## This Loads mod_auth_xradius into Apache LoadModule auth_xradius_module modules/mod_auth_xradius.so ## The Cache for mod_auth_xradius must be configured globally. ## If you do not want Authentication Caching, set: # AuthXRadiusCache none - ## A Local DBM Based Cache (low performance) # AuthXRadiusCache dbm "conf/auth_xradius_cache" ## Only a Single memcached Server # AuthXRadiusCache memcache "" ## Multiple memcached Servers #AuthXRadiusCache memcache "" ## Time in Seconds that an entry will be cached. AuthXRadiusCacheTimeout 300 ## All of the directives inside the block can be placed ## inside '.htaccess' files. ## This is what the client sees in their Prompt. AuthName "Private Area" ## Type of authentication to use. AuthType basic ## Address and the Shared Secret of the RADIUS Server to contact. AuthXRadiusAddServer "localhost:1812" "super-secret" ## Multiple Servers can be added in the same context. # AuthXRadiusAddServer "" "2secrets" # AuthXRadiusAddServer "" "secret1" ## Time in Seconds to wait for replies from the RADIUS Servers AuthXRadiusTimeout 2 ## Number of times to resend a request to a server if no reply is received. AuthXRadiusRetries 2 ## This tells apache that we want a valid user and password. require valid-user