On x86_64 host with: pythondir: /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gdb libdir: /usr/lib64 prefix got set to "/usr/lib" but the code expects a trailing "/" (missing then one "../" path component). --- ./libstdc++-v3-python-r151798/hook.in-orig 2009-06-18 21:12:37.000000000 +0200 +++ ./libstdc++-v3-python-r151798/hook.in 2009-09-17 23:37:35.000000000 +0200 @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if gdb.current_objfile () is not None: # In some bizarre configuration we might have found a match in the # middle of a directory name. if prefix[-1] != '/': - prefix = os.path.dirname (prefix) + prefix = os.path.dirname (prefix) + '/' # Strip off the prefix. pythondir = pythondir[len (prefix):]