# # Conditional build: # mod_rewrite_ldap - enable ldap map supoort for mod_rewrite (alpha) # _without_apache_ipv6 - disable IPv6 support # %include /usr/lib/rpm/macros.perl Summary: The most widely used Web server on the Internet Summary(de): Leading World Wide Web-Server Summary(es): Servidor HTTPD para proveer servicios WWW Summary(fr): Le serveur web le plus utilise sur Internet Summary(pl): Serwer WWW (World Wide Web) Summary(pt_BR): Servidor HTTPD para prover serviços WWW Summary(tr): Lider WWW tarayýcý Name: apache Version: 1.3.23 Release: 1 License: Apache Group License Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner URL: http://www.apache.org/ Source0: ftp://ftp.apache.org/dist/%{name}_%{version}.tar.gz Source1: %{name}.init Source2: %{name}.logrotate Source3: %{name}-icons.tar.gz Source4: %{name}.sysconfig Source5: http://www.mif.pg.gda.pl/homepages/ankry/man-PLD/%{name}-non-english-man-pages.tar.bz2 Source6: %{name}-httpd.conf Source8: %{name}-mod_vhost_alias.conf Source9: %{name}-mod_status.conf Source10: %{name}-mod_proxy.conf Patch0: %{name}-PLD.patch Patch1: %{name}-suexec.patch Patch2: %{name}-htdocs.patch Patch3: %{name}-errordocs.patch Patch4: %{name}-apxs.patch Patch5: %{name}-mod_ssl-addon.patch Patch6: %{name}-mod_ssl-eapi.patch Patch7: %{name}-EAPI_MM_CORE_PATH-correction.patch Patch8: %{name}-EAPI_MM=SYSTEM.patch Patch9: %{name}-ipv6-PLD.patch Patch10: %{name}-modules_symbols.patch Patch11: %{name}-apxs_force_rm_cp.patch Patch12: %{name}-db3.patch Patch13: %{name}-lookup_map_ldap.patch Patch14: %{name}-man.patch Patch15: %{name}-fpic.patch Patch16: %{name}-buff.patch Patch17: %{name}-mkstemp.patch Patch18: %{name}-EAPI-missing_files.patch Patch19: %{name}-PLD-nov6.patch Patch20: %{name}-configdir_skip_backups.patch Patch21: %{name}-apxs-quiet.patch BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) BuildRequires: db3-devel BuildRequires: mm-devel >= 1.1.3 %{?mod_rewrite_ldap:BuildRequires: openldap-devel} Provides: httpd Provides: webserver Provides: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig Prereq: /usr/sbin/useradd Prereq: /usr/bin/getgid Prereq: /bin/id Prereq: sh-utils Prereq: rc-scripts Prereq: mm Prereq: perl Requires: mailcap Requires: /etc/mime.types Requires: psmisc >= 20.1 Obsoletes: apache-extra Obsoletes: apache6 Obsoletes: apache-doc Obsoletes: indexhtml %define _sysconfdir /etc/httpd %define _includedir %{_prefix}/include/apache %define _datadir /home/httpd %define _libexecdir %{_prefix}/lib/apache %description Apache is a powerful, full-featured, efficient and freely-available Web server. Apache is also the most popular Web server on the Internet. %description -l de Apache ist ein voll funktionsfähiger Web-Server, der kostenlos erhältlich und weit verbreitet ist. %description -l es El servidor web Apache es el mejor servidor gratuito disponible en el mundo UNIX hoy. Usa HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) para permitir que browsers web vean documentos y sometan datos remotamente. Puede ejecutar varias funciones diferentes, incluyendo funciones de proxy y caché, y nos ofrece características como monitor de estado, conversión dinámica de tipo, y otras más. %description -l fr Apache est un serveur Web puissant, efficace, gratuit et complet. Apache est aussi le serveur Web le plus populaire sur Internet. %description -l pl Apache jest serwerem WWW (World Wide Web). Instaluj±c ten pakiet bêdziesz móg³ prezentowaæ w³asne strony WWW w sieci internet. %description -l pt_BR O servidor web Apache é o melhor servidor gratuito disponível no mundo UNIX hoje. Ele usa HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) para permitir que browsers web vejam documentos e submetam dados remotamente. Ele pode executar várias funções diferentes, incluindo funções de proxy e cache, e oferece características como monitor de status, conversão dinâmica de tipo, e mais. %description -l tr Apache serbest daðýtýlan ve çok kullanýlan yetenekli bir web sunucusudur. %package suexec Summary: Apache suexec wrapper Summary(pl): Suexec wrapper do serwera www Apache Group: Development/Tools Group(cs): Vývojové prostøedky/Nástroje Group(da): Udvikling/Værktøj Group(de): Entwicklung/Tools Group(es): Desarrollo/Herramientas Group(fr): Development/Outils Group(it): Sviluppo/Tool Group(ja): ³«È¯/¥Ä¡¼¥ë Group(no): Utvikling/Verktøy Group(pl): Programowanie/Narzêdzia Group(pt): Desenvolvimento/Ferramentas Group(ru): òÁÚÒÁÂÏÔËÁ/éÎÓÔÒÕÍÅÎÔÙ Group(sv): Utveckling/Verktyg Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description suexec The suEXEC feature provides Apache users the ability to run CGI and SSI programs under user IDs different from the user ID of the calling web-server. Normally, when a CGI or SSI program executes, it runs as the same user who is running the web server. %description suexec -l pl SuEXEC umo¿liwia serwerowi Apache uruchamianie programów CGI i SSI z innym UID ni¿ wywo³uj±cy je serwer. Normalnie programy CGI i SSI s± wykonywane jako taki sam u¿ytkownik jak serwer WWW. %package devel Summary: Module development tools for the Apache web server Summary(es): Archivos de inclusión del Apache para desarrollo de módulos Summary(fr): Les outils de developpement de modules pour le serveur web Apache Summary(pl): Pliki nag³ówkowe do tworzenai modu³ów rozszerzeñ do serwera www Apache Summary(pt_BR): Arquivos de inclusão do Apache para desenvolvimento de