%define name SDL_ttf %define version 1.0.1 Summary: Simple DirectMedia Layer - ttf handling Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: 2mdk Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Copyright: LGPL Group: System/Libraries BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot URL: http://www.devolution.com/~slouken/SDL/projects/SDL_ttf/ Prefix: %{_prefix} Requires: SDL >= 1.0 %description This is a sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. It comes with an example program "showfont" which displays an example string for a given TrueType font file. Warning! TrueType font decoding is under patent, and software using this library may be in violation of this patent. Use at your own risk! See http://www.freetype.org/ for details. %package devel Summary: Libraries, includes and more to develop SDL applications. Group: Development/C Requires: %{name} Requires: SDL-devel %description devel This is a sample library which allows you to use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications. It comes with an example program "showfont" which displays an example string for a given TrueType font file. Warning! TrueType font decoding is under patent, and software using this library may be in violation of this patent. Use at your own risk! See http://www.freetype.org/ for details. %prep rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %setup #%patch -p1 %build CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=%{prefix} make %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{prefix} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post /sbin/ldconfig %postun /sbin/ldconfig %files %defattr(-,root,root) %doc README COPYING %{prefix}/bin/showfont %{prefix}/lib/lib*.so.* %files devel %defattr(-,root,root) %doc README COPYING CHANGES %{prefix}/lib/*a %{prefix}/include/SDL/ %{prefix}/lib/lib*.so %changelog * Tue Apr 11 2000 Guillaume Cottenceau 1.0.1-2mdk - added url - fixed group - some minor package build fixes - built against stable SDL version, previous was using 1.1.x devel * Fri Feb 11 2000 Lenny Cartier - new in contribs - used specfile provided by Hakan Tandogan * Sun Jan 16 2000 Hakan Tandogan - initial spec file