0MBEGIN-ENTRY-MAIN HELP_USAGE FUNCTION_SUMMARY RELEASE_NOTES COMMAND_SUMMARY CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY INTEGRATED_EDITOR END-ENTRY 1IBEGIN-ENTRY-HELP_USAGE HELP_USAGE H.2 Using the Help Facility The help facility displays menus of topics and prompts the user for a choice. It then references the help file for that information. The help facility can be called with or without a command-line topic. Syntax: (help []) where is the full path leading to a topic in the help tree. For example, for information on defrule syntax, the user would type: (help construct_summary defrule). The help function has no return value. Each element or field in the path is delimited by white space, and the help facility is not case sensitive. In addition, the entire name of a field does not need to be specified. Only enough characters to distinguish the field from other choices in the menu are necessary (if there is a conflict, the help facility will pick the first one in the list). For instance, (help con def) would be sufficient for the above example. A few special fields can be used while in the help facility. ^ Branch up one level. ? When specified at the end of a path, this forces a display of the current menu, even on branch-ups. Giving no topic field will branch up one level. A branch-up from the MAIN topic root node implies an exit from help. By default, the help facility comes up in the MAIN topic root menu and the user may make a choice as described above. The prompt line always displays the name of the current menu. The help facility will branch through the help- tree until instructed to exit by a branch-up from the top level. The level always is reset to the MAIN topic upon exit from the help facility. The first call to the help facility will take longer than successive calls while the system loads help information into an internal lookup table. All other calls to the help facility are very fast. The help facility reads help information from a file during execution. Users may wish to change the location of the help file to meet the configuration of their system. The help-path function was provided to allow this. Syntax: (help-path []) If no argument is specified, the function displays the name of the current help file. If an argument is specified, the help facility will use the new file name for future help references during this CLIPS session. To change the location of the help file permanently, a change must be made in the setup.h file, then CLIPS must be recompiled. The help-path function has no return value. END-ENTRY 1MBEGIN-ENTRY-RELEASE_NOTES RELEASE_NOTES The release notes help section contains information about new features and where to get technical support. Subtopics: NEW_FEATURES SUPPORT_INFORMATION END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-NEW_FEATURES RELEASE_NOTES NEW_FEATURES Version 6.2 of CLIPS contains two major enhancements. First, CLIPS now provides a mechanism which allows an embedded application to create multiple environments into which programs can be loaded. Second, an improved Windows 95/98/NT CLIPS interface is now available and the Macintosh CLIPS interface has been enhanced to support MacOS X. For a detailed listing of differences between the 6.x releases of CLIPS, refer to appendix B of the Basic Programming Guide and appendix C of the Advanced Programming Guide. END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-SUPPORT_INFORMATION RELEASE_NOTES SUPPORT_INFORMATION CLIPS executables, documentation, and source code are available for download from http://www.ghg.net/clips/download/. Questions regarding CLIPS can be sent via electronic mail to clips@ghg.net. An electronic conferencing facility, sponsored by Distributed Computing Systems (http://www.discomsys.com), is also available to CLIPS users. Subscribers to this facility may send questions, observations, answers, editorials, etc., in the form of electronic mail to the conference. All subscribers will have a copy of these messages reflected back to them at their respective electronic mail addresses. To subscribe, send a single line message to clips-request@discomsys.com containing the word "subscribe". The subject field is ignored but the address found in the ÔReply:Õ, ÔReply to:Õ, or ÔFrom:Õ field will be entered in the distribution list. Upon subscription you will receive a mail message instructing you how to participate in the conference from that point forward. Save this mail message. You may need the instructions later if you wish to unsubscribe from the list server. To send your own messages to members of the conference you need simply address your mail to clips@discomsys.com. Your message will be reflected to all other members of the conference. If you wish to remove yourself from the conference and discontinue receiving mail simply send a message to clips-request@discomsys.com with "unsubscribe" as the message text. If you want to unsubscribe using another email account than the one you subscribed with, then append the original subscribing email account to the text of the message. For example: "unsubscribe john.doe@account.net". Do not send unsubscribe messages to clips@discomsys.com! This sends a mail message to every member of the list. If you need to get in contact with the list administrator (for trouble unsubscribing or other questions about the list), send email to clips-owner @discomsys.com. Intelligent Software Professionals has made available the CLIPS-LIST archive, a WWW-based full text searchable archive containing over two years of question and answers directed to the CLIPS List Server. It can be accessed at the URL http://www.isphouston.com/swish-web.html. A CLIPS World Wide Web page can be accessed using the URL http://www.ghg.net/clips/CLIPS.html. Usenet users can also find information and post questions about CLIPS to the comp.ai.shells news group. The CLIPS Developers' Forum, a thread-based message board, is available at http://www.cpbinc.com/clips. This board exists to provide a site for discussion of research, development, and implementation of the CLIPS expert systems and related technologies. The hosting services for this web page are provided by CPB, Inc. Questions pertaining to this forum can be sent to jerry.gamble@cpbinc.com. END-ENTRY 1MBEGIN-ENTRY-CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY This section gives a general overview of the available CLIPS constructs. Subtopics: DEFRULE DEFCLASS DEFFACTS DEFINSTANCES DEFTEMPLATE DEFMESSAGE-HANDLER DEFGLOBAL DEFMODULE DEFFUNCTION CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTES DEFGENERIC/DEFMETHOD END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFRULE CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFRULE One of the primary methods of representing knowledge in CLIPS is a rule. A rule is a collection of conditions and the actions to be taken if the conditions are met. The developer of an expert system defines the rules which describe how to solve a problem. Rules execute (or fire) based on the existence or non-existence of facts. CLIPS provides the mechanism (the inference engine) which attempts to match the rules to the current state of the system (as represented by the fact-list) and applies the actions. (defrule [] [] * => *) DECLARATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ::= (declare +) ::= (salience ) | (auto-focus ) CONDITIONAL ELEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ::= | | | | | | | | ::= (test ) ::= (not ) ::= (and +) ::= (or +) ::= (exists +) ::= (forall +) ::= (logical +) PATTERN CONDITIONAL ELEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------ ::= ? <- ::= | | ::= ( *) ::= (*) ::= (object *) ::= (is-a ) | (name ) | ( *) ::= | ::= | ::= ( ) ::= ( *) PATTERN CONSTRAINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------ ::= ? | $? | ::= | & | | ::= | ~ ::= | | | : | = END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFFACTS CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFFACTS With the deffacts construct, a list of facts can be defined which are automatically asserted whenever the reset command is performed. Facts asserted through deffacts may be retracted or pattern matched like any other fact. The initial fact-list, including any defined deffacts, is always reconstructed after a reset command. The syntax of the deffacts construct is: (deffacts [] *) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFTEMPLATE CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFTEMPLATE Ordered facts encode information positionally. To access that information, a user must know not only what data is stored in a fact but which field contains the data. Non-ordered (or deftemplate) facts provide the user with the ability to abstract the structure of a fact by assigning names to each field found within the fact. The deftemplate construct is used to create a template which can then be used by non-ordered facts to access fields of the fact by name. The deftemplate construct is analogous to a record or structure definition in programming languages such as Pascal and C. The syntax of the deftemplate construct is: (deftemplate [] *) ::= | ::= (slot *) ::= (multislot *) ::= | ::= (default ?DERIVE | ?NONE | *) | (default-dynamic *) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFGLOBAL CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFGLOBAL With the defglobal construct, global variables can be defined, set, and accessed within the CLIPS environment. Global variables can be accessed as part of the pattern matching process, but changing them does not invoke the pattern matching process. The bind function is used to set the value of global variables. The syntax of the defglobal construct is: ::= (defglobal [] *) ::= = ::= ?** END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFFUNCTION CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFFUNCTION With the deffunction construct, new functions may be defined directly in CLIPS. Deffunctions are equivalent in use to other functions in CLIPS. The only differences between user-defined external functions and deffunctions are that deffunctions are written in CLIPS and executed by CLIPS interpretively and user-defined external functions are written in an external language, such as C, and executed by CLIPS directly. Also, deffunctions allow the addition of new functions without having to recompile and relink CLIPS. The syntax of the deffunction construct is: (deffunction [] (* []) *) ::= ::= END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFGENERIC/DEFMETHOD CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFGENERIC/DEFMETHOD With the defgeneric/defmethod constructs, new generic functions may be written directly in CLIPS. Generic functions are similar to deffunctions because they can be used to define new procedural code directly in CLIPS, and they can be called like any other function. However, generic functions are much more powerful because they can do different things depending on the types (or classes) and number of their arguments. For example, a '+' operator could be defined which performs concatenation for strings but still performs arithmetic addition for numbers. Generic functions are comprised of multiple components called methods, where each method handles different cases of arguments for the generic function. A generic function which has more than one method is said to be overloaded. A generic function is comprised of a header (similar to a forward declaration) and zero or more methods. A generic function header can either be explicitly declared by the user or implicitly declared by the definition of at least one method. The defgeneric construct is used to specify the generic function header, and the defmethod construct is used for each of the generic function's methods. The syntax of the defgeneric/defmethod constructs is: (defgeneric []) (defmethod [] [] (* []) *) ::= | ( * []) ::= ::= ::= | END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFCLASS CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFCLASS A defclass is a construct for specifying the properties (slots) of a class of objects. A defclass consists of four elements: 1) a name, 2) a list of superclasses from which the new class inherits slots and message-handlers, 3) a specifier saying whether or not the creation of direct instances of the new class is allowed and 4) a list of slots specific to the new class. All user-defined classes must inherit from at least one class, and to this end COOL provides predefined system classes for use as a base in the derivation of new classes. Any slots explicitly given in the defclass override those gotten from inheritance. COOL applies rules to the list of superclasses to generate a class precedence list for the new class. Facets further describe slots. Some examples of facets include: default value, cardinality, and types of access allowed. The syntax of the defclass construct is: (defclass [] (is-a +) [] [] * *) ::= (role concrete | abstract) ::= (pattern-match reactive | non-reactive) ::= (slot *) | (single-slot *) | (multislot *) ::= | | | | | | | | ::= (default ?DERIVE | ?NONE | *) | (default-dynamic *) ::= (storage local | shared) ::= (access read-write | read-only | initialize-only) ::= (propagation inherit | no-inherit) ::= (source exclusive | composite) ::= (pattern-match reactive | non-reactive) ::= (visibility private | public) ::= (create-accessor ?NONE | read | write | read-write) ::= (override-message ?DEFAULT | ) ::= (message-handler []) ::= primary | around | before | after END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFINSTANCES CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFINSTANCES Similar to deffacts, the definstances construct allows the specification of instances which will be created every time the reset command is executed. On every reset all current instances receive a delete message, and the equivalent of a make-instance function call is made for every instance specified in definstances constructs. The syntax of the definstances construct is: ::= (definstances [] *) ::= () ::= of * ::= ( *) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFMESSAGE-HANDLER CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFMESSAGE-HANDLER Objects are manipulated by sending them messages via the function send. The result of a message is a useful return-value or side-effect. A defmessage-handler is a construct for specifying the behavior of a class of objects in response to a particular message. The implementation of a message is made up of pieces of procedural code called message-handlers (or handlers for short). Each class in the class precedence list of an object's class can have handlers for a message. In this way, the object's class and all its superclasses share the labor of handling the message. Each class's handlers handle the part of the message which is appropriate to that class. Within a class, the handlers for a particular message can be further subdivided into four types or categories: primary, before, after and around. A defmessage-handler is comprised of seven elements: 1) a class name to which to attach the handler (the class must have been previously defined), 2) a message name to which the handler will respond, 3) an optional type (the default is primary), 4) an optional comment, 5) a list of parameters that will be passed to the handler during execution, 6) an optional wildcard parameter and 7) a series of expressions which are executed in order when the handler is called. The return-value of a message-handler is the evaluation