Summary: A CVS-aware network file distribution system Name: cvsup Version: 16.0 Release: 1 Group: Development/Version Control Group(pl): Programowanie/Zarządzanie wersjami Copyright: BSD URL: Source:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Requires: Modula-3 BuildRoot: /tmp/%{name}-%{version}-root %description CVSup is a next-generation replacement for sup. It is a leap forward, in terms of capability, speed, and server efficiency. CVSup offers the following advantages: * Capabilities. Clients can maintain local CVS branches without interference from CVSup. * Speed. CVSup works directly from the CVS repository on the server. It can parse and edit RCS files, and it understands how they are typically changed under CVS. It uses a streaming protocol for updates and sends compressed diffs and reverse diffs of changes to minimize bandwidth. %package client Summary: Client-side CVSup package Group: Development/Version Control Group(pl): Programowanie/Zarządzanie wersjami %description client CVSup is a next-generation replacement for sup. It is a leap forward, in terms of capability, speed, and server efficiency. CVSup offers the following advantages: * Capabilities. Clients can maintain local CVS branches without interference from CVSup. * Speed. CVSup works directly from the CVS repository on the server. It can parse and edit RCS files, and it understands how they are typically changed under CVS. It uses a streaming protocol for updates and sends compressed diffs and reverse diffs of changes to minimize bandwidth. The client package allows a developer to maintain a local copy of a full CVS repository. CVSup can also maintain local copies of other kinds of directory trees. %package server Summary: Server-side CVSup package Group: Development/Version Control Group(pl): Programowanie/Zarządzanie wersjami %description server CVSup is a next-generation replacement for sup. It is a leap forward, in terms of capability, speed, and server efficiency. CVSup offers the following advantages: * Capabilities. Clients can maintain local CVS branches without interference from CVSup. * Speed. CVSup works directly from the CVS repository on the server. It can parse and edit RCS files, and it understands how they are typically changed under CVS. It uses a streaming protocol for updates and sends compressed diffs and reverse diffs of changes to minimize bandwidth. The server package allows a developer to publish a full or partial CVS repository. CVSup can also publish other kinds of directory trees. %prep %setup -q %build make M3TARGET=LINUXELF %install make install \ PREFIX=/usr \ M3TARGET=LINUXELF strip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/{bin,sbin}/* gzip -9nf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man*/* \ Acknowledgments Announce Blurb ChangeLog Install %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files client %doc *.gz /usr/bin/cvsup %{_mandir}/man1/cvsup.1.gz %files server %doc *.gz /usr/sbin/cvsupd %{_mandir}/man8/cvsupd.8.gz %changelog * Mon Apr 12 1999 Michał Kuratczyk [1.16-1] - added %changelog - added gzipping documentation and man pages - added Group(pl) - added 'rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT' to %clean - added -q %setup parameter - added BuildRoot (by PLD standard) - added stripping binaries