Summary: Free versions of the 35 standard PostScript fonts Summary(pl.UTF-8): Wolnodostępne wersje 35 standardowych fontów postscriptowych Name: fonts-Type1-urw Version: 20151005 Release: 1 License: AGPL v3 with PS/PDF embedding exception Group: Fonts Source0:{version}.zip # Source0-md5: e221e1dbff1f2141fad6e6b8ac80a3bf Source1: %{name}.Fontmap # fonts.scale from 1.0.7-pre44 (pre)release, contains traditional names (other than guessed by mkfontscale) Source2: %{name}.scale BuildRequires: unzip BuildRequires: xorg-app-mkfontscale Requires(post,postun): fontpostinst >= 0.1-6 Requires: %{_fontsdir}/Type1 Provides: ghostscript-fonts-std Obsoletes: ghostscript-fonts-std BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %define t1fontsdir %{_fontsdir}/Type1 %define t1afmdir %{t1fontsdir}/afm %define t1pfmdir %{t1fontsdir}/pfm %description Free, good quality versions of the 35 standard PostScript(TM) fonts, donated under the GPL by URW++ Design and Development GmbH. The fonts.dir file font names match the original Adobe names of the fonts (e.g., Times, Helvetica, etc.). %description -l pl.UTF-8 Wolnodostępne, dobrej jakości wersje 35 standardowych fontów postscriptowych, wydanych na licencji GPL przez URW++ Design and Development GmbH. Plik fonts.dir zawiera nazwy fontów pasujące do oryginalnych nazw Adobe (np. Times, Helvetica itd.). %prep %setup -q -c %build %{_bindir}/mkfontscale . # generated file: skip count tail -n +2 fonts.scale | LC_ALL=C sort > fonts.scale-cur.sorted # traditional names: skip count, leave only one unique name (with single encoding) tail -n +2 %{SOURCE2} | LC_ALL=C sort -t- -k1,13 -u > fonts.scale-trad.sorted # apply autogenerated encodings list to each tranditional name join -j1 -t- -o1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,1.10,1.11,1.12,1.13,2.14,2.15 fonts.scale-trad.sorted fonts.scale-cur.sorted > fonts.scale.add # merge all lists LC_ALL=C sort -u fonts.scale-cur.sorted fonts.scale-trad.sorted fonts.scale.add > fonts.scale.urw %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{t1fontsdir},%{t1afmdir},%{t1pfmdir}} cp -p *.pfb $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{t1fontsdir} cp -p *.afm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{t1afmdir} cp -p *.pfm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{t1pfmdir} cp -p fonts.scale.urw $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{t1fontsdir}/fonts.scale.urw cp -p %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{t1fontsdir}/Fontmap.urw %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post fontpostinst Type1 %postun fontpostinst Type1 %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc LICENSE %{t1fontsdir}/Fontmap.urw %{t1fontsdir}/fonts.scale.urw %{t1fontsdir}/a0100??l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/b0180??l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/c0590??l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/d050000l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/n0190??l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/n0210??l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/n0220??l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/p0520??l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/s050000l.pfb %{t1fontsdir}/z003034l.pfb %{t1afmdir}/a0100??l.afm %{t1afmdir}/b0180??l.afm %{t1afmdir}/c0590??l.afm %{t1afmdir}/d050000l.afm %{t1afmdir}/n0190??l.afm %{t1afmdir}/n0210??l.afm %{t1afmdir}/n0220??l.afm %{t1afmdir}/p0520??l.afm %{t1afmdir}/s050000l.afm %{t1afmdir}/z003034l.afm %{t1pfmdir}/a0100??l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/b0180??l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/c0590??l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/d050000l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/n0190??l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/n0210??l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/n0220??l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/p0520??l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/s050000l.pfm %{t1pfmdir}/z003034l.pfm