOURCEURL/ {print}
-                       $2 ~ /^PATCHURL/  {print}
-                       $2 ~ /^nosource/ {print}
-                       $2 ~ /^PACKAGE_/ {print}
-               '`
-       fi
-       update_shell_title "cache_rpm_dump: OK!"
-rpm_dump() {
-       if [ -z "$rpm_dump_cache" ] ; then
-               echo >&2 "internal error: cache_rpm_dump not called! (missing %prep?)"
-       fi
-       echo "$rpm_dump_cache"
-       update_shell_title "get icons"
-       ICONS=$(awk '/^Icon:/ {print $2}' ${SPECFILE})
-       if [ -z "$ICONS" ]; then
-               return
-       fi
-       rpm_dump_cache="kalasaba" NODIST="yes" get_files $ICONS
-       update_shell_title "parsing specfile"
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       # icons are needed for successful spec parse
-       get_icons
-       cd $SPEC_DIR
-       cache_rpm_dump
-       if [ "$NOSRCS" != "yes" ]; then
-               SOURCES=$(rpm_dump | awk '/SOURCEURL[0-9]+/ {print $3}')
-       fi
-       if (rpm_dump | grep -qEi ":.*nosource.*1"); then
-               FAIL_IF_NO_SOURCES="no"
-       fi
-       PATCHES=$(rpm_dump | awk '/PATCHURL[0-9]+/ {print $3}')
-       ICONS=$(awk '/^Icon:/ {print $2}' ${SPECFILE})
-       PACKAGE_NAME=$(rpm_dump | awk '$2 == "PACKAGE_NAME" { print $3; exit}')
-       PACKAGE_VERSION=$(rpm_dump | awk '$2 == "PACKAGE_VERSION" { print $3; exit}')
-       PACKAGE_RELEASE=$(rpm_dump | awk '$2 == "PACKAGE_RELEASE" { print $3; exit}')
-       if [ "$PACKAGE_NAME" != "$ASSUMED_NAME" ]; then
-               echo >&2 "WARNING! Spec name ($ASSUMED_NAME) does not agree with package name ($PACKAGE_NAME)"
-       fi
-       if [ -n "$BE_VERBOSE" ]; then
-               echo "- Sources :  `nourl $SOURCES`"
-               if [ -n "$PATCHES" ]; then
-                       echo "- Patches :  `nourl $PATCHES`"
-               else
-                       echo "- Patches :  *no patches needed*"
-               fi
-               if [ -n "$ICONS" ]; then
-                       echo "- Icon    :  `nourl $ICONS`"
-               else
-                       echo "- Icon    :  *no package icon*"
-               fi
-               echo "- Name    : $PACKAGE_NAME"
-               echo "- Version : $PACKAGE_VERSION"
-               echo "- Release : $PACKAGE_RELEASE"
-       fi
-       update_shell_title "parse_spec: OK!"
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       cd "$__PWD"
-       case "$1" in
-               "err_no_spec_in_cmdl" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "ERROR: spec file name not specified."
-                       exit 2 ;;
-               "err_invalid_cmdline" )
-                       echo >&2 "ERROR: invalid command line arg ($2)."
-                       exit 2 ;;
-               "err_no_spec_in_repo" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "Error: spec file not stored in CVS repo."
-                       exit 3 ;;
-               "err_no_source_in_repo" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "Error: some source, patch or icon files not stored in CVS repo. ($2)"
-                       exit 4 ;;
-               "err_build_fail" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "Error: package build failed. (${2:-no more info})"
-                       exit 5 ;;
-               "err_no_package_data" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "Error: couldn't get out package name/version/release from spec file."
-                       exit 6 ;;
-               "err_tag_exists" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "Tag ${2} already exists (spec release: ${3})."
-                       exit 9 ;;
-               "err_fract_rel" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "Release ${2} not integer and not a snapshot."
-                       exit 10 ;;
-               "err_branch_exists" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "Tree branch already exists (${2})."
-                       exit 11 ;;
-               "err_acl_deny" )
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       echo >&2 "Error: conditions reject building this spec (${2})."
-                       exit 12 ;;
-       esac
-       echo >&2 "Unknown error."
-       exit 100
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       if [ "$NOINIT" != "yes" ] ; then
-               local extra
-               if [ "$ASSUMED_NAME" ]; then
-                       extra="--define 'name $ASSUMED_NAME'"
-               fi
-               SOURCE_DIR=$(eval $RPM $RPMOPTS $extra --eval '%{_sourcedir}')
-               SPEC_DIR=$(eval $RPM $RPMOPTS $extra --eval '%{_specdir}')
-       else
-               SOURCE_DIR="."
-               SPEC_DIR="."
-       fi
-       __PWD=$(pwd)
-       update_shell_title "get_spec"
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       cd "$SPEC_DIR"
-       if [ ! -f "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-               SPECFILE="$(basename $SPECFILE .spec).spec"
-       fi
-       if [ "$NOCVSSPEC" != "yes" ]; then
-               if [ ! -s CVS/Root -a "$NOCVSSPEC" != "yes" ]; then
-                       echo "Warning: No CVS access defined - using local .spec file"
-                       NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-               fi
-               cvsup "$SPECFILE" || Exit_error err_no_spec_in_repo
-       fi
-       if [ ! -f "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-               Exit_error err_no_spec_in_repo
-       fi
-       if [ "$CHMOD" = "yes" -a -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-               chmod $CHMOD_MODE $SPECFILE
-       fi
-       unset OPTIONS
-       [ -n "$DONT_PRINT_REVISION" ] || grep -E -m 1 "^#.*Revision:.*Date" $SPECFILE
-       set_spec_target
-       cd "$SPEC_DIR"
-       local url="$1"
-       if [ ! -f "mirrors" -a "$NOCVSSPEC" != "yes" ] ; then
-               cvs update mirrors >&2
-       fi
-       IFS="|"
-       local origin mirror name rest ol prefix
-       while read origin mirror name rest; do
-               # skip comments and empty lines
-               if [ -z "$origin" ] || [[ $origin == \#* ]]; then
-                       continue
-               fi
-               ol=$(echo -n "$origin" | wc -c)
-               prefix=$(echo -n "$url" | head -c $ol)
-               if [ "$prefix" = "$origin" ] ; then
-                       suffix=$(echo "$url" | cut -b $((ol+1))-)
-                       echo -n "$mirror$suffix"
-                       return 0
-               fi
-       done < mirrors
-       echo "$url"
-# Warning: unpredictable results if same URL used twice
-src_no ()
-       cd $SPEC_DIR
-       rpm_dump | \
-       grep "SOURCEURL[0-9]*[  ]*$1""[         ]*$" | \
-       sed -e 's/.*SOURCEURL\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/' | \
-       head -n 1 | xargs
-       [ "$NO5" = "yes" ] && return
-       no=$(src_no "$1")
-       [ -z "$no" ] && return
-       cd $SPEC_DIR
-       local md5
-       if [ -f additional-md5sums ]; then
-               local spec_rev=$(grep $SPECFILE CVS/Entries 2>/dev/null | sed -e s:/$SPECFILE/:: -e s:/.*::)
-               if [ -z "$spec_rev" ]; then
-                       spec_rev=$(head -n 1 $SPECFILE | sed -e 's/.*\$Revision: \([0-9.]*\).*/\1/')
-               fi
-               local spec="$SPECFILE[0-9.,]*,$(echo $spec_rev | sed 's/\./\\./g')"
-               md5=$(grep -s -v '^#' additional-md5sums | \
-               grep -E "[      ]$(basename "$1")[      ]+${spec}([     ,]|\$)" | \
-               sed -e 's/^\([0-9a-f]\{32\}\).*/\1/' | \
-               grep -E '^[0-9a-f]{32}$')
-               if [ "$md5" ]; then
-                       if [ $(echo "$md5" | wc -l) != 1 ] ; then
-                               echo "$SPECFILE: more then one entry in additional-md5sums for $1" 1>&2
-                       fi
-                       echo "$md5" | tail -n 1
-                       return
-               fi
-       fi
-       source_md5=`grep -i "#[         ]*Source$no-md5[        ]*:" $SPECFILE | sed -e 's/.*://'`
-       if [ -n "$source_md5" ]; then
-               echo $source_md5
-       else
-               source_md5=`grep -i "BuildRequires:[    ]*digest(%SOURCE$no)[   ]*=" $SPECFILE | sed -e 's/.*=//'`
-               if [ -n "$source_md5" ]; then
-                       echo $source_md5
-               else
-                       # we have empty SourceX-md5, but it is still possible
-                       # that we have NoSourceX-md5 AND NoSource: X
-                       nosource_md5=`grep -i "#[        ]*NoSource$no-md5[      ]*:" $SPECFILE | sed -e 's/.*://'`
-                       if [ -n "$nosource_md5" -a -n "`grep -i "^NoSource:[     ]*$no$" $SPECFILE`" ] ; then
-                               echo $nosource_md5
-                       fi
-               fi
-       fi
-distfiles_path ()
-       echo "by-md5/$(src_md5 "$1" | sed -e 's|^\(.\)\(.\)|\1/\2/&|')/$(basename "$1")"
-distfiles_url ()
-       echo "$PROTOCOL$DISTFILES_SERVER/distfiles/$(distfiles_path "$1")"
-distfiles_attic_url ()
-       echo "$PROTOCOL$ATTICDISTFILES_SERVER/distfiles/Attic/$(distfiles_path "$1")"
-good_md5 ()
-       md5=$(src_md5 "$1")
-       [ "$md5" = "" ] || \
-       [ "$md5" = "$(md5sum $(nourl "$1") 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/ .*//')" ]
-good_size ()
-       size=$(find $(nourl "$1") -printf "%s" 2>/dev/null)
-       [ -n "$size" -a "$size" -gt 0 ]
-cvsignore_df ()
-       if [ "$CVSIGNORE_DF" != "yes" ]; then
-               return
-       fi
-       cvsignore=${SOURCE_DIR}/.cvsignore
-       if ! grep -q "^$1\$" $cvsignore 2> /dev/null; then
-               echo "$1" >> $cvsignore
-       fi
-       update_shell_title "cvsup"
-       local OPTIONS="up "
-       if [ -n "$CVSROOT" ]; then
-               OPTIONS="-d $CVSROOT $OPTIONS"
-       fi
-       if [ -z "$CVSDATE" -a -z "$CVSTAG" ]; then
-               OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -A"
-       else
-               if [ -n "$CVSDATE" ]; then
-                       OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -D $CVSDATE"
-               fi
-               if [ -n "$CVSTAG" ]; then
-                       OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -r $CVSTAG"
-               fi
-       fi
-       local result=1
-       local retries_counter=0
-       if [ $# = 1 ]; then
-               update_shell_title "cvsup: $*"
-       else
-               update_shell_title "cvsup: $# files"
-       fi
-       while [ "$result" != "0" -a "$retries_counter" -le "$CVS_RETRIES" ]; do
-               retries_counter=$(( $retries_counter + 1 ))
-               output=$(LC_ALL=C cvs $OPTIONS "$@" 2>&1)
-               result=$?
