# to build for athlon you need release at least 49 Summary: Red Hat (and now also PLD) Package Manager Summary(de): Red Hat (und jetzt auch PLD) Packet-Manager Summary(es): Gestor de paquetes RPM Summary(pl): Aplikacja do zarz±dzania pakietami Summary(pt_BR): Gerenciador de pacotes RPM Name: rpm Version: 4.0.2 Release: 49 License: GPL Group: Base Group(de): Gründsätzlich Group(es): Base Group(fr): Base Group(pl): Podstawowe Group(pt): Base Group(pt_BR): Base Source0: ftp://ftp.rpm.org/pub/rpm/dist/rpm-4.0.x/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source1: %{name}.groups Source2: %{name}.macros Source3: %{name}-install-tree Source4: %{name}-find-%{name}-provides Source5: %{name}-macros.perl Source6: %{name}-find-perl-provides Source7: %{name}-find-perl-requires Source8: %{name}-find-spec-bcond Source9: %{name}-find-lang Source10: %{name}-find-provides Source11: %{name}-find-requires Source12: %{name}-non-english-man-pages.tar.bz2 Source13: %{name}-macros.python Patch0: %{name}-rpmrc.patch Patch1: %{name}-macros.patch Patch2: %{name}-arch.patch Patch3: %{name}-rpmpopt.patch Patch4: %{name}-perl-macros.patch Patch5: %{name}-db3.patch Patch6: %{name}-segv.patch Patch7: %{name}-am_fix.patch Patch8: %{name}-perl-req-perlfile.patch Patch9: %{name}-installplatform.patch Patch10: %{name}-cache.patch Patch11: %{name}-suggestions.patch Patch12: %{name}-rh-lame.patch Patch13: %{name}-glob.patch Patch14: %{name}-header_h.patch Patch15: %{name}-fast-alAddPackage.patch Patch16: %{name}-byKey.patch Patch17: %{name}-perlprov.patch Patch18: %{name}-noperldir.patch Patch19: popt-cvs20010530.patch Patch20: %{name}-noexpand.patch Patch21: %{name}-scripts-closefds.patch Patch22: %{name}-python-amfix.patch Patch23: %{name}-non-english-man-pages.patch Patch24: %{name}-progress-nontty.patch Patch25: %{name}-am_ac.patch Patch26: %{name}-python-macros.patch Patch27: %{name}-hardlink-fixes.patch Patch28: %{name}-perlprov-regonly.patch Patch29: %{name}-cxx.patch Patch30: %{name}-athlon.patch Patch31: %{name}-athlon-identify.patch Patch37: %{name}-short_circuit.patch Patch38: %{name}-section_test.patch URL: http://www.rpm.org/ Icon: rpm.gif BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.50 BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: db3-devel >= 3.1.17-9 BuildRequires: db1-devel >= 1.85 BuildRequires: db3-devel >= 3.1.17-9 BuildRequires: gettext-devel >= 0.10.38-3 BuildRequires: python-devel >= 2.2 BuildRequires: zlib-devel BuildRequires: python-modules >= 2.2.1 BuildRequires: zlib-devel >= 1.1.4 %if %{!?_without_static:1}%{?_without_static:0} # Require static library only for static build BuildRequires: db3-static >= 3.1.17-9 BuildRequires: db1-static >= 1.85 BuildRequires: zlib-static BuildRequires: glibc-static >= 2.2.0 BuildRequires: zlib-static >= 1.1.4 Obsoletes: rpm-libs BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) Obsoletes: rpm-libs Conflicts: glibc < 2.2 %define __find_provides %{SOURCE4} %define _binary_payload w9.gzdio %define py_ver %(echo `python -c "import sys; print sys.version[:3]"`) %define py_prefix %(echo `python -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`) %define py_libdir %{py_prefix}/lib/python%{py_ver} %define py_dyndir %{py_libdir}/lib-dynload %define pyrequires_eq() Requires: %1 >= %py_ver %1 < %(echo `python -c "import sys; import string; ver=sys.version[:3].split('.'); ver[1]=str(int(ver[1])+1); print string.join(ver, '.')"