#!/bin/sh # ----------- # $Id$ # Exit codes: # 0 - succesful # 1 - help displayed # 2 - no spec file name in cmdl parameters # 3 - spec file not stored in repo # 4 - some source, patch or icon files not stored in repo # 5 - package build failed # 6 - spec file with errors # Notes (todo): # - builder -u fetches current version first # - tries to get new version from distfiles without new md5 # - after fetching new version doesn't update md5 # - doesn't get sources for specs with %include /usr/lib/rpm/macros.python # when there's no rpm-pythonprov (rpm's fault, but it's ugly anyway) # - as above with %include /usr/lib/rpm/macros.perl and no rpm-perlprov VERSION="\ Build package utility from PLD CVS repository V 0.11 (C) 1999-2003 Free Penguins". PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin" COMMAND="build" SPECFILE="" BE_VERBOSE="" QUIET="" CLEAN="" DEBUG="" NOURLS="" NOCVS="" NOCVSSPEC="" NODIST="" UPDATE="" UPDATE5="" ADD5="" ALWAYS_CVSUP=${ALWAYS_CVSUP:-"yes"} if [ -s CVS/Root ]; then CVSROOT=$(cat CVS/Root) else CVSROOT=${CVSROOT:-""} fi # Example: LOGFILE='../log.$PACKAGE_NAME' # Yes, you can use variable name! Note _single_ quotes! LOGFILE='' LOGDIR="" LOGDIROK="" LOGDIRFAIL="" LASTLOG_FILE="" LTAG="" CHMOD="no" CHMOD_MODE="0444" RPMOPTS="" BCOND="" PATCHES="" SOURCES="" ICONS="" PACKAGE_RELEASE="" PACKAGE_VERSION="" PACKAGE_NAME="" PROTOCOL="ftp" WGET_RETRIES=${MAX_WGET_RETRIES:-0} CVS_RETRIES=${MAX_CVS_RETRIES:-1000} CVSTAG="" RES_FILE="" CVS_SERVER="cvs.pld-linux.org" DISTFILES_SERVER="://distfiles.pld-linux.org" DEF_NICE_LEVEL=0 FAIL_IF_NO_SOURCES="yes" GETURI="wget --passive-ftp -c -nd -t$WGET_RETRIES --inet" GETURI2="wget -c -nd -t$WGET_RETRIES --inet" GETLOCAL="cp -a" if (rpm --version 2>&1 | grep -q '4.0.[0-2]'); then RPM="rpm" RPMBUILD="rpm" else RPM="rpm" RPMBUILD="rpmbuild" fi if [ -f ~/etc/builderrc ]; then . ~/etc/builderrc elif [ -f ~/.builderrc ]; then . ~/.builderrc fi #--------------------------------------------- # functions usage() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -xv; fi echo "\ Usage: builder [-D|--debug] [-V|--version] [-a|--as_anon] [-b|-ba|--build] [-bb|--build-binary] [-bs|--build-source] [-u|--try-upgrade] [{-B|--branch} ] [{-d|--cvsroot} ] [-g|--get] [-h|--help] [--http] [{-l,--logtofile} ] [-m|--mr-proper] [-q|--quiet] [--date [-r ] [{-T--tag ] [-Tvs|--tag-version-stable] [-Tvn|--tag-version-nest] [-Ts|--tag-stable] [-Tn|--tag-nest] [-Tv|--tag-version] [-nu|--no-urls] [-v|--verbose] [--opts ] [--with/--without ] [--define ] [.spec] -5, --update-md5 - update md5 comments in spec, implies -nd -ncs -a5, --add-md5 - add md5 comments to URL sources, implies -nc -nd -ncs -D, --debug - enable script debugging mode, -V, --version - output builder version -a, --as_anon - get files via pserver as cvs@$CVS_SERVER, -b, -ba, --build - get all files from CVS repo or HTTP/FTP and build package from .spec, -bb, --build-binary - get all files from CVS repo or HTTP/FTP and build binary only package from .spec, -bs, --build-source - get all files from CVS repo or HTTP/FTP and only pack them