-               [ -n "$output" ] && echo "$output"
-               if (echo "$output" | grep -qE "(Cannot connect to|connect to .* failed|Connection reset by peer|Connection timed out|Unknown host)") && [ "$result" -ne "0" -a "$retries_counter" -le "$CVS_RETRIES" ]; then
-                       echo "Trying again [$*]... ($retries_counter)"
-                       update_shell_title "cvsup: retry #$retries_counter"
-                       sleep 2
-                       continue
-               else
-                       break
-               fi
-       done
-       update_shell_title "cvsup: done!"
-       return $result
-# returns true if "$1" is ftp, http or https protocol url
-       case "$1" in
-       ftp://*|http://*|https://*)
-               return 0
-       ;;
-       esac
-       return 1
-       if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-               return
-       fi
-       update_shell_title "update md5"
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       cd "$SOURCE_DIR"
-       # pass 1: check files to be fetched
-       local todo
-       local need_files
-       for i in "$@"; do
-               local fp=$(nourl "$i")
-               local srcno=$(src_no "$i")
-               if [ -n "$ADD5" ]; then
-                       [ "$fp" = "$i" ] && continue # FIXME what is this check doing?
-                       grep -qiE '^#[  ]*Source'$srcno'-md5[   ]*:' $SPEC_DIR/$SPECFILE && continue
-                       grep -qiE '^BuildRequires:[     ]*digest[(]%SOURCE'$srcno'[)][  ]*=' $SPEC_DIR/$SPECFILE && continue
-               else
-                       grep -qiE '^#[  ]*Source'$srcno'-md5[   ]*:' $SPEC_DIR/$SPECFILE || grep -qiE '^BuildRequires:[         ]*digest[(]%SOURCE'$srcno'[)][  ]*=' $SPEC_DIR/$SPECFILE || continue
-               fi
-               if [ ! -f "$fp" ] || [ $ALWAYS_CVSUP = "yes" ]; then
-                       need_files="$need_files $i"
-               fi
-       done
-       # pass 1a: get needed files
-       if [ "$need_files" ]; then
-               get_files $need_files
-       fi
-       # pass 2: proceed with md5 adding or updating
-       for i in "$@"; do
-               local fp=$(nourl "$i")
-               local srcno=$(src_no "$i")
-               local md5=$(grep -iE '^#[       ]*(No)?Source'$srcno'-md5[      ]*:' $SPEC_DIR/$SPECFILE )
-               if [ -z "$md5" ]; then
-                       md5=$(grep -iE '^[      ]*BuildRequires:[       ]*digest[(]%SOURCE'$srcno'[)][  ]*=' $SPEC_DIR/$SPECFILE )
-               fi
-               if [ -n "$ADD5" ] && is_url $i || [ -n "$md5" ]; then
-                       local tag="# Source$srcno-md5:\t"
-                       if [[ "$md5" == *NoSource* ]]; then
-                               tag="# NoSource$srcno-md5:\t"
-                       elif [ -n "$USEDIGEST" ]; then
-                               tag="BuildRequires:\tdigest(%SOURCE$srcno) = "
-                       fi
-                       md5=$(md5sum "$fp" | cut -f1 -d' ')
-                       echo "Updating Source$srcno ($md5: $fp)."
-                       perl -i -ne '
-                               print unless (/^\s*#\s*(No)?Source'$srcno'-md5\s*:/i or /^\s*BuildRequires:\s*digest\(%SOURCE'$srcno'\)/i);
-                               print "'"$tag$md5"'\n" if /^Source'$srcno'\s*:\s+/;
-                       ' \
-                       $SPEC_DIR/$SPECFILE
-               fi
-       done
-       [ "$NO5" = "yes" ] && return
-       update_shell_title "check md5"
-       for i in "$@"; do
-               if good_md5 "$i" && good_size "$i"; then
-                       continue
-               fi
-               echo "MD5 sum mismatch or 0 size.  Use -U to refetch sources,"
-               echo "or -5 to update md5 sums, if you're sure files are correct."
-               Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $i
-       done
-       update_shell_title "get_files"
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
-               cd "$SOURCE_DIR"
-               if [ ! -s CVS/Root -a "$NOCVS" != "yes" ]; then
-                       echo "Warning: No CVS access defined for SOURCES"
-                       NOCVS="yes"
-               fi
-               local nc=0
-               local get_files_cvs=""
-               for i in "$@"; do
-                       nc=$((nc + 1))
-                       local cvsup=0
-                       SHELL_TITLE_PREFIX="get_files[$nc/$#]"
-                       update_shell_title "$i"
-                       local fp=`nourl "$i"`
-                       if [ "$SKIP_EXISTING_FILES" = "yes" ] && [ -f "$fp" ]; then
-                               continue
-                       fi
-                       FROM_DISTFILES=0
-                       local srcmd5=$(src_md5 "$i")
-                       # we know if source/patch is present in cvs/distfiles
-                       # - has md5 (in distfiles)
-                       # - in cvs... ideas?
-                       # CHECK: local file didn't exist or always cvs up (first) requested.
-                       if [ ! -f "$fp" ] || [ $ALWAYS_CVSUP = "yes" ]; then
-                               if echo $i | grep -vE '(http|ftp|https|cvs|svn)://' | grep -qE '\.(gz|bz2)$']; then
-                                       echo "Warning: no URL given for $i"
-                               fi
-                               if [ -z "$NODIST" ] && [ -n "$srcmd5" ]; then
-                                       if good_md5 "$i" && good_size "$i"; then
-                                               echo "$fp having proper md5sum already exists"
-                                               continue
-                                       fi
-                                       target="$fp"
-                                       # optionally prefer mirror over distfiles if there's mirror
-                                       # TODO: build url list and then try each url from the list
-                                       if [ -n "$PREFMIRRORS" ] && [ -z "$NOMIRRORS" ] && im=$(find_mirror "$i") && [ "$im" != "$i" ]; then
-                                               url="$im"
-                                       else
-                                               url=$(distfiles_url "$i")
-                                       fi
-                                       url_attic=$(distfiles_attic_url "$i")
-                                       FROM_DISTFILES=1
-                                       # is $url local file?
-                                       if [[ "$url" = [./]* ]]; then
-                                               update_shell_title "${GETLOCAL%% *}: $url"
-                                               ${GETLOCAL} $url $target
-                                       else
-                                               if [ -z "$NOMIRRORS" ]; then
-                                                       url=$(find_mirror "$url")
-                                               fi
-                                               local uri=${url}
-                                               # make shorter message for distfiles urls
-                                               if [[ "$uri" = ${PROTOCOL}${DISTFILES_SERVER}* ]] || [[ "$uri" = ${PROTOCOL}${ATTICDISTFILES_SERVER}* ]]; then
-                                                       uri=${uri#${PROTOCOL}${DISTFILES_SERVER}/distfiles/by-md5/?/?/*/}
-                                                       uri=${uri#${PROTOCOL}${ATTICDISTFILES_SERVER}/distfiles/by-md5/?/?/*/}
-                                                       uri="df: $uri"
-                                               fi
-                                               update_shell_title "${GETURI%% *}: $uri"
-                                               ${GETURI} ${OUTFILEOPT} "$target" "$url" || \
-                                               if [ "`echo $url | grep -E 'ftp://'`" ]; then
-                                                       update_shell_title "${GETURI2%% *}: $url"
-                                                       ${GETURI2} ${OUTFILEOPT} "$target" "$url"
-                                               fi
-                                       fi
-                                       # is it empty file?
