#!/bin/awk -f # # This is adapter v0.27. Adapter adapts .spec files for PLD Linux. # $Id$ # # Copyright (C) 1999-2006 PLD-Team # Authors: # Michał Kuratczyk # Sebastian Zagrodzki # Tomasz Kłoczko # Artur Frysiak # Michal Kochanowicz # Elan Ruusamä¤e # # See cvs log adapter{,.awk} for list of contributors # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # TODO # - parse ../PLD-doc/BuildRequires.txt and setup proper BR epoches? # - add "-nc" option to skip CVS interaction # - sort Summary(XX) # - sort Requires, BuildRequires # - check if %description (lang=C) contains 8bit # - desc wrapping is totally fucked up on global.spec,1.25, dosemu.spec,1.115- BEGIN { RPM_SECTIONS = "package|build|changelog|clean|description|install|post|posttrans|postun|pre|prep|pretrans|preun|triggerin|triggerpostun|triggerun|verifyscript|check" SECTIONS = "^%(" RPM_SECTIONS ")" PREAMBLE_TAGS = "(Summary|Name|Version|Release|Epoch|License|Group|URL|BuildArch|BuildRoot|Obsoletes|Conflicts|Provides|ExclusiveArch|ExcludeArch|Pre[Rr]eq|(Build)?Requires)" preamble = 1 # Is it part of preamble? Default - yes boc = 4 # Beginning of %changelog bod = 0 # Beginning of %description tw = 70 # Descriptions width b_idx = 0 # index of BR/R arrays # If variable removed, then 1 (for removing it from export) removed["LDFLAGS"] = 0 removed["CFLAGS"] = 0 removed["CXXFLAGS"] = 0 # get cvsaddress for changelog section # using rpm macros as too lazy to add ~/.adapterrc parsing support. "rpm --eval '%{?_cvsmaildomain}%{!?_cvsmaildomain:@pld-linux.org}'" | getline _cvsmaildomain "rpm --eval '%{?_cvsmailfeedback}%{!?_cvsmailfeedback:PLD Team }'" | getline _cvsmailfeedback # If 1, we are inside of comment block (started with /^#%/) comment_block = 0 # File with rpm groups "rpm --eval %_sourcedir" | getline groups_file groups_file = groups_file "/rpm.groups" system("cd `rpm --eval %_sourcedir`; [ -f rpm.groups ] || cvs up rpm.groups >/dev/null") system("[ -d ../PLD-doc ] && cd ../PLD-doc && ([ -f BuildRequires.txt ] || cvs up BuildRequires.txt >/dev/null)"); # Temporary file for changelog section changelog_file = ENVIRON["HOME"] "/tmp/adapter.changelog" # Load rpm macros "rpm --eval %_prefix" | getline prefix "rpm --eval %_bindir" | getline bindir "rpm --eval %_sbindir" | getline sbindir "rpm --eval %_libdir" | getline libdir "rpm --eval %_sysconfdir" | getline sysconfdir "rpm --eval %_datadir" | getline datadir "rpm --eval %_includedir" | getline includedir "rpm --eval %_mandir" | getline mandir "rpm --eval %_infodir" | getline infodir "rpm --eval %_examplesdir" | getline examplesdir "rpm --eval %_defaultdocdir" | getline docdir "rpm --eval %_desktopdir" | getline desktopdir "rpm --eval %_pixmapsdir" | getline pixmapsdir "rpm --eval %perl_sitearch" | getline perl_sitearch "rpm --eval %perl_archlib" | getline perl_archlib "rpm --eval %perl_privlib" | getline perl_privlib "rpm --eval %perl_vendorlib" | getline perl_vendorlib "rpm --eval %perl_vendorarch" | getline perl_vendorarch "rpm --eval %perl_sitelib" | getline perl_sitelib "rpm --eval %py_sitescriptdir" | getline py_sitescriptdir "rpm --eval %py_sitedir" | getline py_sitedir "rpm --eval %py_scriptdir " | getline py_scriptdir "rpm --eval %php_pear_dir" | getline php_pear_dir } # There should be a comment with CVS keywords on the first line of file. FNR == 1 { if (!/# \$Revision:/) # If this line is already OK? print "# $" "Revision:$, " "$" "Date:$" # No else { print $0 # Yes next # It is enough for first line } } # If the latest line matched /%files/ defattr == 1 { if (ENVIRON["SKIP_DEFATTR"] != 1) { if ($0 !~ /defattr/) { # If no %defattr print "%defattr(644,root,root,755)" # Add it } else { $0 = "%defattr(644,root,root,755)" # Correct mistakes (if any) } } defattr = 0 } function b_makekey(a, b, s) { s = a "" b; # kill bcond gsub(/[#%]+{[!?]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]+:/, "", s); # kill commented out items gsub(/^#[ \t]*/, "", s); # force order gsub(/^Summary\(/, "11Summary(", s); gsub(/^Summary/, "10Summary", s); gsub(/^Name/, "2Name", s); gsub(/^Version/, "3Version", s); gsub(/^Release/, "4Release", s); gsub(/^Epoch/, "5Epoch", s); gsub(/^License/, "5License", s); gsub(/^Group/, "6Group", s); gsub(/^URL/, "7URL", s); gsub(/^BuildRequires/, "B1BuildRequires", s); gsub(/^BuildConflicts/, "B2BuildConflicts", s); gsub(/^Provides/, "X1Provides", s); gsub(/^Obsoletes/, "X2Obsoletes", s); gsub(/^Conflicts/, "X3Conflicts", s); gsub(/^BuildArch/, "X4BuildArch", s); gsub(/^ExclusiveArch/, "X6ExclusiveArch", s); gsub(/^ExcludeArch/, "X7ExcludeArch", s); gsub(/^BuildRoot/, "X9BuildRoot", s); # printf("%s -> %s\n", a""b, s); return s; } # Comments /^#/ && (description == 0) { if (/This file does not like to be adapterized!