# conditional build: # _pgsql support for postgres # _mysql support for mysql Summary: A another one web indexing and searching system for a small domain or intranet Summary(pl): Kolejny System indeksowania i przeszukiwania www dla małych domen i intranetu Name: mnogosearch Version: 3.2.3 Release: 1 License: GPL Group: Networking/Utilities Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Werkzeuge Group(es): Red/Utilitarios Group(pl): Sieciowe/Narzędzia Group(pt_BR): Rede/Utilitários Source0: http://www.mnogosearch.ru/Download/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source2: %{name}-gethostnames %{?_mysql:Source1: %{name}-Mysql-database} Patch0: %{name}-DESTDIR.patch %{?_mysql:Patch1: %{name}-Mysql-pld.patch} URL: http://www.mnogosearch.ru/ %{?_pgsql:BuildRequires: postgresql-devel} %{?_mysql:BuildRequires: mysql-devel} BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: libtool Prereq: webserver %{?_pgsql:Prereq: postgresql-clients} BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %define _sysconfdir /etc/httpd/%{name} %define _localstatedir /var/lib/mnogosearch %description The mnogosearch system is a complete world wide web indexing and searching system for a small domain or intranet. This system is not meant to replace the need for powerful internet-wide search systems like Lycos, Infoseek, Webcrawler and AltaVista. Instead it is meant to cover the search needs for a single company, campus, or even a particular sub section of a web site. Features: - mp3 tag info - news searching(?) - http: (and ftp: - via proxy) URL schemaa - charset guesser - externel parsers - support for ssl (https://) - limiting queries to one hostname by sth like this: - it's posilble to run indexers on several diffrent (theoreticaly 128) hosts, and gather information on one of them, reindexing proceses make no harm to avalibility of search engine. See cachemode.txt As opposed to some WAIS-based or web-server based search engines, mnogsearch can span several web servers at a site. The type of these different web servers doesn't matter as long as they understand the HTTP 1.0 protocol. Mnogosearch supports also virtual domains. %description -l pl Mnogosearch jest kompletnym systemem indeksującym i przeszukującym www dla małych domen oraz intranetu. System nie został opracowany jako wielki system typu Lycos, Infoseek WebCrawler i AltaVista. Natomiast nadaje się do zastosowania w pojedynczej firmie, kampusie lub jakiejkolwiek stronie www. Zalety: - przeszukiwaie tagów mp3, - niusów (Server news://localhost/pl/), - htdb czyli baz danych udostępnianych przez www/cgi. (HTDBList SELECT \ concat("http://search.mnogo.ru/board/message.php?id=",id) \ FROM udm.messages LIMIT 2)) - zawartości serwerów ftp (rada za 2gr: "Index no" dla serwera ftp spowoduje nie indexowanie *zawartości* plików na nim się znajdujących) - wyszukiwanie w zwykłych URL-ach http:// - wsparcie dla SSL (https://) - wyszukiwanie w mirrorach (również lokalnych) odległych sieci - zgadywanie zestawu znaków - zewnętrzne przetwarzacze dokumentów na potrzeby indeksowania - ograniczanie zapytań do jednej nazwy hosta: - kategoryzacja witryny (doc/categories.txt) - możliwe jest uruchomienie kilku procesów indeksujących na kilku (teoretycznie 128) hostach i trzymanie bazy na jednym z nich, reindeksacja nie powoduje wtedy niedostępności wyszukiwarki. Przeczytaj cachemode.txt W odróżnieniu od innych systemów bazujących na WAIS-ie lub serwerach www, mnogosearch może łączyć kilka serwerów www w jednym miejscu. Typ serwera nie ma znaczenia, dopóki pracuje on zgodnie z protokołem HTTP 