of the last expression in the body. The syntax of the defmessage-handler construct is: (defmessage-handler [] [] (* []) *) ::= around | before | primary | after ::= ::= END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFMODULE CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY DEFMODULE CLIPS provides support for the modular development and execution of knowledge bases with the defmodule construct. CLIPS modules allow a set of constructs to be grouped together such that explicit control can be maintained over restricting the access of the constructs by other modules. This type of control is similar to global and local scoping used in languages such as C or Ada. By restricting access to deftemplate and defclass constructs, modules can function as blackboards, permitting only certain facts and instances to be seen by other modules. Modules are also used by rules to provide execution control. The syntax of the defmodule construct is: ::= (defmodule [] *) ::= (export ) | (import ) ::= ?ALL | ?NONE | ?ALL | ?NONE | + ::= deftemplate | defclass | defglobal | deffunction | defgeneric END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTES CONSTRUCT_SUMMARY CONSTRAINT_ATTRIBUTES Constraint attributes can be associated with deftemplate and defclass slots so that type checking can be performed on slot values when template facts and instances are created. The constraint information is also analyzed for the patterns on the LHS of a rule to determine if the specified constraints prevent the rule from ever firing. The syntax for constraint attributes is: ::= Ê| | | ::= (type ) ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= SYMBOL | STRING | LEXEME | INTEGER | FLOAT | NUMBER | INSTANCE-NAME | INSTANCE-ADDRESS | INSTANCE | EXTERNAL-ADDRESS | FACT-ADDRESS ::= (allowed-symbolsÊ) | (allowed-strings ) | (allowed-lexemes | (allowed-integersÊ) | (allowed-floatsÊ) | (allowed-numbersÊ) | (allowed-instance-names ) | (allowed-valuesÊ) | ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= + | ?VARIABLE ::= (range ) ::= | ?VARIABLE ::= (cardinality ) ::= | ?VARIABLE END-ENTRY 1MBEGIN-ENTRY-FUNCTION_SUMMARY FUNCTION_SUMMARY This section gives a general overview of the available CLIPS functions. Subtopics: PREDICATE_FUNCTIONS DEFRULE_FUNCTIONS MULTIFIELD_FUNCTIONS AGENDA_FUNCTIONS STRING_FUNCTIONS DEFGLOBAL_FUNCTIONS IO_FUNCTIONS DEFFUNCTION_FUNCTIONS MATH_FUNCTIONS GENERIC_FUNCTION_FUNCTIONS PROCEDURAL_FUNCTIONS COOL_FUNCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS_FUNCTIONS DEFMODULE_FUNCTIONS DEFTEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS SEQUENCE_EXPANSION_FUNCTIONS FACT_FUNCTIONS END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-PREDICATE_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY PREDICATE_FUNCTIONS The following functions perform predicate tests and return either TRUE or FALSE. NUMBERP: Returns TRUE for integers and floats. (numberp ) FLOATP: Returns TRUE for floats. (floatp ) INTEGERP: Returns TRUE for integers. (integerp ) LEXEMEP: Returns TRUE for symbols and strings. (numberp ) STRINGP: Returns TRUE for strings. (stringp ) SYMBOLP: Returns TRUE for symbols. (symbolp ) EVENP: Returns TRUE for even numbers. (evenp ) ODDP: Returns TRUE for odd numbers. (oddp ) MULTIFIELDP: Returns TRUE for multifield values. (multifieldp ) POINTERP: Returns TRUE for external addresses. (pointerp ) EQ: Returns TRUE if the 1st argument is equal in type and value to all subsequent arguments. (eq +) NEQ: Returns TRUE if the 1st argument is not equal in type and value to all subsequent arguments. (neq +) =: Returns TRUE if the 1st argument is equal in value to all subsequent arguments. (= +) <>: Returns TRUE if the 1st argument is not equal in value to all subsequent arguments. (<> +) >: Returns TRUE if each argument is greater in value than the argument following it. (> +) >=: Returns TRUE if each argument is greater than or equal to in value than the argument following it. (>= +) <: Returns TRUE if each argument is less in value than the argument following it. (> +) <=: Returns TRUE if each argument is less than or equal to in value than the argument following it. (<= +) AND: Returns TRUE if all arguments evaluate to a non-FALSE value. (and +) OR: Returns TRUE if any argument evaluates to a non-FALSE value. (or +) NOT: Returns TRUE if its only argument evaluates to FALSE. (not ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-MULTIFIELD_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY MULTIFIELD_FUNCTIONS The following functions operate on multifield values. CREATE$: Appends its arguments together to create a multifield value. (create$ *) NTH$: Returns the specified field of a multifield value. (nth$ ) MEMBER$: Returns the position of a single-field value within a multifield value. (member$ ) SUBSETP: Returns TRUE if the first argument is a subset of the second argument. (subsetp ) DELETE$: Deletes the specified range from a multifield value. (delete$ ) EXPLODE$: Creates a multifield value from a string. (explode$ ) IMPLODE$: Creates a string from a multifield value. (implode$ ) SUBSEQ$: Extracts the specified range from a multifield value. (subseq$ ) REPLACE$: Replaces the specified range of a multifield value with a set of values. (replace$ +) INSERT$: Inserts one or more values in a multifield. (insert$ +) FIRST$: Returns the first field of a multifield. (first$ ) REST$: Returns all but the first field of a multifield. (rest$ ) LENGTH$: Returns the number of fields in a multifield value. (length$ ) DELETE-MEMBER$: Deletes specific values contained within a multifield value and returns the modified multifield value. (delete-member$ +) REPLACE-MEMBER$: Replaces specific values contained within a multifield value and returns the modified multifield value. (replace-member$ +) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-STRING_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY STRING_FUNCTIONS The following functions perform operations that are related to strings. STR-CAT: Concatenates its arguments to form a single string. (str-cat *) SYM-CAT: Concatenates its arguments to form a single symbol. (sym-cat *) SUB-STRING: Retrieves a subportion from a string. (sub-string ) STR-INDEX: Returns the position of the first argument within the second argument. (str-index ) EVAL: Evaluates a string as though it were entered at the command prompt. Only allows functions to be evaluated. (eval ) BUILD: Evaluates a string as though it were entered at the command prompt. Only allows constructs to be evaluated. (build ) UPCASE: Converts lowercase characters in a string or symbol to uppercase. (upcase ) LOWCASE: Converts uppercase characters in a string or symbol to lowercase. (lowcase ) STR-COMPARE: Lexigraphically compares two strings. (str-compare ) STR-LENGTH: Returns the length of a string. (str-length ) CHECK-SYNTAX: Allows the text representation of a construct or function call to be checked for syntax and semantic errors. (check-syntax ) STRING-TO-FIELD: Parses a string and converts its contents to a primitive data type. (string-to-field ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-IO_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY IO_FUNCTIONS The following functions perform I/O operations. OPEN: Opens a file. (open []) ::= "r" | "w" | "r+" | "a" | "wb" CLOSE: Closes a file. (close []) PRINTOUT: Sends unformated output to the specified logical name. (printout *) READ: Reads a single-field value from the specified logical name. (read []) READLINE: Reads an entire line as a string from the specified logical name. (readline []) FORMAT: Sends formated output to the specified logical name. (format *) RENAME: Changes the name of a file. (rename ) REMOVE: Deletes a file. (remove ) END-ENTRY 