packages/kbarcode.gitA barcode and label printing application for KDE2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/perl-AI-Gene-Sequence.gitA base class for storing and mutating genetic sequences2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/simsu.gitA basic Sudoku game2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/wmacpi.gitA battery monitor dockapp for ACPI based systems2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/hdbench.gitA benchmark software like HDBENCH2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/python-scandir.gitA better directory iterator and faster os.walk() for Python2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/xqmixer.gitA better soundmixer tool2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/apache-mod_fcgid.gitA binary compatibility alternative to Apache module mod_fastcgi2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/beav.gitA binary editor with Emacs-like keybindings2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/divxcalc.gitA bitrate calculator for DivX ;-) movies2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/ghc-blaze-html.gitA blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/ghc-blaze-markup.gitA blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/claws-mail.gitA bleeding edge branch of Sylpheed, a GTK2 based, lightweight, and fast e-mail c...6 monthssummarylogtree
packages/aboot.gitA bootloader which can be started from the SRM console2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/tecnoballz.gitA breakout clone with 50 levels of game and 11 special levels2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/kazehakase.gitA browser with multiple rendering engines support2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/gnats.gitA bug tracking system2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/python-wheel.gitA built-package format for Python2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/xut.gitA button football simulation2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/nodejs-lru-cache.gitA cache object that deletes the least recently used items2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/python-cached_property.gitA cached-property for decorating methods in Python classes2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/pdnsd.gitA caching dns proxy for small networks or dialin accounts2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/bongo.gitA calendar and mail server2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/hula.gitA calendar and mail server2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/hippo-canvas.gitA canvas widget2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/nmh.gitA capable mail handling system with a command line interface2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/mobilizer.gitA initiative to deliver a full-featured WAP browser2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/xfce4-cellmodem-plugin.gitA cellmodem plugin for the Xfce panel2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/cheese.gitA cheesy program to take pictures and videos from your web cam10 monthssummarylogtree
packages/vulcan.gitA chess variant2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/micropolis.gitA city simulation game2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/ghc-hashable.gitA class for types that can be converted to a hash value2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/ghc-data-default.gitA class for types with a default value2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/ghc-data-default-class.gitA class for types with a default value2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/terminus-font.gitA clean fixed width font2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/ekg.gitA client compatible with Gadu-Gadu2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/apr_memcache.gitA client for memcached2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/python-recaptcha.gitA client for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/kmldonkey.gitA client for the mldonkey P2P network2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/vstream-client.gitA client library and example client for the Tivo vstream server2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/missile.gitA clone of the Atari Missile Command2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/gnurobbo.gitA clone of the famous 8bit Atari game Robbo8 monthssummarylogtree
packages/asm.gitA code manipulation tool to implement adaptable systems2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/asm2.gitA code manipulation tool to implement adaptable systems2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/pastebin.gitA collaborative debugging tool2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/tellico.gitA collection manager2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/bsd-games.gitA collection of BSD (Berkeley Standard Distribution) games2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/gsettings-desktop-schemas.gitA collection of GSettings schemas5 weekssummarylogtree
packages/ladspa-cmt-plugins.gitA collection of LADSPA plugins from Computer Music Toolkit2 yearssummarylogtree
packages/scli.gitA collection of SNMP command line management tools2 yearssummarylogtree