1.0. Pakiet współpracuje również z domenami wirtualnymi. %package devel Summary: Include files and libraries for mnogo Summary(pl): Pliki nagłówkowe dla mnogo Group: Development/Libraries Group(de): Entwicklung/Libraries Group(es): Desarrollo/Bibliotecas Group(fr): Development/Librairies Group(pl): Programowanie/Biblioteki Group(pt_BR): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(ru): ňÁÚŇÁÂĎÔËÁ/âÉÂĚÉĎÔĹËÉ Group(uk): ňĎÚŇĎÂËÁ/âŚÂĚŚĎÔĹËÉ Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description devel This package contains mnogosearch development files. %description devel -l pl Pliki dla programistów mnogosearch. %if%{?_pgsql:1}%{!?_pgsql:0} %package pgsql Summary: mnogosearch with pgsql storage-support Summary(pl): mnogosearch z pgsqlem jako metodą przechowywania danych Group: Networking/Utilities Group(de): Netzwerkwesen/Werkzeuge Group(es): Red/Utilitarios Group(pl): Sieciowe/Narzędzia Group(pt_BR): Rede/Utilitários Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description pgsql This package contains pgsql storage support. Note: install will try to create tables in database mnogosearch. %description pgsql -l pl Ten pakiet zawiera wsparcie dla postgresa jako sposobu przechowywania informacji. Instalacja tego pakietu spowoduje założenie tabel w bazie mnogosearch. %endif %package static Summary: mnogo static libraries Summary(pl): Biblioteki statyczne mnogo Group: Development/Libraries Group(de): Entwicklung/Libraries Group(es): Desarrollo/Bibliotecas Group(fr): Development/Librairies Group(pl): Programowanie/Biblioteki Group(pt_BR): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(ru): ňÁÚŇÁÂĎÔËÁ/âÉÂĚÉĎÔĹËÉ Group(uk): ňĎÚŇĎÂËÁ/âŚÂĚŚĎÔĹËÉ Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version} %description static This package contains static libraries of mnogosearch. %description static -l pl Ten pakiet zawiera statyczne biblioteki mnogosearch. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p0 #%patch1 -p0 %build libtoolize --copy --force aclocal autoconf automake -a -c db="--with-built-in" %{?_mysql: db="--with-mysql"} %{?_pgsql: db="--with-pgsql"} %configure \ --enable-syslog \ --enable-syslog=LOG_LOCAL6 \ --with-image-dir=/home/httpd/html/%{name} \ --with-cgi-bin-dir=/home/httpd/cgi-bin \ --with-search-dir=/home/httpd/html \ --with-config-dir=%{_sysconfdir}/http/%{name} \ --infodir=%{_infodir} \ --with-openssl \ $db \ --enable-linux-pthreads \ --enable-charset-guesser \ --enable-news-extension \ --enable-fast-tag \ --enable-fast-cat \ --enable-fast-site \ --enable-phrase \ %{__make} # enable automatic Russian charset guesser :-] # wy uze www.linux.ru procitacli sewodnja? # --with-iodbc[=DIR] Include iODBC support. DIR is the iODBC base # --with-unixODBC[=DIR] Include unixODBC support. DIR is the unixODBC base # --with-solid[=DIR] Include Solid support. DIR is the Solid base # --with-openlink[=DIR] Include OpenLink ODBC support. # --with-easysoft[=DIR] Include EasySoft ODBC support. # --with-sapdb[=DIR] Include SAPDB support. DIR is the SAPDB base # --with-ibase[=DIR] Include InterBase support. DIR is the InterBase # --with-oracle7[=DIR] Include Oracle 7.3 support. DIR is the Oracle # --with-oracle8[=DIR] Include Oracle8 support. DIR is the Oracle # --with-oracle8i[=DIR] Include Oracle8i support. DIR is the Oracle # # FIXME: add selection of storage method, spliting into %{name}-common & %{name}-$DB_NAME %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{/var/lib/mnogosearch,/etc/cron.daily,/home/httpd/html/%{name},%{_sysconfdir},%{_infodir}} %{__make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install ln -sf ../..