-                                       if [ ! -s "$target" ]; then
-                                               rm -f "$target"
-                                               if [ `echo $url_attic | grep -E '^(\.|/)'` ]; then
-                                                       update_shell_title "${GETLOCAL%% *}: $url_attic"
-                                                       ${GETLOCAL} $url_attic $target
-                                               else
-                                                       if [ -z "$NOMIRRORS" ]; then
-                                                               url_attic=$(find_mirror "$url_attic")
-                                                       fi
-                                                       update_shell_title "${GETURI%% *}: $url_attic"
-                                                       ${GETURI} ${OUTFILEOPT} "$target" "$url_attic" || \
-                                                       if [ "`echo $url_attic | grep -E 'ftp://'`" ]; then
-                                                               update_shell_title "${GETURI2%% *}: $url_attic"
-                                                               ${GETURI2} ${OUTFILEOPT} "$target" "$url_attic"
-                                                       fi
-                                               fi
-                                       fi
-                                       if [ -s "$target" ]; then
-                                               cvsignore_df $target
-                                       else
-                                               rm -f "$target"
-                                               FROM_DISTFILES=0
-                                       fi
-                               elif [ "$NOCVS" != "yes" -a -z "$srcmd5" ]; then
-                                       if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
-                                               get_files_cvs="$get_files_cvs $fp"
-                                               update_shell_title "$fp (will cvs up later)"
-                                               cvsup=1
-                                       else
-                                               cvsup $fp
-                                       fi
-                               fi
-                               if [ -z "$NOURLS" ] && [ ! -f "$fp" -o -n "$UPDATE" ] && [ "`echo $i | grep -E 'ftp://|http://|https://'`" ]; then
-                                       if [ -z "$NOMIRRORS" ]; then
-                                               im=$(find_mirror "$i")
-                                       else
-                                               im="$i"
-                                       fi
-                                       update_shell_title "${GETURI%% *}: $im"
-                                       ${GETURI} "$im" || \
-                                       if [ "`echo $im | grep -E 'ftp://'`" ]; then
-                                               update_shell_title "${GETURI2%% *}: $im"
-                                               ${GETURI2} "$im"
-                                       fi
-                               fi
-                               if [ "$cvsup" = 1 ]; then
-                                       continue
-                               fi
-                       fi
-                       # the md5 check must be moved elsewhere as if we've called from update_md5 the md5 is wrong.
-                       if [ ! -f "$fp" -a "$FAIL_IF_NO_SOURCES" != "no" ]; then
-                               if [ -n "GREEDSRC" ]; then
-                                       get_greed_sources $i
-                               else
-                                       Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $i
-                               fi
-                       fi
-                       # we check md5 here just only to refetch immediately
-                       if good_md5 "$i" && good_size "$i"; then
-                               :
-                       elif [ "$FROM_DISTFILES" = 1 ]; then
-                               # wrong md5 from distfiles: remove the file and try again
-                               # but only once ...
-                               echo "MD5 sum mismatch. Trying full fetch."
-                               FROM_DISTFILES=2
-                               rm -f $target
-                               update_shell_title "${GETURI%% *}: $url"
-                               ${GETURI} ${OUTFILEOPT} "$target" "$url" || \
-                               if [ "`echo $url | grep -E 'ftp://'`" ]; then
-                                       update_shell_title "${GETURI2%% *}: $url"
-                                       ${GETURI2} ${OUTFILEOPT} "$target" "$url"
-                               fi
-                               if [ ! -s "$target" ]; then
-                                       rm -f "$target"
-                                       update_shell_title "${GETURI%% *}: $url_attic"
-                                       ${GETURI} ${OUTFILEOPT} "$target" "$url_attic" || \
-                                       if [ "`echo $url_attic | grep -E 'ftp://'`" ]; then
-                                               update_shell_title "${GETURI2%% *}: $url_attic"
-                                               ${GETURI2} ${OUTFILEOPT} "$target" "$url_attic"
-                                       fi
-                               fi
-                               test -s "$target" || rm -f "$target"
-                       fi
-               done
-               SHELL_TITLE_PREFIX=""
-               if [ "$get_files_cvs" ]; then
-                       cvsup $get_files_cvs
-               fi
-               if [ "$CHMOD" = "yes" ]; then
-                       CHMOD_FILES=$(nourl "$@")
-                       if [ -n "$CHMOD_FILES" ]; then
-                               chmod $CHMOD_MODE $CHMOD_FILES
-                       fi
-               fi
-       fi
-make_tagver() {
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       # Check whether first character of PACKAGE_NAME is legal for tag name
-       if [ -z "${PACKAGE_NAME##[_0-9]*}" -a -z "$TAG_PREFIX" ]; then
-               TAG_PREFIX=tag_
-       fi
-       # NOTE: CVS tags may must not contain the characters `$,.:;@'
-       # Remove #kernel.version_release from TAGVER because tagging sources
-       # could occur with different kernel-headers than kernel-headers used at build time.
-       # besides, %{_kernel_ver_str} is not expanded.
-       # TAGVER=auto-ac-madwifi-ng-0-0_20070225_1#%{_kernel_ver_str}
-       # TAGVER=auto-ac-madwifi-ng-0-0_20070225_1
-       TAGVER=${TAGVER%#*}
-       echo -n "$TAGVER"
-# bool is_tag_a_branch(tag)
-# returns 1 if a tag is a branch set on SPECFILE
-is_tag_a_branch() {
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
-               return 0;
-       fi
-       TAG=$1
-       cd "$SPEC_DIR"
-       cvs status -v $SPECFILE | grep -Eiq "${TAG}.+(branch: [0-9.]+)"
-       return $?
-       TAG_FILES="$@"
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       echo "Version: $PACKAGE_VERSION"
-       echo "Release: $PACKAGE_RELEASE"
-       local TAGVER
-       if [ "$TAG_VERSION" = "yes" ]; then
-               TAGVER=`make_tagver`
-               echo "CVS tag: $TAGVER"
-       fi
-       if [ -n "$TAG" ]; then
-               echo "CVS tag: $TAG"
-       fi
-       local OPTIONS="tag $CVS_FORCE"
-       if [ -n "$CVSROOT" ]; then
-               OPTIONS="-d $CVSROOT $OPTIONS"
-       fi
-       # if a tagname we are about to set already exists
-       # and happens to be a branch (common case with AC-branch)
-       # pass -B (allows -F to disturb branch tag)
-       local _tag=$TAG
-       if [ "$TAG_VERSION" = "yes" ]; then
-               _tag=$TAGVER
-       fi;
-       is_tag_a_branch $_tag
-       if [ $? -eq 0 -a $CVS_NSERVER -eq 0 ]; then
-               OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -B"
-       fi;
-       cd "$SOURCE_DIR"
-       local tag_files
-       for i in $TAG_FILES; do
-               # don't tag files stored on distfiles
-               [ -n "`src_md5 $i`" ] && continue
-               local fp=`nourl "$i"`
-               if [ -f "$fp" ]; then
-                       tag_files="$tag_files $fp"
-               elif [ -n "GREEDSRC" ]; then
-                       get_greed_sources $i
-               else
-                       Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $i
-               fi
-       done
-       if [ "$tag_files" ]; then
-               if [ "$TAG_VERSION" = "yes" ]; then
-                       update_shell_title "tag sources: $TAGVER"
-                       printf "Tagging %d files\n" $(echo $tag_files | wc -w)
-                       cvs $OPTIONS $TAGVER $tag_files || exit
-               fi
-               if [ -n "$TAG" ]; then
-                       update_shell_title "tag sources: $TAG"
-                       while [ "$tag_files" ]; do
-                               local chunk=$(echo $tag_files | tr ' ' '\n' | head -n 100)
-                               printf "Tagging %d files\n" $(echo $chunk | wc -w)
-                               cvs $OPTIONS $TAG $chunk || exit
-                               tag_files=$(echo $tag_files | tr ' ' '\n' | tail +101)
-                       done
-               fi
-       fi
-       cd "$SPEC_DIR"
-       if [ "$TAG_VERSION" = "yes" ]; then
-               update_shell_title "tag spec: $TAGVER"
-               cvs $OPTIONS $TAGVER $SPECFILE || exit
-       fi
-       if [ -n "$TAG" ]; then
-               update_shell_title "tag spec: $TAG"
-               cvs $OPTIONS $TAG $SPECFILE || exit
-       fi
-       TAG=$1
-       echo "CVS branch tag: $TAG"
-       shift
-       TAG_FILES="$@"
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       local OPTIONS="tag $CVS_FORCE -b"
-       # branch exists?
-       is_tag_a_branch $TAG
-       if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
-               OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -B"
-       fi
-       if [ -n "$CVSROOT" ]; then
-               OPTIONS="-d $CVSROOT $OPTIONS"
-       fi
-       cd "$SOURCE_DIR"
-       local tag_files
-       for i in $TAG_FILES; do
-               local fp=`nourl "$i"`
-               if [ -f "$fp" ]; then
-                       tag_files="$tag_files $fp"
-               elif [ -n "GREEDSRC" ]; then
-                       get_greed_sources $i
-               else
-                       Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $i
-               fi
-       done
-       if [ "$tag_files" ]; then
-               cvs $OPTIONS $TAG $tag_files || exit
-       fi
-       cd "$SPEC_DIR"
-       cvs $OPTIONS $TAG $SPECFILE || exit
-# this function should exit early if package can't be built for this arch
-# this avoids unneccessary BR filling.
-check_buildarch() {
-       local out ret
-       out=$(minirpm --short-circuit -bp --define "'prep exit 0'" --nodeps $SPECFILE 2>&1)
-       ret=$?
