# # Conditional build: %bcond_without apidocs # build apidocs (some man3 pages are provided anyway) %bcond_without augeas # augeas lens support %bcond_without dbus # DBus events %bcond_without rdma # RDMA support %bcond_without snmp # SNMP protocol support %bcond_without testagents # test agents build %bcond_without watchdog # watchdog support %bcond_without monitoring # resource monitoring %bcond_without qdevices # Quorum devices support %bcond_without qnetd # Quorum Net Daemon support %bcond_without xmlconf # XML configuration support %bcond_without libcgroup # libcgroup support # Summary: Corosync - OSI Certified implementation of a complete cluster engine Summary(pl.UTF-8): Corosync - implementacja silnika klastrowego certyfikowana przez OSI Name: corosync Version: 2.4.5 Release: 3 License: BSD Group: Base #Source0Download: http://corosync.org/download/ Source0: https://build.clusterlabs.org/corosync/releases/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz # Source0-md5: e36a056b893c313c4ec1fe0d7e6cdebd Source1: %{name}.init Source2: %{name}-notifyd.init Source3: %{name}-notifyd.sysconfig URL: https://www.corosync.org/ BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.61 BuildRequires: automake >= 1:1.11 %{?with_dbus:BuildRequires: dbus-devel} %{?with_apidocs:BuildRequires: doxygen} %{?with_apidocs:BuildRequires: graphviz} BuildRequires: groff %{?with_libcgroup:BuildRequires: libcgroup-devel} BuildRequires: libqb-devel %if %{with rdma} BuildRequires: libibverbs-devel BuildRequires: librdmacm-devel %endif %{?with_monitoring:BuildRequires: libstatgrab-devel >= 0.90} BuildRequires: libtool >= 2:2.2.6 %{?with_snmp:BuildRequires: net-snmp-devel} BuildRequires: nss-devel BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.644 # only for cpghum test program #BuildRequires: zlib-devel %{?with_xmlconf:Requires: libxslt-progs} Requires: rc-scripts Requires: systemd-units >= 38 Requires(post,preun): /sbin/chkconfig Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) # short_service_name_get() is defined in executable %define skip_post_check_so libcoroipcs\.so.* %description The Corosync Cluster Engine is an OSI Certified implementation of a complete cluster engine. %description -l pl.UTF-8 Corosync Cluster Engine to implementacja pełnego silnika klastrowego certyfikowana przez OSI. %package libs Summary: Corosync Cluster Engine libraries Summary(pl.UTF-8): Biblioteki silnika klastrowego Corosync Group: Libraries %description libs This package contains the libraries of Corosync Cluster Engine, an OSI Certified implementation of a complete cluster engine. %description libs -l pl.UTF-8 Ten pakiet zawiera biblioteki Corosync Cluster Engine - pełnego silnika klastrowego certyfikowanego przez OSI. %package devel Summary: Header files for Corosync libraries Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe bibliotek Corosync Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release} Conflicts: openais-devel < 1.0 %description devel This package contains the include files used to develop using Corosync APIs. %description devel -l pl.UTF-8 Ten pakiet zawiera pliki nagłówkowe potrzebne do tworzenia programów z użyciem API Corosync. %package static Summary: Corosync static libraries Summary(pl.UTF-8): Statyczne biblioteki Corosync Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release} %description static This package contains the Corosync static libraries. %description static -l pl.UTF-8 Ten pakiet zawiera statyczne biblioteki Corosync. %package testagents Summary: The Corosync Cluster Engine test agents Summary(pl.UTF-8): Testowi agenci silnika klastrowego Corosync Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description testagents This package contains Corosync test agents. %description testagents -l pl.UTF-8 Ten pakiet zawiera testowych agentów silnika Corosync. %package -n mibs-corosync Summary: Corosync SNMP MIB data Summary(pl.UTF-8): Dane SNMP MIB dla Corosync Group: Applications/System Requires: mibs-dirs %description -n mibs-corosync Corosync SNMP MIB data. %description -n mibs-corosync -l pl.UTF-8 Dane SNMP MIB dla Corosync. %prep %setup -q # force regeneration with proper BASHPATH %{__rm} cts/agents/{cmap-dispatch-deadlock,shm_leak_audit}.sh %build %{__libtoolize} %{__aclocal} %{__autoconf} %{__autoheader} %{__automake} %configure \ BASHPATH=/bin/bash \ %{?with_augeas:--enable-augeas} \ %{?with_dbus:--enable-dbus} \ %{?with_libcgroup:--enable-libcgroup} \ %{?with_monitoring:--enable-monitoring} \ %{?with_qdevices:--enable-qdevices} \ %{?with_qnetd:--enable-qnetd} \ %{?with_rdma:--enable-rdma} \ --disable-silent-rules \ %{?with_snmp:--enable-snmp} \ --enable-systemd \ %{?with_testagents:--enable-testagents} \ %{?with_watchdog:--enable-watchdog} \ %{?with_xmlconf:--enable-xmlconf} \ --with-initddir=/etc/rc.d/init.d \ --with-systemddir=%{systemdunitdir} %{__make} %{?with_apidocs:%{__make} doxygen} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{/etc/rc.d/init.d,/etc/sysconfig} install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/cluster %{__make} install \ mibdir=%{_datadir}/mibs \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__rm} -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/corosync sed -e 's/^/#/' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/corosync/corosync.conf.example \ >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/corosync/corosync.conf %{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/corosync/corosync.conf.example* install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/%{name} install %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/%{name}-notifyd install %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig/%{name}-notifyd %if %{with qdevices} || %{with qnetd} install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{systemdtmpfilesdir} cat >$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{systemdtmpfilesdir}/corosync.conf <