#%include /usr/lib/rpm/macros.python Summary: X interface to the GDB, DBX and XDB debuggers Summary(ja): GDB,DBX,Ladebug,JDB,Perl,Python¤Î¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥«¥ë¥Ç¥Ð¥Ã¥¬¤Î¥Õ¥í¥ó¥È¥¨¥ó¥É Summary(pl): Interfejs X do debugerów GDB, DBX i XDB Summary(zh_CN): ͼÐλ¯µÄ³ÌÐòµ÷ÊÔÆ÷Ç°¶Ë;ÈçGDB,DBX,Ladebug,JDB,Perl,Python Name: ddd Version: 3.3.8 Release: 1 License: GPL Group: Development/Debuggers Source0: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/ddd/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz # Source0-md5: 60c5bfbfe1564926edda629ffcf01e52 Source1: %{name}.desktop Source2: %{name}-python.desktop Source3: http://art.gnome.org/images/icons/other/Debugger.png # Source3-md5: c046d9b0a04abdbb4a2be08a374ac2cd Patch0: %{name}-ptrace.patch Patch1: %{name}-info.patch Patch2: %{name}-home_etc.patch URL: http://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/ BuildRequires: XFree86-devel BuildRequires: autoconf BuildRequires: automake BuildRequires: bison BuildRequires: elfutils-devel BuildRequires: flex BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel BuildRequires: libtool BuildRequires: motif-devel BuildRequires: ncurses-devel >= 5.0 BuildRequires: python >= 2.2 BuildRequires: readline-devel #BuildRequires: rpm-pythonprov BuildRequires: texinfo Requires: gdb BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description The Data Display Debugger (DDD) is a common graphical user interface for GDB, DBX, and XDB, the popular UNIX debuggers. Besides ``classical'' front-end features such as viewing source texts, DDD provides a graphical data display, where data structures are displayed as graphs. A simple mouse click dereferences pointers or views structure contents, updated each time the program stops. Using DDD, you can reason about your application by viewing its data, not just by viewing it execute lines of source code. Other DDD features include: debugging of programs written in C, C++, Ada, Fortran, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, or Modula-3; machine-level debugging; hypertext source navigation and lookup; breakpoint, backtrace, and history editors; preferences and settings editors; program execution in terminal emulator window; debugging on remote host; on-line manual; interactive help on the Motif user interface; GDB/DBX/XDB command-line interface with full editing, history, search, and completion capabilities. DDD has been designed to compete with well-known commercial debuggers %description -l ja DDD¤Ï¡¢GDB,DBX,WDB,Ladebug,JDB,XDB,Perl¥Ç¥Ð¥Ã¥¬¡¢¤Þ¤¿¤ÏPython¥Ç¥Ð¥Ã¥¬ ¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ê¥³¥Þ¥ó¥É¥é¥¤¥ó·¿¥Ç¥Ð¥Ã¥¬¤ò¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥«¥ë·¿¤Î¥Ç¥Ð¥Ã¥¬¤ËÊѿȤµ¤»¤ë ¥Õ¥í¥ó¥È¥¨¥ó¥É¤Ç¤¹¡£¥½¡¼¥¹¥³¡¼¥É¤Î»²¾ÈÅù¤Î¤è¤¦¤Ê"Ä̾ï"¤Î¥Õ¥í¥ó¥È¥¨¥ó¥É ¤Îµ¡Ç½¤Î¤ß¤Ê¤é¤º¡¢DDD¤Ï¥Ç¡¼¥¿¹½Â¤¤ò¥°¥é¥Õ¤È¤·¤Æɽ¼¨¤¹¤ë¡¢²ñÏü°¥°¥é¥Õ ¥£¥«¥ë¥Ç¡¼¥¿É½¼¨¤¹¤ë¤³¤È¤Çͭ̾¤Ë¤Ê¤ê¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£ %description -l pl Data Display Debugger (DDD) jest typowym graficznym interfejsem do GDB, DBX, i XDB - popularnych UNIXowych debuggerów. Poza ``klasycznymi'' mo¿liwo¶ciami interfejsów graficznych takich jak przegl±danie kodów ¼ród³owych DDD dostarcza graficznych narzêdzi, gdzie struktury wy¶wietlane s± w postaci graficznej. Proste klikniêcie mysz± pozwala na przegl±danie zawarto¶ci struktur (aktualizowane za ka¿dym razem gdy program siê zatrzyma). Inne mo¿liwo¶ci DDD to: mo¿liwo¶æ debugowania programów napisanych w C, C++, Ada, Fortran, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, or Modula-2; debugowanie na poziomie maszyny; hypertekstowa nawigacja po ¼ród³ach; breakpoint, backtrace i emulator okna historii; mo¿liwo¶æ ustawiania preferencji; uruchamianie programów w oknie terminala; debugowanie na zdalnych serwerach; podrêcznik on-line; interaktywna pomoc; linia poleceñ GDB/DBX/XDB z pe³n± edycj±, histori± i wyszukiwaniem. %package python Summary: X interface to the GDB, DBX and XDB debuggers - The python debugger Summary(pl): Interfejs X do debugerów GDB, DBX i XDB - debugger pythona Group: Development/Debuggers Requires: %{name} = %{version} #%pyrequires_eq python %description python Data Display Debugger - python debugger. %description python -l pl Data Display Debugger - debugger pythona. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %patch1 -p1 %patch2 -p1 %build %{__libtoolize} %{__aclocal} %{__autoconf} %{__automake} %configure \ --with-motif \ --with-readline-libraries=%{_libdir} %{__make} \ CXXOPT="-DNDEBUG %{rpmcflags}" %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitedir} \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/X11/app-defaults \ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_applnkdir}/Development,%{_pixmapsdir}} %{__make} install \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT #install pydb/pydb.py $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pydb #install pydb/{pydbcmd,pydbsupt}.py $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitedir} #%py_comp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitedir} #%py_ocomp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitedir} install ddd/Ddd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/X11/app-defaults install %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_applnkdir}/Development install %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pixmapsdir}/ddd.png %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %post [ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>&1 %postun [ ! -x /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir ] || /usr/sbin/fix-info-dir -c %{_infodir} >/dev/null 2>&1 %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc AUTHORS NEWS README TIPS TODO doc/*.pdf %{_applnkdir}/Development/ddd.desktop %{_pixmapsdir}/* %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/ddd %{_libdir}/X11/app-defaults/Ddd %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_datadir}/ddd* %{_infodir}/ddd* #%files python #%defattr(644,root,root,755) #%{_applnkdir}/Development/ddd-python.desktop #%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/pydb #%{py_sitedir}/*.py?