#!/usr/bin/python # vim: set encoding=utf-8: # $Id$ # Author: Elan Ruusamäe # # Original varnish stat script by dmuntean from http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=31260 # Modified by glen to add support for new template: http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?p=182152 # import telnetlib import re import sys import getopt opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:p:", ["host=", "port="]) host = '' port = 6082 for o, v in opts: if o in ("-h", "--host"): host = str(v) if o in ("-p", "--port"): port = int(v) telnet = telnetlib.Telnet() telnet.open(host, port) telnet.write('stats\r\n') out = telnet.read_until("ESI parse errors (unlock)", 10) telnet.write('quit\r\n') telnet.close() # This serves as template for matching keys. # Also all entries present in this table must be present in result # You should upgrade Varnish 2.1 as Varnish 2.0 does not have "uptime" column. sample = """ uptime 36897 . Child uptime client_conn 6724115 182.24 Client connections accepted client_drop 0 0.00 Connection dropped, no sess client_req 29357678 795.67 Client requests received cache_hit 27645207 749.25 Cache hits cache_hitpass 114269 3.10 Cache hits for pass cache_miss 1586933 43.01 Cache misses backend_conn 995606 26.98 Backend conn. success backend_unhealthy 0 0.00 Backend conn. not attempted backend_busy 0 0.00 Backend conn. too many backend_fail 1 0.00 Backend conn. failures backend_reuse 716090 19.41 Backend conn. reuses backend_toolate 937223 25.40 Backend conn. was closed backend_recycle 1653334 44.81 Backend conn. recycles backend_unused 0 0.00 Backend conn. unused fetch_head 33 0.00 Fetch head fetch_length 613801 16.64 Fetch with Length fetch_chunked 1087578 29.48 Fetch chunked fetch_eof 0 0.00 Fetch EOF fetch_bad 0 0.00 Fetch had bad headers fetch_close 5649 0.15 Fetch wanted close fetch_oldhttp 0 0.00 Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed fetch_zero 2304 0.06 Fetch zero len fetch_failed 17 0.00 Fetch failed n_srcaddr 0 . N struct srcaddr n_srcaddr_act 0 . N active struct srcaddr n_sess_mem 2200 . N struct sess_mem n_sess 1168 . N struct sess n_object 76813 . N struct object n_objecthead 51153 . N struct objecthead n_smf 159665 . N struct smf n_smf_frag 4500 . N small free smf n_smf_large 1979 . N large free smf n_vbe_conn 29 . N struct vbe_conn n_bereq 212 . N struct bereq n_wrk 600 . N worker threads n_wrk_create 600 0.02 N worker threads created n_wrk_failed 0 0.00 N worker threads not created n_wrk_max 0 0.00 N worker threads limited n_wrk_queue 0 0.00 N queued work requests n_wrk_overflow 2639 0.07 N overflowed work requests n_wrk_drop 0 0.00 N dropped work requests n_backend 20 . N backends n_expired 808579 . N expired objects n_lru_nuked 701957 . N LRU nuked objects n_lru_saved 0 . N LRU saved objects n_lru_moved 13197669 . N LRU moved objects n_deathrow 0 . N objects on deathrow losthdr 10 0.00 HTTP header overflows n_objsendfile 0 0.00 Objects sent with sendfile n_objwrite 27988657 758.56 Objects sent with write n_objoverflow 0 0.00 Objects overflowing workspace s_sess 6724087 182.24 Total Sessions s_req 29358671 795.69 Total Requests s_pipe 2219 0.06 Total pipe s_pass 122593 3.32 Total pass s_fetch 1709352 46.33 Total fetch s_hdrbytes 10134822172 274678.76 Total header bytes s_bodybytes 210452858412 5703793.22 Total body bytes sess_closed 404260 10.96 Session Closed sess_pipeline 110465 2.99 Session Pipeline sess_readahead 117895 3.20 Session Read Ahead sess_linger 28952376 784.68 Session Linger sess_herd 23901613 647.79 Session herd shm_records 1248208604 33829.54 SHM records shm_writes 75556170 2047.76 SHM writes shm_flushes 54950 1.49 SHM flushes due to overflow shm_cont 238017 6.45 SHM MTX contention shm_cycles 509 0.01 SHM cycles through buffer sm_nreq 4123515 111.76 allocator requests sm_nobj 153186 . outstanding allocations sm_balloc 2119176192 . bytes allocated sm_bfree 4323274752 . bytes free sma_nreq 0 0.00 SMA allocator requests sma_nobj 0 . SMA outstanding allocations sma_nbytes 0 . SMA outstanding bytes sma_balloc 0 . SMA bytes allocated sma_bfree 0 . SMA bytes free sms_nreq 617 0.02 SMS allocator requests sms_nobj 0 . SMS outstanding allocations sms_nbytes 0 . SMS outstanding bytes sms_balloc 4539572 . SMS bytes allocated sms_bfree 4539572 . SMS bytes freed backend_req 1709428 46.33 Backend requests made n_vcl 1 0.00 N vcl total n_vcl_avail 1 0.00 N vcl available n_vcl_discard 0 0.00 N vcl discarded n_purge 1 . N total active purges n_purge_add 1 0.00 N new purges added n_purge_retire 0 0.00 N old purges deleted n_purge_obj_test 0 0.00 N objects tested n_purge_re_test 0 0.00 N regexps tested against n_purge_dups 0 0.00 N duplicate purges removed hcb_nolock 0 0.00 HCB Lookups without lock hcb_lock 0 0.00 HCB Lookups with lock hcb_insert 0 0.00 HCB Inserts esi_parse 0 0.00 Objects ESI parsed (unlock) esi_errors 0 0.00 ESI parse errors (unlock) """ # process results split = re.compile('^\s*(?P\S+)\s+(?P.+)$') res = {} for line in out.split('\n'): m = re.search(split, line); if m: res[m.group('key')] = m.group('value') # map for keys split = re.compile('^(?P\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(?P.+)$') for line in sample.split('\n'): m = re.search(split, line); if m: if res.has_key(m.group('value')): value = res[m.group('value')] print "%s:%s" % (m.group('key'), value), else: # for missing value, print -1 print "%s:-1" % m.group('key'), # print results for original script req = res['Client requests received'] hit = float(res['Cache hits']) miss = float(res['Cache misses']) print 'varnish_requests:'+str(req)+' varnish_hitrate:'+str(round(hit / (hit + miss) * 100, 1))