# Eventum is under /eventum Alias /eventum /usr/share/eventum/htdocs # Eventum is running under VirtualHost #NameVirtualHost *:80 # # ServerName eventum.example.org # DocumentRoot /usr/share/eventum/htdocs # #NameVirtualHost *:443 # # ServerName eventum.example.org # DocumentRoot /usr/share/eventum/htdocs # AllowOverride None # Apache < 2.4 Order allow,deny Allow from all # Apache 2.4 Require all granted # Make whole eventum password protected # AllowOverride None # Deny from all # AuthType Basic # AuthUserFile /etc/webapps/eventum/users # AuthGroupFile /etc/webapps/eventum/groups # AuthName "Eventum" # Require group eventum # Satisfy any # for SCM integration # Apache < 2.4 Order allow,deny Allow from # Apache 2.4 # SCM integration. Set here IP of host running CVS, SVN, Git Require local # Require ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx # rss has it's own authorization # Apache < 2.4 Order allow,deny Allow from all # Apache 2.4 Require all granted # RPC for CLI interface # Add here clients whom you want to allow CLI access # Apache < 2.4 Order allow,deny Allow from # Apache 2.4 Require local # Require ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx