]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/bzr.git/blame_incremental - bzr.spec
- Up to 0.13 (by Arkadiusz Machol <arkadiusz.machol@gmail.com>)
[packages/bzr.git] / bzr.spec
... / ...
1Summary: Bazaar-NG - a changeset oriented revision control system
2Summary(pl): Bazaar-NG - system kontroli wersji zorientowany na zestawy zmian
3Name: bzr
4Version: 0.13
5Release: 1
6License: GPL v2
7Group: Development/Version Control
8Source0: http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
9# Source0-md5: 14278ee54bef1cf65ee13735b134f9dd
10Patch0: %{name}-FHS.patch
11URL: http://bazaar-vcs.org/
12BuildRequires: python >= 1:2.4
13BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.219
14%pyrequires_eq python
15Requires: python-cElementTree
16Requires: python-pycurl
17Requires: python-Crypto
18BuildArch: noarch
19BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
22Bazaar-NG (aka bzr, later to be named Bazaar 2) is a community project
23led by canonical to develop a free software distributed revision
24control system that is powerful, friendly, scalable and easy to use. A
25revision control system is a tool that developers and system
26administrators use to keep track of the changes to files over time.
27Additionally, a revision control system such as Bazaar-NG eases the
28burdens of working together in teams.
30Bazaar-NG is a changeset oriented revision control system. Changeset
31oriented revision control systems collect the logically related
32changes to individual files together into one cohesive group which
33typically represent a bug fix or a new feature. These changesets are
34easily transferred from one branch to another with simple to use
35commands like "bzr pull" and "bzr branch".
37Bazaar-NG is also a distributed revision control system. A distributed
38revision control such as Bazaar-NG not only allows a project to have
39multiple branches, but users to have multiple private branches as
40well. Bazaar-NG makes it easy for users to make a branch that is based
41off of another branch, make changes and then later merge the branches
42back together. Importantly, the general public can make a new branch
43based upon an authoritive branch of a project, fix one or more things
44and then offer the branch back to the upstream for merging. Bazaar-NG
45also supports the sharing of branches between developers.
47%description -l pl