$Revision$, $Date$ This file contains information about changes to vanilla eggdrop. All of mentioned files are available at http://cvs.pld.org.pl/SOURCES/ Following patches were applied: * eggdrop-FHS.patch available at http://pld.mysza.eu.org/sources/eggdrop-FHS.patch This patch modifies various files from eggdrop archive to be more compatible with Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. * eggdrop1.6.13+ipv6.patch.gz taken from http://www.egghelp.org/files/patches/eggdrop1.6.3+ipv6.patch.gz This patch adds IPv6 support to Eggdrop. * eggdrop1.6.13+ipv6_config.patch available at http://pld.mysza.eu.org/sources/eggdrop1.6.13+ipv6_config.patch This patch adds new variables(my-hostname6 and my-ip6) to config file. * eggdrop-doc_makefile.patch available at http://pld.mysza.eu.org/sources/eggdrop-doc_makefile.patch This patch modifies doc/Makefile.in to install additional docs. * eggdrop1.6.13-multilevel_sharing.patch.gz available at ftp://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/patches/1.6/multilevel_sharing1.6.13.patch.gz (file was renamed, not modified in any way) This patch adds additional settins which makes your botnet more secure - bot can now accept changes to userlist only from hub, and discart any changes sent by its leaves * eggdrop1.6.13-unlinkedby.patch available at ftp://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/patches/1.6/unlinkedby1.6.13.patch (file was only renamed, not modified in any way) This patch extends message broadcasted to botnet when unlinking bot with nickname of a person who performs .unlink Following language packs were added: * danish * finnish * italian * norwegian * portuguese * portuguese_br * romanian Each language pack is available at http://pld.mysza.eu.org/sources/eggdrop-language-{language}.tar.gz They were taken from http://www.egghelp.org/ and repackaged Following additional modules were added: * away 1.0 * botnetop 1.0.1 * fakebotnet 1.3 * gseen 1.1.0 * irctree 1.1 * megahal 2.5 * stats 1.3.3dev1 Each module is avaiable at http://pld.mysza.eu.org/sources/eggdrop-module-{module}-{version}.tar.gz They were taken from various places, including: * http://www.visions-of-fantasy.de/ * http://johoho.eggheads.org/ * ftp://ftp.eggheads.org/ They can be easily found using google.