Summary: Darwin Streaming Server Name: dss Version: 6.0.3 Release: 0.1 License: Apple Public Source License Group: Applications Source0:{version}-Source.tar # Source0-md5: ca676691db8417d05121699c0ca3d549 Patch0: %{name}.patch Patch1: %{name}-x86_64.patch Patch2: optflags.patch Patch3: compile.patch URL: BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description Darwin Streaming Server lets you stream digital video on the Internet using industry-standard Internet protocols RTP and RTSP. Using Darwin Streaming Server you can serve stored files (video on demand) or reflect live broadcasts to thousands of QuickTime 4 or later users. With its combination of industry-standard streaming protocols and cutting-edge compression technologies, QuickTime delivers perfectly synchronized audio and video streams ideal for Internet video and live events. %package Proxy Summary: Apple's Darwin Streaming Proxy Group: Daemons %description Proxy The Darwin Streaming Proxy is an application specific proxy which would normally be run in a border zone or perimeter network. It is used to give client machines within a protected network access to streaming servers outside that network, in the case when the firewall blocks RTSP connections or RTP/UDP data flow. The firewall perimeter network is usually configured to allow: - RTSP connections from within the network, as long as the destination is the proxy - RTSP connections to outside the network, as long as the source is the proxy - RTP datagrams to and from the proxy to the inner network - RTP datagrams to and from the proxy to the outside %package Utils Summary: Apple's Darwin Streaming Server Movie inspection utilities Group: Daemons %description Utils - QTBroadcaster Requires a target ip address, a source movie, one or more source hint track ids in movie, and an initial port. Every packet referenced by the hint track(s) is broadcasted to the specified ip address. - QTFileInfo Requires a movie name. Displays each track id, name, create date, and mod date. If the track is a hint track, additional information is displayed: the total rtp bytes and packets, the average bit rate and packet size, and the total header percentage of the stream. - QTFileTest Requires a movie name. Parses the Movie Header Atom and displays a trace of the output. - QTRTPFileTest Requires a movie and a hint track id in the movie. Displays the RTP header (TransmitTime, Cookie, SeqNum, and TimeStamp) for each packet. - QTRTPGen Requires a movie and a hint track id. Displays the number of packets in each hint track sample and writes the RTP packets to file "track.cache" - QTSampleLister Requires a movie and a track id. Displays track media sample number, media time, Data offset, and sample size for each sample in the track. - QTSDPGen Requires a list of 1 or more movies. Displays the SDP information for all of the hinted tracks in each movie. Use -f to save the SDP information to the file [movie].sdp in the same directory as the source movie. - QTTrackInfo Requires a movie, sample table atom type, and track id. Displays the information in the sample table atom of the specified track. Supports "stco", "stsc", "stsz", "stts" as the atom type. Example: "./QTTrackInfo -T stco /movies/ 3" dumps the chunk offset sample table in track 3. - StreamingLoadTool %package Samples Summary: Apple's Darwin Streaming Samples Group: Daemons %description Samples Sample files for the Darwin Streaming Server. %prep %setup -q -n DarwinStreamingSrvr%{version}-Source %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %patch3 -p1 # patch %{__sed} -i -e "s|/usr/local/|/usr/|g" WebAdmin/src/ %{__sed} -i -e "s|/etc/streaming/|/etc/dss/|g" WebAdmin/src/ %{__sed} -i -e "s|/var/streaming/logs/|/var/log/dss/|g" WebAdmin/src/ %{__sed} -i -e "s|/var/streaming/|/var/dss/|g" WebAdmin/src/ %{__sed} -i -e "s|/usr/local/|/usr/|g" WebAdmin/src/ # patch manpages %{__sed} -i -e "s|/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Config/|/etc/dss/|g" Documentation/man/qtss/* %{__sed} -i -e "s|/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Modules|/usr/lib/dss|g" Documentation/man/qtss/* %{__sed} -i -e "s|/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Movies|/var/dss/movies|g" Documentation/man/qtss/* %{__sed} -i -e "s|/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Playlists|/var/dss/playlists|g" Documentation/man/qtss/* %{__sed} -i -e "s|/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Logs|/var/log/dss|g" Documentation/man/qtss/* %{__sed} -i -e "s|/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Docs|%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}|g" Documentation/man/qtss/* %{__sed} -i -e "s|QuickTimeStreamingServer|DarwinStreamingServer|g" Documentation/man/qtss/* cat > defaultPaths.h << EOF #define DEFAULTPATHS_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR "/" #define DEFAULTPATHS_ROOT_DIR "%{_localstatedir}/dss/" #define DEFAULTPATHS_ETC_DIR "%{_sysconfdir}/dss/" #define DEFAULTPATHS_ETC_DIR_OLD "%{_sysconfdir}/" #define DEFAULTPATHS_SSM_DIR "%{_libdir}/dss/" #define DEFAULTPATHS_LOG_DIR "%{_localstatedir}/log/dss/" #define DEFAULTPATHS_PID_DIR "%{_localstatedir}/run/" #define DEFAULTPATHS_MOVIES_DIR "%{_localstatedir}/dss/movies/" EOF %build export RPM_OPT_FLAGS="%{rpmcflags}" export ARCH="%{_target_cpu}" export CC="%{__cc}" export CXX="%{__cxx}" jobs=$(echo %{_smp_mflags} | cut -dj -f2) ./Buildit ${jobs:+--jobs=$jobs} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ./DSS_MakeRoot \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc APPLE_LICENSE ReleaseNotes.txt