-       if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
-               echo >&2 "$out"
-               exit $ret
-       fi
-       update_shell_title "build_package"
-       if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-               set -x
-               set -v
-       fi
-       cd "$SPEC_DIR"
-       if [ -n "$TRY_UPGRADE" ]; then
-               update_shell_title "build_package: try_upgrade"
-               if [ -n "$FLOAT_VERSION" ]; then
-                       TNOTIFY=$(./pldnotify.awk $SPECFILE -n) || exit 1
-               else
-                       TNOTIFY=$(./pldnotify.awk $SPECFILE) || exit 1
-               fi
-               TNEWVER=$(echo $TNOTIFY | awk '{ match($4,/\[NEW\]/); print $5 }')
-               if [ -n "$TNEWVER" ]; then
-                       TOLDVER=`echo $TNOTIFY | awk '{ print $3; }'`
-                       echo "New version found, updating spec file to version " $TNEWVER
-                       if [ "$REVERT_BROKEN_UPGRADE" = "yes" ]; then
-                               cp -f $SPECFILE $SPECFILE.bak
-                       fi
-                       chmod +w $SPECFILE
-                       eval "perl -pi -e 's/Version:\t"$TOLDVER"/Version:\t"$TNEWVER"/gs' $SPECFILE"
-                       eval "perl -pi -e 's/Release:\t[1-9]{0,4}/Release:\t0.1/' $SPECFILE"
-                       parse_spec
-                       NODIST="yes" get_files $SOURCES $PATCHES
-                       update_md5 $SOURCES
-                       unset TOLDVER TNEWVER TNOTIFY
-               fi
-       fi
-       cd "$SPEC_DIR"
-       case "$COMMAND" in
-               build )
-                       BUILD_SWITCH="-ba" ;;
-               build-binary )
-                       BUILD_SWITCH="-bb" ;;
-               build-source )
-                       BUILD_SWITCH="-bs --nodeps" ;;
-               build-prep )
-                       BUILD_SWITCH="-bp --nodeps" ;;
-               build-build )
-                       BUILD_SWITCH="-bc" ;;
-               build-install )
-                       BUILD_SWITCH="-bi" ;;
-               build-list )
-                       BUILD_SWITCH="-bl" ;;
-       esac
-       update_shell_title "build_package: $COMMAND"
-       if [ -n "$LOGFILE" ]; then
-               LOG=`eval echo $LOGFILE`
-               if [ -d "$LOG" ]; then
-                       echo "Log file $LOG is a directory."
-                       echo "Parse error in the spec?"
-                       Exit_error err_build_fail
-               fi
-               if [ -n "$LASTLOG_FILE" ]; then
-                       echo "LASTLOG=$LOG" > $LASTLOG_FILE
-               fi
-               RES_FILE=$(mktemp -t builder.XXXXXX || ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/builder.$RANDOM)
-               RETVAL=`cat $RES_FILE`
-               rm $RES_FILE
-               if [ -n "$LOGDIROK" ] && [ -n "$LOGDIRFAIL" ]; then
-                       if [ "$RETVAL" -eq "0" ]; then
-                               mv $LOG $LOGDIROK
-                       else
-                               mv $LOG $LOGDIRFAIL
-                       fi
-               fi
-       else
-               RETVAL=$?
-       fi
-       if [ "$RETVAL" -ne "0" ]; then
-               if [ -n "$TRY_UPGRADE" ]; then
-                       echo "\n!!! Package with new version cannot be built automagically\n"
-                       if [ "$REVERT_BROKEN_UPGRADE" = "yes" ]; then
-                               mv -f $SPECFILE.bak $SPECFILE
-                       fi
-               fi
-               Exit_error err_build_fail
-       fi
-       unset BUILD_SWITCH
-       echo "$@" | sed 's#\<\(ftp\|http\|https\|cvs\|svn\)://[^ ]*/##g'
-       run_poldek -vi $1
-       return $?
-find_spec_bcond() {
-       # taken from find-spec-bcond, but with just getting the list
-       local SPEC="$1"
-       awk -F"\n" '
-       /^%changelog/ { exit }
-       /_with(out)?_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+/{
-               match($0, /_with(out)?_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+/);
-               print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH);
-       }
-       /^%bcond_with/{
-               match($0, /bcond_with(out)?[ \t]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]+/);
-               bcond = substr($0, RSTART +5 , RLENGTH -5);
-               gsub(/[ \t]+/,"_",bcond);
-               print bcond
-       }' $SPEC | LC_ALL=C sort -u
-process_bcondrc() {
-       # expand bconds from ~/.bcondrc
-       # The file structure is like gentoo's package.use:
-       # ---
-       # * -selinux
-       # samba -mysql -pgsql
-       # w32codec-installer license_agreement
-       # php +mysqli
-       # ---
-       if ([ -f $HOME/.bcondrc ] || ([ -n $HOME_ETC ] && [ -f $HOME_ETC/.bcondrc ])); then
-               :
-       else
-               return
-       fi
-       SN=${SPECFILE%%\.spec}
-       local bcondrc=$HOME/.bcondrc
-       [ -n $HOME_ETC ] && [ -f $HOME_ETC/.bcondrc ] && bcondrc=$HOME_ETC/.bcondrc
-       local bcond_avail=$(find_spec_bcond $SPECFILE)
-       while read pkg flags; do
-               # ignore comments
-               [[ "$pkg" == \#* ]] && continue
-               # any package or current package?
-               if [ "$pkg" = "*" ] || [ "$pkg" = "$PACKAGE_NAME" ] || [ "$pkg" = "$SN" ]; then
-                       for flag in $flags; do
-                               local opt=${flag#[+-]}
-                               # use only flags which are in this package.
-                               if [[ $bcond_avail = *${opt}* ]]; then
-                                       if [[ $flag = -* ]]; then
-                                               if [[ $BCOND != *--with?${opt}* ]]; then
-                                                       BCOND="$BCOND --without $opt"
-                                               fi
-                                       else
-                                               if [[ $BCOND != *--without?${opt}* ]]; then
-                                                       BCOND="$BCOND --with $opt"
-                                               fi
-                                       fi
-                               fi
-                       done
-               fi
-       done < $bcondrc
-       update_shell_title "parse ~/.bcondrc: DONE!"
-       update_shell_title "set bcond values"
-       if `grep -q ^%bcond ${SPECFILE}`; then
-               BCOND_VERSION="NEW"
-       elif `egrep -q ^#\ *_with ${SPECFILE}`; then
-               BCOND_VERSION="OLD"
-       else
-               return
-       fi
-       local bcond_avail=$(find_spec_bcond $SPECFILE)
-       process_bcondrc "$SPECFILE"
-       update_shell_title "parse bconds"
-       case "${BCOND_VERSION}" in
-               NONE)
-                       :
-                       ;;
-               OLD)
-                       echo "Warning: This spec has old style bconds. Fix it || die."
-                       for opt in `echo "$bcond_avail" | grep ^_without_`
-                       do
-                               AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT=${opt#_without_}
-                               if [[ "$BCOND" = *--without?${AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT}* ]]; then
-                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT <$AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT>"
-                               else
-                               fi
-                       done
-                       for opt in `echo "$bcond_avail" | grep ^_with_`
-                       do
-                               AVAIL_BCOND_WITH=${opt#_with_}
-                               if [[ "$BCOND" = *--with?${AVAIL_BCOND_WITH}* ]]; then
-                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH <$AVAIL_BCOND_WITH>"
-                               else
-                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH $AVAIL_BCOND_WITH"
-                               fi
-                       done
-                       ;;
-               NEW)
-                       local cond_type="" # with || without
-                       for opt in $bcond_avail; do
-                               case "$opt" in
-                                       _without)
-                                               cond_type="without"
-                                               ;;
-                                       _with)
-                                               cond_type="with"
-                                               ;;
-                                       _without_*)
-                                               AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT=${opt#_without_}
-                                               if [[ "$BCOND" = *--without?${AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT}* ]]; then
-                                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT <$AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT>"
-                                               else
-                                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT $AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT"
-                                               fi
-                                               ;;
-                                       _with_*)
-                                               AVAIL_BCOND_WITH=${opt#_with_}
-                                               if [[ "$BCOND" = *--with?${AVAIL_BCOND_WITH}* ]]; then
-                                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH <$AVAIL_BCOND_WITH>"
-                                               else
-                                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH $AVAIL_BCOND_WITH"
-                                               fi
-                                               ;;
-                                       *)
-                                               case "$cond_type" in
-                                                       with)
-                                                               cond_type=''
-                                                               AVAIL_BCOND_WITH="$opt"
-                                                               if [[ "$BCOND" = *--with?${AVAIL_BCOND_WITH}* ]]; then
-                                                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH <$AVAIL_BCOND_WITH>"
-                                                               else
-                                                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH $AVAIL_BCOND_WITH"
-                                                               fi
-                                                               ;;
-                                                       without)
-                                                               cond_type=''
-                                                               AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT="$opt"
-                                                               if [[ "$BCOND" = *--without?${AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT}* ]]; then
-                                                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT <$AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT>"
-                                                               else
-                                                                       AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT="$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT $AVAIL_BCOND_WITHOUT"
-                                                               fi
-                                                               ;;
-                                               esac
-                                               ;;
-                               esac
-                       done
-                       ;;
-       esac
-       package_name="${1}"
-       update_shell_title "run_sub_builder $package_name"
-       #
-       # No i tutaj bym chcia³ zrobiæ sztuczn± inteligencjê, która spróbuje tego
-       # pakieta zbudowaæ. Aktualnie niewiele dziala, bo generalnie nie widze do
-       # konca algorytmu... Ale damy rade. :) Na razie po prostu sie wyjebie tak samo
-       # jakby nie bylo tego kawalka kodu.
