Dependencies: Missing packages on fresh PLD vserver installation: git-core mount perl-base poldek rpm-build-tools >= 4.5-3 subversion sudo Setup: # Install all dependencies # configure passwordless sudo for user you use for cleanbuild visudo # add something like (assuming you have 'builder' as dedicated account) builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL Defaults:builder env_keep += USER # create rpm dir builder --init-rpm-dir # create directories mkdir ~/rpm/cleanRPMS mkdir ~/rpm/cleanRPMS.repo # checkout svn repo svn co # set local user name echo 'USER="builder"' > .cleanbuildrc Notes for vserver: If you are inside vserver, you need to have following context capabilities (add these lines to /etc/vserver//ccapabilities): SECURE_MOUNT BINARY_MOUNT And following system capabilities (add these lines to /etc/vserver//bcapabilities): MKNOD SYS_ADMIN Run cleanbuild: cd cleanbuild ./cleanbuild FHS You can create yourself alias for easier invocation from regular user: alias cleanbuild='_cleanbuild() { sudo -H -u builder sh -c "cd ~/cleanbuild && ./cleanbuild $*"; }; _cleanbuild' cleanbuild somepkg