# # Conditional build: %bcond_without tests # do not perform "make test" # %define pdir SQL %define pnam Statement Summary: SQL::Statement - SQL parsing and processing engine Summary(pl.UTF-8): SQL::Statement - silnik do przetwarzania i analizy SQL Name: perl-SQL-Statement Version: 1.412 Release: 1 # same as perl License: GPL v1+ or Artistic Group: Development/Languages/Perl Source0: http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/SQL/%{pdir}-%{pnam}-%{version}.tar.gz # Source0-md5: aa3653325bb627e32021240ff0af3b05 URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/SQL-Statement/ BuildRequires: perl-devel >= 1:5.8.0 %if %{with tests} BuildRequires: perl-Clone >= 0.30 BuildRequires: perl-Math-Base-Convert BuildRequires: perl-Math-Complex >= 1.56 BuildRequires: perl-Math-BigInt >= 1.88 BuildRequires: perl-Params-Util >= 1.00 BuildRequires: perl-Scalar-List-Utils >= 1.0 BuildRequires: perl-Test-Deep BuildRequires: perl-Test-Simple >= 0.90 BuildRequires: perl-Text-Balanced BuildRequires: perl-Text-Soundex >= 3.04 %endif BuildRequires: rpm-perlprov >= 4.1-13 Conflicts: perl-DBD-AnyData < 0.09 Conflicts: perl-DBD-CSV < 0.29 Conflicts: perl-DBI < 1.611 BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description Modules from this package can be used stand-alone to parse SQL statements or used with DBI and DBD::CSV, DBD::AnyData or other drivers to create, modify, and query data in many kinds of formats including XML, CSV, Fixed Length, Excel Spreadsheets and many others. %description -l pl.UTF-8 Moduły z tego pakietu mogą być używane samodzielnie do analizy poleceń SQL, jak też razem ze sterownikami DBI i DBD::CSV, DBD::AnyData lub innymi, do tworzenia i modyfikacji danych oraz do wykonywania zapytań przy użyciu danych w wielu formatach, włączając XML, CSV, dane o stałym rozmiarze, arkusze Excela i wiele innych. %prep %setup -q -n %{pdir}-%{pnam}-%{version} %build %{__perl} Makefile.PL \ INSTALLDIRS=vendor %{__make} %{?with_tests:%{__make} test} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__make} install \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc Changes README %{perl_vendorlib}/SQL/Dialects %{perl_vendorlib}/SQL/Statement %{perl_vendorlib}/SQL/Eval.pm %{perl_vendorlib}/SQL/Parser.pm %{perl_vendorlib}/SQL/Statement.pm %{_mandir}/man3/SQL::Dialects::*.3pm* %{_mandir}/man3/SQL::Eval.3pm* %{_mandir}/man3/SQL::Parser.3pm* %{_mandir}/man3/SQL::Statement*.3pm*