# # Conditional build: %bcond_with license_agreement # generates package (may require MS Office license?) # %define base_name fonts-TTF-Microsoft-ArialUnicode %define rel 3 Summary: Microsoft Arial Unicode TrueType font Summary(pl.UTF-8): Font TrueType Arial Unicode firmy Microsoft %if %{with license_agreement} Name: %{base_name} %else Name: %{base_name}-installer %endif Version: 1.0 Release: %{rel}%{?with_license_agreement:wla} # part of MS Office - may require Office license to use License: ? Group: Fonts %if %{with license_agreement} # also at http://dl.sourceforge.net/corefonts/ Source0: http://orwell.ru/download/aruniupd.exe # NoSource0-md5: 1bef548eb449a0b24ad1c0b8e9d5f2ba BuildRequires: cabextract Requires(post,postun): fontpostinst Requires: %{_fontsdir}/TTF %else Source0: http://svn.pld-linux.org/svn/license-installer/license-installer.sh # Source0-md5: 329c25f457fea66ec502b7ef70cb9ede Requires: cabextract Requires: rpm-build-tools >= 4.4.37 Requires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.544 %endif BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %define ttffontsdir %{_fontsdir}/TTF %description Microsoft Arial Unicode TrueType font. %if !%{with license_agreement} License issues made us not to include inherent files into this package by default (it probably requires MS Office license). If you want to create full working package please build it with one of the following command: %{base_name}.install --with license_agreement %{_datadir}/%{base_name}/%{base_name}.spec %endif %description -l pl.UTF-8 Font TrueType Arial Unicode firmy Microsoft. %if !%{with license_agreement} Kwestie licencji zmusiły nas do niedołączania do tego pakietu istotnych plików (prawdopodobnie wymaga licencji na MS Office). Jeśli chcesz stworzyć w pełni funkcjonalny pakiet, zbuduj go za pomocą polecenia: %{base_name}.install --with license_agreement %{_datadir}/%{base_name}/%{base_name}.spec %endif %prep %if %{with license_agreement} %setup -q -c -T /usr/bin/cabextract -L %{SOURCE0} %endif %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %if !%{with license_agreement} install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir},%{_datadir}/%{base_name}} sed -e ' s/@BASE_NAME@/%{base_name}/g s/@TARGET_CPU@/%{_target_cpu}/g s-@VERSION@-%{version}-g s-@RELEASE@-%{release}-g s,@SPECFILE@,%{_datadir}/%{base_name}/%{base_name}.spec,g s,@DATADIR@,%{_datadir}/%{base_name},g ' %{SOURCE0} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/%{base_name}.install install %{_specdir}/%{base_name}.spec $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{base_name} %else install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ttffontsdir} install *.ttf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{ttffontsdir} %endif %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %if %{with license_agreement} %post fontpostinst TTF %postun fontpostinst TTF %else %post echo " License issues made us not to include inherent files into this package by default (it probably requires Windows license). If you want to create full working package please build it with the following command: %{base_name}.install --with license_agreement %{_datadir}/%{base_name}/%{base_name}.spec " %endif %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %if %{with license_agreement} %{ttffontsdir}/* %else %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/%{base_name}.install %{_datadir}/%{base_name} %endif