-       #
-       # Update: Poprawi³em parê rzeczy i zaczê³o generowaæ pakiety spoza zadanej listy.
-       #         Jednym s³owem budowanie niespoldkowanych zale¿no¶ci dzia³a w paru przypadkach.
-       #
-       #
-       # y0shi.
-       # kurwa. translate that ^^^^
-       parent_spec_name=''
-       # Istnieje taki spec? ${package}.spec
-       if [ -f "${SPEC_DIR}/${package}.spec" ]; then
-               parent_spec_name=${package}.spec
-       elif [ -f "${SPEC_DIR}/$(echo ${package_name} | sed -e s,-devel.*,,g -e s,-static,,g).spec" ]; then
-               parent_spec_name="$(echo ${package_name} | sed -e s,-devel.*,,g -e s,-static,,g).spec"
-       else
-               for provides_line in $(grep -r ^Provides:.*$package ${SPEC_DIR}); do
-                       echo $provides_line
-               done
-       fi
-       if [ "${parent_spec_name}" != "" ]; then
-               spawn_sub_builder $parent_spec_name
-       fi
-       package_name="${1}"
-       update_shell_title "spawn_sub_builder $package_name"
-       sub_builder_opts=''
-       if [ "${FETCH_BUILD_REQUIRES}" == "yes" ]; then
-               sub_builder_opts="${sub_builder_opts} -R"
-       fi
-       if [ "${REMOVE_BUILD_REQUIRES}" == "nice" ]; then
-               sub_builder_opts="${sub_builder_opts} -RB"
-       elif [ "${REMOVE_BUILD_REQUIRES}" == "force" ]; then
-               sub_builder_opts="${sub_builder_opts} -FRB"
-       fi
-       if [ "${UPDATE_POLDEK_INDEXES}" == "yes" ]; then
-               sub_builder_opts="${sub_builder_opts} -Upi"
-       fi
-       cd "${SPEC_DIR}"
-       ./builder ${sub_builder_opts} "$@"
-       if [ "$INSTALLED_PACKAGES" != "" ]; then
-               case "$REMOVE_BUILD_REQUIRES" in
-                       "force")
-                               run_poldek --noask -ve $INSTALLED_PACKAGES
-                               ;;
-                       "nice")
-                               run_poldek --ask -ve $INSTALLED_PACKAGES
-                               ;;
-                       *)
-                               echo You may want to manually remove following BuildRequires fetched:
-                               echo $INSTALLED_PACKAGES
-                               echo "Try poldek -e \`cat $(pwd)/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES\`"
-                               ;;
-               esac
-       fi
-       if [ "$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH" != "" ] || [ "$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT" != "" ]; then
-               if [ "$BCOND" != "" ]; then
-                       echo -ne "\nBuilding $SPECFILE with the following conditional flags:\n"
-                       echo -ne "$BCOND"
-               else
-                       echo -ne "\nNo conditional flags passed"
-               fi
-               echo -ne "\n\nfrom available:\n"
-               echo -ne "--with   :\t$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH\n--without:\t$AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT\n\n"
-       fi
-       if [ "$NOCVSSPEC" != "yes" ]; then
-               echo -ne "Available branches: "
-               cvs status -v "${SPECFILE}" | awk '!/Sticky Tag:/ && /\(branch:/ { print $1 } ' | xargs
-       fi
-# checks a given list of packages/files/provides agains current rpmdb.
-# outputs all dependencies which current rpmdb doesn't satisfy.
-# input can be either STDIN or parameters
-       local DEPS
-       if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
-               DEPS="$@"
-       else
-               DEPS=$(cat)
-       fi
-       DEPS=$(LANG=C rpm -q --whatprovides $DEPS 2>&1 | awk '/^(error:|no package provides)/ { print }')
-       # packages
-       echo "$DEPS" | awk '/^no package provides/ { print $NF }'
-       # other deps (files)
-       echo "$DEPS" | awk -F: '/^error:.*No such file/{o = $2; gsub("^ file ", "", o); print o}'
-# checks if given package/files/provides exists in rpmdb.
-# input can be either stdin or parameters
-# returns packages which are present in the rpmdb
-       local DEPS
-       if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
-               DEPS="$@"
-       else
-               DEPS=$(cat)
-       fi
-       LANG=C rpm -q --whatprovides $DEPS 2>/dev/null | awk '!/no package provides/ { print }'
-# install deps via information from 'rpm-getdeps' or 'rpm --specsrpm'
-install_build_requires_rpmdeps() {
-       if [ "$FETCH_BUILD_REQUIRES_RPMGETDEPS" = "yes" ]; then
-               # TODO: Conflicts list doesn't check versions
-               local CNFL=$(rpm-getdeps $BCOND $SPECFILE 2> /dev/null | awk '/^\-/ { print $3 } ' | _rpm_cnfl_check | xargs)
-               local DEPS=$(rpm-getdeps $BCOND $SPECFILE 2> /dev/null | awk '/^\+/ { print $3 } ' | _rpm_prov_check | xargs)
-       fi
-       if [ "$FETCH_BUILD_REQUIRES_RPMSPECSRPM" = "yes" ]; then
-               local CNFL=$(rpm -q --specsrpm --conflicts $BCOND $SPECFILE | awk '{print $1}' | _rpm_cnfl_check | xargs)
-               local DEPS=$(rpm -q --specsrpm --requires $BCOND $SPECFILE | awk '{print $1}' | _rpm_prov_check | xargs)
-       fi
-       if [ -n "$CNFL" ] || [ -n "$DEPS" ]; then
-               echo "fetch BuildRequires: install [$DEPS]; remove [$CNFL]"
-               update_shell_title "poldek: install [$DEPS]; remove [$CNFL]"
-               $SU_SUDO /usr/bin/poldek -q --update || $SU_SUDO /usr/bin/poldek -q --upa
-       fi
-       if [ -n "$CNFL" ]; then
-               update_shell_title "uninstall conflicting packages: $CNFL"
-               echo "Trying to uninstall conflicting packages ($CNFL):"
-               $SU_SUDO /usr/bin/poldek --noask --nofollow -ev $CNFL
-       fi
-       while [ "$DEPS" ]; do
-                       update_shell_title "install deps: $DEPS"
-                       echo "Trying to install dependencies ($DEPS):"
-                       local log=.${SPECFILE}_poldek.log
-                       LANG=C $SU_SUDO /usr/bin/poldek --caplookup -uGqQ $DEPS | tee $log
-                       failed=$(awk '/^error:/{a=$2; sub(/^error: /, "", a); sub(/:$/, "", a); print a}' $log)
-                       rm -f $log
-                       local ok
-                       if [ -n "$failed" ]; then
-                               for package in $failed; do
-                                       spawn_sub_builder -bb $(depspecname $package) && ok="$ok $package"
-                               done
-                               DEPS="$ok"
-                       else
-                               DEPS=""
-                       fi
-       done
-       if [ "${FETCH_BUILD_REQUIRES}" != "yes" ]; then
-               return
-       fi
-       update_shell_title "fetch build requires"
-       if [ "$FETCH_BUILD_REQUIRES_RPMGETDEPS" = "yes" ] || [ "$FETCH_BUILD_REQUIRES_RPMSPECSRPM" = "yes" ]; then
-               install_build_requires_rpmdeps
-               return
-       fi
-               # XXX is this ugliest code written in human history still needed?