into src.rpm, -B, --branch - add branch -c, --clean - clean all temporarily created files (in BUILD, SOURCES, SPECS and \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT), -d , --cvsroot - setup \$CVSROOT, --define - define a macro with value , -g, --get - get .spec and all related files from CVS repo or HTTP/FTP, -h, --help - this message, --http - use http instead of ftp, -l , --logtofile - log all to file, -m, --mr-proper - only remove all files related to spec file and all work resources, -nc, --no-cvs - don't download sources from CVS, if source URL is given, -ncs, --no-cvs-specs - don't check specs in CVS -nd, --no-distfiles - don't download from distfiles -nm, --no-mirrors - don't download from mirror, if source URL is given, -nu, --no-urls - don't try to download from FTP/HTTP location, -ns, --no-srcs - don't download Sources -ns0, --no-source0 - don't download Source0 --opts - additional options for rpm -q, --quiet - be quiet, --date yyyy-mm-dd - build package using resources from specified CVS date, -r , --cvstag - build package using resources from specified CVS tag, -T , --tag - add cvs tag for files, -Tvs, --tag-version-stable - add cvs tags STABLE and NAME-VERSION-RELESE for files, -Tvn, --tag-version-nest - add cvs tags NEST and NAME-VERSION-RELESE for files, -Ts, --tag-stable - add cvs tag STABLE for files, -Tn, --tag-nest - add cvs tag NEST for files, -Tv, --tag-version - add cvs tag NAME-VERSION-RELESE for files, -v, --verbose - be verbose, -u, --try-upgrade - check version, and try to upgrade package -un, --try-upgrade-with-float-version - as above, but allow float version -U, --update - refetch sources, don't use distfiles, and update md5 comments --with/--without - conditional build package depending on %_with_/%_without_ macro switch " } cache_rpm_dump () { rpm_dump_cache=` case "$RPMBUILD" in rpm ) rpm -bp --nodeps --define 'prep %dump' $BCOND $SPECFILE 2>&1 ;; rpmbuild ) rpmbuild --nodigest --nosignature --define 'prep %dump' $BCOND $SPECFILE 2>&1 ;; esac` } rpm_dump () { if [ -z "$rpm_dump_cache" ] ; then echo "internal error: cache_rpm_dump not called!" 1>&2 fi echo "$rpm_dump_cache" } parse_spec() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi cd $SPECS_DIR cache_rpm_dump if [ "$NOSRCS" != "yes" ]; then SOURCES="`rpm_dump | awk '/SOURCEURL[0-9]+/ {print $3}'`" fi if (rpm_dump | grep -qEi ":.*nosource.*1"); then FAIL_IF_NO_SOURCES="no" fi PATCHES="`rpm_dump | awk '/PATCHURL[0-9]+/ {print $3}'`" ICONS="`awk '/^Icon:/ {print $2}' ${SPECFILE}`" PACKAGE_NAME="`$RPM -q --qf '%{NAME}\n' --specfile ${SPECFILE} 2> /dev/null | head -1`" PACKAGE_VERSION="`$RPM -q --qf '%{VERSION}\n' --specfile ${SPECFILE} 2> /dev/null| head -1`" PACKAGE_RELEASE="`$RPM -q --qf '%{RELEASE}\n' --specfile ${SPECFILE} 2> /dev/null | head -1`" if [ -n "$BE_VERBOSE" ]; then echo "- Sources : `nourl $SOURCES`" if [ -n "$PATCHES" ]; then echo "- Patches : `nourl $PATCHES`" else echo "- Patches : *no patches needed*" fi if [ -n "$ICONS" ]; then echo "- Icon : `nourl $ICONS`" else echo "- Icon : *no package icon*" fi echo "- Name : $PACKAGE_NAME" echo "- Version : $PACKAGE_VERSION" echo "- Release : $PACKAGE_RELEASE" fi } Exit_error() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi cd $__PWD case "$1" in "err_no_spec_in_cmdl" ) echo "ERROR: spec file name not specified."; exit 2 ;; "err_no_spec_in_repo" ) echo "Error: spec file not stored in CVS repo."; exit 3 ;; "err_no_source_in_repo" ) echo "Error: some source, patch or icon files not stored in CVS repo. ($2)"; exit 4 ;; "err_build_fail" ) echo "Error: package build failed. (${2:-no more info})"; exit 5 ;; esac } init_builder() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi SOURCE_DIR="`$RPM --eval '%{_sourcedir}'`" SPECS_DIR="`$RPM --eval '%{_specdir}'`" __PWD=`pwd` } get_spec() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi if [ "$NOCVSSPEC" != "yes" ]; then cd $SPECS_DIR OPTIONS="up " if [ -n "$CVSROOT" ]; then OPTIONS="-d $CVSROOT $OPTIONS" else if [ ! -s CVS/Root -a "$NOCVSSPEC" != "yes" ]; then echo "warning: No cvs access defined - using local .spec file" NOCVSSPEC="yes" fi fi if [ -z "$CVSDATE" -a -z "$CVSTAG" ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -A" else if [ -n "$CVSDATE" ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -D $CVSDATE" fi if [ -n "$CVSTAG" ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -r $CVSTAG" fi fi result=1 retries_counter=0 while [ "$result" != "0" -a "$retries_counter" -le "$CVS_RETRIES" ]; do retries_counter=$(( $retries_counter + 1 )) output=$(LC_ALL=C cvs $OPTIONS $SPECFILE 2>&1) result=$? [ -n "$output" ] && echo "$output" if [ "$result" -ne "0" ]; then if (echo "$output" | grep -qE "(Cannot connect to|connect to .* failed|Connection reset by peer|Connection timed out)") && [ "$retries_counter" -le "$CVS_RETRIES" ]; then echo "Trying again [$SPECFILE]... ($retries_counter)" sleep 2 continue fi Exit_error err_no_spec_in_repo; fi done fi if [ ! -f "$SPECFILE" ]; then Exit_error err_no_spec_in_repo; fi if [ "$CHMOD" = "yes" -a -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then chmod $CHMOD_MODE $SPECFILE fi unset OPTIONS grep -E -m 1 "^#.*Revision:.*Date" $SPECFILE } find_mirror(){ cd "$SPECS_DIR" url="$1" if [ ! -f "mirrors" -a "$NOCVSSPEC" != "yes" ] ; then cvs update mirrors >&2 fi IFS="|" while read origin mirror name rest; do ol=`echo -n "$origin"|wc -c` prefix="`echo -n "$url" | head -c $ol`" if [ "$prefix" = "$origin" ] ; then suffix="`echo "$url"|cut -b $ol-`" echo -n "$mirror$suffix" return 0 fi done < mirrors echo "$url" } src_no () { cd $SPECS_DIR rpm_dump | \ grep "SOURCEURL[0-9]*[ ]*$1""[ ]*$" | \ sed -e 's/.*SOURCEURL\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/' | \ head -1 | xargs } src_md5 () { no=$(src_no "$1") [ -z "$no" ] && return cd $SPECS_DIR spec_rev=$(grep $SPECFILE CVS/Entries | sed -e s:/$SPECFILE/:: -e s:/.*::) if [ -z "$spec_rev" ]; then spec_rev="$(head -1 $SPECFILE | sed -e 's/.*\$Revision: \([0-9.]*\).*/\1/')" fi spec="$SPECFILE[0-9.,]*,$(echo $spec_rev | sed 's/\./\\./g')" md5=$(grep -s -v '^#' additional-md5sums | \ grep -E "[ ]$(basename "$1")[ ]+${spec}([ ,]|\$)" | \ sed -e 's/^\([0-9a-f]\{32\}\).