/) { print # print this message while (getline) # print the rest of spec as it is print do_not_touch_anything = 1 # do not touch anything in END() exit 0 } # Generally, comments are printed without touching sub(/[ \t]+$/, "") if (/Source.*md5/) { print $0 next } } /^%define/ { # Remove defining _applnkdir (this macro has been included in rpm-3.0.4) if ($2 == "_applnkdir") { next } if ($2 == "date") { date = 1 if (did_files == 0) { print "%files" print "" did_files = 1 } } # Do not add %define of _prefix if it already is. if ($2 ~ /^_prefix/) { sub("^"prefix, $3, bindir) sub("^"prefix, $3, sbindir) sub("^"prefix, $3, libdir) sub("^"prefix, $3, datadir) sub("^"prefix, $3, includedir) prefix = $3 } if ($2 ~ /_bindir/ && !/_sbindir/) bindir = $3 if ($2 ~ /_sbindir/) sbindir = $3 if ($2 ~ /_libdir/) libdir = $3 if ($2 ~ /_sysconfdir/) { if ($3 ~ /^%\(/) { # TODO: should escape for latter checks like: ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?cron.") sysconfdir = "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" } else { sysconfdir = $3 } } if ($2 ~ /_datadir/) datadir = $3 if ($2 ~ /_includedir/) includedir = $3 if ($2 ~ /_mandir/) mandir = $3 if ($2 ~ /_infodir/) infodir = $3 if ($2 ~ /_docdir/) docdir = $3 # version related macros if ($2 ~ /^_beta$/) _beta = $3 if ($2 ~ /^_rc$/) _rc = $3 if ($2 ~ /^_pre$/) _pre = $3 if ($2 ~ /^_snap$/) _snap = $3 # these are used usually when adapterizing external spec if ($2 ~ /^name$/) name = $3 if ($2 ~ /^version$/) version = $3 if ($2 ~ /^release$/) release = $3 if ($2 ~ /^mod_name$/) mod_name = $3 sub(/[ \t]+$/, ""); # do nothing further, otherwise adapter thinks we're at preamble print next } # Obsolete /^%include.*\/usr\/lib\/rpm\/macros\.python$/ { next } ################ # %description # ################ /^%description/, (!/^%description/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 if (/^%description/) { bod++ format_line = "" format_indent = -1 } # Format description if (ENVIRON["SKIP_DESC"] != 1 && description == 1 && !/^%[a-z]+/ && !/^%description/) { if (/^[ \t]*$/) { format_flush(format_line, format_indent) print "" format_line = "" format_indent = -1 } else if (/^[ \t]*[-\*][ \t]*/) { format_flush(format_line, format_indent) match($0, /^[ \t]*/) format_indent = RLENGTH match($0, /^[ \t]*[-\*][ \t]/) format_line = substr($0, RLENGTH) } else format_line = format_line " " $0 next } if (/^%[a-z]+/ && (!/^%description/ || bod == 2)) { if (NF > 3 && $2 == "-l") { ll = $1 for (i = 4; i <= NF; i++) ll = ll " " $i $0 = ll " -l " $3 } format_flush(format_line, format_indent) if (bod == 2) { bod = 1 description = 1 } else { bod = 0 description = 0 } } else description = 1 } ######### # %prep # ######### /^%prep/, (!/^%prep/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 did_prep = 1 use_macros() # Add '-q' to %setup if (/^%setup/ && !/-q/) { sub(/^%setup/, "%setup -q") } if (/^%setup/) { $0 = fixedsub(name, "%{name}", $0); $0 = fixedsub(version, "%{version}", $0); if (_beta) { $0 = fixedsub(_beta, "%{_beta}", $0); } if (_rc) { $0 = fixedsub(_rc, "%{_rc}", $0); } if (_pre) { $0 = fixedsub(_pre, "%{_pre}", $0); } if (_snap) { $0 = fixedsub(_snap, "%{_snap}", $0); } } if (/^%setup/ && /-n %{name}-%{version}( |$)/) { $0 = fixedsub(" -n %{name}-%{version}", "", $0) } # invalid in %prep sub("^rm -rf \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT.*", ""); } ########## # %build # ########## /^%build/, (!/^%build/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 if (did_prep == 0) { print "%prep" print "" did_prep = 1 } use_macros() use_tabs() if (/^automake$/) sub(/$/, " -a -c") if (/LDFLAGS/) { if (/LDFLAGS="-s"/) { removed["LDFLAGS"] = 1 next } else { split($0, tmp, "LDFLAGS=") count = split(tmp[2], flags, "\"") if (flags[1] != "" && flags[1] !~ "!?debug") { sub(/-s[" ]?/, "%{rpmldflags} ", flags[1]) $0 = tmp[1] line[1] "LDFLAGS=" flags[1] "\"" for (i = 2; i < count; i++) $0 = $0 flags[i] "\"" } } } if (/CFLAGS=/) if (cflags("CFLAGS") == 0) next if (/CXXFLAGS=/) if (cflags("CXXFLAGS") == 0) next if (/^export /) { if (removed["LDFLAGS"]) sub(" LDFLAGS", "") if (removed["CFLAGS"]) sub(" CFLAGS", "") if (removed["CXXFLAGS"]) sub(" CXXFLAGS", "") # Is there still something? if (/^export[ ]*$/) next } # quote CC if (/CC=%{__cc} /) { sub("CC=%{__cc}", "CC=\"%{__cc}\"") } # use PLD Linux macros $0 = fixedsub("glib-gettextize --copy --force","%{__glib_gettextize}", $0); $0 = fixedsub("intltoolize --copy --force", "%{__intltoolize}", $0); $0 = fixedsub("automake --add-missing --copy", "%{__automake}", $0); $0 = fixedsub("automake -a --foreign --copy", "%{__automake}", $0); $0 = fixedsub("automake -a -c --foreign", "%{__automake}", $0); $0 = fixedsub("libtoolize --force --automake --copy", "%{__libtoolize}", $0); $0 = fixedsub("libtoolize -c -f --automake", "%{__libtoolize}", $0); sub(/^aclocal$/, "%{__aclocal}"); sub(/^autoheader$/, "%{__autoheader}"); sub(/^autoconf$/, "%{__autoconf}"); sub(/^automake$/, "%{__automake}"); # atrpms $0 = fixedsub("%perl_configure", "%{__perl} Makefile.PL \\\n\tINSTALLDIRS=vendor", $0); $0 = fixedsub("%perl_makecheck", "%{?with_tests:%{__make} test}", $0); } ########## # %clean # ########## /^%clean/, (!/^%clean/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { did_clean = 1 # prevent next section header like "%post -p /sbin/ldconfig" being adapterized if (!/^%/) { use_macros() } } ############ # %install # ############ /^%install/, (!/^%install/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 if (/^[ \t]*rm([ \t]+-[rf]+)*[ \t]+\${?RPM_BUILD_ROOT}?/ && did_rmroot==0) { did_rmroot=1 print "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT" next } if (!/^(#?[ \t]*)$/ && !/^%install/ && did_rmroot==0) { print "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT" did_rmroot=1 } use_macros() # 'install -d' instead 'mkdir -p' if (/mkdir -p/) sub(/mkdir -p/, "install -d") # 'install' instead 'cp -p' if (/cp -p\b/) sub(/cp -p/, "install") # No '-u root' or '-g root' for 'install' if (/^install/ && /-[ug][ \t]*root/) gsub(/-[ug][ \t]*root /, "") if (/^install/ && /-m[ \t]*[0-9]+/) gsub(/-m[ \t]*[0-9]+ /, "") # No lines contain 'chown' or 'chgrp' if owner/group is 'root' if (($1 ~ /chown/ && $2 ~ /root\.root/) || ($1 ~ /chgrp/ && $2 ~ /root/)) next # No lines contain 'chmod' if it sets the modes to '644' if ($1 ~ /chmod/ && $2 ~ /644/) next # foreign rpms $0 = fixedsub("%buildroot", "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT", $0) $0 = fixedsub("%{buildroot}", "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT", $0) # atrpms $0 = fixedsub("%perl_makeinstall", "%{__make} pure_install \\\n\tDESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT", $0); } ########## # %files # ########## /^%files/, (!/^%files/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 did_files = 1 if ($0 ~ /^%files/) defattr = 1 use_files_macros() } ############## # %changelog # ############## /^%changelog/, (!/^%changelog/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 has_changelog = 1 skip = 0 # There should be some CVS keywords on the first line of %changelog. if (boc == 3) { if ($0 !~ _cvsmailfeedback) print "* %{date} " _cvsmailfeedback > changelog_file else skip = 1 boc = 2 } if (boc == 2 && !skip) { if (!/All persons listed below/) { printf "All persons listed below can be reached at " > changelog_file print "" _cvsmaildomain "\n" > changelog_file } else skip = 1 boc = 1 } if (boc == 1 && !skip) { if (!/^$/) { if (!/\$.*Log:.*\$/) print "$" "Log:$" > changelog_file boc = 0 } } # Define date macro. if (boc == 4) { if (date == 0) { printf "%%define date\t%%(echo `LC_ALL=\"C\"" > changelog_file print " date +\"%a %b %d %Y\"`)" > changelog_file date = 1 } boc = 3 } sub(/[ \t]+$/, "") if (!/^%[a-z]+$/ || /changelog/) print > changelog_file else print next } ########### # SCRIPTS # ########### /^%pre/, (!/^%pre/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 if (gsub("/usr/sbin/useradd", "%useradd")) { sub(" 2> /dev/null \|\| :", ""); sub(" >/dev/null 2>&1 \|\|:", ""); } # %useradd and %groupadd may not be wrapped if (/%(useradd|groupadd).*\\$/) { a = $0; getline; sub(/^[\s\t]*/, ""); $0 = substr(a, 1, length(a) - 1) $0; } use_script_macros() } /^%post/, (!