2MBEGIN-ENTRY-MATH_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY MATH_FUNCTIONS The math functions have been divided into three broad categories. The basic math functions are always provided with CLIPS. The trigonometric and extended math functions are included as part of the extended math package. Subtopics: BASIC_MATH_FUNCTIONS EXTENDED_MATH_FUNCTIONS TRIGONOMETRIC_FUNCTIONS END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-BASIC_MATH_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY MATH_FUNCTIONS BASIC_MATH_FUNCTIONS The following functions perform basic mathematical operations. +: Returns the sum of its arguments. (+ +) -: Returns the first argument minus all subsequent arguments. (- +) *: Returns the product of its arguments. (* +) /: Returns the first argument divided by all subsequent arguments. (/ +) DIV: Returns the first argument divided by all subsequent arguments using integer division. (div +) MAX: Returns the value of its largest numeric argument. (max +) MIN: Returns the value of its smallest numeric argument. (min +) ABS: Returns the absolute value of its only argument. (abs ) FLOAT: Converts its only argument to a float. (float ) INTEGER: Converts its only argument to an integer. (integer ) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-TRIGONOMETRIC_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY MATH_FUNCTIONS TRIGONOMETRIC_FUNCTIONS The following trigonometric functions take one numeric argument and return a float. The argument is expected to be in radians. These functions are part of the extended math package. FUNCTION RETURNS ---------------------------------------- acos arccosine acosh hyperbolic arccosine acot arccotangent acoth hyperbolic arccotangent acsc arccosecant acsch hyperbolic arccosecant asec arcsecant asech hyperbolic arcsecant asin arcsine asinh hyperbolic arcsine atan arctangent atanh hyperbolic arctangent cos cosine cosh hyperbolic cosine cot cotangent coth hyperbolic tangent csc cosecant csch hyperbolic cosecant sec secant sech hyperbolic secant sin sine sinh hyperbolic sine tan tangent tanh hyperbolic tangent END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-EXTENDED_MATH_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY MATH_FUNCTIONS EXTENDED_MATH_FUNCTIONS The following functions perform extended mathematical operations and are included as part of the extended math package. DEG-GRAD: Converts its only argument from degrees to gradients. (deg-grad ) DEG-RAD: Converts its only argument from degrees to radians. (deg-rad ) GRAD-DEG: Converts its only argument from gradients to degrees. (grad-deg ) RAD-DEG: Converts its only argument from radians to degrees. (rad-deg ) PI: Returns the value of pi. (pi) SQRT: Returns the square root of its only argument. (sqrt ) **: Raises its first argument to the power of its second argument. (** ) EXP: Raises the value e to the power of its only argument. (exp ) LOG: Returns the logarithm base e of its only argument. (log ) LOG10: Returns the logarithm base 10 of its only argument. (log10 ) ROUND: Rounds its argument toward the closest integer or negative infinity if exactly between two integers. (round ) MOD: Returns the remainder of the result of dividing its first argument by its second argument (assuming that the result of division must be an integer). (mod ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-PROCEDURAL_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY PROCEDURAL_FUNCTIONS The following are functions which provide procedural programming capabilities as found in languages such as Pascal, C, and Ada. BIND: Binds a variable to a new value. (bind *) IF: Allows conditional execution of a group of actions. (if then * [else *]) WHILE: Allows conditional looping. (while [do] *) LOOP-FOR-COUNT: Allows simple iterative looping. (loop-for-count [do] *) ::= | ( [ ]) ::= ::= PROGN: Evaluates all arguments and returns the value of the last argument evaluated. (progn *) PROGN$: Performs a set of actions for each field of a multifield value. (progn$ *) ::= | ( ) RETURN: Immediately terminates the currently executing deffunction, generic function method, message-handler, defrule RHS, or certain instance set query functions and if a value is specified, returns this value as the result of the executing construct. (return []) BREAK: Immediately terminates the currently iterating while loop, progn execution, or certain instance set query functions. (break) SWITCH: Allows a particular group of actions to be performed based on a specified value. (switch * []) ::= (case then *) ::= (default *) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-MISCELLANEOUS_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY MISCELLANEOUS_FUNCTIONS The following are additional functions for use within CLIPS. GENSYM: Returns a special sequenced symbol. (gensym) GENSYM*: Returns a special unique sequenced symbol. (gensym*) SETGEN: Sets the starting number used by gensym and gensym*. (setgen ) RANDOM: Returns a "random" integer value. (random [ ]) SEED: Seeds the random number generator used by random. (seed ) TIME: Returns a float representing the elapsed seconds since the system reference time. (time) LENGTH: Returns an integer for the number of fields in a multifield value or the length in characters of a string or symbol. (length ) GET-FUNCTION_RESTRICTIONS: Returns the restriction string associated with a CLIPS or user defined function. (get-function-restrictions ) SORT: Allows a list of values to be sorted based on a user specified comparison function. (sort *) FUNCALL: Constructs a function call from its arguments and then evaluates the function call. (funcall (function-name> *) TIMER: Returns the number of seconds elapsed evaluating a series of expressions. (timer *) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFTEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for the deftemplate construct. GET-DEFTEMPLATE-LIST: Returns the list of all deftemplates in the specified module (or the current module if unspecified). (get-deftemplate-list []) DEFTEMPLATE-MODULE: Returns the module in which the specified deftemplate is defined. (deftemplate-module ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-FACT_FUNCTIONS The following actions are used for assert, retracting, and modifying facts. ASSERT: Adds a fact to the fact-list. (assert +) RETRACT: Removes a fact from the fact-list. (retract + | *) ::= | MODIFY: Modifies a deftemplate fact in the fact-list. (modify *) DUPLICATE: Duplicates a deftemplate fact in the fact-list. (duplicate *) ASSERT-STRING: Converts a string into a fact and asserts it. (assert-string ) FACT-INDEX: Returns the fact index of a fact address. (fact-index ) FACT-EXISTP: Returns TRUE if the fact specified by its fact-index or fact-address arguments exists, otherwise FALSE. (fact-existp ) FACT-RELATION: Returns the deftemplate (relation) name associated with the fact. (fact-relation ) FACT-SLOT-NAMES: Returns the slot names associated with the fact. (fact-slot-names ) FACT-SLOT-VALUE: Returns the value of the specified slot from the specified fact. (fact-slot-value ) GET-FACT-LIST: Returns a multifield containing the list of visible facts. (get-fact-list []) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFFACTS_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for the deffacts construct. GET-DEFFACTS-LIST: Returns the list of all deffacts in the specified module (or the current module if unspecified). (get-deffacts-list []) DEFFACTS-MODULE: Returns the module in which the specified deffacts is defined. (deffacts-module ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFRULE_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for the defrule construct. GET-DEFRULE-LIST: Returns the list of all defrules in the specified module (or the current module