#!/bin/sh # # timezone Set time zone information. # chkconfig: 2345 10 90 # description: This script is setting time zone information for your machine. # [ -f /etc/sysconfig/timezone ] || exit 0 # Source function library. . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions upstart_controlled --except status disable . /etc/sysconfig/timezone ZONE_FILE="$ZONE_INFO_DIR" if [ -n "$ZONE_INFO_SCHEME" -a "$ZONE_INFO_SCHEME" != "posix" ]; then ZONE_FILE="$ZONE_FILE/$ZONE_INFO_SCHEME" fi ZONE_FILE="$ZONE_FILE/$TIMEZONE" [ -L /etc/localtime ] && [ "$(resolvesymlink /etc/localtime)" = "$ZONE_FILE" ] && exit 0 start() { if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/timezone ]; then msg_already_running timezone return fi if [ -f "$ZONE_FILE" ]; then rm -f /etc/localtime MESSAGE=$(nls 'Setting time zone information (%s)' "$TIMEZONE") if [ -n "$(awk '$2 == "/usr" { print $2 }' /proc/mounts 2> /dev/null)" ]; then run_cmd "$MESSAGE" cp -af "$ZONE_FILE" /etc/localtime else run_cmd "$MESSAGE" ln -sf "$ZONE_FILE" /etc/localtime fi RETVAL=$? restorecon /etc/localtime >/dev/null 2>&1 else show "Missing %s file" "$ZONE_FILE" fail RETVAL=2 fi [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/timezone } stop() { rm -f /var/lock/subsys/timezone >/dev/null 2>&1 } disable() { run_cmd "Unsetting time zone information" rm -f /etc/localtime } # return true if FILE1 and FILE2 are identical identical() { local crc1 crc2 test -f "$1" || return 1 test -f "$2" || return 1 crc1=$(cksum "$1" | awk '{print $1}') crc2=$(cksum "$2" | awk '{print $1}') [ "$crc1" = "$crc2" ] } RETVAL=0 # See how we were called. case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart|try-restart|reload|force-reload) stop start ;; disable) disable ;; status) nls 'Timezone is configured to %s' "$TIMEZONE" if [ ! -f "$ZONE_FILE" ]; then nls "Missing %s file" "$ZONE_FILE" exit 1 elif ! identical "$ZONE_FILE" /etc/localtime; then nls 'Current time zone differs from %s' "$TIMEZONE" exit 1 fi ;; *) msg_usage "$0 {start|stop|restart|try-restart|reload|force-reload|disable|status}" exit 3 esac exit $RETVAL