/^%post/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_macros() } /^%preun/, (!/^%preun/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } /^%postun/, (!/^%postun/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } /^%triggerin/, (!/^%triggerin/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } /^%triggerun/, (!/^%triggerun/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } /^%triggerpostun/, (!/^%triggerpostun/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } /^%pretrans/, (!/^%pretrans/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } /^%posttrans/, (!/^%posttrans/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } /^%verifyscript/, (!/^%verifyscript/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } /^%check/, (!/^%check/ && $0 ~ SECTIONS) { preamble = 0 use_script_macros() } ############# # PREAMBLES # ############# preamble == 1 { # There should not be a space after the name of field # and before the colon. sub(/[ \t]*:/, ":") if (/^%perl_module_wo_prefix/) { name = $2 version = $3 release = "0." fixedsub(".%{disttag}.at", "", $4) } field = tolower($1) fieldnlower = $1 if (field ~ /summary:/ && !/etc\.$/) { sub(/\.$/, "", $0); } if (field ~ /group(\([^)]+\)):/) next if (field ~ /group:/) { format_preamble() group = $0; sub(/^[^ \t]*[ \t]*/, "", group); sub(/^Utilities\//,"Applications/", group) sub(/^Games/,"Applications/Games", group) sub(/^X11\/Games/,"X11/Applications/Games", group) sub(/^X11\/GNOME\/Development\/Libraries/,"X11/Development/Libraries", group) sub(/^X11\/GNOME\/Applications/,"X11/Applications", group) sub(/^X11\/GNOME/,"X11/Applications", group) sub(/^X11\/Utilities/,"X11/Applications", group) sub(/^X11\/Games\/Strategy/,"X11/Applications/Games/Strategy", group) sub(/^Shells/,"Applications/Shells", group) sub(/^System Environment\/Libraries$/, "Libraries", group) sub(/^System Environment\/Daemons$/, "Daemons", group) sub(/^Applications\/Internet$/, "Applications/Networking", group) sub(/^Applications\/Daemons$/, "Daemons", group) sub(/^Application\/Multimedia$/, "Applications/Multimedia", group) sub(/^System\/Servers$/, "Daemons", group) sub(/^X11\/Xserver$/, "X11/Servers", group) sub(/^X11\/XFree86/, "X11", group) sub(/^Applications\/Compilers$/, "Development/Languages", group) sub(/^Applications\/Internet\/Peer to Peer/, "Applications/Networking", group) sub(/^Networking\/Deamons$/, "Networking/Daemons", group) sub(/^Development\/Docs$/, "Documentation", group) sub(/^System Environment\/Kernel$/, "Base/Kernel", group) $0 = "Group:\t\t" group if (group ~ /^X11/ && x11 == 0) # Is it X11 application? x11 = 1 byl_plik_z_groupmi = 0 byl_opis_grupy = 0 while ((getline linia_grup < groups_file) > 0) { byl_plik_z_groupmi = 1 if (linia_grup == group) { byl_opis_grupy = 1 break } } if (!byl_plik_z_groupmi) print "######\t\t" groups_file ": no such file" else if (!byl_opis_grupy) print "######\t\t" "Unknown group!" close(groups_file) did_groups = 1 } if (field ~ /prereq:/) { sub(/Pre[Rr]eq:/, "Requires:", $1); } # split (build)requires, obsoletes on commas if (field ~ /(obsoletes|requires|provides|conflicts):/ && NF > 2) { value = substr($0, index($0, $2)); $0 = format_requires($1, value); } # BR: tar (and others) is to common (rpm-build requires it) if (field ~ /^buildrequires:/) { l = substr($0, index($0, $2)); if (l == "awk" || l == "binutils" || l == "bzip2" || l == "cpio" || l == "diffutils" || l == "elfutils" || l == "fileutils" || l == "findutils" || l == "glibc-devel" || l == "grep" || l == "gzip" || l == "make" || l == "patch" || l == "sed" || l == "sh-utils" || l == "tar" || l == "textutils") { next } } # obsolete/unwanted tags if (field ~ /vendor:|packager:|distribution:|docdir:|prefix:|icon:|author:|author-email:|metadata-version:/) { next } if (field ~ /buildroot:/) { $0 = $1 "%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)" did_build_root = 1 } # Use "License" instead of "Copyright" if it is (L)GPL or BSD if (field ~ /copyright:/ && $2 ~ /GPL|BSD/) { $1 = "License:" } if (field ~ /license:/) { l = substr($0, index($0, $2)); if (l == "Python Software Foundation License") { l = "PSF" } $0 = "License:\t" l; } if (field ~ /name:/) { if ($2 == "%{name}" && name) { $2 = name } name = $2 name_seen = 1; } if (field ~ /version:/) { if ($2 == "%{version}" && version) { $2 = version } version = $2 