%define _state stable %define orgname khangman Summary: K Desktop Environment - A hangman game Summary(pl_PL.UTF8): K Desktop Environment - Gra w wisielca Name: kde4-khangman Version: 4.9.1 Release: 1 License: GPL Group: X11/Applications/Science Source0: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/%{_state}/%{version}/src/%{orgname}-%{version}.tar.xz # Source0-md5: e8a79939f6b5a09eec1aca9d675ee2cc URL: http://www.kde.org/ BuildRequires: kde4-kdelibs-devel >= %{version} BuildRequires: kde4-libkdeedu-devel >= %{version} Obsoletes: kde4-kdeedu-khangman < 4.6.99 Obsoletes: khangman <= 4.8.0 BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description KHangMan is a game based on the well known hangman game. A word is picked in random, the letters are hidden, you must guess the word by trying a letter after another. Each time you guess a wrong letter, a picture of a hangman is drawn. You must guess the word before getting hanged! It is aimed for children aged 6+. %description -l pl.UTF-8 KHangMan jest grą opartą na popularnej grze w wisielca. Wybierane jest losowe słowo, którego litery są ukryte. Trzeba zgadnąć to słowo podając kolejno litery. Za każdym razem, gdy podana litera nie występuje w słowie, rysowany jest obrazek wisielca. Trzeba odgadnąć słowo przed powieszeniem! Gra jest przeznaczona dla dzieci w wieku 6 lat lub więcej. %prep %setup -q -n %{orgname}-%{version} %build install -d build cd build %cmake \ .. %{__make} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__make} -C build/ install \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \ kde_htmldir=%{_kdedocdir} %find_lang %{orgname} --with-kde %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files -f %{orgname}.lang %defattr(644,root,root,755) %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/khangman %{_datadir}/apps/khangman %{_datadir}/config.kcfg/khangman.kcfg %{_datadir}/config/khangman.knsrc %{_desktopdir}/kde4/khangman.desktop %{_iconsdir}/hicolor/scalable/apps/khangman*.svgz %{_iconsdir}/hicolor/*x*/apps/khangman*.png %{_mandir}/man6/khangman.6*