%define _modname xcache Summary: %{_modname} - PHP opcode cacher Summary(pl.UTF-8): %{_modname} - buforowanie opcodów PHP Name: php-%{_modname} Version: 1.2.0 Release: 0.2 License: BSD Group: Development/Languages/PHP URL: http://xcache.lighttpd.net/ Source0:{version}.tar.bz2 # Source0-md5: ffeaa9547037e098d9b041eb9741b51e Patch0: xcache-m4.patch BuildRequires: php-devel >= 3:5.1 BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.344 BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0 %{?requires_zend_extension} Requires: php-common >= 4:5.0.4 BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description XCache is a fast, stable PHP opcode cacher that has been tested and is now running on production servers under high load. %description -l pl.UTF-8 XCache to szybkie, stabilne buforowanie opcodów PHP, przetestowane i działające na produkcyjnych serwerach o dużym obciążeniu. %prep %setup -q -n xcache %patch0 -p1 %{__sed} -i -e ' s,zend_extension =.*,zend_extension = %{php_extensiondir}/xcache.so, s,zend_extension_ts = .*,zend_extension_ts = %{php_extensiondir}/xcache.so, ' xcache.ini %build phpize %configure \ --enable-xcache \ --enable-xcache-optimizer \ --enable-xcache-coverager %{__make} -j1 %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{php_sysconfdir}/conf.d %{__make} install \ INSTALL_ROOT=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT # The cache directory where pre-compiled files will reside install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/cache/php-xcache install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xcache # Drop in the bit of configuration install xcache.ini $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{php_sysconfdir}/conf.d/%{_modname}.ini install -D admin/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xcache %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post %php_webserver_restart %postun if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then %php_webserver_restart fi %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc AUTHORS README THANKS %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{php_sysconfdir}/conf.d/%{_modname}.ini %attr(755,root,root) %{php_extensiondir}/%{_modname}.so %{_datadir}/xcache %dir %attr(775,root,http) /var/cache/php-xcache