Summary: GNU Forth Language Summary(pl): Kompilator GNU Forth Name: gforth Version: 0.3.0 Release: 2 Copyright: GPL Group: Languages Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch0: gforth-makefile.patch Buildroot: /tmp/%{name}-%{version}-root %description Gforth is a fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language. It works nicely with the Emacs editor, offers some nice features such as input completion and history and a powerful locals facility, and it even has (the beginnings of) a manual. Gforth employs traditional implementation techniques: its inner innerpreter is indirect or direct threaded. Gforth is distributed under the GNU General Public license (see COPYING). %description -l pl Gforth jest szybką i przenoszalną implementacją języka ANS Forth. Dobrae wspólpracuje z edytorem Emacs oferując takie cechy jak kompletowanie i historię wprowadzania ciągów znaków. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %build %configure make %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr install strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/* gzip -9nf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/* %post /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/ /usr/info/dir \ --section "Programming:" --entry \ "* Gforth: ( The GNU ANS Forth." %preun /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/ /usr/info/dir \ --section "Programming:" --entry \ "* Gforth: ( The GNU ANS Forth." %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %attr(644,root,root,755) %doc README TAGS BUGS ToDo %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/* %{_libdir}/gforth %{_infodir}/*info* %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_datadir}/gforth %changelog * Sun Nov 22 1998 Tomasz Kłoczko [0.3.0-2] - added using $RPM_OPT_FLAGS during compile, - added %post, %preun with {un}registering info pages, - removed making htm and ps documentation (it can be generatred from info pages by onyone in anytime). * Wed Sep 23 1998 Wojciech "Sas" Cięciwa [0.3.0-1] - Building RPM.