módulos Group: Networking/Utilities Group(cs): Sí»ové/Utility Group(da): Netværks/Værktøj Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Dienstprogramme Group(es): Red/Utilitarios Group(fr): Réseau/Utilitaires Group(it): Rete/Utility Group(no): Nettverks/Verktøy Group(pl): Sieciowe/Narzêdzia Group(pt_BR): Rede/Utilitários Group(pt): Rede/Utilidades Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/ðÒÉÌÏÖÅÎÉÑ Group(sv): Nätverk/Verktyg Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} Provides: %{name}(EAPI)-devel %description devel The apache-devel package contains header files for Apache. %description devel -l es Este paquete contiene los archivos de inclusión para el Apache, bien como el utilitario apxs para la construcción de objetos compartidos dinámicos (DSOs). Ha ce falta instalar este paquete si deseas compilar o desarrollar módulos adicionales para Apache. %description devel -l fr Le package apache-devel contient le code source pour le serveur Web Apache et le binaire APXS dont vous aurez besoin pour construire des Objets Dynamiques Partages (DSOs) pour Apache. %description devel -l pl Pliki nag³ówkowe dla serwera WWW Apache. %description devel -l pt_BR Este pacote contem os arquivos de inclusão para o Apache, bem como o utilitário apxs para a construção de objetos compartilhados dinâmicos (DSOs). Este pacote precisa ser instalado se você deseja compilar ou desenvolver módulos adicionais para o Apache. %package mod_actions Summary: Apache module for run CGI whenever a file of a certain type is requested Summary(pl): Modu³ dla apache do uruchamiania skryptów cgi Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_actions This package contains mod_actions module. This module lets you run CGI scripts whenever a file of a certain type is requested. This makes it much easier to execute scripts that process files. %description mod_actions -l pl Ten modu³ pozwala na uruchamianie skryptów w momencie gdy nadchodzi ¿±danie pobrania pliku okre¶lonego typu. %package mod_auth Summary: Apache module with user authentication using textual files Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_auth This package contains mod_auth module. It provides for user authentication using textual files. %description mod_auth -l pl Ten pakiet zawiera modu³ mod_auth. S³u¿y on do autentykacji przy u¿yciu plików tekstowych. %package mod_auth_anon Summary: Apache module with "anonymous" user access authentication Summary(pl): Modu³ apache oferuj±cy anonimow± autoryzacjê u¿ytkownia Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_auth_anon This package contains mod_auth_anon module. It allows "anonymous" user access to authenticated areas. It does access control in a manner similar to anonymous-ftp sites; i.e. have a 'magic' user id 'anonymous' and the email address as a password. These email addresses can be logged. Combined with other (database) access control methods, this allows for effective user tracking and customization according to a user profile while still keeping the site open for 'unregistered' users. One advantage of using Auth-based user tracking is that, unlike magic-cookies and funny URL pre/postfixes, it is completely browser independent and it allows users to share URLs. %description mod_auth_anon -l pl Ten modu³ oferuje anonimow± autoryzacjê u¿ytkownia podobnie do anonimowych serwerów ftp (u¿ytkownik ,,anonymous'' oraz has³o w postaci adresu pocztowego u¿ytkownika). %package mod_auth_db Summary: Apache module with user authentication which uses Berkeley DB files Summary(pl): Modu³ apache z mechanizmem autentykacji u¿ywaj±cym plików Berkeley DB Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_auth_db This package contains mod_auth_db module. It provides for user authentication using Berkeley DB files. It is an alternative to DBM files for those systems which support DB and not DBM. It is only available in Apache 1.1 and later. %description mod_auth_db -l pl Ten pakiet zawiera modu³ mod_auth_db. Modu³ ten s³u¿y do autentykacji ale jako plików danych u¿ywa Berkeley DB. %package mod_define Summary: Apache module - authentication variables for arbitrary directives Summary(pl): Modu³ apache do definiowania zmiennych Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_define It provides the definition variables for arbitrary directives, i.e. variables which can be expanded on any(!) directive line. %description mod_define -l pl Modu³ ten umo¿liwia definicjê zmiennych i dyrektyw. %package mod_digest Summary: Apache user authentication module using MD5 Digest Authentication Summary(pl): Modu³ apache do autoryzacji MD5 Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_digest This package contains mod_digest module. It provides user authentication using MD5 Digest Authentication. %description mod_digest -l pl Modu³ ten dostarcza metodê autoryzacji bazuj±c± na MD5 Digest Authentication. %package mod_dir Summary: Apache module for "trailing slash" redirects and serving directory index files Summary(pl): Modu³ oferuj±cy przekierowania i serwowanie indeksu katalogu. Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_dir This package contains mod_dir which provides "trailing slash" redirects and serving directory index files. %description mod_dir -l pl Modu³ oferuj±cy przekierowania i serwowanie indeksu katalogu. %package mod_headers Summary: Apache module allows for the customization of HTTP response headers Summary(pl): Modu³ pozwalaj±cy na modyfikacjê nag³ówków HTTP Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_headers This package contains mod_headers module. The module allows for the customization of HTTP response headers. Headers can be merged, replaced or removed. %description mod_headers -l pl Modu³ pozwalaj±cy na ³±czenie, usuwania, zamianê nag³ówków HTTP wysy³anych do przegl±darki. %package mod_mmap_static Summary: Apache module for mmap()ing statically configured list files Summary(pl): Modu³ s³u¿±cy do mmap()owania plików. Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_mmap_static This package contains mod_mmap_static module. It provides mmap()ing of a statically configured list of frequently requested but not changed files. %description mod_mmap_static -l pl Modu³ umo¿liwia mmap()owanie statycznie skonfigurowanych plików (czêsto u¿ywanych ale nie ulegaj±cych zmianom). %package mod_imap Summary: Apache module with imap-file handler Summary(pl): Modu³ z obs³ug± imap-file Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_imap This package contains mod_imap module. It provides for .map files, replacing the functionality of the imagemap CGI program. Any directory or document type configured to use the handler imap-file. %description mod_imap -l pl Modu³ umozliwiaj±cy obs³ugê plików .map (imap-file handler) %package mod_info Summary: Apache module with comprehensive overview of the server configuration Summary(pl): Modu³ dostarczaj±cy informacji na temat serwera. Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_info This package contains mod_info module. It provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration including all installed modules and directives in the configuration files. %description mod_info -l pl Modu³ dostarczaj±cy informacji o konfiguracji serwera, zainstalowanych modu³ach itp. %package mod_proxy Summary: Apache module with Web proxy Summary(pl): Modu³ dodaj±cy obs³ugê serwera proxy Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_proxy This package contains module with implementation a proxy/cache for Apache. It implements proxying capability for FTP, CONNECT (for SSL), HTTP/0.9, and HTTP/1.0. The module can be configured to connect to other proxy modules for these and other protocols. %description mod_proxy -l pl Modu³ zawiera implementacjê serwera proxy/cache dla Apache. Iplementacja zawiera obs³ugê FTP, CONNECT (dla SSL), HTTP/0.9 i HTTP/1.0. %package mod_rewrite Summary: Apache module with rule-based engine for rewrite requested URLs on the fly Summary(pl): Modu³ do ,,przepisywania'' adresów URL w locie Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_rewrite This package contains It provides a rule-based rewriting engine to rewrite requested URLs on the fly. %description mod_rewrite -l pl Modu³ oferuj±cy mo¿liwo¶æ ,,przepisywania'' adresów URL w locie. %package mod_status Summary: Server status report module for apache Summary(pl): Modu³ dostarczaj±cy informacje statystyczne o serwerze. Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_status The Status module allows a server administrator to find out how well their server is performing. A HTML page is presented that gives the current server statistics in an easily readable form. If required this page can be made to automatically refresh (given a compatible browser). %description mod_status -l pl Modu³ pozwala administratorowi na przegl±danie statystyk dotycz±cych pracy serwera apache (w postaci strony HTML). %package mod_usertrack Summary: Apache module for user tracking using cookies Summary(pl): Modu³ s³u¿±cy do ¶ledzenia ,,ciasteczek''. Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_usertrack This package contains the user tracking module which did its own logging using CookieLog directory. This module allow multiple log files. %description mod_usertrack -l pl Modu³ pozwalaj±cy na ¶ledzenie ,,ciasteczek''. %package mod_vhost_alias Summary: Apache module for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting Summary(pl): Modu³ dodaj±cy obs³ugê hostów wirtualnych. Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_vhost_alias This package contains the mod_vhost_alias. It provides support for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting. %description mod_vhost_alias -l pl Modu³ umo¿liwia na dynamiczne konfigurowanie masowej ilo¶ci serwerów wirtualnych. %package mod_unique_id Summary: Apache module which provides a magic token for each request Summary(pl): Modu³ nadaj±cy ka¿demu ¿±daniu unikalny token Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_unique_id This package contains the mod_unique_id. This module provides a magic token for each request which is guaranteed to be unique across "all" requests under very specific conditions. The unique identifier is even unique across multiple machines in a properly configured cluster of machines. The environment variable UNIQUE_ID is set to the identifier for each request. Unique identifiers are useful for various reasons which are beyond the scope of this document. %description mod_unique_id -l pl Modu³ nadaje przy ka¿dym ¿±daniu token unikalny w ramach wszystkich ¿±dañ, nawet w ramach poprawnie skonfigurowanego klastra z wielu maszyn. Modu³ ustawia przy ka¿dym ¿±daniu zmienn± ¶rodowiskow± UNIQUE_ID. %package mod_expires Summary: Apache module which generates Expires HTTP headers Summary(pl): Modu³ generuj±cy nag³ówki HTTP