#!/usr/bin/env ruby #-- # Copyright 2010 Per Øyvind Karlsen # This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under # the terms of the LGPL version 2.1 (or later). # # FIXME: Someone with actual ruby skills should really clean up and sanitize # this! fugliness obvious... #++ require 'optparse' require 'rbconfig' provides = false requires = false opts = OptionParser.new("#{$0} <--provides|--requires>") opts.on("-P", "--provides", "Print provides") do |val| provides = true end opts.on("-R", "--requires", "Print requires") do |val| requires= true end rest = opts.permute(ARGV) if rest.size != 0 or (!provides and !requires) or (provides and requires) $stderr.puts "Use either --provides OR --requires" $stderr.puts opts exit(1) end require 'rubygems' gem_dir = Gem.respond_to?(:default_dirs) ? Gem.default_dirs[:system][:gem_dir] : Gem.path.first specpatt = "#{gem_dir}/specifications/.*\.gemspec$" gems = [] ruby_versioned = false abi_provide = false # as ruby_version may be empty, take version from basename of archdir ruby_version = RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"].empty? ? File.basename(RbConfig::CONFIG["archdir"]) : RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"] for path in $stdin.readlines # way fugly, but we make the assumption that if the package has # this file, the package is the current ruby version, and should # therefore provide ruby(abi) = version if provides and path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["archdir"] + "/rbconfig.rb") abi_provide = true ruby_versioned = true elsif path.match(specpatt) ruby_versioned = true gems.push(path.chomp) # this is quite ugly and lame, but the assumption made is that if any files # found in any of these directories specific to this ruby version, the # package is dependent on this specific version. # FIXME: only supports current ruby version elsif not ruby_versioned if path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["rubylibdir"]) ruby_versioned = true elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["archdir"]) ruby_versioned = true elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["sitelibdir"]) ruby_versioned = !RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"].empty? elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["sitearchdir"]) ruby_versioned = true elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["vendorlibdir"]) ruby_versioned = !RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"].empty? elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["vendorarchdir"]) ruby_versioned = true end end end if requires or abi_provide abidep = "ruby(abi)" if ruby_versioned abidep += " = %s" % ruby_version end print abidep + "\n" end if gems.length > 0 require 'rubygems' if requires module Gem class Requirement def rpm_dependency_transform(name, version) pessimistic = "" if version == "> 0.0.0" or version == ">= 0" version = "" else if version[0..1] == "~>" pessimistic = "rubygem(%s) < %s\n" % [name, Gem::Version.create(version[3..-1]).bump] version = version.gsub(/\~>/, '=>') end if version[0..1] == "!=" version = version.gsub(/\!=/, '>') end version = version.sub(/^/, ' ') end version = "rubygem(%s)%s\n%s" % [name, version, pessimistic] end def to_rpm(name) result = as_list return result.map { |version| rpm_dependency_transform(name, version) } end end end end for gem in gems data = File.read(gem) spec = eval(data) if provides print "rubygem(%s) = %s\n" % [spec.name, spec.version] end if requires for d in spec.dependencies print d.requirement.to_rpm(d.name)[0] unless d.type != :runtime end for d in spec.required_rubygems_version.to_rpm("rubygems") print d.gsub(/(rubygem\()|(\))/, "") end end end end