version_seen = 1; } if (field ~ /release:/) { if ($2 == "%{release}" && release) { $2 = release } sub(/%atrelease /, "0.", $0) release = $2 release_seen = 1; } if (field ~ /serial:/) $1 = "Epoch:" if (field ~ /home-page:/) $1 = "URL:" # proper caps if (field ~ /^url:$/) $1 = "URL:" if (field ~ /^description:$/) $1 = "\n%description\n" # Use %{name} and %{version} in the filenames in "Source:" if (field ~ /^source/ || field ~ /patch/) { n = split($2, url, /\//) if (url[n] ~ /\.gz$/) { url[n+1] = ".gz" url[n+1] sub(/\.gz$/,"",url[n]) } if (url[n] ~ /\.zip$/) { url[n+1] = ".zip" url[n+1] sub(/\.zip$/,"",url[n]) } if (url[n] ~ /\.tar$/) { url[n+1] = ".tar" url[n+1] sub(/\.tar$/,"",url[n]) } if (url[n] ~ /\.patch$/) { url[n+1] = ".patch" url[n+1] sub(/\.patch$/,"",url[n]) } if (url[n] ~ /\.bz2$/) { url[n+1] = ".bz2" url[n+1] sub(/\.bz2$/,"",url[n]) } if (url[n] ~ /\.logrotate$/) { url[n+1] = ".logrotate" url[n+1] sub(/\.logrotate$/,"",url[n]) } if (url[n] ~ /\.pamd$/) { url[n+1] = ".pamd" url[n+1] sub(/\.pamd$/,"",url[n]) } # allow %{name} only in last url component s = "" for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { url[i] = fixedsub("%{name}", name, url[i]) if (s) { s = s "/" url[i] } else { s = url[i] } } $2 = s url[n+1] filename = url[n] if (name) { url[n] = fixedsub(name, "%{name}", url[n]) } if (field ~ /source/) { if (version) { url[n] = fixedsub(version, "%{version}", url[n]) } if (_beta) { url[n] = fixedsub(_beta, "%{_beta}", url[n]) } if (_rc) { url[n] = fixedsub(_rc, "%{_rc}", url[n]) } if (_pre) { url[n] = fixedsub(_pre, "%{_pre}", url[n]) } if (_snap) { url[n] = fixedsub(_snap, "%{_snap}", url[n]) } } # assigning to $2 kills preamble formatting $2 = fixedsub(filename, url[n], $2) # sourceforge urls sub("[?]use_mirror=.*$", "", $2); sub("[?]download$", "", $2); sub("^http://prdownloads\.sourceforge\.net/", "http://dl.sourceforge.net/", $2) sub("^http://.*\.dl\.sourceforge\.net/", "http://dl.sourceforge.net/", $2) sub("^http://dl\.sourceforge\.net/sourceforge/", "http://dl.sourceforge.net/", $2) sub("^http://dl\.sf\.net/", "http://dl.sourceforge.net/", $2) } if (field ~ /^source:/) $1 = "Source0:" if (field ~ /^patch:/) $1 = "Patch0:" kill_preamble_macros(); format_preamble() if (field ~ /requires/) { # atrpms $0 = fixedsub("%{eversion}", "%{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}", $0); } } /^%bcond_/ { # do nothing print next } # sort BR/R! # # NOTES: # - mixing BR/R and anything else confuses this (all will be sorted together) # so don't do that. # - comments leading the BR/R can not be associated, # so don't adapterize when the BR/R are mixed with comments ENVIRON["SKIP_SORTBR"] != 1 && preamble == 1 && $0 ~ PREAMBLE_TAGS, $0 ~ PREAMBLE_TAGS { if ($1 ~ /Pre[Rr]eq:/) { sub(/Pre[Rr]eq:/, "Requires:", $1); } format_preamble() # kill_preamble_macros(); # breaks tabbing b_idx++; l = substr($0, index($0, $2)); b_ktmp = b_makekey($1, l); b_key[b_idx] = b_ktmp; b_val[b_ktmp] = $0; next; } preamble == 1 { if (b_idx > 0) { isort(b_key, b_idx); for (i = 1; i <= b_idx; i++) { v = b_val[b_key[i]]; sub(/[ \t]+$/, "", v); print "" v; } b_idx = 0 } } # main() ;-) { preamble = 1 sub(/[ \t]+$/, "") print if (name_seen == 0 && name) { print "Name:\t" name name_seen = 1 } if (version_seen == 0 && version) { print "Version:\t" version version_seen = 1 } if (release_seen == 0 && release) { print "Release:\t" release release_seen = 1 } if (did_build_root == 0) { # print "BuildRoot:\t%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)" did_build_root = 1 } if (did_groups == 0) { # print "Group:\t\tunknown" did_groups = 1 } } END { if (do_not_touch_anything) exit 0 close(changelog_file) while ((getline < changelog_file) > 0) print system("rm -f " changelog_file) if (did_clean == 0) { print "" print "%clean" print "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT" } if (date == 0) { print "" print "%define date\t%(echo `LC_ALL=\"C\" date +\"%a %b %d %Y\"`)" } if (has_changelog == 0) print "%changelog" if (boc > 2) print "* %{date} PLD Team " if (boc > 1) { printf "All persons listed below can be reached at " print "@pld-linux.org\n" } if (boc > 0) print "$" "Log:$" } function fixedsub(s1,s2,t, ind) { # substitutes fixed strings (not regexps) if (ind = index(t,s1)) t = substr(t, 1, ind-1) s2 substr(t, ind+length(s1)) return t } # There