if unspecified). (get-defrule-list []) DEFRULE-MODULE: Returns the module in which the specified defrule is defined. (defrule-module ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-AGENDA_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for manipulating the agenda. GET-FOCUS: Returns the module name of the current focus. (get-focus) GET-FOCUS-STACK: Returns all of the module names in the focus stack as a multifield value. (get-focus-stack) POP-FOCUS: Removes the current focus from the focus stack and returns the module name of the current focus. (pop-focus) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFGLOBAL_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for the defglobal construct. GET-DEFGLOBAL-LIST: Returns the list of all defglobals in the specified module (or the current module if unspecified). (get-defglobal-list []) DEFGLOBAL-MODULE: Returns the module in which the specified defglobal is defined. (defglobal-module ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFFUNCTION_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for the deffunction construct. GET-DEFFUNCTION-LIST: Returns the list of all deffunctions in the specified module (or the current module if unspecified). (get-deffunction-list []) DEFFUNCTION-MODULE: Returns the module in which the specified deffunction is defined. (deffunction-module ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-GENERIC_FUNCTION_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY GENERIC_FUNCTION_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for generic function methods. GET-DEFGENERIC-LIST: Returns the list of all defgenerics in the specified module (or the current module if unspecified). (get-defgeneric-list []) DEFGENERIC-MODULE: Returns the module in which the specified defgeneric is defined. (defgeneric-module ) GET-DEFMETHOD-LIST: Returns the list of all defmethods in the current module (or just the methods associated with the specified defgeneric). (get-defmethod-list []) TYPE: Returns a symbol which is the name of the type (or class) of its of argument. (type ) NEXT-METHODP: If called from a method for a generic function, the function next-methodp will return the symbol TRUE if there is another method shadowed by the current one. Otherwise, the function will return the symbol FALSE. (next-methodp) CALL-NEXT-METHOD: Calls the next shadowed method. (call-next-method) OVERRIDE-NEXT-METHOD: Calls the next shadowed method allowing new arguments to be provided. (override-next-method *) CALL-SPECIFIC-METHOD: Calls a particular method of a generic function without regards to method precedence. (call-specific-method *) GET-METHOD-RESTRICTIONS: Returns a multifield value containing information about the restrictions for the specified method. (get-method-restrictions ) END-ENTRY 2MBEGIN-ENTRY-COOL_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY COOL_FUNCTIONS The functions manipulating the CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL) are divided into five categories. Subtopics: CLASS_FUNCTIONS INSTANCE_SLOT_FUNCTIONS INSTANCE_MANIPULATION_FUNCTIONS MESSAGE-HANDLER_FUNCTIONS DEFINSTANCES_FUNCTIONS INSTANCE_PREDICATE_FUNCTIONS END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-CLASS_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY COOL_FUNCTIONS CLASS_FUNCTIONS The following functions are used with classes. GET-DEFCLASS-LIST: Returns the list of all defclasses in the specified module (or the current module if unspecified). (get-defclass-list []) DEFCLASS-MODULE: Returns the module in which the specified defclass is defined. (defclass-module ) CLASS-EXISTP: Returns TRUE if the specified class is defined, FALSE otherwise. (class-existp ) SUPERCLASSP: Returns TRUE if the first class is a superclass of the second class, FALSE otherwise. (superclassp ) SUBCLASSP: Returns TRUE if the first class is a subclass of the second class, FALSE otherwise. (subclassp ) SLOT-EXISTP: Returns TRUE if the specified slot is present in the class, FALSE otherwise. If the inherit keyword is specified, then the slot may be inherited. (slot-existp [inherit]) SLOT-WRITABLEP: Returns TRUE if the specified slot is writable, otherwise FALSE. (slot-writablep ) SLOT-INITABLEP: Returns TRUE if the specified slot is initializable, otherwise FALSE. (slot-initablep ) SLOT-PUBLICP: Returns TRUE if the specified slot is public, otherwise FALSE. (slot-initablep ) SLOT-DIRECT-ACCESSP: Returns TRUE if the specified slot can be accessed directly, otherwise FALSE. (slot-direct-accessp ) MESSAGE-HANDLER-EXISTP: Returns TRUE if the specified message-handler is defined (directly, not by inheritance) for the class, FALSE otherwise. (message-handler-existp []) ::= around | before | primary | after CLASS-ABSTRACTP: Returns TRUE if the specified class is abstract, FALSE otherwise. (class-abstractp ) CLASS-REACTIVEP: Returns TRUE if the specified class is reactive, FALSE otherwise. (class-reactivep ) CLASS-SUPERCLASSES: Returns the names of the direct superclasses of a class in a multifield variable. If the optional "inherit" argument is given, indirect superclasses are also included. (class-superclasses [inherit]) CLASS-SUBCLASSES: Returns the names of the direct subclasses of a class in a multifield variable. If the optional "inherit" argument is given, indirect subclasses are also included. (class-subclasses [inherit]) CLASS-SLOTS: Returns the names of the explicitly defined slots of a class in a multifield variable. If the optional inherit keyword is given, inherited slots are also included. (class-slots [inherit]) GET-DEFMESSAGE-HANDLER-LIST: Returns the class names, message names, and message types of the message-handlers directly attached to a class in a multifield variable. If the optional inherit keyword is given, inherited message-handlers are also included. (get-defmessage-handler-list [inherit]) SLOT-FACETS: Returns the facet values for the specified slot of a class in a multifield value. (slot-facets ) SLOT-SOURCES: Returns the names of the classes which provide facets for a slot of a class in a multifield variable. (slot-sources ) SLOT-TYPES: Returns the names of the primitive types allowed for a slot in a multifield variable. (slot-types ) SLOT-CARDINALITY: Returns the minimum and maximum number of fields allowed for a multislot in a multifield variable. (slot-cardinality ) SLOT-ALLOWED-VALUES: Returns the allowed values for a slot in a multifield value. (slot-allowed-values ) SLOT-RANGE: Returns the minimum and maximum numeric values allowed for a slot. (slot-range ) SLOT-DEFAULT-VALUE: Returns the default value associated with a slot. (slot-default-value ) SET-CLASS-DEFAULTS-MODE: Sets the defaults mode used when classes are defined. (set-class-defaults-mode ) ::= convenience | conservation GET-CLASS-DEFAULTS-MODE: Returns the current defaults mode used when classes are defined. (get-class-defaults-mode) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-MESSAGE-HANDLER_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY COOL_FUNCTIONS MESSAGE-HANDLER_FUNCTIONS The following functions are used with message-handlers. NEXT-HANDLERP: Returns TRUE if there is another message-handler available for execution, FALSE otherwise. (next-handlerp) CALL-NEXT-HANDLER: Calls the next shadowed handler. (call-next-handler) OVERRIDE-NEXT-HANDLER: Calls the next shadowed handler and allows the arguments to be changed. (override-next-handler *) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFINSTANCES_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY COOL_FUNCTIONS DEFINSTANCES_FUNCTIONS The following functions are used with definstances. GET-DEFINSTANCES-LIST: Returns the list of all definstances in the specified module (or the current module if unspecified). (get-definstances-list []) DEFINSTANCES-MODULE: Returns the module in which the specified definstance is defined. (definstances-module ) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-INSTANCE_MANIPULATION_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY COOL_FUNCTIONS INSTANCE_MANIPULATION_FUNCTIONS The following manipulation functions are used with instances. INIT-SLOTS: Implements the init message-handler attached to the class USER. This function should never be called directly unless an init message-handler is being defined such that the one attached to USER will never be called. (init-slots) UNMAKE-INSTANCE: Deletes the specified instance by sending it the delete message. (unmake-instance | *) DELETE-INSTANCE: Deletes the active instance when called from within the body of a message-handler. (delete-instance) CLASS: Returns a symbol which is the name of the class of its argument. (class ) INSTANCE-NAME: Returns a symbol which is the name of its instance argument. (instance-name ) INSTANCE-ADDRESS: Returns the address of its instance argument. (instance-address ) SYMBOL-TO-INSTANCE-NAME: Converts a symbol to an instance name. (symbol-to-instance-name ) INSTANCE-NAME-TO-SYMBOL: Converts an instance name to a symbol. (instance-name-to-symbol ) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-INSTANCE_PREDICATE_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY COOL_FUNCTIONS INSTANCE_PREDICATE_FUNCTIONS The following predicate functions are used with instances. INSTANCEP: Returns TRUE if its argument is an instance name or instance address, FALSE otherwise. (instancep ) INSTANCE-ADDRESSP: Returns TRUE if its argument is an instance address, FALSE otherwise. (instance-addressp ) INSTANCE-NAMEP: Returns TRUE if its argument is an instance name, FALSE otherwise. (instance-namep ) INSTANCE-EXISTP: Returns TRUE if the specified instance exists, FALSE otherwise. (instance-existp ) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-INSTANCE_SLOT_FUNCTIONS FUNCTION_SUMMARY COOL_FUNCTIONS INSTANCE_SLOT_FUNCTIONS The following functions are used to manipulate instance slots. DYNAMIC-GET: Returns the value of the specified slot of the active instance. (dynamic-get ) DYNAMIC-PUT: Sets the value of the specified slot of the active instance. (put *) SLOT-REPLACE$: Allows the replacement of a range of fields in a multifield slot value. (slot-replaceR +) DIRECT-SLOT-REPLACE$: Allows the replacement of a range of fields in a multifield slot value of the active instance from within a message-handler. (direct-slot-replace$ +) SLOT-INSERT$: Allows the insertion of one or more values in a multifield slot value. (slot-insert$ +) DIRECT-SLOT-INSERT$: Allows the insertion of one or more values in a multifield slot value of the active instance from within a message-handler. (direct-slot-insert$ +) SLOT-DELETE$: Allows the deletion of a range of fields in a multifield slot value. (slot-delete$ ) DIRECT-SLOT-DELETE$: Allows the deletion of a range of fields in a multifield slot value of the active instance from within a message-handler. (direct-slot-delete$ ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFMODULE_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for the defmodule construct. GET-DEFMODULE-LIST: Returns the list of all defmodules. (get-defmodule-list) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-SEQUENCE_EXPANSION_FUNCTIONS The following functions provide ancillary capabilities for the sequence expansion operator. EXPAND$: When used inside of a function call, expands its arguments as separate arguements to the function. The $ operator is merely a shorthand notation for the expand$ function call. (expand$; ) SET-SEQUENCE-OPERATOR-RECOGNITION: Sets the sequence operator recognition behavior. (set-sequence-operator-recognition; ) GET-SEQUENCE-OPERATOR-RECOGNITION: Returns the current value of the sequence operator recognition behavior. (get-sequence-operator-recognition) END-ENTRY 1MBEGIN-ENTRY-COMMAND_SUMMARY COMMAND_SUMMARY This section gives a general overview of the available CLIPS commands. Subtopics: ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS DEFFUNCTION_COMMANDS DEBUGGING_COMMANDS GENERIC_FUNCTION_COMMANDS DEFTEMPLATE_COMMANDS COOL_COMMANDS FACT_COMMANDS DEFMODULE_COMMANDS DEFFACTS_COMMANDS MEMORY_COMMANDS DEFRULE_COMMANDS TEXT_PROCESSING_COMMANDS AGENDA_COMMANDS PROFILING_COMMANDS DEFGLOBAL_COMMANDS END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY ENVIRONMENT_COMMANDS The following commands control the CLIPS environment. LOAD: Loads constructs from a file. (load ) LOAD*: Loads constructs from a file without displaying informational messages. (load* ) SAVE: Saves constructs to a file. (save ) BLOAD: Loads a binary image from a file. (bload ) BSAVE: Saves a binary image to a file. (bsave ) CLEAR: Clears the CLIPS environment. (clear) EXIT: Exits the CLIPS environment. (exit) RESET: Resets the CLIPS environment. (reset) BATCH: Executes commands from a file. (batch ) BATCH*: Executes commands from a file. Unlike the batch command, evaluates all of the commands in the specified file before returning rather than replacing standard input. (batch* ) OPTIONS: Lists the settings of CLIPS compiler flags. (options) SYSTEM: Appends its arguments together to form a command which is then sent to the operating system. (system *) SET-AUTO-FLOAT-DIVIDEND: Sets the auto-float dividend behaviour. (set-auto-float-dividend ) GET-AUTO-FLOAT-DIVIDEND: Returns the current value of the auto-float dividend behaviour. (get-auto-float-dividend) SET-DYNAMIC-CONSTRAINT-CHECKING: Sets the dynamic constraint checking behaviour. (set-dynamic-constraint-checking ) GET-DYNAMIC-CONSTRAINT-CHECKING: Returns the current value of the dynamic constraint checking behaviour. (get-dynamic-constraint-checking) SET-STATIC-CONSTRAINT-CHECKING: Sets the static constraint checking behaviour. (set-static-constraint-checking ) GET-STATIC-CONSTRAINT-CHECKING: Returns the current value of the static constraint checking behaviour. (get-static-constraint-checking) APROPOS: Displays all symbols currently defined in CLIPS which contain a specified substring (apropos ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEBUGGING_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY DEBUGGING_COMMANDS The following commands control the CLIPS debugging features. DRIBBLE-ON: Sends trace information to the specified file. (dribble-on ) DRIBBLE-OFF: Closes the trace file. (dribble-off) WATCH: Enables trace information for the specified item. (watch ) ::= all | compilations | statistics | focus | messages | deffunctions * | globals * | rules * | activations * | facts * | instances * | slots * | message-handlers * []) | generic-functions * | methods * [] ::= ::= [ []] ::= ::= [] UNWATCH: Disables trace information for the specified item. (unwatch ) LIST-WATCH-ITEMS: Displays the current state of watch items. (list-watch-items []) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFTEMPLATE_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY DEFTEMPLATE_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate deftemplates. PPDEFTEMPLATE: Displays the text of a given deftemplate. (ppdeftemplate ) LIST-DEFTEMPLATES: Displays the list of all deftemplates in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (list-deftemplates []) UNDEFTEMPLATE: Deletes a deftemplate. (undeftemplate ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-FACT_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY FACT_COMMANDS The following commands display information about facts. FACTS: Display the facts in the fact-list. (facts [] [ [ []]]) LOAD-FACTS: Asserts facts loaded from a file. (load-facts ) SAVE-FACTS: Saves facts to a file. (save-facts [ *]) ::= visible | local DEPENDENCIES: Lists the partial matches from which a fact