%{_sbindir}/indexer \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/cron.daily/mnogo-dbgen ln -sf ../../../..%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/home/httpd/html/%{name}/mnogodoc install etc/search.htm-dist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/home/httpd/html/search.html install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/home/httpd/cgi-bin install $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/search.cgi $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/home/httpd/cgi-bin/search.cgi touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/locals install %{SOURCE1} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/cron.daily/mnogosearch-gethostnames install %{SOURCE2} create/ gzip -z9 create/* gzip -z9 create/*/* %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post cp -f %{_sysconfdir}/indexer.conf-dist %{_sysconfdir}/indexer.conf cat << EOF Please see docs (%{_defaultdocdir}/%{name} or http://localhost/mnogodoc), then read how to setup db connection, and put line like this "pgsql://user:password@/dbname/" into %{_sysconfdir}, then run sth like psql < %{_defaultdocdir}/%{name}/pgsql/*.txt EOF %if%{?_pgsql:1}%{!?_pgsql:0} %post pgsql echo 'Now I will try to Create Tables for postgres: ' su postgres -c "psql -U postgres template1 -c 'CREATE DATABASE mnogosearch;' " echo "Trying to Create Tables:" su postgres -c "psql -U postgres mnogosearch < /usr/share/doc/mnogosearch-3.1.17/pgsql/create.txt" echo "Trying to Create Tables for crc-multi storage method:" su postgres -c "psql -U postgres mnogosearch < /usr/share/doc/mnogosearch-3.1.17/pgsql/crc-multi.txt" echo "Trying to Create Tables for news extension:" su postgres -c "psql -U postgres mnogosearch < /usr/share/doc/mnogosearch-3.1.17/pgsql/news-extension.txt" echo "Mnogosearch user will be created with passwd aqq123 change it ! and I mean it really !" echo 'CREATE USER "mnogosearch" WITH PASSWORD '"'aqq123'"' NOCREATEDB NOCREATEUSER;' > /tmp/aqq su postgres -c "psql -U postgres mnogosearch < /tmp/aqq" echo "Granting Permisions..." cat > /tmp/mnogo.aqq << EOF GRANT ALL ON url,dict,robots,stopword,categories,next_url_id,affix TO mnogosearch; GRANT ALL ON ndict,server,thread,spell,next_cat_id,next_server_id,next_url_id TO mnogosearch; GRANT ALL ON ndict2,ndict3,ndict4,ndict5,ndict6,ndict7,ndict8,ndict9, ndict10,ndict11,ndict12,ndict16,ndict32 TO mnogosearch; GRANT ALL ON dict2,dict3,dict4,dict5,dict6,dict7,dict8,dict9,dict10, dict11,dict12,dict16,dict32 TO mnogosearch; GRANT ALL ON "qtrack" TO mnogosearch; EOF su postgres -c "psql -U postgres template1 -f /tmp/mnogo.aqq" rm -f /tmp/mnogo.aqq %postun pgsql echo -n 'Dropping Database mnogosearch:' su postgres -c "psql -U postgres template1 -c 'DROP DATABASE mnogosearch;' " %endif # _pgsql %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc COPYING README doc/* create/* create/*/* #%doc %{_infodir}/* %dir /var/lib/%{name} %attr (755,http,http) /home/httpd/cgi-bin/* %attr (755,http,http) %{_bindir}/* %attr (755,http,http) %{_sbindir}/* %attr (755,http,http) %{_libdir}/* #%attr (755,http,http) %{_libdir}/%{name}/*la %config(noreplace) /home/httpd/html/%{name}/* #%{_datadir}/%{name}/* %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) /home/httpd/html/search.html %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/* %config(noreplace) %attr(750,http,http) /etc/cron.daily/* %files devel %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_includedir}/* %files static %defattr(644,root,root,755) #%{_libdir}/%{name}/*.a