# Include this file in httpd.conf using: # ,,Include demarc.conf directive'' # BEST WAY TO RUN demarc IS TO USE mod-ssl DUE TO SECURITY REASONS # For Non-SSL (pleace your domain instead localhost) Redirect /demarc http://localhost//dm/demarc # For SSL (pleace your domain instead localhost) Redirect /demarc https://localhost/dm/demarc Alias /dm_images "/usr/share/demarc/images" AllowOverride all DirectoryIndex demarc # For regular Perl add: # -------------------- ScriptAlias /dm "/usr/share/demarc/cgi" # For Mod_Perl add: # -------------------- PerlModule Apache::Registry KeepAlive Off Alias /dm /usr/share/demarc/cgi SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::Registry Options ExecCGI allow from all PerlSendHeader On DirectoryIndex demarc