-- Example hooks.lua file, put in ~/.links/ as hooks.lua. -- $Id$ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Local configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** IMPORTANT ** -- For security reasons, systems functions are not enabled by default. -- To do so, uncomment the following line, but be careful about -- including unknown code. Individual functions may be disabled by -- assigning them to `nil'. enable_systems_functions () -- openfile = nil -- may open files in write mode -- readfrom = nil -- reading from pipe can execute commands -- writeto = nil -- appendto = nil -- pipe_read = nil -- remove = nil -- rename = nil -- execute = nil -- exit = nil -- Home directory: If you do not enable system functions, you will -- need to set the following to your home directory. home_dir = (getenv and getenv ("HOME")) or "/home/MYSELF" hooks_file = home_dir.."/.links/hooks.lua" -- Pausing: When external programs are run, sometimes we need to pause -- to see the output. This is the string we append to the command -- line to do that. You may customise it if you wish. pause = '; echo -ne "\\n\\e[1;32mPress ENTER to continue...\\e[0m"; read' -- When starting Netscape: Set to `nil' if you do not want to open a -- new window for each document. netscape_new_window = 1 -- Make ALT="" into ALT=" ": Makes web pages with superfluous -- images look better. However, even if you disable the "Display links -- to images" option, single space links to such images will appear. -- To enable, set the following to 1. If necessary, you can change -- this while in Links using the Lua Console, then reload the page. -- See also the keybinding section at the end of the file. mangle_blank_alt = nil -- WWWoffle is a proxy/cache system designed for dial-up users. -- If you have it, set this to the machine:port where it is installed -- (e.g. "http://localhost:8080") wwwoffle = nil -- If you set this to non-`nil', the bookmark addon will be loaded, -- and actions will be bound to my key bindings. Change them at the -- bottom of the file. bookmark_addon = nil ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- case-insensitive gsub ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Please note that this is not completely correct yet. -- It will not handle pattern classes like %a properly. -- XXX: Fix this to handle pattern classes. function gisub (s, pat, repl, n) pat = gsub (pat, '(%a)', function (v) return '['..strupper(v)..strlower(v)..']' end) if n then return gsub (s, pat, repl, n) else return gsub (s, pat, repl) end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- goto_url_hook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- function match (prefix, url) return strsub (url, 1, strlen (prefix)) == prefix end function strip (str) return gsub (str, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") end function plusify (str) return gsub (str, "%s", "+") end function goto_url_hook (url, current_url) -- XXX: Use a table instead of if ... else ... else ... -- Google search (e.g. ,gg unix browsers). if match (",gg", url) then url = plusify (strip (strsub (url, 4))) return "http://www.google.com/search?q="..url.."&btnG=Google+Search" -- Freshmeat search. elseif match (",fm", url) then url = plusify (strip (strsub (url, 4))) return "http://www.freshmeat.net/search/?q="..url -- Appwatch search (e.g. ,aw lynx). elseif match (",aw", url) then url = plusify (strip (strsub (url, 4))) return "http://www.appwatch.com/Linux/Users/find?q="..url -- Dictionary.com search (e.g. ,dict congenial). elseif match (",dict", url) then url = plusify (strip (strsub (url, 6))) return "http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?db=%2A&term="..url -- RPM search (e.g. ,rpm links). elseif match (",rpm", url) then url = plusify (strip (strsub (url, 5))) return "http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=" ..url.."&submit=Search+..." -- Netcraft.com search (e.g. ,whatis www.google.com). elseif match (",whatis", url) then url = plusify (strip (strsub (url, 8))) return "http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph/?host="..url -- LinuxToday home page. elseif match (",lt", url) then return "http://linuxtoday.com/" -- User Friendly daily static. elseif match (",uf", url) then return "http://www.userfriendly.org/static/" -- Weather forecast for Melbourne, Australia. elseif match (",forecast", url) then return "http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/wrap_fwo.pl?IDF02V00.txt" -- Local network web server. elseif match (",local", url) then return "http://desky/" -- WWWoffle caches. elseif match (",cache", url) and wwwoffle then return wwwoffle.."/#indexes" -- Expand ~ to home directories. elseif match ("~", url) then if strsub(url, 2, 2) == "/" then -- ~/foo return home_dir..strsub(url, 2) else -- ~foo/bar return "/home/"..strsub(url, 2) end -- Unmatched. else return url end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- follow_url_hook --------------------------------------------------------------------- function follow_url_hook (url) -- Using bookmark addon. if bookmark_addon then if bm_is_category (url) then return nil else return bm_get_bookmark_url (url) or url end -- Not using bookmark addon. else return url end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pre_format_html_hook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plain strfind (no metacharacters). function sstrfind (s, pattern) return strfind (s, pattern, 1, 1) end function pre_format_html_hook (url, html) local ret = nil -- Handle gzip'd files within reasonable size. if strfind (url, "%.gz$") and strlen (html) < 65536 then local tmp = tmpname () writeto (tmp) write (html) writeto () html = pipe_read ("(gzip -dc "..tmp.." || cat "..tmp..") 2>/dev/null") remove (tmp) ret = 1 end -- Mangle ALT="" in IMG tags. if mangle_blank_alt then local n html, n = gisub (html, '( 0) end -- These quick 'n dirty patterns don't maintain proper HTML. -- linuxtoday.com if sstrfind (url, "linuxtoday.com") then if sstrfind (url, "news_story") then html = gsub (html, '', '', 1) html = gsub (html, '\n', '>', 1) end html = gsub (html, '", "") -- emphasis in text is lost return gsub (html, 'text="#002244"', 'text="#001133"', 1) -- linuxgames.com elseif sstrfind (url, "linuxgames.com") then return gsub (html, "
", "", 1) -- dictionary.com elseif sstrfind (url, "dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl") then local t = { t = "" } local _, n = gsub (html, "resultItemStart %-%-%>(.-)%<%!%-%- resultItemEnd", function (x) %t.t = %t.t.."
