Summary: /dev entries Summary(de): /dev-Einträge Summary(fr): Entrées de /dev Summary(pl): Pliki specjalne /dev/* Summary(tr): /dev dizini Name: dev Version: 2.9.0 Release: 0.1 License: Public Domain Group: Base Source0: dev-list.bz2 # Source0-md5: 4808891f6317383850ff826c31a1e797 PreReq: setup >= 2.4.1-2 Provides: devfs BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) Autoreqprov: no %description Unix and unix like systems (including Linux) use file system entries to represent devices attached to the machine. All of these entries are in the /dev tree (though they don't have to be), and this package contains the most commonly used /dev entries. These files are essential for a system to function properly. %description -l de Unix und Unix-ähnliche Systeme (inkl. Linux) verwenden Dateisystem- Einträge zum Darstellen angeschlossener Geräte. Diese Einträge befinden sich (nicht notwendigerweise) im Verzeichnis /dev. Dieses Paket enthält die üblichsten /dev-Einträge. Diese Dateien sind für das Funktionieren eines Systems unbedingt erforderlich. %description -l fr Unix et les systèmes apparentés (dont Linux) utilise des fichiers pour représenter les périphériques reliés à la machine. Toutes ces entrées sont dans l'arborescence /dev (ce n'est pas obligatoire). Ce paquetage contient les entrées /dev les plus courantes. Elles sont essentielles pour qu'un système fonctionne correctement. %description -l pl Wszystkie systemy klasy unices, w tym Linux, u¿ywaj± plików do przedstawiania urz±dzeñ pod³±czonych do komputera. Wszystkie te pliki znajduj± siê zwykle w katalogu /dev. Pakiet ten zawiera wiêkszo¶æ popularnych plików specjalnych, s± one jedn± z wa¿niejszych czê¶ci prawid³owo dzia³aj±cego systemu operacyjnego. %description -l tr Unix ve Unix benzeri sistemler (Linux da dahil olmak üzere), makinaya bağlı aygıtları göstermek için özel dosyalar kullanırlar. Bu özel dosyaların tümü /dev dizin yapısı altındadır. Bu paket en çok kullanılan /dev dosyalarını içerir. Bu dosyalar, bir sistemin düzgün olarak işleyebilmesi için temel gereksinimlerdendir. %prep %setup -q -c -T %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/dev/cpu/{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/dev/{ataraid,cciss,cdroms,discs,i2o,ida,input,net,pts,raw,rd,usb} bunzip2 -dc %{SOURCE0} > dev-list cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/dev ln -sf adsp0 adsp ln -sf amidi0 amidi ln -sf audio0 audio ln -sf dsp0 dsp ln -sf fb0 fb ln -sf rft0 ftape ln -sf isdnctrl0 isdnctrl ln -sf midi00 midi ln -sf mixer0 mixer ln -sf nrft0 nftape ln -sf ram0 ramdisk %ifarch sparc ln -sf sunmouse mouse %endif %ifarch m68k ln -sf amigamouse mouse %endif %ifarch ppc ln -sf adbmouse mouse %endif %files -f dev-list %defattr(644,root,root,755) %dir /dev/cpu %dir /dev/cpu/0 %dir /dev/cpu/1 %dir /dev/cpu/2 %dir /dev/cpu/3 %dir /dev/cpu/4 %dir /dev/cpu/5 %dir /dev/cpu/6 %dir /dev/cpu/7 %dir /dev/ataraid %dir /dev/cciss %dir /dev/cdroms %dir /dev/discs %dir /dev/i2o %dir /dev/ida %dir /dev/input %dir /dev/net %dir /dev/pts %dir /dev/raw %dir /dev/rd %dir /dev/usb %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(660,root,audio) /dev/adsp %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(660,root,audio) /dev/amidi %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(660,root,audio) /dev/audio %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(660,root,audio) /dev/dsp %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(644,root,root) /dev/fb %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(666,root,root) /dev/ftape %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(600,root,root) /dev/isdnctrl %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(660,root,audio) /dev/midi %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(660,root,audio) /dev/mixer %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(666,root,root) /dev/nftape %config(noreplace) %verify(not link) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/ramdisk %ifarch %{ix86} %dev(c,10,184) %attr(666,root,root) /dev/cpu/microcode %dev(c,10,181) %attr(666,root,root) /dev/toshiba %endif %ifarch sparc m68k # XXX: which permissions??? %dev(c,11,00 %attr(600,root,root) /dev/kbd %endif %ifarch m68k # XXX: which permissions??? %dev(c,10,4) %attr(664,root,root) /dev/amigamouse %dev(c,10,5) %attr(664,root,root) /dev/atarimouse %dev(c,10,7) %attr(664,root,root) /dev/apollomouse # XXX: what's that??? %dev(b,2,4) /dev/fdhd0 %dev(b,2,5) /dev/fdhd1 %endif %ifarch ppc %dev(c,56,0) %attr(644,root,root) /dev/adb* %dev(c,10,10) %attr(644,root,root) /dev/adbmouse %dev(c,10.154) %attr(644,root,root) /dev/pmu %dev(c,10,198) %attr(644,root,root) /dev/sheep_net %endif %ifarch sparc # XXX: which permissions ??? %dev(c,10,139) %attr(600,root,root) /dev/openprom %dev(c,10,6) %attr(664,root,root) /dev/sunmouse %endif %ifnarch sparc m68k %dev(c,10,3) %attr(664,root,root) /dev/atibm %dev(b,29,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/aztcd %dev(b,15,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/cdu31a %dev(b,24,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/cdu535 %dev(b,32,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/cm206cd %dev(b,16,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/gscd %dev(c,10,2) %attr(664,root,root) /dev/inportbm %dev(c,10,0) %attr(664,root,root) /dev/logibm %dev(b,23,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/mcd %dev(c,10,1) %attr(664,root,root) /dev/psaux %dev(b,25,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/sbpcd %dev(b,25,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/sbpcd0 %dev(b,25,1) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/sbpcd1 %dev(b,25,2) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/sbpcd2 %dev(b,25,3) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/sbpcd3 %dev(b,18,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/sjcd %dev(b,15,0) %attr(660,root,disk) /dev/sonycd %endif