I. PASSWORD Distributed configs require to set passwd 1) for apache use package htpasswd-apache 2) for lighttpd use htdigest.sh script with arguments: htdigest.sh mythweb > /etc/webapps/mythweb/htdigest and then chgrp lighttpd /etc/webapps/mythweb/htdigest II. PACKAGES Here is list of packages which I had to* install to run mythweb with 1) apache or 2) lighttpd servers and 3) php - always required. *it is possible, that some are unnecessary 1) apache apache-mod_alias apache-mod_rewrite apache-mod_authz_user apache-mod_env apache-mod_authz_groupfile apache-mod_authn_file apache-mod_auth_basic apache-mod_authz_host apache-mod_mime htpasswd-apache apache-mod_php apache-mod_auth apache-mod_dir apache-mod_unique_id 2) lighttpd lighttpd-mod_access lighttpd-mod_h264_streaming lighttpd-mod_auth lighttpd-mod_alias lighttpd-mod_mysql_vhost lighttpd-mod_dirlisting lighttpd-mod_evhost lighttpd-mod_cgi lighttpd-mod_setenv lighttpd lighttpd-mod_staticfile lighttpd-mod_indexfile lighttpd-mod_fastcgi lighttpd-mod_rewrite 3) php php-common php-pcre php-recode php-session php-dirs php-simplexml php-spl php-posix php-mysql php-fcgi