# # Conditional build: %bcond_without bsf # without BSF support # Summary: BeanShell - Lightweight Scripting for Java Summary(pl): BeanShell - lekkie skrypty dla Javy Name: beanshell Version: 2.0 Release: 0.b2.1 License: Sun Public License or LGPL Group: Development/Languages/Java Source0: http://www.beanshell.org/bsh-%{version}b2-src.jar # Source0-md5: f9c938446e5d97b74fd37f3bdbebf84a Patch0: %{name}-jdk1.5.patch URL: http://www.beanshell.org/ %{?with_bsf:BuildRequires: bsf} BuildRequires: jakarta-ant >= 1.3 BuildRequires: jdk >= 1.3 BuildRequires: unzip Requires: jre >= 1.1 BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable Java source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in Java. BeanShell dynamically executes standard Java syntax and extends it with common scripting conveniences such as loose types, commands, and method closures like those in Perl and JavaScript. %description -l pl BeanShell to mały, darmowy, osadzalny interpreter kodu źródłowego Javy z cechami obiektowych języków skryptowych, napisany w Javie. BeanShell dynamicznie wykonuje standardową składnię Javy i rozszerza ją o popularne wygodne elementy skryptowe, takie jak luźne typy, polecenia i dopełnienia metod podobnie jak Perl czy JavaScript. %prep %setup -q -c %patch0 -p0 %build cd BeanShell ant jarall \ %{!?with_bsf:-Dexclude-bsf='bsh/util/BeanShellBSFEngine.java,TestBshBSF.java'} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir} cd BeanShell/dist install bsh-*.jar $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir} ln -sf bsh-*.jar $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/bsh.jar %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc BeanShell/{asm/README-asm.txt,bsf/README,docs/faq/faq.html,docs/images,docs/manual,src/{*.html,*.txt}} %{_javadir}/*.jar