#!/bin/sh # A shell script for conversion of MOVA MuellerXX.koi dictionaries # into DICT format. # Written by Andrew Comech # GNU GPL (2000) # The latest version is available from # http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~comech/tools/to-dict version="0.1" versiondate="November 11, 2000" # We need the following binaries: DICTFMT=`which dictfmt` DICTZIP=`which dictzip` INFO () { echo " to-dict, version $version ($versiondate). Conversion of MOVA MuellerXX.koi dictionaries into DICT format. Written by Andrew Comech . GNU GPL (2000) The latest version is available from http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~comech/tools/to-dict " } REQUIREMENTS () { echo " REQUIREMENTS: you need the binaries \`dictfmt' and \`dictzip'. dictzip.c can be found in dictd-1.5.0.tar.gz (or later version) at ftp://ftp.cs.unc.edu/pub/users/faith/dict/ dictfmt.c can be found in Debian/GNU Linux package dict-elements at ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main/source/text/ Compiled binaries (dictfmt and dictzip) could be downloaded from http://www.wh9.tu-dresden.de/~heinrich/dict/dict_leo_ftp/static-binaries/ or http://iris.ltas.ulg.ac.be/download/apps/dict/ " } USAGE () { echo " USAGE: -version: show version -h, --help, or no parameters: show this help (*) To make DICT database from Mueller7GPL.koi available from http://www.chat.ru/~mueller_dic/Mueller7GPL.tgz # Remove transcription: ./to-dict --no-trans Mueller7GPL.koi mueller7.notr # Convert into (a file with %h, %d-headers): ./to-dict --src-data mueller7.notr mueller7.data && rm -i mueller7.notr # Convert into DICT-format (files .dict.dz and .index): ./to-dict --data-dict mueller7.data mueller7 && rm -i mueller7.data # Expand index file (to be able to access lines like \"A, a\" by \"A\" and \"a\"): ./to-dict --expand-index mueller7.index mueller7.index.exp # Install a new dictionary with expanded index (RUN AS ROOT). # The location of files may depend on your distribution!!! cp mueller7.dict.dz /usr/share/dictd/mueller7.dict.dz cp mueller7.index.exp /usr/share/dictd/mueller7.index dictdconfig -w && (killall dictd; dictd) (*) To make DICT database from Mueller24.koi available from http://www.chat.ru/~mueller_dic/Mueller24.tgz (this one is preferred) # Convert into (a file with %h, %d): ./to-dict --src-data Mueller24.koi mueller24.data # Convert into DICT-format (files .dict.dz and .index): ./to-dict --data-dict mueller24.data mueller24 && rm -i mueller24.data # Install a new dictionary with expanded index (RUN AS ROOT). # The location of files may depend on your distribution!!! cp mueller24.dict.dz /usr/share/dictd/mueller24.dict.dz cp mueller24.index /usr/share/dictd/mueller24.index dictdconfig -w && (killall dictd; dictd) (*) To re-convert into (a file with %h, %d-headers): ./to-dict --dict-data ************************************************************* !!WARNING!! !!WARNING!! !!WARNING!! !!WARNING!! Temporary files created by this script occupy a lot of drive space! 15 MB for Mueller7GPL.koi (have to strip off transcription first) 12 MB for Mueller24.koi ************************************************************* " } # To remove the transcription except for [r] and [ju:] which found in the text. # This procedure should not change Mueller24.koi if applied to it. NO_TRANS () { sed 's/как\ \[juЫ\]/как\ "ju:"/; s/\[l\],/"l",/g; s/\[r\]/"r"/g; s/\], \[/A/g; s/\]\; _ам\. \[/A/g; s/\]\; _pl\. \[/A/g; s/\[[^]]*\]\ (полн.. форм.). \[[^]]*\] (редуцированн[^)]*)\ //g; s/\[[^]]*\]\ //g; s/\[[^]]*\],\ //; s/\ \[[^]]*\],/,/g; s/\ \[[^]]*\])/)/g; s/\ \[[^]]*\]:/:/g; s/\ \[[^]]*\];/;/g; s/\ \[[^]]*\]$//g; s/как\ "ju:"/как\ \[juЫ\]/g; s/"l"/\[l\]/g; s/"r"/\[r\]/g ' } # Strip the copyright/info STRIP () { sed -n '/^_[aA]/,$p' } # Format the file MK_DATA () { sed 's/$/\ /g; s/[^]]*\ \ /%h&\ %d/; s/_[IVX][IVX]* /\ &/g; s/ [1-9]\. /\ &/g; s/[1-9][0-9]*>/\ &/g; s/[абвгдежзиклмнопрстуфчцчшхщъьэюя]>/(&>/g; s/>>/)/g; s/\ \_[AISE][a-z]*:/\ &/g; s/>/:/g'\ |sed ' s/%d$/%z/; s/%d/%d\ / ; s/%z/%d/; s/%h/%h / ' \ |fmt -s -w 74;} ######################################################################## if [ "$1" = "-version" ]; then INFO exit 0 fi if [ "$#" = 0 -o "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-help" ]; then USAGE exit 0 fi if [ "$#" != 3 ]; then USAGE; exit 1; fi ## Will not go further if there are no dictfmt and dictzip binaries: if [ "$DICTFMT" = "" -o "$DICTZIP" = "" ]; then REQUIREMENTS exit 1 fi ## if [ ! -f "$2" ]; then echo "No input file: $2"; USAGE; exit 1 fi case $1 in "--no-trans") echo "Removing transcription ($2 -> $3).."; cat $2 | NO_TRANS > $3 || exit 1 echo "."; exit 0 ;; "--src-data") echo "Writing the header of $3.." echo -e "%h 00-database-info\n%d" > $3 cat $2 | sed -n '1p' | sed 's/^/ /' | fmt -s -w 74 >> $3; cat $2 | sed -n '/^_/,/_яп. Japan японский/p' | sed 's/^/ /' | fmt -s -w 74 >> $3; echo "" >> $3 echo "Formatting data ($2 -> $3).." cat $2 | sed -n '/^_[aA]/,$p' | MK_DATA >> $3 || exit 1 echo "."; exit 0 ;; "--data-dict") TITLE="Mueller English-Russian Dictionary" echo "dictfmt: $2 -> $3.dict and $3.index.." dictfmt -p -u "http://www.chat.ru/~mueller_dic" \ -s "$TITLE" $3 < $2 || exit 1 echo "Compressing $3.dict.."; dictzip $3.dict || exit 1 # echo -n "Restarting daemons"; killall dictd; dictd echo "."; exit 0 ;; "--expand-index") # So that the line # ``whisky, whiskey a sort of spirit I like'' # could be found not only by /usr/bin/dict "whisky, whiskey", but also by # /usr/bin/dict "whisky" and /usr/bin/dict "whiskey" cat $2 | sed 's/^[^,]*, [^,]*/%TAG1&\ %REM2&\ %TAG3&/; s/^%TAG1[^,]*, /&%REM1/; s/, %REM1[^'$'\t'']*//; s/%REM2[^,]*, //; s/%TAG[13]//g' > $3 || exit 1 exit 0 ;; "--dict-data") if [ "` file $2 | grep gzip`" != "0" ]; then CAT=zcat; else CAT=cat; fi $CAT $2 | sed 's/^[^\ ].*/%h &\ %d/; s/^[\ ][\ ]*/ /' >$3 || exit 1 echo "."; exit 0 ;; *) INFO; USAGE; exit 1 esac echo "You are not supposed to be here." exit 1