# Group attributes file for the TIN newsreader # # scope=STRING (ie. alt.sources or *sources*) [mandatory] # # maildir=STRING (ie. ~/Mail) # savedir=STRING (ie. ~user/News) # savefile=STRING (ie. =linux) # organization=STRING (if beginning with '/' read from file) # from=STRING (just append wanted From:-line, don't use quotes) # sigfile=STRING (ie. $var/sig) # followup_to=STRING # printer=STRING # auto_select=ON/OFF # auto_save=ON/OFF # auto_save_msg=ON/OFF # batch_save=ON/OFF # delete_tmp_files=ON/OFF # show_only_unread=ON/OFF # # thread_arts=NUM # 0=none, 1=subj, 2=refs, 3=both # # show_author=NUM # 0=none, 1=name, 2=addr, 3=both # # sort_art_type=NUM # 0=none, 1=subj descend, 2=subj ascend, # 3=from descend, 4=from ascend, # 5=date descend, 6=date ascend # # 7=score descend, 8=score ascend # # post_proc_type=NUM # 0=none, 1=unshar, 2=uudecode, # 3=uudecode & list zoo archive, # 4=uudecode & extract zoo archive # 5=uudecode & list zip archive, # 6=uudecode & extract zip archive # # mailing_list=STRING (ie. majordomo@list.org) # x_headers=STRING (ie. ~/.tin/extra-headers) # x_body=STRING (ie. ~/.tin/extra-body-text) # quick_kill_scope = STRING (ie. talk.*) # quick_kill_expire = ON/OFF # quick_kill_case = ON/OFF # quick_kill_header = NUM # 0=subj (case sensitive) 1=subj (ignore case) # 2=from (case sensitive) 3=from (ignore case) # 4=msgid 5=lines # # quick_select_scope = STRING # quick_select_expire = ON/OFF # quick_select_case = ON/OFF # quick_select_header = NUM # 0=subj (case sensitive) 1=subj (ignore case) # 2=from (case sensitive) 3=from (ignore case) # 4=msgid 5=lines # # x_comment_to=ON/OFF # news_quote_format=STRING # # quote_chars=STRING (%s, %S for initials) # # Note that it is best to put general (global scoping) # entries first followed by group specific entries. # ############################################################################ # in *sources* set post process type to shar scope=*sources* post_proc_type=1 scope=* x_headers=~/.tin/headers # in *binaries* set post process type to uudecode, remove tmp files # and set Followup-To: poster scope=*binaries* post_proc_type=2 delete_tmp_files=ON followup_to=poster scope=*,!pl.* undeclared_charset=ISO-8859-1 scope=pl.* undeclared_charset=ISO-8859-2