Expires Group: Networking/Daemons Group(cs): Sí»ové/Démoni Group(da): Netværks/Dæmoner Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Server Group(es): Red/Servidores Group(fr): Réseau/Serveurs Group(it): Rete/Demoni Group(no): Nettverks/Daemoner Group(pl): Sieciowe/Serwery Group(pt): Rede/Servidores Group(ru): óÅÔÅ×ÙÅ/äÅÍÏÎÙ Group(sv): Nätverk/Demoner Prereq: %{_sbindir}/apxs Prereq: perl Requires: %{name}(EAPI) = %{version} %description mod_expires This module controls the setting of the Expires HTTP header in server responses. The expiration date can set to be relative to either the time the source file was last modified, or to the time of the client access. %description mod_expires -l pl Modu³ kontroluje ustawianie nag³ówka HTTP Expires. Data wyga¶niêcia wa¿no¶ci mo¿e byæ ustalana w zale¿no¶ci od czasu modyfikacji plików ¼ród³owych lub odwo³ania klienta. %prep %setup -q -n apache_%{version} -a3 %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 %patch5 -p0 %patch6 -p0 %patch7 -p1 %patch8 -p1 %{!?_without_apache_ipv6:%patch9 -p1} %patch10 -p1 %patch11 -p1 %patch12 -p1 %{?mod_rewrite_ldap:%patch13 -p1} %patch14 -p1 %patch15 -p1 %patch16 -p1 %patch17 -p1 %patch18 -p1 %{?_without_apache_ipv6:%patch19 -p1} %patch20 -p1 %patch21 -p1 %build OPTIM="%{rpmcflags}" \ ./configure \ --prefix=%{_prefix} \ --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \ --includedir=%{_includedir} \ --sbindir=%{_sbindir} \ --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \ --datadir=%{_datadir} \ --manualdir=%{_datadir}/html/manual \ --localstatedir=/var \ --runtimedir=/var/run \ --logfiledir=/var/log/httpd \ --with-layout=PLD \ --without-confadjust \ --enable-module=all \ --enable-shared=max \ --proxycachedir=/var/cache/apache \ --with-perl=%{_bindir}/perl \ --enable-suexec \ --suexec-caller=http \ --suexec-uidmin=500 \ --suexec-gidmin=500 \ --suexec-docroot=%{_datadir} \ --disable-rule=WANTHSREGEX \ --enable-rule=EAPI \ %{!?_without_apache_ipv6:--enable-rule=INET6} %{__make} LIBS1="-lm -lcrypt -lmm -ldl" rm -f src/modules/standard/mod_auth_db.so %{__make} -C src/modules/standard mod_auth_db.so LIBS_SHLIB="-ldb" rm -f src/modules/standard/mod_rewrite.so %{__make} -C src/modules/standard mod_rewrite.so LIBS_SHLIB="-ldb %{?mod_rewrite_ldap:-lldap -llber}" %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{logrotate.d,rc.d/init.d,sysconfig} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/errordocs \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/{log/{httpd,archiv/httpd},run/apache} %{__make} install-quiet root="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" mv -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/html/manual $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir} install %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/logrotate.d/apache install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd install %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig/apache bzip2 -dc %{SOURCE5} | tar xf - -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir} touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/httpd/{access,error,agent,referer}_log install errordocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/errordocs install %{SOURCE6} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf install %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mod_vhost_alias.conf install %{SOURCE9} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mod_status.conf install %{SOURCE10} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/mod_proxy.conf ln -sf index.html.en $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/html/index.html gzip -9nf ABOUT_APACHE src/CHANGES README %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %pre if [ -n "`getgid http`" ]; then if [ "`getgid http`" != "51" ]; then echo "Warning: group http haven't gid=51. Correct this before installing apache" 1>&2 exit 1 fi else /usr/sbin/groupadd -g 51 -r -f http fi if [ -n "`id -u http 2>/dev/null`" ]; then if [ "`id -u http`" != "51" ]; then echo "Warning: user http haven't uid=51. Correct this before installing apache" 1>&2 exit 1 fi else /usr/sbin/useradd -u 51 -r -d /home/httpd -s /bin/false -c "HTTP User" -g http http 1>&2 fi %post /sbin/chkconfig --add httpd %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n access %{_libexecdir}/mod_access.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n alias %{_libexecdir}/mod_alias.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n asis %{_libexecdir}/mod_asis.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n autoindex %{_libexecdir}/mod_autoindex.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n cern_meta %{_libexecdir}/mod_cern_meta.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n cgi %{_libexecdir}/mod_cgi.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n env %{_libexecdir}/mod_env.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n include %{_libexecdir}/mod_include.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n log_agent %{_libexecdir}/mod_log_agent.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n log_config %{_libexecdir}/mod_log_config.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n log_referer %{_libexecdir}/mod_log_referer.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n mime_magic %{_libexecdir}/mod_mime_magic.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n mime %{_libexecdir}/mod_mime.