should be one or two tabs after the colon. function format_preamble() { if (/^#/ || /^%bcond_with/) { return; } sub(/:[ \t]*/, ":") if (match($0, /[A-Za-z0-9(),#_ \t]+[ \t]*:[ \t]*/) == 1) { if (RLENGTH < 8) sub(/:/, ":\t\t") else sub(/:/, ":\t") } } # Replace directly specified directories with macros function use_macros() { # -m, --skip-macros, --no-macros -- skip macros subst if (ENVIRON["SKIP_MACROS"]) { return } # leave inline sed lines alone if (/(%{__sed}|sed) -i -e/) { return; } gsub(perl_sitearch, "%{perl_sitearch}") gsub(perl_archlib, "%{perl_archlib}") gsub(perl_privlib, "%{perl_privlib}") gsub(perl_vendorlib, "%{perl_vendorlib}") gsub(perl_vendorarch, "%{perl_vendorarch}") gsub(perl_sitelib, "%{perl_sitelib}") gsub(py_sitescriptdir, "%{py_sitescriptdir}") gsub(py_sitedir, "%{py_sitedir}") gsub(py_scriptdir, "%{py_scriptdir}") gsub("%{_libdir}/python2.4/site-packages", "%{py_sitedir}") gsub("%{_datadir}/applications", "%{_desktopdir}") gsub("%{_datadir}/pixmaps", "%{_pixmapsdir}") gsub(bindir, "%{_bindir}") gsub("%{prefix}/bin", "%{_bindir}") if (prefix"/bin" == bindir) gsub("%{_prefix}/bin", "%{_bindir}") for (c = 1; c <= NF; c++) { if ($c ~ sbindir "/fix-info-dir") continue; if ($c ~ sbindir "/webapp") continue; if ($c ~ sbindir "/chsh") continue; if ($c ~ sbindir "/usermod") continue; if ($c ~ sbindir "/chkconfig") continue; if ($c ~ sbindir "/installzope(product|3package)") continue; gsub(sbindir, "%{_sbindir}", $c) } gsub("%{prefix}/sbin", "%{_sbindir}") if (prefix"/sbin" == sbindir) { gsub("%{_prefix}/sbin", "%{_sbindir}") } for (c = 1; c <= NF; c++) { if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?cron.") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?crontab.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?env.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?logrotate.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?pam.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?profile.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?rc.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?security") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?skel") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?sysconfig") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?shrc.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?certs") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?X11") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?ld.so.conf.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?rpm") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?bash_completion.d") continue; if ($c ~ sysconfdir "/{?samba") continue; gsub(sysconfdir, "%{_sysconfdir}", $c) } gsub(docdir, "%{_docdir}") gsub(php_pear_dir, "%{php_pear_dir}") for (c = 1; c <= NF; c++) { if ($c ~ datadir "/automake") continue; if ($c ~ datadir "/unsermake") continue; if ($c ~ datadir "/file/magic.mime") continue; gsub(datadir, "%{_datadir}", $c) } gsub("%{prefix}/share", "%{_datadir}") if (prefix"/share" == datadir) gsub("%{_prefix}/share", "%{_datadir}") # CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/ncurses is usually correct. if (!/-I\/usr\/include/) { gsub(includedir, "%{_includedir}") } gsub("%{prefix}/include", "%{_includedir}") if (prefix"/include" == includedir) { gsub("%{_prefix}/include", "%{_includedir}") } gsub(mandir, "%{_mandir}") if ($0 !~ "%{_datadir}/manual") { gsub("%{_datadir}/man", "%{_mandir}") } gsub("%{_prefix}/share/man", "%{_mandir}") gsub("%{prefix}/share/man", "%{_mandir}") gsub("%{prefix}/man", "%{_mandir}") gsub("%{_prefix}/man", "%{_mandir}") gsub(infodir, "%{_infodir}") gsub("%{prefix}/info", "%{_infodir}") gsub("%{_prefix}/info", "%{_infodir}") if (prefix !~ "/X11R6") { gsub("%{_datadir}/aclocal", "%{_aclocaldir}") } gsub(examplesdir, "%{_examplesdir}") if (prefix != "/") { # leave --with-foo=/usr alone if ($0 !~ "--with.*=.