]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/ant.git/blame_incremental - ant.spec
- rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.300 instead of macros.java rpm-javaprov
[packages/ant.git] / ant.spec
... / ...
2# - prepare all BR and test the full build
3# Conditional build:
4%bcond_with bootstrap # minimal build for bootstrap
5%bcond_without antlr # disable building antlr optional task(s)
6%bcond_without apache_bcel # disable building apache-bcel optional task(s)
7%bcond_without apache_bsf # disable building apache-bsf optional task(s)
8%bcond_without apache_log4j # disable building apache-log4j optional task(s)
9%bcond_without apache_oro # disable building apache-oro optional task(s)
10%bcond_without apache_regexp # disable building apache-regexp optional task(s)
11%bcond_without apache_resolver # disable building apache-resolver optional task(s)
12%bcond_without commons-logging # disable building commons-logging optional task(s)
13%bcond_without commons-net # disable building commons-net optional task(s)
14%bcond_with jai # enable building jai optional task(s)
15%bcond_without javamail # disable building javamail optional task(s)
16%bcond_with jdepend # enable building jdepend optional task(s)
17%bcond_without jsch # disable building jsch optional task(s)
18%bcond_without junit # disable building junit optional task(s)
20%if %{with bootstrap}
21%undefine with_antlr
22%undefine with_apache_bcel
23%undefine with_apache_bsf
24%undefine with_apache_log4j
25%undefine with_apache_oro
26%undefine with_apache_regexp
27%undefine with_apache_resolver
28%undefine with_commons_logging
29%undefine with_commons_net
30%undefine with_javamail
31%undefine with_jsch
35Summary: Ant build tool for Java
36Summary(fr): Outil de compilation pour java
37Summary(it): Tool per la compilazione di programmi java