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n negotiation %{_libexecdir}/mod_negotiation.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n setenvif %{_libexecdir}/mod_setenvif.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n speling %{_libexecdir}/mod_speling.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n userdir %{_libexecdir}/mod_userdir.so 1>&2 umask 137 touch /var/log/httpd/{access,error,agent,referer}_log if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n access %{_libexecdir}/mod_access.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n alias %{_libexecdir}/mod_alias.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n asis %{_libexecdir}/mod_asis.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n autoindex %{_libexecdir}/mod_autoindex.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n cern_meta %{_libexecdir}/mod_cern_meta.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n cgi %{_libexecdir}/mod_cgi.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n env %{_libexecdir}/mod_env.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n include %{_libexecdir}/mod_include.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n log_agent %{_libexecdir}/mod_log_agent.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n log_config %{_libexecdir}/mod_log_config.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n log_referer %{_libexecdir}/mod_log_referer.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n mime %{_libexecdir}/mod_mime.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n mime_magic %{_libexecdir}/mod_mime_magic.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n negotiation %{_libexecdir}/mod_negotiation.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n setenvif %{_libexecdir}/mod_setenvif.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n speling %{_libexecdir}/mod_speling.so 1>&2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n userdir %{_libexecdir}/mod_userdir.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop 1>&2 fi /sbin/chkconfig --del httpd fi %postun if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then /usr/sbin/userdel http /usr/sbin/groupdel http fi %post mod_actions %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n actions %{_libexecdir}/mod_actions.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_actions if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n actions %{_libexecdir}/mod_actions.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_auth %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n auth %{_libexecdir}/mod_auth.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_auth if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n auth %{_libexecdir}/mod_auth.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_auth_anon %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n auth_anon %{_libexecdir}/mod_auth_anon.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_auth_anon if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n auth_anon %{_libexecdir}/mod_auth_anon.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_auth_db %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n auth_db %{_libexecdir}/mod_auth_db.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_auth_db if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n auth_db %{_libexecdir}/mod_auth_db.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %triggerpostun mod_auth_db -- apache-mod_auth_db <= 1.3.20-2 %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n auth_dbm %{_libexecdir}/mod_auth_dbm.so 1>&2 %post mod_define %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n define %{_libexecdir}/mod_define.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_define if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n define %{_libexecdir}/mod_define.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_digest %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n digest %{_libexecdir}/mod_digest.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_digest if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n digest %{_libexecdir}/mod_digest.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_dir %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n dir %{_libexecdir}/mod_dir.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_dir if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n dir %{_libexecdir}/mod_dir.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_expires %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n expires %{_libexecdir}/mod_expires.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_expires if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n expires %{_libexecdir}/mod_expires.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_headers %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n headers %{_libexecdir}/mod_headers.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_headers if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n headers %{_libexecdir}/mod_headers.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_mmap_static %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n mmap_static %{_libexecdir}/mod_mmap_static.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_mmap_static if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n mmap_static %{_libexecdir}/mod_mmap_static.