]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/FileZilla.git/blob - FileZilla.spec
- finished fixing for wxWidgets 3.0
[packages/FileZilla.git] / FileZilla.spec
1 # TODO
2 # - /usr/share/locale/ca_ES@valencia is needed by FileZilla-
3 #   (there is probably ca_ES@valencia locale in Debian glibc - merge it)
4 #   Temporary removed locale...
5 Summary:        FTP client for X Window
6 Summary(es.UTF-8):      Cliente FTP para el X Window
7 Summary(ja.UTF-8):      X Window System 用マルチスレッド FTP クライアント
8 Summary(pl.UTF-8):      Klient FTP dla X Window
9 Summary(pt_BR.UTF-8):   Cliente FTP para o X Window
10 Summary(ru.UTF-8):      FTP клиент для X Window
11 Summary(uk.UTF-8):      FTP клієнт для X Window
12 Name:           FileZilla
13 Version:        3.7.3
14 Release:        3
15 License:        GPL
16 Group:          X11/Applications/Networking
17 Source0:        http://downloads.sourceforge.net/filezilla/%{name}_%{version}_src.tar.bz2
18 # Source0-md5:  df7828739a852ac3adbc1c010303115d
19 Patch0:         %{name}-desktop.patch
20 Patch1:         wxWidgets3.patch
21 URL:            http://filezilla-project.org/
22 BuildRequires:  autoconf
23 BuildRequires:  automake
24 BuildRequires:  cppunit-devel
25 BuildRequires:  dbus-devel
26 BuildRequires:  gettext-devel
27 BuildRequires:  gnutls-devel >= 2.8.3
28 BuildRequires:  gtk+2-devel
29 BuildRequires:  libidn-devel
30 BuildRequires:  libtool >= 2:1.5
31 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig
32 BuildRequires:  wxGTK2-unicode-devel >= 2.8.9
33 BuildRequires:  wxWidgets-devel >= 2.8.9
34 BuildRequires:  wxWidgets-utils >= 2.8.9
35 BuildRequires:  xdg-utils
36 Requires:       wxWidgets >= 2.8.9
37 Provides:       filezilla
38 Obsoletes:      filezilla
39 BuildRoot:      %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
41 %description
42 FileZilla is a fast and reliable FTP client with lots of useful
43 features and an intuitive interface.
45 %description -l pl.UTF-8
46 FileZilla to szybki i wiarygodny klient FTP z wieloma przydatnymi
47 opcjami oraz intuicyjnym interfejsem.
49 %prep
50 %setup -q -n filezilla-%{version}
51 %patch0 -p1
52 %patch1 -p1
54 cd locales
55 mv bg{_BG,}.po
56 mv cs{_CZ,}.po
57 mv da{_DK,}.po
58 mv et{_EE,}.po
59 mv eu{_ES,}.po
60 mv fa{_IR,}.po
61 mv fi{_FI,}.po
62 mv gl{_ES,}.po
63 mv he{_IL,}.po
64 mv hu{_HU,}.po
65 mv id{_ID,}.po
66 mv ja{_JP,}.po
67 mv km{_KH,}.po
68 mv ko{_KR,}.po
69 mv lt{_LT,}.po
70 mv lv{_LV,}.po
71 mv mk{_MK,}.po
72 mv nb{_NO,}.po
73 mv nn{_NO,}.po
74 mv pl{_PL,}.po
75 mv pt{_PT,}.po
76 mv ro{_RO,}.po
77 mv sk{_SK,}.po
78 mv sl{_SI,}.po
79 mv th{_TH,}.po
80 mv uk{_UA,}.po
81 mv vi{_VN,}.po
82 # Temporary - FIXME:
83 rm -f ca@valencia.po
85 %build
86 %{__libtoolize}
87 %{__aclocal} -I m4
88 %{__autoconf}
89 %{__autoheader}
90 %{__automake}
91 %configure \
92         --with-wx-config=wx-gtk2-unicode-config \
93         --with-tinyxml=builtin
94 %{__make}
96 %install
97 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
99 %{__make} install \
102 # Temporary - FIXME:
103 rm -rf \
104         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/ca_ES@valencia
106 %find_lang filezilla
108 %clean
109 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
111 %files -f filezilla.lang
112 %defattr(644,root,root,755)
114 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/filezilla
115 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/fzsftp
116 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/fzputtygen
117 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla
118 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/docs
119 %{_datadir}/filezilla/docs/*
120 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources
121 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/*.png
122 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/*.wav
123 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/*.xml
124 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/*.xrc
125 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/16x16
126 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/16x16/*.png
127 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/32x32
128 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/32x32/*.png
129 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/48x48
130 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/48x48/*.png
131 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/blukis
132 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/blukis/theme.xml
133 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/blukis/16x16
134 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/blukis/16x16/*.png
135 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/blukis/32x32
136 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/blukis/32x32/*.png
137 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/blukis/48x48
138 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/blukis/48x48/*.png
139 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/cyril
140 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/cyril/theme.xml
141 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/cyril/16x16
142 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/cyril/16x16/*.png
143 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/lone
144 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/lone/theme.xml
145 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/lone/16x16
146 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/lone/16x16/*.png
147 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/lone/32x32
148 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/lone/32x32/*.png
149 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/lone/48x48
150 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/lone/48x48/*.png
151 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/minimal
152 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/minimal/theme.xml
153 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/minimal/16x16
154 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/minimal/16x16/*.png
155 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/minimal/32x32
156 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/minimal/32x32/file.png
157 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/opencrystal
158 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/opencrystal/theme.xml
159 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/opencrystal/16x16
160 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/opencrystal/16x16/*.png
161 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/opencrystal/32x32
162 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/opencrystal/32x32/*.png
163 %dir %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/opencrystal/48x48
164 %{_datadir}/filezilla/resources/opencrystal/48x48/*.png
165 %{_iconsdir}/hicolor/*/apps/filezilla.png
166 %{_desktopdir}/*.desktop
167 %{_pixmapsdir}/*.png
168 %{_mandir}/man1/*.1*
169 %{_mandir}/man5/*.5*
This page took 0.060337 seconds and 4 git commands to generate.