-               echo -ne "\nAll packages installed by fetch_build_requires() are written to:\n"
-               echo -ne "`pwd`/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES\n"
-               echo -ne "\nIf anything fails, you may get rid of them by executing:\n"
-               echo "poldek -e \`cat `pwd`/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES\`\n\n"
-               echo > `pwd`/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES
-               for package_item in $(cat $SPECFILE | grep -B100000 ^%changelog|grep -v ^#|grep BuildRequires|grep -v ^-|sed -e "s/^.*BuildRequires://g"|awk '{print $1}'|sed -e s,perl\(,perl-,g -e s,::,-,g -e s,\(.*\),,g -e s,%{,,g -e s,},,g|grep -v OpenGL-devel|sed -e s,sh-utils,coreutils,g -e s,fileutils,coreutils,g -e s,textutils,coreutils,g -e s,kgcc_package,gcc,g -e s,\),,g)
-               do
-                       package_item=$(echo $package_item|sed -e s,rpmbuild,rpm-build,g |sed -e s,__perl,perl,g |sed -e s,gasp,binutils-gasp,g -e s,binutils-binutils,binutils,g -e s,apxs,apache,g|sed -e s,apache\(EAPI\)-devel,apache-devel,g -e s,kernel-headers\(netfilter\),kernel-headers,g -e s,awk,mawk,g -e s,mmawk,mawk,g -e s,motif,openmotif,g -e s,openopenmotif,openmotif,g)
-                       GO="yes"
-                       package=$(basename "$package_item"|sed -e "s/}$//g")
-                       COND_ARCH_TST=$(cat $SPECFILE|grep -B1 BuildRequires|grep -B1 $package|grep ifarch|sed -e "s/^.*ifarch//g")
-                       mach=$(uname -m)
-                       COND_TST=`cat $SPECFILE|grep BuildRequires|grep "$package"`
-                       if `echo $COND_TST|grep -q '^BuildRequires:'`; then
-                               if [ "$COND_ARCH_TST" != "" ] && [ "`echo $COND_ARCH_TST|sed -e "s/i.86/ix86/g"`" != "`echo $mach|sed -e "s/i.86/ix86/g"`" ]; then
-                                       GO="yes"
-                               fi
-                       # bcond:
-                       else
-                               COND_NAME=`echo $COND_TST|sed -e s,:BuildRequires:.*$,,g`
-                               GO=""
-                               # %{without}
-                               if `echo $COND_TST|grep -q 'without_'`; then
-                                       COND_NAME=`echo $COND_NAME|sed -e s,^.*without_,,g`
-                                       if `echo $COND_TST|grep -q !`; then
-                                               COND_STATE="with"
-                                       else
-                                               COND_STATE="wout"
-                                       fi
-                                       COND_WITH=`echo $AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH|grep "<$COND_NAME>"`
-                                       COND_WITHOUT=`echo $AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT|grep "<$COND_NAME>"`
-                                       if [ -n "$COND_WITHOUT" ] || [ -z "$COND_WITH" ]; then
-                                               COND_ARGV="wout"
-                                       else
-                                               COND_ARGV="with"
-                                       fi
-                               # %{with}
-                               elif `echo $COND_TST|grep -q 'with_'`; then
-                                       COND_NAME=`echo $COND_NAME|sed -e s,^.*with_,,g`
-                                       if `echo $COND_TST|grep -q !`; then
-                                               COND_STATE="wout"
-                                       else
-                                               COND_STATE="with"
-                                       fi
-                                       COND_WITH=`echo $AVAIL_BCONDS_WITH|grep "<$COND_NAME>"`
-                                       COND_WITHOUT=`echo $AVAIL_BCONDS_WITHOUT|grep "<$COND_NAME>"`
-                                       if [ -n "$COND_WITH" ] || [ -z "$COND_WITHOUT" ]; then
-                                               COND_ARGV="with"
-                                       else
-                                               COND_ARGV="wout"
-                                       fi
-                               fi
-                               RESULT="${COND_STATE}-${COND_ARGV}"
-                               case "$RESULT" in
-                                       "with-wout" | "wout-with" )
-                                               GO=""
-                                               ;;
-                                       "wout-wout" | "with-with" )
-                                               GO="yes"
-                                               ;;
-                                       * )
-                                               echo "Action '$RESULT' was not defined for package '$package_item'"
-                                               GO="yes"
-                                               ;;
-                               esac
-                       fi
-                       if [ "$GO" = "yes" ]; then
-                               if [ "`rpm -q $package|sed -e "s/$package.*/$package/g"`" != "$package" ]; then
-                                       echo "Testing if $package has subrequirements..."
-                                       run_poldek -t -i $package --dumpn=".$package-req.txt"
-                                       if [ -f ".$package-req.txt" ]; then
-                                               for package_name in `cat ".$package-req.txt"|grep -v ^#`
-                                               do
-                                                       if [ "$package_name" = "$package" ]; then
-                                                               echo -ne "Installing BuildRequired package:\t$package_name\n"
-                                                               update_shell_title "Installing BuildRequired package: ${package_name}"
-                                                               install_required_packages $package
-                                                       else
-                                                               echo -ne "Installing (sub)Required package:\t$package_name\n"
-                                                               update_shell_title "Installing (sub)Required package: ${package_name}"
-                                                               install_required_packages $package_name
-                                                       fi
-                                                       case $? in
-                                                               0)
-                                                                       INSTALLED_PACKAGES="$package_name $INSTALLED_PACKAGES"
-                                                                       echo $package_name >> `pwd`/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES
-                                                                       ;;
-                                                               *)
-                                                                       echo "Attempting to run spawn sub - builder..."
-                                                                       echo -ne "Package installation failed:\t$package_name\n"
-                                                                       run_sub_builder $package_name
-                                                                       if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-                                                                               install_required_packages $package_name
-                                                                               case $? in
-                                                                                       0)
-                                                                                               INSTALLED_PACKAGES="$package_name $INSTALLED_PACKAGES"
-                                                                                               echo $package_name >> `pwd`/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES
-                                                                                               ;;
-                                                                                       *)
-                                                                                               NOT_INSTALLED_PACKAGES="$package_name $NOT_INSTALLED_PACKAGES"
-                                                                                               ;;
-                                                                               esac
-                                                                       fi
-                                                                       ;;
-                                                       esac
-                                               done
-                                               rm -f ".$package-req.txt"
-                                       else
-                                               echo "Attempting to run spawn sub - builder..."
-                                               echo -ne "Package installation failed:\t$package\n"
-                                               run_sub_builder $package
-                                               if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-                                                       install_required_packages $package
-                                                       case $? in
-                                                               0)
-                                                                       INSTALLED_PACKAGES="$package_name $INSTALLED_PACKAGES"
-                                                                       echo $package_name >> `pwd`/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES
-                                                                       ;;
-                                                               *)
-                                                                       NOT_INSTALLED_PACKAGES="$package_name $NOT_INSTALLED_PACKAGES"
-                                                                       ;;
-                                                       esac
-                                               fi
-                                       fi
-                               else
-                                       echo "Package $package is already installed. BuildRequirement satisfied."
-                               fi
-                       fi
-               done
-               if [ "$NOT_INSTALLED_PACKAGES" != "" ]; then
-                       echo >&2 "Unable to install following packages and their dependencies:"
-                       for pkg in "$NOT_INSTALLED_PACKAGES"
-                       do
-                               echo $pkg
-                       done
-                       remove_build_requires
-                       exit 8
-               fi
-init_rpm_dir() {
-       TOP_DIR=$(eval $RPM $RPMOPTS --eval '%{_topdir}')
-       CVSROOT=":pserver:cvs@$CVS_SERVER:/cvsroot"
-       echo "Initialising rpm directories to $TOP_DIR from $CVSROOT"
-       mkdir -p $TOP_DIR/{RPMS,BUILD,SRPMS}
-       cd $TOP_DIR
-       cvs -d $CVSROOT co SOURCES/{.cvsignore,dropin} SPECS/{mirrors,md5,adapter{,.awk},fetchsrc_request,builder,{relup,compile,repackage}.sh}
-       init_builder
-       echo "To checkout *all* .spec files:"
-       echo "- remove $SPEC_DIR/CVS/Entries.Static"
-       echo "- run cvs up in $SPEC_DIR dir"
-       echo ""
-       echo "To commit with your developer account:"
-       echo "- edit $SPEC_DIR/CVS/Root"
-       echo "- edit $SOURCE_DIR/CVS/Root"
-get_greed_sources() {
-       CVSROOT=":pserver:cvs@$CVS_SERVER:/cvsroot"
-       if [ -n "BE_VERBOSE" ]; then
-               echo "Try greed download: $1 from: $CVSROOT"
-       fi
-       cvs -d $CVSROOT get SOURCES/$1
-       if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-               Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $1
-       fi
-# remove entries from CVS/Entries
-cvs_entry_remove() {
-       local cvsdir="$1"; shift
-       if [ ! -d "$cvsdir" ]; then
-               echo >&2 "cvs_entry_remove: $cvsdir is not a directory"
-               exit 1
-       fi
-       for file in "$@"; do
-               rm -f $cvsdir/CVS/Entries.new || return 1
-               awk -ve="${file##*/}" -F/ '$2 != e {print}' $cvsdir/CVS/Entries > $cvsdir/CVS/Entries.new || return 1
-               mv -f $cvsdir/CVS/Entries.new $cvsdir/CVS/Entries || return 1
-       done
-       return 0
-mr_proper() {
-       init_builder
-       NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-       get_spec
-       parse_spec
-       # remove from CVS/Entries
-       cvs_entry_remove $SPEC_DIR $SPECFILE
-       cvs_entry_remove $SOURCE_DIR $SOURCES $PATCHES
-       # remove spec and sources
-       $RPMBUILD --clean --rmsource --rmspec --nodeps $SPECFILE
-# main()
-if [ $# = 0 ]; then
-       usage
-       exit 1
-while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
-       case "${1}" in
-               -5 | --update-md5)
-                       COMMAND="update_md5"
-                       NODIST="yes"