or instance receives logical support. (dependencies ) DEPENDENTS: Lists all facts or instances which receive logical support from a fact or instance. (dependents ) SET-FACT-DUPLICATION: Sets the fact duplication behavior. (set-fact-duplication ) GET-FACT-DUPLICATION: Returns the fact duplication behavior. (get-fact-duplication) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFFACTS_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY DEFFACTS_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate deffacts. PPDEFFACTS: Displays the text of a given deffacts. (ppdeffacts ) LIST-DEFFACTS: Displays the list of all deffacts in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (list-deffacts []) UNDEFFACTS: Deletes a deffacts. (undeffacts ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFRULE_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY DEFRULE_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate defrules. PPDEFRULE: Displays the text of a given rule. (ppdefrule ) LIST-DEFRULES: Displays the list of all defrules in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (list-defrules []) UNDEFRULE: Deletes a defrule. (undefrule ) MATCHES: Displays the facts which match the patterns of a rule. (matches ) SET-BREAK: Sets a breakpoint on a rule. (set-break ) REMOVE-BREAK: Removes a breakpoint on a rule. (remove-break []) SHOW-BREAKS: Displays all rules having breakpoints. (show-breaks []) REFRESH: Places all current activations of a rule on the agenda. (refresh ) SET-INCREMENTAL-RESET: Sets the incremental reset behavior. (set-incremental-reset ) GET-INCREMENTAL-RESET: Returns the incremental reset behavior. (get-incremental-reset) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-AGENDA_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY AGENDA_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate the agenda. AGENDA: Displays all activations on the agenda of the specified module. (agenda []) RUN: Starts execution of rules. Rules fire until agenda is empty or the number of rule firings limit specified by the first argument is reached (infinity if unspecified). (run []) FOCUS: Pushes one or more modules onto the focus stack. (focus +) HALT: Stops rule execution. (halt) SET-STRATEGY: Sets the current conflict resolution strategy. (set-strategy ) ::= depth | breadth | simplicity | complexity | lex | mea | random GET-STRATEGY: Returns the current conflict resolution strategy. (get-strategy) LIST-FOCUS-STACK: Lists all module names on the focus stack. (list-focus-stack) CLEAR-FOCUS-STACK: Removes all modules from the focus stack. (clear-focus-stack) SET-SALIENCE-EVALUATION: Sets the salience evaluation behavior. (set-salience-evaluation ) ::= when-defined | when-activated | every-cycle GET-SALIENCE-EVALUATION: Returns the salience evaluation behavior. (get-salience-evaluation) REFRESH-AGENDA: Forces reevaluation of salience of rules on the agenda of the specified module. (refresh-agenda []) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFGLOBAL_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY DEFGLOBAL_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate defglobals. PPDEFGLOBAL: Displays the text required to define a given global variable. (ppdefglobal ) LIST-DEFGLOBALS: Displays the list of all defglobals in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (list-defglobals []) UNDEFGLOBAL: Deletes a global variable. (undefglobal ) SHOWS-DEFGLOBALS: Displays the name and current value of all defglobals in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (show-defglobals []) SET-RESET-GLOBALS: Sets the reset global variables behavior. (set-reset-globals ) GET-RESET-GLOBALS: Returns the reset global variables behavior. (get-reset-globals) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFFUNCTION_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY DEFFUNCTION_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate deffunctions. PPDEFFUNCTION: Displays the text of a given deffunction. (ppdeffunction ) LIST-DEFFUNCTIONS: Displays the list of all deffunctions in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (list-deffunctions []) UNDEFFUNCTION: Deletes a deffunction. (undeffunction ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-GENERIC_FUNCTION_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY GENERIC_FUNCTION_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate generic functions. PPDEFGENERIC: Displays the text of a given generic function header. (ppdefgeneric ) PPDEFMETHOD: Displays the text of a given method. (ppdefmethod ) LIST-DEFGENERICS: Displays the names of all generic functions in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (list-defgenerics []) LIST-DEFMETHODS: Displays a list of generic function methods. (list-defmethods []) UNDEFGENERIC: Deletes a generic function. (undefgeneric ) UNDEFMETHOD: Deletes a generic function method. (undefmethod ) PREVIEW-GENERIC: Lists all applicable methods for a particular generic function call in order of decreasing precedence. (preview-generic *) END-ENTRY 2MBEGIN-ENTRY-COOL_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY COOL_COMMANDS The commands manipulating the CLIPS Object-Oriented Language (COOL) are divided into four categories. Subtopics: CLASS_COMMANDS MESSAGE-HANDLER_COMMANDS DEFINSTANCES_COMMANDS INSTANCES_COMMANDS END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-CLASS_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY COOL_COMMANDS CLASS_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate defclasses. PPDEFCLASS: Displays the text of a given defclass. (ppdefclass ) LIST-DEFCLASSES: Displays the list of all defclasses in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (list-defclasses []) UNDEFCLASS: Deletes a defclass, all its subclasses, and all associated instances. (undefclass ) DESCRIBE-CLASS: Provides a verbose description of a class. (describe-class ) BROWSE-CLASSES: Provides a rudimentary display of the inheritance relationships between a class and all its subclasses. (browse-classes []) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-MESSAGE-HANDLER_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY COOL_COMMANDS MESSAGE-HANDLER_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate defmessage-handlers. Note that is defined as follows: ::= around | before | primary | after PPDEFMESSAGE-HANDLER: Displays the text of a given defmessage-handler. (ppdefmessage-handler []) LIST-DEFMESSAGE-HANDLERS: Displays a list of all (or some) defmessage- handlers. (list-defmessage-handlers [ [ []]]) UNDEFMESSAGE-HANDLER: Deletes a defmessage-handler. (undefmessage-handler []) PREVIEW-SEND: Displays a list of all the applicable message-handlers for a message sent to an instance of a particular class. (preview-send ) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFINSTANCES_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY COOL_COMMANDS DEFINSTANCES_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate definstances. PPDEFINSTANCES: Displays the text of a given definstances. (ppdefinstances ) LIST-DEFINSTANCES: Displays the list of all definstances in the specified module (or the current module if none specified). (list-definstances []) UNDEFINSTANCES: Deletes a definstances. (undefinstances ) END-ENTRY 3IBEGIN-ENTRY-INSTANCES_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY COOL_COMMANDS INSTANCES_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate instances of user-defined classes. INSTANCES: Displays a list of instances. (instances [ [ [inherit]]]) PPINSTANCE: Prints the slots of the active instance when called from within the body of a message-handler. (ppinstance) SAVE-INSTANCES: Saves all instances to the specified file. (save-instances ) LOAD-INSTANCES: Loads instances from the specified