*" prefix) { for (c = 1; c <= NF; c++) { if ($c ~ prefix "/sbin/fix-info-dir") continue; if ($c ~ prefix "/sbin/webapp") continue; if ($c ~ prefix "/sbin/chsh") continue; if ($c ~ prefix "/sbin/usermod") continue; if ($c ~ prefix "/sbin/installzope(product|3package)") continue; if ($c ~ prefix "/share/automake") continue; if ($c ~ prefix "/share/unsermake") continue; if ($c ~ prefix "/lib/sendmail") continue; if ($c ~ prefix "/lib/pkgconfig") continue; # CFLAGS="-I/usr..." is usually correct. if (/-I\/usr/) continue; # same for LDFLAGS="-L/usr..." if (/-L\/usr/) continue; gsub(prefix, "%{_prefix}", $c) } } gsub("%{prefix}", "%{_prefix}") } # replace back gsub("%{_includedir}/ncurses", "/usr/include/ncurses") gsub("%{_includedir}/freetype", "/usr/include/freetype") gsub("%{PACKAGE_VERSION}", "%{version}") gsub("%{PACKAGE_NAME}", "%{name}") gsub("^make$", "%{__make}") gsub("^make ", "%{__make} ") gsub("^gcc ", "%{__cc} ") # mandrake specs gsub("^%make$", "%{__make}") gsub("^%make ", "%{__make} ") gsub("^%makeinstall_std", "%{__make} install \\\n\tDESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT") gsub("^%{makeinstall}", "%{__make} install \\\n\tDESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT") gsub("^%makeinstall", "%{__make} install \\\n\tDESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT") gsub("^%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}", "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT") gsub("^%{__install}", "install") gsub("^%{__rm}", "rm") gsub("%optflags", "%{rpmcflags}") gsub("%{compat_perl_vendorarch}", "%{perl_vendorarch}") gsub("^%{__make} install DESTDIR=\$RPM_BUILD_ROOT", "%{__make} install \\\n\tDESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT") gsub("^fix-info-dir$", "[ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>\&1") $0 = fixedsub("%buildroot", "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT", $0) $0 = fixedsub("%{buildroot}", "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT", $0) $0 = fixedsub("CXXFLAGS=%{rpmcflags} %configure", "CXXFLAGS=%{rpmcflags}\n%configure", $0); # split configure line to multiple lines if (/%configure / && !/\\$/) { $0 = format_configure($0); } gsub("%_bindir", "%{_bindir}") gsub("%_datadir", "%{_datadir}") gsub("%_iconsdir", "%{_iconsdir}") gsub("%_sbindir", "%{_sbindir}") gsub("%_mandir", "%{_mandir}") gsub("%name", "%{name}") gsub("/usr/src/linux", "%{_kernelsrcdir}") gsub("%{_prefix}/src/linux", "%{_kernelsrcdir}") } function format_configure(line, n, a, s) { n = split(line, a, / /); s = a[1] " \\\n"; for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) { s = s "\t" a[i] " \\\n" } return s } # insertion sort of A[1..n] # copied from mawk manual function isort(A,n, i,j,hold) { for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) { hold = A[j = i] while (A[j-1] > hold) { j-- ; A[j+1] = A[j] } A[j] = hold } # sentinel A[0] = "" will be created if needed } function use_files_macros( i, n, t, a) { use_macros() # skip comments if (/^#/) { return; } gsub("^%{_sbindir}", "%attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}") gsub("^%{_bindir}", "%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}") # uid/gid nobody is not valid in %files if (/%attr([^)]*nobody[^)]*)/ && !/FIXME/) { $0 = $0 " # FIXME nobody user/group can't own files! -adapter.awk" } # s[gu]id programs with globs are evil if (/%attr\([246]...,.*\*/ && !/FIXME/) { $0 = $0 " # FIXME no globs for suid/sgid files" } # replace back gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/cron\.d", "/etc/cron.d") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/crontab\.d", "/etc/crontab.d") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate\.d", "/etc/logrotate.d") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/pam\.d", "/etc/pam.d") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/profile\.d", "/etc/profile.d") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/rc\.d", "/etc/rc.d") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/security", "/etc/security") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/skel", "/etc/skel") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig", "/etc/sysconfig") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/certs", "/etc/certs") gsub("%{_sysconfdir}/init.d", "/etc/init.d") # /etc/init.d -> /etc/rc.d/init.d if (!/^\/etc\/init\.d$/) { gsub("/etc/init.d", "/etc/rc.d/init.d") } if (/\/etc\/rc\.d\/init\.d\// && !/functions/) { if (!/%attr.*\/etc\/rc\.d\/init\.d/) { $0 = "%attr(754,root,root) " $0 } if (/^%attr.*\/etc\/rc\.d\/init\.d/ && !/^%attr\(754 *,/) { gsub("^%attr\\(... *,", "%attr(754,"); } } if (/lib.+\.so/ && !/\.so$/ && !/^%attr.*/ && !/%exclude/) { $0 = "%attr(755,root,root) " $0 } if (/%{perl_vendorarch}.*\.so$/ && !