-                       NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-                       shift ;;
-               -a5 | --add-md5 )
-                       COMMAND="update_md5"
-                       NODIST="yes"
-                       NOCVS="yes"
-                       NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-                       ADD5="yes"
-                       shift ;;
-               -n5 | --no-md5 )
-                       NO5="yes"
-                       shift ;;
-               -D | --debug )
-                       DEBUG="yes"; shift ;;
-               -V | --version )
-                       COMMAND="version"; shift ;;
-               --short-version )
-                       COMMAND="short-version"; shift ;;
-               -a | --as_anon )
-                       CVSROOT=":pserver:cvs@$CVS_SERVER:/cvsroot"; shift ;;
-               -b | -ba | --build )
-                       COMMAND="build"; shift ;;
-               -bb | --build-binary )
-                       COMMAND="build-binary"; shift ;;
-               -bc )
-                       COMMAND="build-build"; shift ;;
-               -bi )
-                       COMMAND="build-install"; shift ;;
-               -bl )
-                       COMMAND="build-list"; shift ;;
-               -bp | --build-prep )
-                       COMMAND="build-prep"; shift ;;
-               -bs | --build-source )
-                       COMMAND="build-source"; shift ;;
-               -B | --branch )
-                       COMMAND="branch"; shift; TAG="${1}"; shift;;
-               -c | --clean )
-                       CLEAN="--clean --rmspec --rmsource"; shift ;;
-               -cf | --cvs-force )
-                       CVS_FORCE="-F"; shift;;
-               -d | --cvsroot )
-                       shift; CVSROOT="${1}"; shift ;;
-               -g | --get )
-                       COMMAND="get"; shift ;;
-               -h | --help )
-                       COMMAND="usage"; shift ;;
-               --http )
-                       PROTOCOL="http"; shift ;;
-               -l | --logtofile )
-                       shift; LOGFILE="${1}"; shift ;;
-               -ni| --nice )
-                       shift; DEF_NICE_LEVEL=${1}; shift ;;
-               -ske | --skip-existing-files)
-                       SKIP_EXISTING_FILES="yes"; shift ;;
-               -m | --mr-proper )
-                       COMMAND="mr-proper"; shift ;;
-               -nc | --no-cvs )
-                       NOCVS="yes"; shift ;;
-               -ncs | --no-cvs-specs )
-                       NOCVSSPEC="yes"; shift ;;
-               -nd | --no-distfiles )
-                       NODIST="yes"; shift ;;
-               -nm | --no-mirrors )
-                       NOMIRRORS="yes"; shift ;;
-               -nu | --no-urls )
-                       NOURLS="yes"; shift ;;
-               -ns | --no-srcs )
-                       NOSRCS="yes"; shift ;;
-               -ns0 | --no-source0 )
-                       NOSOURCE0="yes"; shift ;;
-               -nn | --no-net )
-                       NOCVS="yes"
-                       NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-                       NODIST="yes"
-                       NOMIRRORS="yes"
-                       NOURLS="yes"
-                       NOSRCS="yes"
-                       ALWAYS_CVSUP="no"
-                       shift;;
-               -pm | --prefer-mirrors )
-                       PREFMIRRORS="yes"
-                       shift;;
-               --no-init )
-                       NOINIT="yes"
-                       shift;;
-               --opts )
-                       shift; RPMOPTS="${RPMOPTS} ${1}"; shift ;;
-               --nopatch | -np )
-                       shift; RPMOPTS="${RPMOPTS} --define \"patch${1} : ignoring patch${1}; exit 1; \""; shift ;;
-               --topdir)
-                       RPMOPTS="${RPMOPTS} --define \"_topdir $2\""
-                       shift 2
-                       ;;
-               --with | --without )
-                       case $GROUP_BCONDS in
-                               "yes")
-                                       COND=${1}
-                                       shift
-                                       # XXX: broken: ./builder -bb ucspi-tcp.spec --without mysql
-                                       while ! `echo ${1}|grep -qE '(^-|spec)'`
-                                       do
-                                               BCOND="$BCOND $COND $1"
-                                               shift
-                                       done;;
-                               "no")
-                                       if [[ "$2" = *,* ]]; then
-                                               for a in $(echo "$2" | tr , ' '); do
-                                                       BCOND="$BCOND $1 $a"
-                                               done
-                                       else
-                                               BCOND="$BCOND $1 $2"
-                                       fi
-                                       shift 2 ;;
-                       esac
-                       ;;
-               --target )
-                       shift; TARGET="${1}"; shift ;;
-               --target=* )
-                       TARGET=$(echo "${1}" | sed 's/^--target=//'); shift ;;
-               -q | --quiet )
-                       QUIET="--quiet"; shift ;;
-               --date )
-                       CVSDATE="${2}"; shift 2 ;;
-               -r | --cvstag )
-                       CVSTAG="$2"
-                       shift 2
-                       ;;
-               -A)
-                       shift
-                       CVSTAG="HEAD"
-                       ;;
-               -R | --fetch-build-requires)
-                       FETCH_BUILD_REQUIRES="yes"
-                       NOT_INSTALLED_PACKAGES=
-                       shift ;;
-               -RB | --remove-build-requires)
-                       REMOVE_BUILD_REQUIRES="nice"
-                       shift ;;
-               -FRB | --force-remove-build-requires)
-                       REMOVE_BUILD_REQUIRES="force"
-                       shift ;;
-               -sc | --sources-cvs)
-                       COMMAND="list-sources-cvs"
-                       shift ;;
-               -sd | --sources-distfiles)
-                       COMMAND="list-sources-distfiles"
-                       shift ;;
-               -sdp | --sources-distfiles-paths)
-                       COMMAND="list-sources-distfiles-paths"
-                       shift ;;
-               -sf | --sources-files)
-                       COMMAND="list-sources-files"
-                       shift ;;
-               -sp | --sources-paths)
-                       COMMAND="list-sources-local-paths"
-                       shift ;;
-               -su | --sources-urls)
-                       COMMAND="list-sources-urls"
-                       shift ;;
-               -Tvs | --tag-version-stable )
-                       COMMAND="tag"
-                       TAG="STABLE"
-                       TAG_VERSION="yes"
-                       shift;;
-               -Ts | --tag-stable )
-                       COMMAND="tag"
-                       TAG="STABLE"
-                       TAG_VERSION="no"
-                       shift;;
-               -Tv | --tag-version )
-                       COMMAND="tag"
-                       TAG=""
-                       TAG_VERSION="yes"
-                       shift;;
-               -Tp | --tag-prefix )
-                       TAG_PREFIX="$2"
-                       shift 2;;
-               -tt | --test-tag )
-                       TEST_TAG="yes"
-                       shift;;
-               -T | --tag )
-                       COMMAND="tag"
-                       shift
-                       TAG="$1"
-                       TAG_VERSION="no"
-                       shift;;
-               -ir | --integer-release-only )
-                       INTEGER_RELEASE="yes"
-                       shift;;
-               -U | --update )
-                       COMMAND="update_md5"
-                       UPDATE="yes"
-                       NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-                       NODIST="yes"
-                       shift ;;
-               -Upi | --update-poldek-indexes )
-                       UPDATE_POLDEK_INDEXES="yes"
-                       shift ;;
-               --init-rpm-dir)
-                       COMMAND="init_rpm_dir"
-                       shift ;;
-               --use-greed-sources )
-                       GREEDSRC="1"
-                       shift;;
-               -u | --try-upgrade )
-                       TRY_UPGRADE="1"; shift ;;
-               -un | --try-upgrade-with-float-version )
-                       TRY_UPGRADE="1"; FLOAT_VERSION="1"; shift ;;
-               -v | --verbose )
-                       BE_VERBOSE="1"; shift ;;
-               --define)
-                       shift
-                       MACRO="${1}"
-                       shift
-                       if echo "${MACRO}" | grep -q '\W'; then
-                               RPMOPTS="${RPMOPTS} --define \"${MACRO}\""
-                       else
-                               VALUE="${1}"
-                               shift
-                               RPMOPTS="${RPMOPTS} --define \"${MACRO} ${VALUE}\""
-                       fi
-                       ;;
-               --alt_kernel)
-                       shift
-                       RPMOPTS="${RPMOPTS} --define \"alt_kernel $1\""
-                       shift
-                       ;;
-               --short-circuit)
-                       RPMBUILDOPTS="${RPMBUILDOPTS} --short-circuit"
-                       shift
-                       ;;
-               --show-bconds | -show-bconds | -print-bconds | --print-bconds | -display-bconds | --display-bconds )
-                       COMMAND="show_bconds"
-                       shift
-                       ;;
-               --show-bcond-args)
-                       COMMAND="show_bcond_args"
-                       shift
-                       ;;
-               --nodeps)
-                       shift
-                       RPMOPTS="${RPMOPTS} --nodeps"
-                       ;;
-               -debug)
-                       RPMBUILDOPTS="${RPMBUILDOPTS} -debug"; shift
-                       ;;
-               -*)
-                       Exit_error err_invalid_cmdline "$1"
-                       ;;
-               *)
-                       SPECFILE="${1}"
-                       # check if specname was passed as specname:cvstag
-                       if [ "${SPECFILE##*:}" != "${SPECFILE}" ]; then
-                               CVSTAG="${SPECFILE##*:}"
-                               SPECFILE="${SPECFILE%%:*}"
-                       fi
-                       ASSUMED_NAME=$(basename ${SPECFILE%%.spec})
-                       shift
-       esac
-if [ -f CVS/Entries ] && [ -z "$CVSTAG" ]; then
-       CVSTAG=$(awk -vSPECFILE=$(basename ${SPECFILE%.spec}.spec) -F/ '$2 == SPECFILE && $6 ~ /^T/{print substr($6, 2)}' CVS/Entries)
-       if [ "$CVSTAG" ]; then
-               echo >&2 "builder: Stick tag $CVSTAG active. Use -r TAGNAME to override."
-       fi
-elif [ "$CVSTAG" = "HEAD" ]; then
-       # assume -r HEAD is same as -A
-       CVSTAG=""
-if [ "$CVSTAG" ]; then
-       # pass $CVSTAG used by builder to rpmbuild too, so specs could use it
-       RPMOPTS="$RPMOPTS --define \"_cvstag $CVSTAG\""
-if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
-       set -x
-       set -v
-if [ -n "$TARGET" ]; then
-       case "$RPMBUILD" in
-               "rpmbuild")
-                       TARGET_SWITCH="--target $TARGET" ;;
-               "rpm")
-                       TARGET_SWITCH="--target=$TARGET" ;;
-       esac
-if [ "$SCHEDTOOL" != "no" ]; then
-       NICE_COMMAND="nice -n ${DEF_NICE_LEVEL}"
-update_shell_title "$COMMAND"
-case "$COMMAND" in
-       "show_bconds")
-               init_builder
-               if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-                       get_spec > /dev/null
-                       parse_spec
-                       set_bconds_values
-                       display_bconds
-               fi
-               ;;
-       "show_bcond_args")
-               init_builder
-               if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-                       get_spec > /dev/null
-                       parse_spec
-                       set_bconds_values
-                       echo "$BCOND"
-               fi
-               ;;
-       "build" | "build-binary" | "build-source" | "build-prep" | "build-build" | "build-install" | "build-list")
-               init_builder
-               if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-                       get_spec
-                       parse_spec
-                       set_bconds_values
-                       display_bconds
-                       display_branches
-                       if [ "$COMMAND" != "build-source" ]; then
-                               check_buildarch
-                       fi
-                       fetch_build_requires
-                       if [ "$INTEGER_RELEASE" = "yes" ]; then
-                               echo "Checking release $PACKAGE_RELEASE..."
