# Conditional build: %bcond_without dist_kernel # allow non-distribution kernel %bcond_without kernel # don't build kernel modules %bcond_without userspace # don't build userspace programs %bcond_with verbose # verbose build (V=1) %if %{without kernel} %undefine with_dist_kernel %endif %if "%{_alt_kernel}" != "%{nil}" %undefine with_userspace %endif %if %{without userspace} # nothing to be placed to debuginfo package %define _enable_debug_packages 0 %endif %define rel 0.1 %define pname rr174x %define basever 2.1 %define subver 08.0710 %define _subver %(echo %{subver} | tr -d .) Summary: Driver for HighPoint RocketRAID 174x SATA controller Name: %{pname}%{_alt_kernel} Version: %{basever}.%{subver} Release: %{rel} License: Proprietary Group: Base/Kernel Source0: http://www.highpoint-tech.com/BIOS_Driver/rr1740/Linux/%{pname}-linux-src-v%{basever}-%{_subver}-1311.tar.gz # Source0-md5: 12763d34c8b725ce0c25e3431745e1ce Patch0: %{pname}-cflags.patch URL: http://www.highpoint-tech.com/ %if %{with kernel} %{?with_dist_kernel:BuildRequires: kernel%{_alt_kernel}-module-build >= 3:} BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.379 %endif ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} %{x8664} BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description This package contains Linux driver for HighPoint RocketRAID 174x SATA controller. %package -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-misc-rr174x Summary: Linux driver for rr174x Summary(pl.UTF-8): Sterownik dla Linuksa do rr174x Release: %{rel}@%{_kernel_ver_str} Group: Base/Kernel Requires(post,postun): /sbin/depmod %if %{with dist_kernel} %requires_releq_kernel Requires(postun): %releq_kernel %endif %description -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-misc-rr174x This is driver for rr174x for Linux. This package contains Linux module. %description -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-misc-rr174x -l pl.UTF-8 Sterownik dla Linuksa do rr174x. Ten pakiet zawiera moduł jądra Linuksa. %prep %setup -q -n %{pname}-linux-src-v%{basever} %{__sed} -i -e 's,\r$,,' README inc/linux/Makefile.def %patch0 -p1 %build %if %{with kernel} pwd=$(pwd) cd product/rr1740pm/linux # XXX: fool build macro touch rr174x.ko %build_kernel_modules -m rr174x KERNELDIR=$(pwd)/o KERNEL_VER=2.6 HPT_ROOT="$pwd" # XXX. it didn't build module with above... %{__make} KERNELDIR=$(pwd)/o mv -f rr174x{,-dist}.ko %endif %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %if %{with kernel} %install_kernel_modules -m product/rr1740pm/linux/rr174x -d kernel/misc %endif %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-misc-rr174x %depmod %{_kernel_ver} %postun -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-misc-rr174x %depmod %{_kernel_ver} %if %{with kernel} %files -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-misc-rr174x %defattr(644,root,root,755) /lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}/kernel/misc/*.ko* %endif