# # Conditional build: %bcond_without tests # do not perform "make test" # %include /usr/lib/rpm/macros.perl %define pdir Nagios %define pnam Object Summary: Nagios::Object - Creates perl objects to represent Nagios objects Summary(pl.UTF-8): Nagios::Object - obiekty Perla reprezentujące obiekty Nagiosa Name: perl-Nagios-Object Version: 0.21.10 Release: 1 License: GPL Group: Development/Languages/Perl Source0: http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/D/DU/DUNCS/Nagios-Object-%{version}.tar.gz # Source0-md5: c33d05353fb45b28d85a8520575c395b URL: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Nagios-Object/ BuildRequires: perl-Module-Build BuildRequires: perl-devel >= 1:5.8.0 BuildRequires: rpm-perlprov >= 4.1-13 %if %{with tests} BuildRequires: perl(Test::NoWarnings) >= 0.08 BuildRequires: perl-Test-Exception >= 0.01 %endif BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description This module contains the code for creating Perl objects to represent any of the Nagios objects. All of the Perl classes are auto-generated at compile-time, so it's pretty trivial to add new attributes or even entire objects. %description -l pl.UTF-8 Ten moduł zawiera kod do tworzenia obiektów Perla reprezentujących dowolne obiekty Nagiosa. Wszystkie klasy Perla są generowane automatycznie w czasie kompilacji, więc łatwo dodawać nowe atrybuty czy nawet całe obiekty. %prep %setup -q -n %{pdir}-%{pnam}-%{version} %build %{__perl} Build.PL \ installdirs=vendor \ destdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT ./Build %{?with_tests:./Build test} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ./Build install install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version} mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir}/*,%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}} rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{perl_vendorarch}/auto/.packlist %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc ChangeLog README %{perl_vendorlib}/Nagios %{_mandir}/man3/* %{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}