-                               if echo $PACKAGE_RELEASE | grep -q '^[^.]*\.[^.]*$' 2>/dev/null ; then
-                                       Exit_error err_fract_rel "$PACKAGE_RELEASE"
-                               fi
-                       fi
-                       # ./builder -bs test.spec -r AC-branch -Tp auto-ac- -tt
-                       if [ -n "$TEST_TAG" ]; then
-                               local TAGVER=`make_tagver`
-                               echo "Searching for tag $TAGVER..."
-                               TAGREL=$(cvs status -v $SPECFILE | grep -E "^[[:space:]]*${TAGVER}[[[:space:]]" | sed -e 's#.*(revision: ##g' -e 's#).*##g')
-                               if [ -n "$TAGREL" ]; then
-                                       Exit_error err_tag_exists "$TAGVER" "$TAGREL"
-                               fi
-                               # - do not allow to build from HEAD when XX-branch exists
-                               TREE_PREFIX=$(echo "$TAG_PREFIX" | sed -e 's#^auto-\([a-zA-Z]\+\)-.*#\1#g')
-                               if [ "$TREE_PREFIX" != "$TAG_PREFIX" ]; then
-                                       TAG_BRANCH="${TREE_PREFIX}-branch"
-                                       TAG_STATUS=$(cvs status -v $SPECFILE | grep -Ei "${TAG_BRANCH}.+(branch: [0-9.]+)")
-                                       if [ -n "$TAG_STATUS" -a "$CVSTAG" = "HEAD" ]; then
-                                               Exit_error err_branch_exists "$TAG_STATUS"
-                                       fi
-                               fi
-                       fi
-                       if [ -n "$NOSOURCE0" ] ; then
-                               SOURCES=`echo $SOURCES | xargs | sed -e 's/[^ ]*//'`
-                       fi
-                       get_files $SOURCES $PATCHES
-                       check_md5 $SOURCES
-                       build_package
-                       if [ "$UPDATE_POLDEK_INDEXES" = "yes" -a "$COMMAND" != "build-prep" ]; then
-                               run_poldek --sdir="${POLDEK_INDEX_DIR}" --mkidxz
-                       fi
-                       remove_build_requires
-               else
-                       Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl
-               fi
-               ;;
-       "branch" )
-               init_builder
-               if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-                       get_spec
-                       parse_spec
-                       # don't fetch sources from remote locations
-                       new_SOURCES=""
-                       for file in $SOURCES; do
-                               [ -n "`src_md5 $file`" ] && continue
-                               new_SOURCES="$new_SOURCES $file"
-                       done
-                       SOURCES="$new_SOURCES"
-                       get_files $SOURCES $PATCHES
-                       check_md5 $SOURCES
-                       branch_files $TAG $SOURCES $PATCHES $ICONS
-               else
-                       Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl
-               fi
-               ;;
-       "get" )
-               init_builder
-               if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-                       get_spec
-                       parse_spec
-                       if [ -n "$NOSOURCE0" ] ; then
-                               SOURCES=`echo $SOURCES | xargs | sed -e 's/[^ ]*//'`
-                       fi
-                       get_files $SOURCES $PATCHES
-                       check_md5 $SOURCES
-               else
-                       Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl
-               fi
-               ;;
-       "update_md5" )
-               init_builder
-               if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-                       get_spec
-                       parse_spec
-                       if [ -n "$NOSOURCE0" ] ; then
-                               SOURCES=`echo $SOURCES | xargs | sed -e 's/[^ ]*//'`
-                       fi
-                       update_md5 $SOURCES
-               else
-                       Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl
-               fi
-               ;;
-       "tag" )
-               NOURLS=1
-               NODIST="yes"
-               init_builder
-               if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then
-                       get_spec
-                       parse_spec
-                       # don't fetch sources from remote locations
-                       new_SOURCES=""
-                       for file in $SOURCES; do
-                               [ -n "`src_md5 $file`" ] && continue
-                               new_SOURCES="$new_SOURCES $file"
-                       done
-                       SOURCES="$new_SOURCES"
-                       get_files $SOURCES $PATCHES
-                       check_md5 $SOURCES
-                       tag_files $SOURCES $PATCHES $ICONS
-               else
-                       Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl
-               fi
-               ;;
-       "mr-proper" )
-               mr_proper
-               ;;
-       "list-sources-files" )
-               init_builder
-               NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-               DONT_PRINT_REVISION="yes"
-               get_spec
-               parse_spec
-               for SAP in $SOURCES $PATCHES; do
-                       echo $SAP | awk '{gsub(/.*\//,"") ; print}'
-               done
-               ;;
-       "list-sources-urls" )
-               init_builder
-               NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-               DONT_PRINT_REVISION="yes"
-               get_spec
-               parse_spec
-               SAPS="$SOURCES $PATCHES"
-               for SAP in $SAPS ; do
-                       echo $SAP
-               done
-               ;;
-       "list-sources-local-paths" )
-               init_builder
-               NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-               DONT_PRINT_REVISION="yes"
-               get_spec
-               parse_spec
-               for SAP in $SOURCES $PATCHES; do
-                       echo $SOURCE_DIR/$(echo $SAP | awk '{gsub(/.*\//,"") ; print }')
-               done
-               ;;
-       "list-sources-distfiles-paths" )
-               init_builder
-               NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-               DONT_PRINT_REVISION="yes"
-               get_spec
-               parse_spec
-               for SAP in $SOURCES $PATCHES; do
-                       if [ -n "$(src_md5 "$SAP")" ]; then
-                               distfiles_path "$SAP"
-                       fi
-               done
-               ;;
-       "list-sources-distfiles" )
-               init_builder
-               NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-               DONT_PRINT_REVISION="yes"
-               get_spec
-               parse_spec
-               for SAP in $SOURCES $PATCHES; do
-                       if [ -n "$(src_md5 "$SAP")" ]; then
-                               distfiles_url "$SAP"
-                       fi
-               done
-               ;;
-       "list-sources-cvs" )
-               init_builder
-#              NOCVSSPEC="yes"
-               DONT_PRINT_REVISION="yes"
-               get_spec
-               parse_spec
-               for SAP in $SOURCES $PATCHES; do
-                       if [ -z "$(src_md5 "$SAP")" ]; then
-                               echo $SAP | awk '{gsub(/.*\//,"") ; print}'
-                       fi
-               done
-               ;;
-       "init_rpm_dir")
-               init_rpm_dir
-               ;;
-       "usage" )
-               usage
-               ;;
-       "short-version" )
-               echo "$VERSION"
-               ;;
-       "version" )
-               echo "$VERSIONSTRING"
-               ;;
-if [ -f "`pwd`/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES" -a "$REMOVE_BUILD_REQUIRES" != "" ]; then
-       rm "`pwd`/.${SPECFILE}_INSTALLED_PACKAGES"
-cd "$__PWD"
-# vi:syntax=sh:ts=4:sw=4:noet
index 007e4e3a15852138a842e107d39e039a6a09519e..59ad0473284f064031aacd03031baeda9a1fef88 100644 (file)
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ Release:      18
 License:       GPL
 Group:         Applications/File
 Group:         Base
-Source0:       builder
+Source0:       builder.sh
 Source1:       adapter.awk
-Source2:       adapter
+Source2:       adapter.sh
 Source3:       pldnotify.awk
 BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0
 Requires:      gawk
@@ -50,18 +50,20 @@ construir pacotes usando o RPM.
 %setup -qcT
-cp %{SOURCE0} %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE3} .
+cp -p %{SOURCE0} %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE3} .
-%{__sed} -i -e 's,^adapter=.*/adapter.awk,adapter=%{_libdir}/adapter.awk,' adapter
+%{__sed} -i -e 's,^adapter=.*/adapter.awk,adapter=%{_libdir}/adapter.awk,' adapter.sh
-%{__sed} -i -e '/^RCSID=/,/^rev=/d;/^VERSION=/s,\([^/]\+\)/.*",\1-RELEASE",' builder adapter
+%{__sed} -i -e '/^RCSID=/,/^rev=/d;/^VERSION=/s,\([^/]\+\)/.*",\1-RELEASE",' builder.sh adapter.sh
 %{__sed} -i -e '/\tRCSID =/,/^\trev =/d;/\tVERSION = /s,\([^/]\+\)/.*,\1-RELEASE",' adapter.awk
 install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir},%{_libdir}}
 cp -a adapter.awk $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/adapter.awk
-install pldnotify.awk builder adapter $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
+install -p pldnotify.awk $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
+install -p builder.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/builder
+install -p adapter.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/adapter
This page took 0.182129 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.