file. (load-instances ) RESTORE-INSTANCES: Loads instances from the specified file. (restore-instances ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-DEFMODULE_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY DEFMODULE_COMMANDS The following commands manipulate defmodules. PPDEFMODULE: Displays the text of a given defmodule. (ppdefmodule ) LIST-DEFMODULES: Displays the list of all defmodules. (list-defmodules) SET-CURRENT-MODULE: Sets the current module. (set-current-module ) GET-CURRENT-MODULE: Returns the current module. (get-current-module) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-MEMORY_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY MEMORY_COMMANDS The following commands display CLIPS memory status information. MEM-USED: Returns number of bytes of memory CLIPS is using. (mem-used) MEM-REQUESTS: Returns the number of times CLIPS has requested memory from the operating system. (mem-requests) RELEASE-MEM: Releases all free memory held internally by CLIPS by to the operating system. Returns the amount of memory freed. (release-mem) CONSERVE-MEM: Turns on or off the storage of information used for the save and pretty-print commands. (conserve-mem ) ::= on | off END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-TEXT_PROCESSING_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY TEXT_PROCESSING_COMMANDS The following commands can be used by users to maintain their own information system similar to the help facility. FETCH: Loads the named file into the internal lookup table. (fetch ) PRINT-REGION: Looks up the specified entry in a particular file which has been previously loaded into the lookup table and prints the contents of that entry to the specified logical name. (print-region *) TOSS: Unloads the named file from the internal lookup table. (toss ) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-PROFILING_COMMANDS COMMAND_SUMMARY PROFILING_COMMANDS The following commands provide the ability to profile CLIPS programs for performance. SET-PROFILE-PERCENT-THRESHOLD: Sets the minimum percentage of time that must be spent executing a construct or user function for it to be displayed by the profile-info command. (set-profile-percent-threshold ) GET-PROFILE-PERCENT-THRESHOLD: Returns the current value of the profile percent threshold. (get-profile-percent-threshold) PROFILE-RESET: Resets all profiling information currently collected for constructs and user functions. (profile-reset) PROFILE-INFO: Displays profiling information currently collected for constructs or user functions. (profile-info) PROFILE: Enables/disables profiling of constructs and user functions. (profile constructs | user-functions | off) END-ENTRY 1MBEGIN-ENTRY-INTEGRATED_EDITOR INTEGRATED_EDITOR CLIPS includes a fully integrated version of the full screen MicroEMACS editor. You may call the editor from CLIPS, compile full buffers or just sections of the editor (incremental compile), temporarily exit the editor back to CLIPS, or permanently exit the editor. Since the editor is full screen, portions of it are highly machine dependent. As it is currently set up, the editor will run on VAX VMS machines using VT100- or VT240-compatible terminals, UNIX systems which support TERMCAP, the IBM PC, and most IBM compatibles. Subtopics: USING_THE_EDITOR EXTENDED_COMMANDS CONTROL_COMMANDS META_COMMANDS END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-USING_THE_EDITOR INTEGRATED_EDITOR USING_THE_EDITOR The editor may be called from CLIPS with the following command: (edit [""]) The file name is optional. If one is given, that file would be loaded. If no file name is given, the editor is entered without loading a file. Once in the file, all of the EMACS commands listed below are applicable. To exit the editor and clear all buffers, use or . To temporarily exit the editor and retain the information in the buffers, use Q. To compile a rules section, mark a region and type . To compile the entire buffer, use . The editor can use extensive amounts of memory and a flag is available in clips.h to remove all of the editor code. When using the editor on multiuser machines like the VAX or many UNIX environments, be careful with the control S and control Q commands; they could conflict with terminal XON/XOFF communications. All of the control S commands have a work around built into the editor. The save file command, normally , is also Z. The forward search command, normally , is also J. The control Q command is rarely needed in a CLIPS file and, therefore, has no substitute. The following two special characters should be noted when using the editor. Delete previous character. (also on some terminals) Meta command prefix. (also on some terminals) END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-CONTROL_COMMANDS INTEGRATED_EDITOR CONTROL_COMMANDS These commands are entered by pressing the control key along with the designated character. Set mark at current position. Move cursor to beginning of line. Move cursor BACK one character. Start a new interactive command shell. Be careful! DELETE character under cursor. Move cursor to END of line. Move cursor FORWARD one character. Abort any command. (backspace) delete previous character. Insert a TAB. Insert a CR-LF and indent next line. KILL (delete) to end of line. Redisplay screen. Insert a CR-LF. Move cursor to NEXT line. OPEN a new line. Move to PREVIOUS line. QUOTE the next character (insert the next character typed). Reverse SEARCH. Forward SEARCH (also ). TRANSPOSE characters. Enter repeat count for next command. VIEW the next screen (scroll up one screen). KILL region (all text between cursor and last mark set). Extended command prefix - see below. YANK (undelete) last text killed. Quick save of file in current buffer (only) and exit. END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-EXTENDED_COMMANDS INTEGRATED_EDITOR EXTENDED_COMMANDS These commands are entered by first pressing the control key along with the 'x' character and then pressing the designated character. ( Begin keyboard Macro. ) End keyboard Macro. ! Execute a single external command. = Show current cursor column and line number. : Go to a specific line number. 1 Display current window only. 2 Split the current window. B Switch to a different BUFFER. E EXECUTE keyboard Macro. F Set FILL column. K KILL a buffer (other than current buffer). M MATCH parenthesis (or {} or []). N Move to NEXT window. P Move to PREVIOUS window. R Global search and REPLACE (backwards). S Global SEARCH and replace (forwards). Z Enlarge current window by repeat count lines. Show active BUFFERS. Exit without saving buffers. FIND file. Load if not already in buffer. Scroll current window up by repeat count lines. Scroll current window down by repeat count lines. RENAME file. Change file name for buffer. SAVE (write) current buffer into its file. VISIT a file. Read file and display in current window. WRITE buffer to file. Option to change name of file. Reduce current window by repeat count lines. END-ENTRY 2IBEGIN-ENTRY-META_COMMANDS INTEGRATED_EDITOR META_COMMANDS These commands are entered by first pressing the meta key (Activated by or ) and then pressing the designated character. ! Move current line to repeat count lines from top of window. > Move cursor to end of buffer. < Move cursor to beginning of buffer. . Set mark. B Move cursor BACK one word. C CAPITALIZE first letter of word. D DELETE next word. F Move cursor FORWARD one word. J SEARCH forward (same as ). L LOWERCASE (lowercase) next word. R Query search and REPLACE (backwards). S Query SEARCH and replace (forwards). U UPPERCASE (uppercase) next word. V VIEW the previous screen (scroll down one screen). W COPY region into kill buffer. Z SAVE current buffer into file (same as ). DELETE previous word. END-ENTRY