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_imap %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n imap %{_libexecdir}/mod_imap.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_imap if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n imap %{_libexecdir}/mod_imap.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_info %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n info %{_libexecdir}/mod_info.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_info if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n info %{_libexecdir}/mod_info.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_proxy %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n proxy %{_libexecdir}/libproxy.so 1>&2 if [ -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf ] && ! grep -q "^Include.*mod_proxy.conf" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf; then echo "Include /etc/httpd/mod_proxy.conf" >> /etc/httpd/httpd.conf fi if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_proxy if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n proxy %{_libexecdir}/libproxy.so 1>&2 grep -v -q "^Include.*mod_proxy.conf" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf > \ /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.tmp mv -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.tmp /etc/httpd/httpd.conf if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_rewrite %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n rewrite %{_libexecdir}/mod_rewrite.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_rewrite if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n rewrite %{_libexecdir}/mod_rewrite.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_status %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n status %{_libexecdir}/mod_status.so 1>&2 if [ -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf ] && ! grep -q "^Include.*mod_status.conf" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf; then echo "Include /etc/httpd/mod_status.conf" >> /etc/httpd/httpd.conf fi if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_status if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n status %{_libexecdir}/mod_status.so 1>&2 grep -v -q "^Include.*mod_status.conf" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf > \ /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.tmp mv -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.tmp /etc/httpd/httpd.conf if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_usertrack %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n usertrack %{_libexecdir}/mod_usertrack.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_usertrack if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n usertrack %{_libexecdir}/mod_usertrack.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_unique_id %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n unique_id %{_libexecdir}/mod_unique_id.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_unique_id if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n unique_id %{_libexecdir}/mod_unique_id.so 1>&2 if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %post mod_vhost_alias %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -a -n vhost_alias %{_libexecdir}/mod_vhost_alias.so 1>&2 if [ -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf ] && ! grep -q "^Include.*mod_vhost_alias.conf" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf; then echo "Include /etc/httpd/mod_vhost_alias.conf" >> /etc/httpd/httpd.conf fi if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 else echo "Run \"/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start\" to start apache http daemon." fi %preun mod_vhost_alias if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then %{_sbindir}/apxs -e -A -n vhost_alias %{_libexecdir}/mod_vhost_alias.so 1>&2 grep -v -q "^Include.*mod_vhost_alias.conf" /etc/httpd/httpd.conf > \ /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.tmp mv -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.tmp /etc/httpd/httpd.conf if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2 fi fi %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc ABOUT_APACHE.gz src/CHANGES.gz KEYS.gz README.gz %doc conf/mime.types %attr(754,root,root) /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd %attr(750,root,root) %dir %{_sysconfdir} %attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) %{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf %attr(640,root,root) %{_sysconfdir}/magic %attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) /etc/sysconfig/* %attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) /etc/logrotate.d/* %dir %{_libexecdir} %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_access.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_alias.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_asis.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_autoindex.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_cern_meta.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_cgi.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_env.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_include.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_log_agent.so %attr(755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/mod_log_config.so %attr(755,root,root) 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