#!/bin/sh # (C) 2001 Arkadiusz Mi¶kiewicz # Hardware Profiles for rc-scripts TOTALNEW. # $Id$ PROFDIR="/etc/sysconfig/hwprofiles" QUIET=0 . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions . /etc/sysconfig/hwprof [ -z "${EDITOR}" ] && EDITOR=vi if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "Need superuser privileges. Can't continue!" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d ${PROFDIR} -o ! -d ${PROFDIR}/data ]; then echo "${PROFDIR} or ${PROFDIR}/data not found. Can't continue!" exit 1 fi myecho() { if [ $QUIET -eq 0 ]; then echo $@ fi } showhelp() { echo ' no opts - show help a - add profile d - delete profile r foo - run specified profile or "default" if such exist s - save/update running profile f - find proper profile and run it l - list configured profiles q - be quiet (used only in few modes) Please send all bug reports to: pld-rc-scripts@pld-linux.org. ' } # This function probably must be enhanced. md5sumgen() { ( \ grep -v "MHz" /proc/cpuinfo 2> /dev/null \ grep -v "Latency" /proc/pci 2> /dev/null \ ) | md5sum | awk ' { gsub(/ .*$/,NIL); print $0 } ' } while getopts adflsqr: opt "$@"; do case "$opt" in a) echo "Adding new profile..." if [ -f /var/run/hwprofile ]; then echo -n "Current profile is: " cat /var/run/hwprofile fi PROFILE= while [ -z "${PROFILE}" ]; do echo -n "Enter profile name: " read PROFILE if [ -f ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.md5 ]; then echo "Profile ${PROFILE} exist. Try other name." PROFILE= fi done rm -rf ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.* ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/ md5sumgen > ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.md5 LANG=C LC_ALL=C date > ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.date mkdir -p ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/ chmod 700 ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/ echo -n "Enter profile description (PROFDIR/${PROFILE}.desc): " read DESCRIPTION [ -z "${DESCRIPTION}" ] && DESCRIPTION="${PROFILE}" echo "${DESCRIPTION}" > ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.desc echo "Now, editor will be started and you need to enter list of files" echo "for this profile (later as ${EDITOR} ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files)." echo "Press Enter." read if [ -f ${PROFDIR}/files -o ! -f ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files ]; then cat ${PROFDIR}/files > ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files; fi ${EDITOR} ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files FILES= echo "Validating and copying valid files for this profile:" for file in $(grep -v "^#" ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files); do if [ ! -f ${file} -o "${file}" = "/etc/sysconfig/hwprof" ]; then echo "${file}: invalid, skipping" continue fi bfile=$(basename ${file}) echo "Copying ${file} to ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/${file}..." cp -dp --parents ${file} ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/ FILES="${file}\n${FILES}" done echo -e "${FILES}" > ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files rm -f ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.*~ echo "New profile ready." break ;; d) echo "Deleting existing profile..." PROFILE= while [ -z ${PROFILE} ]; do echo -n "Enter profile name: " read PROFILE if [ ! -f ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.md5 ]; then echo "Profile ${PROFILE} doesn't exist. Try other name." PROFILE= fi done echo -n "Are you sure? [t/N]: " read YN case "${YN}" in y | t ) # ok ;; *) echo "Exiting then." exit 1 ;; esac rm -rf ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.* ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/ echo "Done." break ;; r) PROFILE="${OPTARG}" if [ -z "${PROFILE}" -o ! -f ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files ]; then echo "Can't setup ${PROFILE}. No required data." exit 1 fi echo -n "Setting up profile \"${PROFILE}\" " myecho ""; for file in $(grep -v "^#" ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files); do if [ ! -f ${file} -o "${file}" = "/etc/sysconfig/hwprof" ]; then myecho "${file}: invalid, skipping" continue fi echo -n "."; myecho "Copying ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/${file} to ${file}..." cp -dp ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/${file} ${file} 2>/dev/null done echo ${PROFILE} > /var/run/hwprofile echo " Done."; myecho "Profile \"${PROFILE}\" running." break ;; f) PROFILE= PROFILEMD5=$(md5sumgen) myecho "Trying to find proper profile..." for prof in $(ls -1 ${PROFDIR}/*.md5 2> /dev/null); do prof=$(basename ${prof}) CURRENTMD5="$(cat ${PROFDIR}/${prof} 2> /dev/null)" # echo "$prof ${CURRENTMD5} ${PROFILEMD5}"; [ -z "${CURRENTMD5}" ] && continue if [ "${CURRENTMD5}" = "${PROFILEMD5}" ]; then PROFILE=$(echo ${prof} | awk ' { gsub(/\.md5/,NIL); print $0 } ') break; fi done if [ -z "${PROFILE}" ]; then if is_yes "${ASKFORPROFILE}"; then echo "Available profiles:"; PS3='Enter number profile: '; LISTA=$(ls ${PROFDIR}/*.desc 2> /dev/null); for i in ${LISTA}; do a=$(basename $i .desc); LISTA1="${a} ${LISTA1}"; done LISTA1="${LISTA1} Default"; select PROFILE in $LISTA1; do if [ "${PROFILE}" ]; then break fi done if [ "${PROFILE}" == "Default" ]; then PROFILE= fi fi fi if [ -z "${PROFILE}" ]; then if [ ! -f ${PROFDIR}/default.md5 ]; then echo "Valid profile not found. Starting with current files." exit 0 else echo "Valid profile not found. Starting with \"default\" profile." PROFILE=default fi fi if [ ! -z "${PROFILE}" ]; then myecho "Found profile \"${PROFILE}\" with md5sum \"${PROFILEMD5}\"." if [ $QUIET -eq 0 ]; then $0 -r ${PROFILE}; else $0 -qr ${PROFILE}; fi fi break ;; s) PROFILE=$(cat /var/run/hwprofile 2> /dev/null) if [ -z "${PROFILE}" ]; then echo "No profile currenty running." exit 1 fi if [ ! -f ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files ]; then echo "${PROFILE}.files is missing. Can't continue." exit 1 fi echo -n "Saving/updating current [${PROFILE}] profile " md5sumgen > ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.md5 myecho ""; for file in $(grep -v "^#" ${PROFDIR}/${PROFILE}.files); do echo -n "."; if [ ! -f ${file} -o "${file}" = "/etc/sysconfig/hwprof" ]; then myecho "${file}: invalid, skipping" continue fi myecho "Copying ${file} to ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/${file}" cp -dp --parents ${file} ${PROFDIR}/data/${PROFILE}/ done echo " Done." break ;; l) echo "List of configured profiles:" for prof in $(ls -1 ${PROFDIR}/*.md5 2> /dev/null); do prof=$(basename ${prof}) profname=$(echo ${prof} | awk ' { gsub(/\.md5/,NIL); print $0 } ') echo "Name : ${profname}" echo -n "Desc : " if [ -f ${PROFDIR}/${profname}.md5 ]; then cat ${PROFDIR}/${profname}.desc else echo "MISSING" fi echo -n "Created : " if [ -f ${PROFDIR}/${profname}.date ]; then cat ${PROFDIR}/${profname}.date else echo "MISSING" fi echo -n "md5sum : " if [ -f ${PROFDIR}/${profname}.md5 ]; then cat ${PROFDIR}/${profname}.md5 else echo "MISSING" fi echo -n "Files : " if [ -f ${PROFDIR}/${profname}.files ]; then cat ${PROFDIR}/${profname}.files | xargs else echo "MISSING" fi echo done echo "End." break ;; q) QUIET=1; export QUIET; ;; *) showhelp exit 1 break ;; esac done if [ "$#" -le "0" ]; then showhelp exit 1 fi exit 0 # This must be last line ! # vi:syntax=sh:tw=78:ts=2:sw=2