`) %description RPM is a powerful package manager, which can be used to build, install, query, verify, update, and uninstall individual software packages. A package consists of an archive of files, and package information, including name, version, and description. %description -l de RPM ist ein kräftiger Packet-Manager, der verwendet sein kann zur Installation, Anfrage, Verifizierung, Aktualisierung und Uninstallation individueller Softwarepakete. Ein Paket besteht aus einem Archiv Dateien und Paketinformation, inklusive Name, Version und Beschreibung. %description -l es RPM es un poderoso administrador de paquetes, que puede ser usado para construir, instalar, pesquisar, verificar, actualizar y desinstalar paquetes individuales de software. Un paquete consiste en un almacenaje de archivos, y información sobre el paquete, incluyendo nombre, versión y descripción. %description -l pl RPM jest doskona³ym mened¿erem pakietów. Dziêki niemu bêdziesz móg³ przebudowaæ, zainstalowaæ czy zweryfikowaæ dowolny pakiet. Informacje dotycz±ce ka¿dego pakietu, takie jak jego opis, lista plików wchodz±cych w sk³ad pakietu, zale¿no¶ci od innych pakietów, s± przechowywane w bazie danych i mo¿na je uzyskaæ za pomoc± opcji odpytywania programu rpm. %description -l pt_BR RPM é um poderoso gerenciador de pacotes, que pode ser usado para construir, instalar, pesquisar, verificar, atualizar e desinstalar pacotes individuais de software. Um pacote consiste de um conjunto de arquivos e informações adicionais, incluindo nome, versão e descrição do pacote, permissões dos arquivos, etc. %package devel Summary: Header files and libraries Summary(de): Header-Dateien uns Libraries Summary(es): Archivos de inclusión y bibliotecas para programas de manipulación de paquetes rpm Summary(pl): Pliki nag³ówkowe i biblioteki statyczne Group(de): Entwicklung/Bibliotheken Group(es): Desarrollo/Bibliotecas Group(fr): Development/Librairies Group(pl): Programowanie/Biblioteki Group(pt_BR): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(pt): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(ru): òÁÚÒÁÂÏÔËÁ/âÉÂÌÉÏÔÅËÉ Group(uk): òÏÚÒÏÂËÁ/â¦Â̦ÏÔÅËÉ Summary(pt_BR): Arquivos de inclusão e bibliotecas para programas de manipulação de pacotes RPM Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: popt-devel %description devel The RPM packaging system includes a C library that makes it easy to manipulate RPM packages and databases. It is intended to ease the creation of graphical package managers and other tools that need intimate knowledge of RPM packages. %description devel -l de Der RPM-Packensystem enthält eine C-Library, die macht es einfach RPM-Pakete und Dateibanken zu manipulieren. Er eignet sich für Vereinfachung des Schaffens grafischer Paket-Manager und anderer Werkzeuge, die intime Kenntnis von RPM-Paketen brauchen. %description devel -l es El sistema de empaquetado RPM incluye una biblioteca C que vuelve fácil la manipulación de paquetes y bases de datos RPM. Su objetivo es facilitar la creación de administradores gráficos de paquetes y otras herramientas que necesiten un conocimiento profundo de paquetes RPM. %description devel -l pl System RPM zawiera bibliotekê C, która u³atwia manipulowanie pakietami RPM oraz bazami danych. W zamiarze ma to upro¶ciæ tworzenie graficznych mened¿erów pakietów oraz innych narzêdzi, które wymagaj± szczegó³owej wiedzy na temat pakietów RPM. %description devel -l pt_BR O sistema de empacotamento RPM inclui uma biblioteca C que torna fácil a manipulação de pacotes e bases de dados RPM. Seu objetivo é facilitar a criação de gerenciadores gráficos de pacotes e outras ferramentas que precisem de conhecimento profundo de pacotes RPM. %package static Summary: RPM static libraries Summary(de): RPMs statische Libraries Summary(pl): Biblioteki statyczne RPM-a Group(de): Entwicklung/Bibliotheken Group(es): Desarrollo/Bibliotecas Group(fr): Development/Librairies Group(pl): Programowanie/Biblioteki Group(pt_BR): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(pt): Desenvolvimento/Bibliotecas Group(ru): òÁÚÒÁÂÏÔËÁ/âÉÂÌÉÏÔÅËÉ Group(uk): òÏÚÒÏÂËÁ/â¦Â̦ÏÔÅËÉ Summary(pt_BR): Bibliotecas estáticas para o desenvolvimento de aplicações RPM Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version} %description static RPM static libraries. %description static -l de RPMs statische Libraries. %description static -l pl Biblioteki statyczne RPM-a. %description static -l pt_BR Bibliotecas estáticas para desenvolvimento. %package utils Summary: Additional utilities for managing rpm packages and database Summary(de): Zusatzwerkzeuge für Verwaltung RPM-Pakete und Datenbanken Group(de): Applikationen/Datei Group(es): Aplicaciones/Archivos Group(fr): Applications/Fichiers Group(pl): Aplikacje/Pliki Group(pt): Aplicações/Ficheiros Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Arquivos Summary(pl): Dodatkowe narzêdzia do zarz±dzania baz± RPM-a i pakietami Group: Applications/File Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description utils Additional utilities for managing rpm packages and database. %description utils -l de Zusatzwerkzeuge für Verwaltung RPM-Pakete und Datenbanken. %description utils -l pl Dodatkowe narzêdzia do zarz±dzania baz± RPM-a i pakietami. %package perlprov Summary: Additional utilities for checking perl provides/requires in rpm packages Summary(de): Zusatzwerkzeuge fürs Nachsehen Perl-Abhängigkeiten in RPM-Paketen Group(de): Applikationen/Datei Group(es): Aplicaciones/Archivos Group(fr): Applications/Fichiers Group(pl): Aplikacje/Pliki Group(pt): Aplicações/Ficheiros Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Arquivos Summary(pl): Dodatkowe narzêdzia do sprawdzenia zale¿no¶ci skryptów perla w pakietach rpm Group: Applications/File Requires: perl-modules Requires: findutils %description perlprov Additional utilities for checking perl provides/requires in rpm packages. %description perlprov -l de Zusatzwerkzeuge fürs Nachsehen Perl-Abhängigkeiten in RPM-Paketen. %description perlprov -l pl Dodatkowe narzêdzia do sprawdzenia zale¿no¶ci skryptów perla w pakietach rpm. %package pythonprov Summary: Python macros, which simplifies creation of rpm packages with Python software Group(de): Applikationen/Datei Group(es): Aplicaciones/Archivos Group(fr): Applications/Fichiers Group(pl): Aplikacje/Pliki Group(pt): Aplicações/Ficheiros Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Arquivos Summary(pl): Makra u³atwiaj±ce tworzenie pakietów rpm z programami napisanymi w Pythonie %requires_eq python Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: python-modules %description pythonprov Python macros, which simplifies creation of rpm packages with Python software. %description pythonprov -l pl Makra u³atwiaj±ce tworzenie pakietów rpm z programami napisanymi w %package python %package -n python-rpm Summary: Python interface to RPM library Group: Development/Languages/Python Group(de): Entwicklung/Sprachen/Python Group(es): Desarrollo/Lenguages/Python Group(fr): Development/Langues/Python Group(pl): Programowanie/Jêzyki/Python Group(pt): Desenvolvimento/Línguas/Python Summary(pt_BR): Módulo Python para aplicativos que manipulam pacotes RPM %pyrequires_eq python %description python %description -n python-rpm The rpm-python package contains a module which permits applications written in the Python programming language to use the interface supplied by RPM (RPM Package Manager) libraries. This package should be installed if you want to develop Python %description python -l pl %description -n python-rpm -l pl Pakiet rpm-python zawiera modu³, który pozwala aplikacjom napisanym w Pythonie na u¿ywanie interfejsu dostarczanego przez biblioteki RPM-a. Pakiet ten powinien zostaæ zainstalowany, je¶li chcesz pisaæ w %description python -l pt_BR %description -n python-rpm -l pt_BR O pacote rpm-python contém um módulo que permite que aplicações escritas em Python utilizem a interface fornecida pelas bibliotecas RPM (RPM Package Manager). Esse pacote deve ser instalado se você quiser desenvolver programas em Python para manipular pacotes e bancos de dados RPM. %package build Summary: Scripts for building binary RPM packages Summary(de): Scripts fürs Bauen binärer RPM-Pakete Summary(pl): Skrypty pomocnicze do budowania binarnych RPM-ów Group(de): Applikationen/Datei Group(es): Aplicaciones/Archivos Group(fr): Applications/Fichiers Group(pl): Aplikacje/Pliki Group(pt): Aplicações/Ficheiros Group(pt_BR): Aplicações/Arquivos