*/\1/' | \ grep -E '^[0-9a-f]{32}$') if [ X"$md5" = X"" ] ; then grep -i "#[ ]*Source$no-md5[ ]*:" $SPECFILE | sed -e 's/.*://' | xargs else if [ $(echo "$md5" | wc -l) != 1 ] ; then echo "$SPECFILE: more then one entry in additional-md5sums for $1" 1>&2 fi echo "$md5" | tail -1 fi } distfiles_url () { echo "$PROTOCOL$DISTFILES_SERVER/by-md5/$(src_md5 "$1" | sed -e 's|^\(.\)\(.\)|\1/\2/&|')/$(basename "$1")" } good_md5 () { md5=$(src_md5 "$1") [ "$md5" = "" ] || \ [ "$md5" = "$(md5sum $(nourl "$1") 2> /dev/null | sed -e 's/ .*//')" ] } get_files() { GET_FILES="$@" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi if [ -n "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9${10}" ]; then cd $SOURCE_DIR OPTIONS="up " if [ -n "$CVSROOT" ]; then OPTIONS="-d $CVSROOT $OPTIONS" else if [ ! -s CVS/Root -a "$NOCVS" != "yes" ]; then echo "warning: No cvs access defined for SOURCES" NOCVS="yes" fi fi if [ -z "$CVSDATE" -a -z "$CVSTAG" ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -A" else if [ -n "$CVSDATE" ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -D $CVSDATE" fi if [ -n "$CVSTAG" ]; then OPTIONS="$OPTIONS -r $CVSTAG" fi fi for i in $GET_FILES; do if [ -n "$UPDATE5" ]; then if [ -n "$ADD5" ]; then [ `nourl $i` = "$i" ] && continue grep -qiE '^#[ ]*Source'$(src_no $i)'-md5[ ]*:' $SPECS_DIR/$SPECFILE && continue else grep -qiE '^#[ ]*Source'$(src_no $i)'-md5[ ]*:' $SPECS_DIR/$SPECFILE || continue fi fi FROM_DISTFILES=0 if [ ! -f `nourl $i` ] || [ $ALWAYS_CVSUP = "yes" ]; then if echo $i | grep -vE '(http|ftp|https|cvs|svn)://' | grep -qE '\.(gz|bz2)$']; then echo "Warning: no URL given for $i" fi if [ -n "$(src_md5 "$i")" ] && [ -z "$NODIST" ]; then if good_md5 "$i"; then echo "$(nourl "$i") having proper md5sum already exists" continue fi target=$(nourl "$i") url=$(distfiles_url "$i") if [ `echo $url | grep -E '^(\.|/)'` ]; then ${GETLOCAL} $url $target else FROM_DISTFILES=1 if [ -z "$NOMIRRORS" ]; then url="`find_mirror "$url"`" fi ${GETURI} -O "$target" "$url" || \ if [ `echo $url | grep -E 'ftp://'` ]; then ${GETURI2} -O "$target" "$url" fi test -s "$target" || rm -f "$target" fi elif [ -z "$(src_md5 "$i")" -a "$NOCVS" != "yes" ]; then # ( echo $i | grep -qvE '(ftp|http|https)://' ); -- if CVS should be used, but URLs preferred result=1 retries_counter=0 while [ "$result" != "0" -a "$retries_counter" -le "$CVS_RETRIES" ]; do retries_counter=$(( $retries_counter + 1 )) output=$(LC_ALL=C cvs $OPTIONS `nourl $i` 2>&1) result=$? [ -n "$output" ] && echo "$output" if (echo "$output" | grep -qE "(Cannot connect to|connect to .* failed|Connection reset by peer|Connection timed out)") && [ "$result" -ne "0" -a "$retries_counter" -le "$CVS_RETRIES" ]; then echo "Trying again [`nourl $i`]... ($retries_counter)" sleep 2 continue else break fi done fi if [ -z "$NOURLS" ] && [ ! -f "`nourl $i`" -o -n "$UPDATE" ] && [ `echo $i | grep -E 'ftp://|http://|https://'` ]; then if [ -z "$NOMIRRORS" ]; then im="`find_mirror "$i"`" else im="$i" fi ${GETURI} "$im" || \ if [ `echo $im | grep -E 'ftp://'` ]; then ${GETURI2} "$im" ; fi fi fi srcno=$(src_no $i) if [ ! -f "`nourl $i`" -a "$FAIL_IF_NO_SOURCES" != "no" ]; then Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $i; elif [ -n "$UPDATE5" ] && \ ( ( [ -n "$ADD5" ] && echo $i | grep -q -E 'ftp://|http://|https://' && \ [ -z "$(grep -E -i '^NoSource[ ]*:[ ]*'$i'([ ]|$)' $SPECS_DIR/$SPECFILE)" ] ) || \ grep -q -i -E '^#[ ]*source'$(src_no $i)'-md5[ ]*:' $SPECS_DIR/$SPECFILE ) then echo "Updating source-$srcno md5." md5=$(md5sum `nourl $i` | cut -f1 -d' ') perl -i -ne ' print unless /^\s*#\s*Source'$srcno'-md5\s*:/i; print "# Source'$srcno'-md5:\t'$md5'\n" if /^Source'$srcno'\s*:\s+/; ' \ $SPECS_DIR/$SPECFILE fi if good_md5 "$i"; then : elif [ "$FROM_DISTFILES" = 1 ]; then # wrong md5 from distfiles: remove the file and try again # but only once ... echo "MD5 sum mismatch. Trying full fetch." FROM_DISTFILES=2 rm -f $target ${GETURI} -O "$target" "$url" || \ if [ `echo $url | grep -E 'ftp://'` ]; then ${GETURI2} -O "$target" "$url" fi test -s "$target" || rm -f "$target" fi if good_md5 "$i"; then : else echo "MD5 sum mismatch. Use -U to refetch sources," echo "or -5 to update md5 sums, if you're sure files are correct." Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $i fi done if [ "$CHMOD" = "yes" ]; then CHMOD_FILES="`nourl $GET_FILES`" if [ -n "$CHMOD_FILES" ]; then chmod $CHMOD_MODE $CHMOD_FILES fi fi unset OPTIONS fi } tag_files() { TAG_FILES="$@" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi if [ -n "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9${10}" ]; then echo "Version: $PACKAGE_VERSION" echo "Release: $PACKAGE_RELEASE" TAGVER=$PACKAGE_NAME-`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | sed -e "s/\./\_/g" -e "s/@/#/g"`-`echo $PACKAGE_RELEASE | sed -e "s/\./\_/g" -e "s/@/#/g"` if [ "$TAG_VERSION" = "yes" ]; then echo "CVS tag: $TAGVER" fi if [ -n "$TAG" ]; then echo "CVS tag: $TAG" fi OPTIONS="tag -F" if [ -n "$CVSROOT" ]; then OPTIONS="-d $CVSROOT $OPTIONS" fi cd $SOURCE_DIR for i in $TAG_FILES; do if [ -f `nourl $i` ]; then if [ "$TAG_VERSION" = "yes" ]; then cvs $OPTIONS $TAGVER `nourl $i` fi if [ -n "$TAG" ]; then cvs $OPTIONS $TAG `nourl $i` fi else Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $i fi done cd $SPECS_DIR if [ "$TAG_VERSION" = "yes" ]; then cvs $OPTIONS $TAGVER $SPECFILE fi if [ -n "$TAG" ]; then cvs $OPTIONS $TAG $SPECFILE fi unset OPTIONS fi } branch_files() { TAG=$1 echo "CVS branch tag: $TAG" shift; TAG_FILES="$@" if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi if [ -n "$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9${10}" ]; then OPTIONS="tag -b" if [ -n "$CVSROOT" ]; then OPTIONS="-d $CVSROOT $OPTIONS" fi cd $SOURCE_DIR for i in $TAG_FILES; do if [ -f `nourl $i` ]; then cvs $OPTIONS $TAG `nourl $i` else Exit_error err_no_source_in_repo $i fi done cd $SPECS_DIR cvs $OPTIONS $TAG $SPECFILE unset OPTIONS fi } build_package() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi cd $SPECS_DIR if [ -n "$TRY_UPGRADE" ]; then if [ -n "FLOAT_VERSION" ]; then TNOTIFY=`./pldnotify.awk $SPECFILE -n` else TNOTIFY=`./pldnotify.awk $SPECFILE` fi TNEWVER=`echo $TNOTIFY | awk '{ match($4,/\[NEW\]/); print $5 }'` if [ -n "$TNEWVER" ]; then TOLDVER=`echo $TNOTIFY | awk '{ print $3; }'` echo "New version found, updating spec file to version " $TNEWVER cp -f $SPECFILE $SPECFILE.bak chmod +w $SPECFILE eval "perl -pi -e 's/Version:\t"$TOLDVER"/Version:\t"$TNEWVER"/gs' $SPECFILE" eval "perl -pi -e 's/Release:\t[1-9]{0,4}/Release:\t1/' $SPECFILE" parse_spec; get_files "$SOURCES $PATCHES"; unset TOLDVER TNEWVER TNOTIFY fi fi cd $SPECS_DIR case "$COMMAND" in build ) BUILD_SWITCH="-ba" ;; build-binary ) BUILD_SWITCH="-bb" ;; build-source ) BUILD_SWITCH="-bs --nodeps" ;; esac if [ -n "$LOGFILE" ]; then if [ -n "$CVSTAG" ]; then LTAG="r_`echo $CVSTAG|sed -e 's/\./_/g'`_" else LTAG="" fi LOG=`eval echo $LOGFILE` if [ -n "$LASTLOG_FILE" ]; then echo "LASTLOG=$LOG" > $LASTLOG_FILE fi RES_FILE=~/tmp/$RPMBUILD-exit-status.$RANDOM (nice -n ${DEF_NICE_LEVEL} time $RPMBUILD $BUILD_SWITCH -v $QUIET $CLEAN $RPMOPTS $BCOND $SPECFILE; echo $? > $RES_FILE) 2>&1 |tee $LOG RETVAL=`cat $RES_FILE` rm $RES_FILE if [ -n "$LOGDIROK" ] && [ -n "$LOGDIRFAIL" ]; then if [ "$RETVAL" -eq "0" ]; then mv $LOG $LOGDIROK else mv $LOG $LOGDIRFAIL fi fi else eval nice -n ${DEF_NICE_LEVEL} $RPMBUILD $BUILD_SWITCH -v $QUIET $CLEAN $RPMOPTS $BCOND $SPECFILE RETVAL=$? fi if [ "$RETVAL" -ne "0" ]; then if [ -n "$TRY_UPGRADE" ]; then echo "\n!!! Package with new version cannot be build automagically\n" mv -f $SPECFILE.bak $SPECFILE fi Exit_error err_build_fail; fi unset BUILD_SWITCH } nourl() { echo "$@" | sed 's#\<\(ftp\|http\|https\|cvs\|svn\)://[^ ]*/##g' } #--------------------------------------------- # main() if [ "$#" = 0 ]; then usage; exit 1 fi while test $# -gt 0 ; do case "${1}" in -5 | --update-md5 ) COMMAND="get"; NODIST="yes" NOCVSSPEC="yes" UPDATE5="yes" shift ;; -a5 | --add-md5 ) COMMAND="get"; NODIST="yes" NOCVS="yes" NOCVSSPEC="yes" UPDATE5="yes" ADD5="yes" shift ;; -D | --debug ) DEBUG="yes"; shift ;; -V | --version ) COMMAND="version"; shift ;; -a | --as_anon ) CVSROOT=":pserver:cvs@$CVS_SERVER:/cvsroot"; shift ;; -b | -ba | --build ) COMMAND="build"; shift ;; -bb | --build-binary ) COMMAND="build-binary"; shift ;; -bs | --build-source ) COMMAND="build-source"; shift ;; -B | --branch ) COMMAND="branch"; shift; TAG="${1}"; shift;; -c | --clean ) CLEAN="--clean --rmspec --rmsource"; shift ;; -d | --cvsroot ) shift; CVSROOT="${1}"; shift ;; -g | --get ) COMMAND="get"; shift ;; -h | --help ) COMMAND="usage"; shift ;; --http ) PROTOCOL="http"; shift ;; -l | --logtofile ) shift; LOGFILE="${1}"; shift ;; -ni| --nice ) shift; DEF_NICE_LEVEL=${1}; shift ;; -m | --mr-proper ) COMMAND="mr-proper"; shift ;; -nc | --no-cvs ) NOCVS="yes"; shift ;; -ncs | --no-cvs-specs ) NOCVSSPEC="yes"; shift ;; -nd | --no-distfiles ) NODIST="yes"; shift ;; -nm | --no-mirrors ) NOMIRRORS="yes"; shift ;; -nu | --no-urls ) NOURLS="yes"; shift ;; -ns | --no-srcs ) NOSRCS="yes"; shift ;; -ns0 | --no-source0 ) NOSOURCE0="yes"; shift ;; --opts ) shift; RPMOPTS="${1}"; shift ;; --with | --without ) BCOND="$BCOND $1 $2" ; shift 2 ;; -q | --quiet ) QUIET="--quiet"; shift ;; --date ) CVSDATE="${2}"; shift 2 ;; -r | --cvstag ) shift; CVSTAG="${1}"; shift ;; -Tvs | --tag-version-stable ) COMMAND="tag"; TAG="STABLE" TAG_VERSION="yes" shift;; -Tvn | --tag-version-nest ) COMMAND="tag"; TAG="NEST" TAG_VERSION="yes" shift;; -Ts | --tag-stable ) COMMAND="tag"; TAG="STABLE" TAG_VERSION="no" shift;; -Tn | --tag-nest ) COMMAND="tag"; TAG="NEST" TAG_VERSION="no" shift;; -Tv | --tag-version ) COMMAND="tag"; TAG="" TAG_VERSION="yes" shift;; -T | --tag ) COMMAND="tag"; shift TAG="$1" TAG_VERSION="no" shift;; -U | --update ) COMMAND="get" UPDATE="yes" NODIST="yes" UPDATE5="yes" shift ;; -u | --try-upgrade ) TRY_UPGRADE="1"; shift ;; -un | --try-upgrade-with-float-version ) TRY_UPGRADE="1"; FLOAT_VERSION="1"; shift ;; -v | --verbose ) BE_VERBOSE="1"; shift ;; --define) shift MACRO="${1}" VALUE="${2}" shift 2 RPMOPTS="${RPMOPTS} --define \"${MACRO} ${VALUE}\"" ;; * ) SPECFILE="`basename ${1} .spec`.spec"; shift ;; esac done if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then set -x; set -v; fi case "$COMMAND" in "build" | "build-binary" | "build-source" ) init_builder; if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then get_spec; parse_spec; if [ -n "$FAIL_IF_CHANGED_BUT_NOT_BUMPED" ]; then TAGVER=$PACKAGE_NAME-`echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | sed -e "s/\./\_/g" -e "s/@/#/g"`-`echo $PACKAGE_RELEASE | sed -e "s/\./\_/g" -e "s/@/#/g"` CURTAGREL=$(cvs status $SPECFILE | grep "Working revision:" | awk '{ print $3 }') TAGREL=$(cvs status -v $SPECFILE | grep -E "^[[:space:]]*${TAGVER}[[[:space:]]" | sed -e 's#.*(revision: ##g' -e 's#).*##g') if [ -n "$TAGREL" -a "$TAGREL" != "$CURTAGREL" ]; then Exit_error err_build_fail "not bumped ver-rel - was already used in rev $TAGREL" fi fi if [ -n "$ICONS" ]; then get_files $ICONS; parse_spec; fi if [ -n "$NOSOURCE0" ] ; then SOURCES=`echo $SOURCES | xargs | sed -e 's/[^ ]*//'` fi get_files "$SOURCES $PATCHES"; build_package; else Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl; fi ;; "branch" ) init_builder; if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then get_spec; parse_spec; if [ -n "$ICONS" ]; then get_files $ICONS parse_spec; fi get_files $SOURCES $PATCHES; branch_files $TAG "$SOURCES $PATCHES $ICONS"; else Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl; fi ;; "get" ) init_builder; if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then get_spec; parse_spec; if [ -n "$ICONS" ]; then get_files $ICONS parse_spec; fi if [ -n "$NOSOURCE0" ] ; then SOURCES=`echo $SOURCES | xargs | sed -e 's/[^ ]*//'` fi get_files $SOURCES $PATCHES else Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl; fi ;; "tag" ) init_builder; if [ -n "$SPECFILE" ]; then get_spec; parse_spec; if [ -n "$ICONS" ]; then get_files $ICONS parse_spec; fi get_files $SOURCES $PATCHES; tag_files "$SOURCES $PATCHES $ICONS"; else Exit_error err_no_spec_in_cmdl; fi ;; "mr-proper" ) $RPM --clean --rmsource --rmspec --force --nodeps $SPECFILE ;; "usage" ) usage;; "version" ) echo "$VERSION";; esac cd $__PWD