/^%attr.*/) { $0 = "%attr(755,root,root) " $0 } # /etc/sysconfig files # %attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) /etc/sysconfig/* # attr not required, allow default 644 attr if (!/network-scripts/ && !/%dir/ && !/\.d$/ && !/functions/ && !/\/etc\/sysconfig\/wmstyle/) { if (/\/etc\/sysconfig\// && /%config/ && !/%config\(noreplace\)/) { gsub("%config", "%config(noreplace)") } if (/\/etc\/sysconfig\// && !/%config\(noreplace\)/) { $NF = "%config(noreplace) " $NF } if (/\/etc\/sysconfig\// && /%attr\(755/) { gsub("^%attr\\(... *,", "%attr(640,"); } if (/\/etc\/sysconfig\// && !/%verify/) { gsub("/etc/sysconfig", "%verify(not size mtime md5) /etc/sysconfig"); } } # kill leading zeros if (/%attr\(0[1-9]/) { gsub("%attr\\(0", "%attr(") } # sort %verify attrs if (match($0, /%verify\(not([^)]+)\)/)) { t = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH) # kill commas: %verify(not,md5,size,mtime) gsub(/,/, " ", t); gsub(/^%verify\(not |\)$/, "", t) n = split(t, a, / /) isort(a, n) s = "%verify(not" for (i = 1 ; i <= n; i++) { s = s " " a[i] } s = s ")" gsub(/%verify\(not[^)]+\)/, s) } if (/%{_mandir}/) { gsub("\.gz$", "*") } # locale dir and no %lang -> bad if (/%{_datadir}\/locale\/.*\// && !/%(dir|lang)/) { $(NF + 1) = "# FIXME consider using %find_lang" } # atrpms $0 = fixedsub("%{perl_man1dir}", "%{_mandir}/man1", $0); $0 = fixedsub("%{perl_man3dir}", "%{_mandir}/man3", $0); $0 = fixedsub("%{perl_bin}", "%{_bindir}", $0); gsub(libdir "/pkgconfig", "%{_pkgconfigdir}"); gsub("%{_libdir}/pkgconfig", "%{_pkgconfigdir}"); gsub("%{_prefix}/lib/pkgconfig", "%{_pkgconfigdir}"); gsub("%{_datadir}/applications", "%{_desktopdir}"); gsub("%{_datadir}/icons", "%{_iconsdir}"); gsub("%{_datadir}/pixmaps", "%{_pixmapsdir}"); } function use_script_macros() { if (gsub("/sbin/service", "%service")) { sub(" >/dev/null 2>&1 \|\|:", ""); sub(" 2> /dev/null \|\| :", ""); } } function fill(ch, n, i) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%c", ch) } function format_flush(line, indent, newline, word, first_word) { first_word = 1 if (format_indent == -1) newline = "" else newline = fill(" ", format_indent) "- " while (match(line, /[^\t ]+/)) { word = substr(line, RSTART, RLENGTH) if (length(newline) + length(word) + 1 > tw) { print newline if (format_indent == -1) newline = "" else newline = fill(" ", format_indent + 2) first_word = 1 } if (first_word) { newline = newline word first_word = 0 } else newline = newline " " word line = substr(line, RSTART + RLENGTH) } if (newline ~ /[^\t ]/) { print newline } } function cflags(var) { if ($0 == var "=\"$RPM_OPT_FLAGS\"") { removed[var] = 1 return 0 } if (!/!\?debug/) sub("\$RPM_OPT_FLAGS", "%{rpmcflags}") return 1 } function demacroize(str) { if (mod_name) { sub("%{mod_name}", mod_name, str); } if (name) { sub("%{name}", name, str); } if (version) { sub("%{version}", version, str); } if (_beta) { sub("%{_beta}", _beta, str); } if (_rc) { sub("%{_rc}", _rc, str); } if (_pre) { sub("%{_pre}", _pre, str); } if (_snap) { sub("%{_snap}", _snap, str); } return str; } function kill_preamble_macros() { if ($1 ~ /^URL:/ || $1 ~ /^Obsoletes:/) { # NB! assigning $2 a value breaks tabbing $2 = demacroize($2); # unify sourceforge url sub("\.sf\.net/$", ".sourceforge.net/", $2); } } function get_epoch(pkg, ver, epoch) { return # should parse the BR lines more adequately: # freetype = 2.0.0 -> correct # freetype = 2.1.9 -> with epoch 1, as epoch 1 was added in 2.1.7 shell = "grep -o '^" pkg ":[^:]\+' ../PLD-doc/BuildRequires.txt | awk '{print $NF}'"; shell | getline epoch; return epoch; } function format_requires(tag, value, n, p, i, deps, ndeps) { # skip any formatting for commented out items or some weird macros if (/^#/ || /%\(/) { return tag "\t" value } n = split(value, p, / *,? */); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { if (p[i+1] ~ /[<=>]/) { # add epoch if the version doesn't have it but BuildRequires.txt has if (p[i] ~ /^[a-z]/ && p[i+2] !~ /^[0-9]+:/) { epoch = get_epoch(p[i], p[i+2]) if (epoch) { p[i+2] = epoch ":" p[i+2]; } } deps[ndeps++] = p[i] " " p[i+1] " " p[i+2]; i += 2; } else { deps[ndeps++] = p[i]; } } s = "" for (i in deps) { s = s sprintf("%s\t%s\n", tag, deps[i]); } return substr(s, 1, length(s)-1); } function use_tabs() { # reverse vim: ts=4 sw=4 et gsub(/ /, "\t"); }