LoadModule passenger_module modules/mod_passenger.so PassengerRoot /usr PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby PassengerTempDir /var/tmp #PassengerEnabled on # 0: Show only errors and warnings. # 1: Show the most important debugging information. # 2: Show more debugging information. This is typically only useful for developers. # 3: Show even more debugging information. #PassengerLogLevel 0 # Turns the use of global queuing on or off. # You should turn it on if one of your web applications may have # long-running requests. #PassengerUseGlobalQueue off #PassengerUserSwitching on # Maybe we should put http here? #PassengerDefaultUser nobody # The maximum number of Ruby on Rails or Rack application instances that may be # simultaneously active. A larger number results in higher memory usage, but # improved ability to handle concurrent HTTP clients. #PassengerMaxPoolSize 6 # The maximum number of application instances that may be simultaneously active # for a single application. This helps to make sure that a single application # will not occupy all available slots in the application pool. #PassengerMaxInstancesPerApp 0 # The maximum number of seconds that an application instance may be idle. That # is, if an application instance hasn’t received any traffic after the given # number of seconds, then it will be shutdown in order to conserve memory. #PassengerPoolIdleTime 300 # The maximum number of requests an application instance will process. After # serving that many requests, the application instance will be shut down and # Phusion Passenger will restart it. #PassengerMaxRequests 0 # Setting this option to a value of x means that the filesystem # checks will be performed at most once every x seconds. # - whether config/environment.rb, config.ru or passenger_wsgi.py is present, # in order to autodetect Rails, Rack and WSGI applications. # - whether restart.txt has changed or whether always_restart.txt exists, in # order to determine whether the application should be restarted. #PassengerStatThrottleRate 0 # If you turn PassengerHighPerformance to on, then Phusion Passenger will be a # little faster, in return for reduced compatibility with other Apache modules. # # In places where PassengerHighPerformance is turned on, mod_rewrite rules will # likely not work. mod_autoindex (the module which displays a directory index) # will also not work. Other Apache modules may or may not work, depending on # what they exactly do. We recommend you to find out how other modules behave # in high performance mode via testing. #PassengerHighPerformance off