" end) if n == 0 then -- we've already mangled this page before return html else return "Dictionary.com lookup".. "
".. "" end end return ret and html end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Miscellaneous functions, accessed with the Lua Console. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Reload this file (hooks.lua) from within Links. function reload () dofile (hooks_file) end -- Helper function. function catto (output) local doc = current_document_formatted (79) if doc then writeto (output) write (doc) writeto () end end -- Print the current document using `lpr'. function lpr () -- You must compile Lua with `popen' support for pipes to work. -- See `config' in the Lua distribution. catto ("|lpr") end -- Print the current document using `enscript'. function enscript () catto ("|enscript -fCourier8") end -- Ask WWWoffle to monitor the current page for us. -- This only works when called from lua_console_hook, below. function monitor () if wwwoffle then return "goto_url", wwwoffle.."/monitor-options/?"..current_url () else return nil end end -- Email the current document, using Mutt (http://www.mutt.org). -- This only works when called from lua_console_hook, below. function mutt () local tmp = tmpname () writeto (tmp) write (current_document ()) writeto () tinsert (tmp_files, tmp) return "run", "mutt -a "..tmp end -- Open current document in Netscape. function netscape () local new = netscape_new_window and ",new_window" or "" execute ("( netscape -remote 'openURL("..current_url ()..new..")'" .." || netscape '"..current_url ().."' ) 2>/dev/null &") end -- If Links is ever the wrong size in your terminal emulator run -- this to set the LINES and COLUMNS shell variables properly. -- This only works when called from lua_console_hook, below. function resize () return "run", "eval resize" end -- Table of expressions which are recognised by our lua_console_hook. console_hook_functions = { reload = "reload ()", lpr = "lpr ()", enscript = "enscript ()", monitor = monitor, mutt = mutt, netscape = "netscape ()", nuts = "netscape ()", resize = resize } function lua_console_hook (expr) local x = console_hook_functions[expr] if type (x) == "function" then return x () else return "eval", x or expr end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- quit_hook ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We need to delete the temporary files that we create. if not tmp_files then tmp_files = {} end function quit_hook () if bookmark_addon then bm_save_bookmarks () end if tmp_files and remove then tmp_files.n = nil for i,v in tmp_files do remove (v) end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Examples of keybinding ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bind Ctrl-H to a "Home" page. -- bind_key ("main", "Ctrl-H", -- function () return "goto_url", "http://www.google.com/" end) -- Bind Alt-p to print. -- bind_key ("main", "Alt-p", lpr) -- Bind Alt-m to toggle ALT="" mangling. -- bind_key ("main", "Alt-m", -- function () mangle_blank_alt = not mangle_blank_alt end) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Bookmark addon ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if bookmark_addon then dofile ("/usr/share/elinks/elinks-bm.lua") -- Add/change any bookmark options here. -- Be careful not to load bookmarks if this script is being -- reloaded while in Links, or we will lose unsaved changes. if not bm_bookmarks or getn (bm_bookmarks) == 0 then bm_load_bookmarks () end -- My bookmark key bindings. bind_key ('main', 'a', bm_add_bookmark) bind_key ('main', 's', bm_view_bookmarks) bind_key ('main', 'Alt-e', bm_edit_bookmark) bind_key ('main', 'Alt-d', bm_delete_bookmark) bind_key ('main', 'Alt-k', bm_move_bookmark_up) bind_key ('main', 'Alt-j', bm_move_bookmark_down) end -- vim: shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4