Summary(pt_BR): Scripts e programas executáveis usados para construir pacotes Group: Applications/File Requires: %{name} = %{version} Requires: /bin/id Requires: awk Requires: binutils Requires: diffutils Requires: file >= 3.31 Requires: fileutils Requires: findutils %ifarch athlon Requires: gcc >= 3.0.3 %else Requires: gcc Requires: glibc-devel Requires: grep Requires: gzip Requires: make Requires: patch Requires: popt >= 1.6.2-2 Requires: sed Requires: tar Requires: textutils %description build Scripts for building binary RPM packages. %description build -l de Scripts fürs Bauen binärer RPM-Pakete. %description build -l pl Skrypty pomocnicze do budowania binarnych RPM-ów. %description build -l pt_BR Este pacote contém scripts e programas executáveis que são usados para construir pacotes usando o RPM. %prep %setup -q -a12 %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 %patch4 -p1 %patch5 -p1 %patch6 -p1 %patch7 -p1 %patch8 -p1 %patch11 -p0 %patch12 -p0 %patch11 -p0 %patch12 -p0 %patch15 -p0 %patch16 -p0 %patch15 -p0 %patch16 -p0 %patch17 -p1 %patch18 -p1 %patch19 -p1 %patch22 -p1 %patch23 -p1 %patch24 -p1 %patch25 -p1 %patch26 -p0 %patch27 -p1 %patch28 -p1 %patch29 -p1 %patch30 -p1 %ifarch athlon %patch31 -p1 %endif %patch31 -p1 %patch36 -p1 %patch37 -p1 %patch38 -p1 sed -e 's/^/@pld@/' %{SOURCE2} >>platform.in cp -f platform.in macros.pld.in install %{SOURCE9} scripts/find-lang.sh install %{SOURCE13} macros.python.in install %{SOURCE6} scripts/find-perl-provides install %{SOURCE7} scripts/find-perl-requires install %{SOURCE9} scripts/find-lang.sh (cd scripts; mv -f perl.req perl.req.in mv -f perl.prov perl.prov.in) %build # generate Group translations to *.po awk -f %{SOURCE14} %{SOURCE1} cd popt autoconf automake -a -c aclocal autoheader automake -a -c -f %{__automake} cd .. rm -f missing libtoolize --force --copy autoconf # ugly workaround for automake sed -e 's#cpio.c $(DBLIBOBJS) depends.c#cpio.c depends.c#g' \ lib/Makefile.am > lib/Makefile.am.new mv -f lib/Makefile.am.new lib/Makefile.am automake -a -c sed -e 's#cpio.c depends.c#cpio.c $(DBLIBOBJS) depends.c#g' \ lib/Makefile.in > lib/Makefile.in.new mv -f lib/Makefile.in.new lib/Makefile.in sed -e 's#python1.5#python%{py_ver}#g' \ python/Makefile.in > python/Makefile.in.new mv -f python/Makefile.in.new python/Makefile.in sed -e 's#python1.5#python%{py_ver}#g' \ python/Makefile.in > python/Makefile.in.new sed -e 's|@host@|%{_target_cpu}-%{_target_vendor}-linux-gnu|' macros.in | \ sed 's|@host_cpu@|%{_target_cpu}|' > macros.tmp # config.guess doesn't handle athlon, so we have to change it by hand. # rpm checks for CPU type at runtime, but it looks better sed -e 's|@host@|%{_target_cpu}-%{_target_vendor}-linux-gnu|' macros.in | \ sed 's|@host_cpu@|%{_target_cpu}|' > macros.tmp --enable-v1-packages \ --with-python %configure \ --enable-shared \ --enable-v1-packages \ --with-python %{__make} %{?_without_static:rpm_LDFLAGS="\\$(myLDFLAGS)"} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__make} install \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \ pkgbindir="%{_bindir}" install macros.perl $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/rpm/macros.perl install macros.python $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/rpm/macros.python install %{SOURCE1} doc/manual/groups install %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/rpm/install-build-tree install %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/rpm/find-spec-bcond install %{SOURCE10} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/rpm/find-provides install %{SOURCE11} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/rpm/find-requires install %{SOURCE15} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/rpm/compress-doc install rpmio/ugid.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/rpm install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/rpm cat > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros <