/* ==================================================================== * * MOD_GZIP.C - Version * * This program was developed and is currently maintained by * Remote Communications, Inc. * Home page: http://www.RemoteCommunications.com * * Original author: Kevin Kiley, CTO, Remote Communications, Inc. * Email: Kiley@RemoteCommunications.com * * As of this writing there is an online support forum which * anyone may join by following the instructions found at... * http://lists.over.net/mailman/listinfo/mod_gzip * * ==================================================================== */ /* APACHE LICENSE: START * * Portions of this software are covered under the following license * which, as it states, must remain included in this source code * module and may not be altered in any way. */ /* ==================================================================== * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 * * Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written permission. For written * permission, please contact apache@apache.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of the Apache Software Foundation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * . * * Portions of this software are based upon public domain software * originally written at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, * University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. */ /* APACHE LICENSE: END */ #define CORE_PRIVATE #include "httpd.h" #include "http_config.h" #include "http_core.h" #include "http_log.h" #include "http_main.h" #include "http_protocol.h" #include "http_request.h" #include "util_script.h" extern API_VAR_EXPORT char ap_server_root[ MAX_STRING_LEN ]; char mod_gzip_version[] = ""; #define MOD_GZIP_VERSION_INFO_STRING "mod_gzip/" /* * Declare the NAME by which this module will be known. * This is the NAME that will be used in LoadModule command(s). */ extern module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT gzip_module; /* * Turn MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS switch ON to include the * code that can update Apache logs with compression information. */ #define MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS /* * Turn MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 switch ON to include debug code. * This is normally OFF by default and should only be * used for diagnosing problems. The log output is * VERY detailed and the log files will be HUGE. */ /* #define MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 */ /* * Turn MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VERBOSE1 switch ON to include * some VERY 'verbose' debug code such as request record * dumps during transactions and hex dumps of data. * This is normally OFF by default. MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 * switch must also be 'on' for this to have any effect. */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #define MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VERBOSE1 #endif /* * Turn this 'define' on to send all log output to * Apache error_log instead of a flat file. "LogLevel debug" * must be set in httpd.conf for log output to appear in error_log. */ /* #define MOD_GZIP_LOG_IS_APACHE_LOG */ /* * Other globals... */ #ifndef MOD_GZIP_MAX_PATH_LEN #define MOD_GZIP_MAX_PATH_LEN 512 #endif #ifdef WIN32 char mod_gzip_dirsep[]="\\"; #else char mod_gzip_dirsep[]="/"; #endif #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_MAXNAMES 256 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_MAXNAMELEN 90 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISNONE 0 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME 1 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER 2 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE 3 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI 4 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER 5 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER 6 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISPORT 7 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISADDRESS 8 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1 9001 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC1 9002 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC2 9003 #define MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 9004 #define MOD_GZIP_REQUEST 9005 #define MOD_GZIP_RESPONSE 9006 typedef struct { int include; int type; int action; int direction; unsigned port; int len1; regex_t *pregex; char name[ MOD_GZIP_IMAP_MAXNAMELEN + 2 ]; int namelen; } mod_gzip_imap; int mod_gzip_imap_size = (int) sizeof( mod_gzip_imap ); #define MOD_GZIP_CONFIG_MODE_SERVER 1 #define MOD_GZIP_CONFIG_MODE_DIRECTORY 2 #define MOD_GZIP_CONFIG_MODE_COMBO 3 typedef struct { int cmode; char *loc; int is_on; int is_on_set; int keep_workfiles; int keep_workfiles_set; int dechunk; int dechunk_set; int add_header_count; int add_header_count_set; int min_http; int min_http_set; long minimum_file_size; int minimum_file_size_set; long maximum_file_size; int maximum_file_size_set; long maximum_inmem_size; int maximum_inmem_size_set; char temp_dir[256]; /* Length is safety-checked during startup */ int temp_dir_set; int imap_total_entries; int imap_total_ismime; int imap_total_isfile; int imap_total_isuri; int imap_total_ishandler; int imap_total_isreqheader; int imap_total_isrspheader; mod_gzip_imap imap[ MOD_GZIP_IMAP_MAXNAMES + 1 ]; #define MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED #ifdef MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED #define MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION 8001 #define MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_MAXLEN 128 char command_version[ MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_MAXLEN + 1 ]; int command_version_set; #endif #define MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE int can_negotiate; int can_negotiate_set; #endif } mod_gzip_conf; long mod_gzip_iusn = 0; int mod_gzip_strncmp( char *s1, char *s2, int len1 ); int mod_gzip_strnicmp( char *s1, char *s2, int len1 ); int mod_gzip_strcpy( char *s1, char *s2 ); int mod_gzip_strcat( char *s1, char *s2 ); int mod_gzip_strlen( char *s1 ); int mod_gzip_stringcontains( char *source, char *substring ); int mod_gzip_strendswith( char *s1, char *s2, int ignorcase ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE int mod_gzip_check_for_precompressed_file( request_rec *r ); #endif int mod_gzip_create_unique_filename( char *prefix, char *target, int targetmaxlen ); int mod_gzip_delete_file( request_rec *r, char *filename ); int mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *dconf, long total_header_bytes_sent, long total_body_bytes_sent ); long mod_gzip_sendfile1( request_rec *r, char *input_filename, FILE *ifh_passed, long starting_offset ); int mod_gzip_sendfile2( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *dconf, char *input_filename ); int mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1( request_rec *r, char *filename ); int mod_gzip_redir1_handler( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *dconf ); long mod_gzip_send( char *buf, long buflen, request_rec *r ); int mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *dconf, char *source, int source_is_a_file, long input_size, int nodecline, long header_length, char *result_prefix_string ); typedef struct _GZP_CONTROL { int decompress; int input_ismem; char *input_ismem_ibuf; long input_ismem_ibuflen; char input_filename[ MOD_GZIP_MAX_PATH_LEN + 2 ]; long input_offset; int output_ismem; char *output_ismem_obuf; long output_ismem_obuflen; char output_filename[ MOD_GZIP_MAX_PATH_LEN + 2 ]; int result_code; long bytes_out; } GZP_CONTROL; int gzp_main( request_rec *, GZP_CONTROL *gzp ); char mod_gzip_check_permissions[] = "Make sure all named directories exist and have the correct permissions."; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *mod_gzip_server_now = 0; const char *npp( const char *s ) { /* NOTE: This 'Null Pointer Protection' call is really only */ /* needed for the Solaris Operating System which seems to have */ /* some kind of problem handling NULL pointers passed to certain */ /* STDLIB calls. Sloaris will GP fault where all other OS's are OK. */ if ( s ) return s; else return "NULL"; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_LOG_IS_APACHE_LOG void mod_gzip_printf( const char *fmt, ... ) { int l; va_list ap; char log_line[2048]; va_start( ap, fmt ); l = vsprintf( log_line, fmt, ap ); va_end(ap); ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_DEBUG, mod_gzip_server_now, log_line); return; } #else void mod_gzip_printf( const char *fmt, ... ) { int l; char *p1; FILE *log; va_list ap; char logname[256]; char log_line[4096]; #ifdef WIN32 long pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); #else long pid = (long) getpid(); #endif #ifdef WIN32 sprintf( logname, "c:\\temp\\t%ld.log",(long)pid); #else sprintf( logname, "/tmp/t%ld.log",(long)pid); #endif log = fopen( logname,"a" ); if ( !log ) { return; } va_start( ap, fmt ); l = vsprintf(log_line, fmt, ap); p1=log_line; while((*p1!=0)&&(*p1!=13)&&(*p1!=10)) p1++; *p1=0; fprintf( log, "%s\n", log_line ); fclose( log ); va_end(ap); return; } #endif void mod_gzip_hexdump( char *buffer, int buflen ) { int i,o1,o2,o3; int len1; int len2; char ch1; char ch2; char s[40]; char l1[129]; char l2[129]; char l3[300]; long offset1=0L; o1=0; o2=0; o3=0; l1[0] = 0; l2[0] = 0; l3[0] = 0; offset1 = 0; for ( i=0; i 126) ch2 = DUMPIT_LAPOSTROPHE; else if ( ch1 == 37 ) ch2 = DUMPIT_ASTERISK; else if ( ch1 == 92 ) ch2 = DUMPIT_ASTERISK; else ch2 = ch1; #endif l2[o2++] = ch2; sprintf( s, "%02X", ch1 ); if ( mod_gzip_strlen(s) > 2 ) s[2]=0; len1 = mod_gzip_strlen(s); len2 = mod_gzip_strlen(l1); if ( mod_gzip_strlen(l1) < (int)(sizeof(l1) - (len1+1)) ) { strcat( l1, s ); strcat( l1, " " ); } if ( o2 >= 16 ) { l2[o2]=0; mod_gzip_printf( "%6lu| %-49.49s| %-16.16s |", offset1, l1, l2 ); offset1 += o2; o1=0; o2=0; o3=0; l1[0] = 0; l2[0] = 0; l3[0] = 0; } } if ( o2 > 0 ) { l2[o2]=0; mod_gzip_printf( "%6lu| %-49.49s| %-16.16s |", offset1, l1, l2 ); offset1 += o2; o1 = o2 = o3 = 0; l1[0] = 0; l2[0] = 0; l3[0] = 0; } } int mod_gzip_log_comerror( request_rec *r, char *p, int error ) { int i=0; char b[3][90]; b[0][0]=0; b[1][0]=0; b[2][0]=0; #if defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) if ( error == WSANOTINITIALISED ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSANOTINITIALISED",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * A successful WSAStartup() must occur",p); sprintf(b[2],"%s * before using this WINSOCK API call.",p); } else if ( error == WSAENETDOWN ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAENETDOWN",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The Windows Sockets implementation has detected",p); sprintf(b[2],"%s * that the network subsystem has failed.",p); } else if ( error == WSAENOTCONN ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAENOTCONN",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The socket is not connected.",p); } else if ( error == WSAEINTR ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAEINTR",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The (blocking) call was cancelled",p); sprintf(b[2],"%s * via WSACancelBlockingCall()",p); } else if ( error == WSAEINPROGRESS ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAEINPROGRESS",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * A blocking Windows Sockets operation",p); sprintf(b[2],"%s * is in progress.",p); } else if ( error == WSAENOTSOCK ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAENOTSOCK",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The descriptor is not a socket.",p); } else if ( error == WSAEOPNOTSUPP ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAEOPNOTSUPP",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * MSG_OOB was specified, but the socket is",p); sprintf(b[2],"%s * not of type SOCK_STREAM.",p); } else if ( error == WSAESHUTDOWN ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAESHUTDOWN",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The socket has been shutdown.",p); } else if ( error == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAEWOULDBLOCK",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The socket is marked as non-blocking",p); sprintf(b[2],"%s * and receive operation would block.",p); } else if ( error == WSAEMSGSIZE ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAEMSGSIZE",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The datagram was too large to",p); sprintf(b[2],"%s * fit into the specified buffer.",p); } else if ( error == WSAEINVAL ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAEINVAL",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The socket has not been bound with bind().",p); } else if ( error == WSAECONNABORTED ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAECONNABORTED",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The virtual circuit was aborted",p); sprintf(b[2],"%s * due to timeout or other failure.",p); } else if ( error == WSAECONNRESET ) { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSAECONNRESET",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side.",p); } else { sprintf(b[0],"%s * WSA????",p); sprintf(b[1],"%s * Unexpected WINSOCK error code %d",p,error); } #else if ( error == EBADF ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EBADF", p ); else if ( error == EAGAIN ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EAGAIN",p ); else if ( error == EDQUOT ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EDQUOT",p ); else if ( error == EFAULT ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EFAULT",p ); else if ( error == EFBIG ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EFBIG", p ); else if ( error == EINTR ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EINTR", p ); else if ( error == EINVAL ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EINVAL",p ); else if ( error == EIO ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EIO", p ); else if ( error == ENOSPC ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * ENOSPC",p ); else if ( error == ENXIO ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * ENXIO", p ); else if ( error == EPIPE ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EPIPE", p ); else if ( error == ERANGE ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * ERANGE",p ); else if ( error == EINVAL ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EINVAL",p ); else if ( error == EWOULDBLOCK ) sprintf(b[0],"%s * EWOULDBLOCK",p ); else { sprintf(b[0],"%s * E???? Unexpected error code %d",p,error); } #endif for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { if ( b[i][0] != 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf("%s",npp(b[i])); #endif } } return( 1 ); } int mod_gzip_translate_comerror( int error, char *buf ) { char bb[40]; if ( buf == 0 ) { return 0; } #if defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) if ( error == WSANOTINITIALISED ) sprintf(bb,"WSANOTINITIALISED"); else if ( error == WSAENETDOWN ) sprintf(bb,"WSAENETDOWN"); else if ( error == WSAENOTCONN ) sprintf(bb,"WSAENOTCONN"); else if ( error == WSAEINTR ) sprintf(bb,"WSAEINTR"); else if ( error == WSAEINPROGRESS ) sprintf(bb,"WSAEINPROGRESS"); else if ( error == WSAENOTSOCK ) sprintf(bb,"WSAENOTSOCK"); else if ( error == WSAEOPNOTSUPP ) sprintf(bb,"WSAEOPNOTSUPP"); else if ( error == WSAESHUTDOWN ) sprintf(bb,"WSAESHUTDOWN"); else if ( error == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) sprintf(bb,"WSAEWOULDBLOCK"); else if ( error == WSAEMSGSIZE ) sprintf(bb,"WSAEMSGSIZE"); else if ( error == WSAEINVAL ) sprintf(bb,"WSAEINVAL"); else if ( error == WSAECONNABORTED ) sprintf(bb,"WSAECONNABORTED"); else if ( error == WSAECONNRESET ) sprintf(bb,"WSAECONNRESET"); else sprintf(bb,"%d=WSA????",error); #else if ( error == EBADF ) sprintf(bb,"EBADF" ); else if ( error == EAGAIN ) sprintf(bb,"EAGAIN" ); else if ( error == EDQUOT ) sprintf(bb,"EDQUOT" ); else if ( error == EFAULT ) sprintf(bb,"EFAULT" ); else if ( error == EFBIG ) sprintf(bb,"EFBIG" ); else if ( error == EINTR ) sprintf(bb,"EINTR" ); else if ( error == EINVAL ) sprintf(bb,"EINVAL" ); else if ( error == EIO ) sprintf(bb,"EIO" ); else if ( error == ENOSPC ) sprintf(bb,"ENOSPC" ); else if ( error == ENXIO ) sprintf(bb,"ENXIO" ); else if ( error == EPIPE ) sprintf(bb,"EPIPE" ); else if ( error == ERANGE ) sprintf(bb,"ERANGE" ); else if ( error == EINVAL ) sprintf(bb,"EINVAL" ); else if ( error == EWOULDBLOCK ) sprintf(bb,"EWOULDBLOCK" ); else sprintf(bb,"%d=E????",error); #endif mod_gzip_strcpy( buf, bb ); return( 1 ); } #endif int mod_gzip_validate1( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *mgc, char *r__filename, char *r__uri, char *r__content_type, char *r__handler, char *fieldkey, char *fieldstring, int direction ) { int x = 0; int clen = 0; int hlen = 0; int flen = 0; int ulen = 0; int pass = 0; int passes = 2; char *this_name = 0; int this_type = 0; int this_len1 = 0; int this_action = 0; int this_include = 0; char *checktarget = 0; int pass_result = 0; int action_value = 0; int filter_value = 0; int type_to_match = 0; int ok_to_check_it = 0; int http_field_check = 0; int item_is_included = 0; int item_is_excluded = 0; int type_is_included = 0; regex_t *this_pregex = NULL; int regex_error = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_validate1()"; #endif if ( r__filename ) flen = mod_gzip_strlen( (char *) r__filename ); if ( r__uri ) ulen = mod_gzip_strlen( (char *) r__uri ); if ( r__content_type ) clen = mod_gzip_strlen( (char *) r__content_type ); if ( r__handler ) hlen = mod_gzip_strlen( (char *) r__handler ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r__filename = [%s]",cn,npp(r__filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: flen = %d", cn,flen); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r__uri = [%s]",cn,npp(r__uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ulen = %d", cn,ulen); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r__content_type = [%s]",cn,npp(r__content_type)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: clen = %d", cn,clen); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r__handler = [%s]",cn,npp(r__handler)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: hlen = %d", cn,hlen); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: fieldkey = [%s]",cn,npp(fieldkey)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: fieldstring = [%s]",cn,npp(fieldstring)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: direction = %d", cn,direction); #endif if ( ( fieldkey ) && ( fieldstring ) ) { http_field_check = 1; passes = 1; if ( direction == MOD_GZIP_REQUEST ) { type_to_match = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER; } else if ( direction == MOD_GZIP_RESPONSE ) { type_to_match = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Invalid 'direction' value.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Must be MOD_GZIP_REQUEST or MOD_GZIP_RESPONSE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) >",cn); #endif return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ); } } else if ( ( hlen == 0 ) && ( clen == 0 ) && ( flen == 0 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: hlen = 0 = No handler name passed...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: clen = 0 = No valid content-type passed",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: flen = 0 = No valid filename passed",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: There is nothing we can use to search",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: for a match in the inclusion/exclusion list.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) >",cn); #endif return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: passes = %d", cn, (int) passes ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: http_field_check = %d", cn, (int) http_field_check ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_entries = %d", cn, (int) mgc->imap_total_entries ); #endif for ( pass=0; passimap_total_entries = %d", cn, (int) mgc->imap_total_entries ); #endif #endif for ( x=0; x < mgc->imap_total_entries; x++ ) { this_include = mgc->imap[x].include; this_type = mgc->imap[x].type; this_action = mgc->imap[x].action; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: --------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: http_field_check = %d", cn,http_field_check ); if ( http_field_check ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: fieldkey = [%s]",cn,npp(fieldkey)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: fieldstring = [%s]",cn,npp(fieldstring)); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r__filename = [%s]",cn,npp(r__filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r__uri = [%s]",cn,npp(r__uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r__content_type = [%s]",cn,npp(r__content_type)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r__handler = [%s]",cn,npp(r__handler)); } if ( this_include == 0 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].include = %d EXCLUDE",cn,x,this_include); } else if ( this_include == 1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].include = %d INCLUDE",cn,x,this_include); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].include = %d ??? UNKNOWN VALUE",cn,x,this_include); } if ( mgc->imap[x].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].type = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME", cn,x,this_type); } else if ( mgc->imap[x].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].type = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER", cn,x,this_type); } else if ( mgc->imap[x].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].type = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE", cn,x,this_type); } else if ( mgc->imap[x].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].type = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI", cn,x,this_type); } else if ( mgc->imap[x].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].type = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER", cn,x,this_type); } else if ( mgc->imap[x].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].type = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER", cn,x,this_type); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].type = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_IS??? Unknown type", cn,x,this_type); } if ( mgc->imap[x].action == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].action = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1", cn,x,this_action); } else if ( mgc->imap[x].action == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].action = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC1", cn,x,this_action); } else if ( mgc->imap[x].action == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC2 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].action = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC2", cn,x,this_action); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].action = %d MOD_GZIP_IMAP_??? Unknown action", cn,x,this_action); } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].name = [%s]",cn,x,npp(mgc->imap[x].name)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap[%3.3d].namelen = %d", cn,x,mgc->imap[x].namelen); #endif #endif if ( this_include == filter_value ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This record matches filter_value %d", cn, filter_value ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: The record will be checked...",cn); #endif #endif type_is_included = 0; checktarget = 0; if ( http_field_check ) { if ( this_type == type_to_match ) { type_is_included = 1; checktarget = (char *) fieldstring; } } else { if ( ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME ) && ( clen > 0 ) ) { type_is_included = 1; checktarget = r__content_type; } else if ( ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE ) && ( flen > 0 ) ) { type_is_included = 1; checktarget = r__filename; } else if ( ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI ) && ( ulen > 0 ) ) { type_is_included = 1; checktarget = r__uri; } else if ( ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER ) && ( hlen > 0 ) ) { type_is_included = 1; checktarget = r__handler; } } if ( type_is_included ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: type_is_included = %d = YES",cn,type_is_included); #endif #endif this_name = mgc->imap[x].name; this_len1 = mgc->imap[x].len1; this_pregex = mgc->imap[x].pregex; ok_to_check_it = 1; if ( http_field_check ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: fieldkey = [%s]",cn,npp(fieldkey)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_name = [%s]",cn,npp(this_name)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_len1 = %d", cn,this_len1); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_strnicmp(fieldkey,this_name,this_len1)...",cn); #endif #endif if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( fieldkey, this_name, this_len1 )==0) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... mod_gzip_strnicmp() = TRUE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... Field key name MATCHES",cn); #endif #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... mod_gzip_strnicmp() = FALSE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... Field key name does NOT MATCH",cn); #endif #endif ok_to_check_it = 0; } } if ( ok_to_check_it ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ok_to_check_it = %d = YES",cn,ok_to_check_it); #endif #endif if ( ( this_pregex ) && ( checktarget ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'this_pregex' is NON-NULL",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Performing regular expression check...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call ap_regexec( this_name=[%s], checktarget=[%s] )", cn, npp(this_name), npp(checktarget) ); #endif regex_error = ap_regexec( this_pregex, checktarget, 0, (regmatch_t *) NULL, 0 ); if ( regex_error == 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: YYYY regex_error = %d = MATCH!",cn,regex_error); #endif pass_result = 1; action_value = this_action; break; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: NNNN regex_error = %d = NO MATCH!",cn,regex_error); #endif } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !this_pregex ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'this_pregex' is NULL",cn); } if ( !checktarget ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'checktarget' is NULL",cn); } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: No regular expression check performed",cn); #endif } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ok_to_check_it = %d = NO",cn,ok_to_check_it); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: The record has been SKIPPED...",cn); #endif #endif } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: type_is_included = %d = NO",cn,type_is_included); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: The record has been SKIPPED...",cn); #endif #endif } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This record does NOT match filter_value %d", cn, filter_value ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: The record has been SKIPPED...",cn); #endif #endif } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_VALIDATE1_VERBOSE1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: --------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pass_result = %d",cn,pass_result); #endif #endif if ( pass_result ) { if ( pass == 0 ) item_is_excluded = 1; else item_is_included = 1; break; } }/* End 'for ( pass=0; pass return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) >",cn); #endif return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ); } else if ( item_is_included ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: The item is INCLUDED...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( 1 ) >",cn); #endif return action_value; } if ( http_field_check ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ?? Status unknown ?? Default is to 'accept'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1 ) >",cn); #endif return MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) >",cn); #endif return( MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ); } /* NOTE: If API_VAR_EXPORT prefix is not used for 'top_module' */ /* declaration then MSVC 6.0 will give 'incosistent DLL linkage' */ /* warning during WIN32 compile... */ extern API_VAR_EXPORT module *top_module; struct _table { array_header a; #ifdef MAKE_TABLE_PROFILE void *creator; #endif }; typedef struct _table _table; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 int mod_gzip_dump_a_table( request_rec *r, _table *t ) { table_entry *elts = (table_entry *) t->a.elts; int i; char cn[]="mod_gzip_dump_a_table()"; for ( i = 0; i < t->a.nelts; i++ ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: %3.3d key=[%s] val=[%s]", cn,i,npp(elts[i].key),npp(elts[i].val)); } return 0; } #endif #define MOD_GZIP_RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS 1 #define MOD_GZIP_RUN_TRANSLATE_HANDLERS 2 int mod_gzip_run_handlers( request_rec *r, int flag1 ) { int rc; int count=0; int runit=0; int handler_is_present=0; module *modp; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 const handler_rec *handp; char cn[]="mod_gzip_run_handlers()"; #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_server_now = r->server; mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->uri =[%s]", cn, npp(r->uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->unparsed_uri =[%s]", cn, npp(r->unparsed_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->filename =[%s]", cn, npp(r->filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->handler =[%s]", cn, npp(r->handler)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->content_type =[%s]", cn, npp(r->content_type)); #endif #endif if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: flag1 = %d = MOD_GZIP_RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS",cn,flag1); #endif #endif } else if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TRANSLATE_HANDLERS ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: flag1 = %d = MOD_GZIP_RUN_TRANSLATE_HANDLERS",cn,flag1); #endif #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: flag1 = %d = MOD_GZIP_RUN_??? Unknown value",cn,flag1); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif #endif return( DECLINED ); } for ( modp = top_module; modp; modp = modp->next ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: count=%4.4d modp = %10.10ld modp->name=[%s]", cn,count,(long)modp,npp(modp->name)); #endif #endif runit = 0; if ( modp ) { runit = 1; if ( modp == &gzip_module ) { runit = 0; } #ifdef FUTURE_USE if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( (char *) modp->name, "mod_gzip.c",10)==0) { runit = 0; } #endif } if ( runit ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ MODULE FOUND!...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->module_index = %d",cn,(int)modp->module_index); #ifdef REFERENCE typedef struct { const char *content_type; int (*handler) (request_rec *); } handler_rec; typedef struct module_struct { ... const handler_rec *handlers; ... }module; #endif mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ METHODS",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->translate_handler = %ld",cn,(long)modp->translate_handler); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->ap_check_user_id = %ld",cn,(long)modp->ap_check_user_id); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->auth_checker = %ld",cn,(long)modp->auth_checker); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->access_checker = %ld",cn,(long)modp->access_checker); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->type_checker = %ld",cn,(long)modp->type_checker); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->fixer_upper = %ld",cn,(long)modp->fixer_upper); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->logger = %ld",cn,(long)modp->logger); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ++++++++++ modp->header_parser = %ld",cn,(long)modp->header_parser); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .......... CONTENT HANDLERS",cn); if ( !modp->handlers ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .......... NO CONTENT HANDLERS!",cn); } else { for ( handp = modp->handlers; handp->content_type; ++handp ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .......... handp->content_type = [%s]", cn,npp(handp->content_type)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .......... handp->handler = %ld", cn,(long)handp->handler); } } #endif #endif handler_is_present = 0; if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS ) { if ( modp->type_checker ) handler_is_present = 1; } else if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TRANSLATE_HANDLERS ) { if ( modp->translate_handler ) handler_is_present = 1; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: handler_is_present = %d ", cn, handler_is_present); #endif #endif if ( handler_is_present ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'handler_is_present' is TRUE...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->filename = [%s]",cn,npp(r->filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->uri = [%s]",cn,npp(r->uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->handler = [%s]",cn,npp(r->handler)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->content_type = [%s]",cn,npp(r->content_type)); if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call (modp->type_checker)(r)...",cn); } else if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TRANSLATE_HANDLERS ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call (modp->translate_handler)(r)...",cn); } #endif #endif if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS ) { rc = (modp->type_checker)( (request_rec *) r ); } else if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TRANSLATE_HANDLERS ) { rc = (modp->translate_handler)( (request_rec *) r ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back (modp->type_checker)(r)...",cn); } else if ( flag1 == MOD_GZIP_RUN_TRANSLATE_HANDLERS ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back (modp->translate_handler)(r)...",cn); } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->filename = [%s]",cn,npp(r->filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->uri = [%s]",cn,npp(r->uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->handler = [%s]",cn,npp(r->handler)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->content_type = [%s]",cn,npp(r->content_type)); if ( rc == OK ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d = OK",cn, rc ); } else if ( rc == DECLINED ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d = DECLINED",cn, rc ); } else if ( rc == DONE ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d = DONE",cn, rc ); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d = HTTP_ERROR?",cn, rc ); } #endif #endif if ( rc == OK ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call SUCCEEDED",cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( rc=%d ) >",cn,rc); #endif #endif return rc; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call FAILED",cn ); #endif #endif if ( rc != DECLINED ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Something other than 'DECLINED' was returned.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( rc=%d ) >",cn,rc); #endif #endif return rc; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'DECLINED' was returned... Continuing chain...",cn); #endif #endif } } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'handler_is_present' is FALSE...",cn); #endif #endif } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'runit' is FALSE...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: SKIPPING THIS MODULE",cn); #endif #endif } count++; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_RUN_HANDLERS1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif #endif return DECLINED; } int mod_gzip_delete_file( request_rec *r, char *filename ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_delete_file()"; #endif int final_rc = 0; #ifdef WIN32 BOOL rc; #else int rc; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: filename = [%s]",cn,npp(filename)); #endif #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call DeleteFile(%s)...",cn,npp(filename)); #endif rc = (BOOL) DeleteFile( filename ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back DeleteFile(%s)...",cn,npp(filename)); #endif if ( rc == FALSE ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... DeleteFile() FAILED",cn); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... DeleteFile() SUCCEEDED",cn); #endif final_rc = 1; } #else #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call unlink(%s)...",cn,npp(filename)); #endif rc = (int) unlink( filename ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back unlink(%s)...",cn,npp(filename)); #endif if ( rc < 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... unlink() FAILED",cn); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... unlink() SUCCEEDED",cn); #endif final_rc = 1; } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( final_rc == 1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( final_rc = %d ) SUCCESS >",cn,final_rc); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( final_rc = %d ) FAILURE >",cn,final_rc); } #endif return( final_rc ); } static void mod_gzip_init( server_rec *server, pool *p ) { int add_version_info=1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_init()"; #endif mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = server; mod_gzip_printf( " " ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...", cn ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) ap_get_module_config( server->module_config, &gzip_module ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER = %ld", cn, (long) MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER ); #endif if ( add_version_info ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: add_version_info = TRUE", cn ); #endif #if MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER >= 19980507 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER is >= 19980507",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call ap_add_version_component(%s)...", cn, npp(MOD_GZIP_VERSION_INFO_STRING)); #endif ap_add_version_component( MOD_GZIP_VERSION_INFO_STRING ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back ap_add_version_component(%s)...", cn, npp(MOD_GZIP_VERSION_INFO_STRING)); #endif #else #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER is NOT >= 19980507", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ap_add_version_component() NOT called.", cn ); #endif #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: add_version_info = FALSE", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ap_add_version_component() NOT called.", cn ); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Initialization completed...", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( void ) >", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( " " ); #endif } int mod_gzip_strncmp( char *s1, char *s2, int len1 ) { int i; char ch1; char ch2; if ( ( s1 == 0 ) || ( s2 == 0 ) ) { return 1; } for ( i=0; i 96 ) ch1 -= 32; if ( ch2 > 96 ) ch2 -= 32; if ( ch1 == '/' ) ch1 = '\\'; if ( ch2 == '/' ) ch2 = '\\'; if ( ch1 != ch2 ) return 1; s1++; s2++; } return 0; } int mod_gzip_strendswith( char *s1, char *s2, int ignorcase ) { int len1; int len2; if ( ( s1 == 0 ) || ( s2 == 0 ) ) { return 0; } len1 = mod_gzip_strlen( s1 ); len2 = mod_gzip_strlen( s2 ); if ( len1 < len2 ) { /* Source string is shorter than search string */ /* so no match is possible */ return 0; } s1 += ( len1 - len2 ); if ( ignorcase ) { if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( s1, s2, len2 ) == 0 ) return 1; /* TRUE */ } else { if ( mod_gzip_strncmp( s1, s2, len2 ) == 0 ) return 1; /* TRUE */ } return 0; /* FALSE */ } int mod_gzip_strlen( char *s1 ) { int len = 0; if ( s1 != 0 ) { while( *s1 != 0 ) { s1++; len++; } } return len; } int mod_gzip_strcpy( char *s1, char *s2 ) { int len = 0; if ( ( s1 != 0 )&&( s2 != 0 ) ) { while( *s2 != 0 ) { *s1++ = *s2++; len++; } *s1=0; } return len; } int mod_gzip_strcat( char *s1, char *s2 ) { int len = 0; if ( s1 != 0 ) { while( *s1 != 0 ) { s1++; len++; } if ( s2 != 0 ) { while( *s2 != 0 ) { *s1++ = *s2++; len++; } *s1 = 0; } } return len; } int mod_gzip_stringcontains( char *source, char *substring ) { int i; int len1; int len2; int len3; int offset=1; char *source1; char *substring1; if ( source == NULL ) { return 0; } if ( substring == NULL ) { return 0; } source1 = source; substring1 = substring; len1 = mod_gzip_strlen( source ); len2 = mod_gzip_strlen( substring ); if ( len1 < len2 ) { return 0; } len3 = len1 - len2; for ( i=0; i<=len3; i++ ) { if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( source, substring, len2 ) == 0 ) { source = source1; substring = substring1; return offset; } source++; offset++; } source = source1; substring = substring1; return 0; } int mod_gzip_show_request_record( request_rec *r, char *cn ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: REQUEST RECORD SNAPSHOT",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r = %ld", cn, (long) r ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->keepalive=%d", cn, r->connection->keepalive ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->the_request=[%s]", cn, npp(r->the_request) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->next = %ld",cn,(long)r->next); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev = %ld",cn,(long)r->prev); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->main = %ld",cn,(long)r->main); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->sent_bodyct = %ld",cn,(long)r->sent_bodyct); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->bytes_sent = %ld",cn,(long)r->bytes_sent); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->chunked = %ld",cn,(long)r->chunked); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->byterange = %ld",cn,(long)r->byterange); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->clength = %ld (The 'real' content length )",cn,(long)r->clength); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->byterange = %ld",cn,(long)r->remaining); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->read_length = %ld",cn,(long)r->read_length); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->read_body = %ld",cn,(long)r->read_body); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->read_chunked = %ld",cn,(long)r->read_chunked); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->uri =[%s]", cn, npp(r->uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->unparsed_uri =[%s]", cn, npp(r->unparsed_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->filename =[%s]", cn, npp(r->filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->path_info =[%s]", cn, npp(r->path_info)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->args =[%s]", cn, npp(r->args)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->header_only =%d", cn, r->header_only ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->protocol =[%s]", cn, npp(r->protocol)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->proto_num =%d", cn, r->proto_num ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->hostname =[%s]", cn, npp(r->hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->the_request =[%s]", cn, npp(r->the_request)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->assbackwards =%d", cn, r->assbackwards ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->status_line =[%s]", cn, npp(r->status_line)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->status =%d", cn, r->status ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->method =[%s]", cn, npp(r->method)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->method_number =%d", cn, r->method_number ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->content_type =[%s]", cn, npp(r->content_type)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->handler =[%s]", cn, npp(r->handler)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->content_encoding =[%s]", cn, npp(r->content_encoding)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->content_language =[%s]", cn, npp(r->content_language)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.scheme =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.scheme)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.hostinfo =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.hostinfo)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.user =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.user)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.password =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.password)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.hostname =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.port_str =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.port_str)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.port =%u", cn, r->parsed_uri.port ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.path =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.path)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.query =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.query)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: *IN: r->parsed_uri.fragment =[%s]", cn, npp(r->parsed_uri.fragment)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->headers_in'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_dump_a_table( r, (_table *) r->headers_in ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->headers_out'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_dump_a_table( r, (_table *) r->headers_out ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->err_headers_out'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_dump_a_table( r, (_table *) r->err_headers_out ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->subprocess_env'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_dump_a_table( r, (_table *) r->subprocess_env ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->notes'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_dump_a_table( r, (_table *) r->notes ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: -------------------------------------------------------------",cn); if ( r->next ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->next is valid... showing 'r->next' record...",cn); mod_gzip_show_request_record( r->next, cn ); } #endif return 1; } #ifndef WIN32 long fake_tid = 99; #endif int mod_gzip_create_unique_filename( char *prefix, char *target, int targetmaxlen ) { long process_id = 0; long thread_id = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_create_unique_filename()"; #endif int prefixlen = 0; char slash[4]; #ifdef WIN32 process_id = (long) GetCurrentProcessId(); thread_id = (long) GetCurrentThreadId(); #else process_id = (long) getpid(); thread_id = (long) fake_tid; fake_tid++; if ( fake_tid > 9999999 ) fake_tid = 99; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: prefix = [%s]",cn,npp(prefix)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: target = %ld", cn,(long)target); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: targetmaxlen = %ld", cn,(long)targetmaxlen); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: process_id = %ld", cn,(long)process_id ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: thread_id = %ld", cn,(long)thread_id ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mod_gzip_iusn = %ld", cn,(long)mod_gzip_iusn ); #endif if ( ( !target ) || ( targetmaxlen == 0 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Invalid target or targetmaxlen value.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( 1 ) > ERROR >",cn ); #endif return 1; } if ( prefix ) { prefixlen = mod_gzip_strlen( prefix ); } if ( prefixlen > 0 ) { slash[0]=0; if ( ( *(prefix+(prefixlen-1)) != '\\' ) && ( *(prefix+(prefixlen-1)) != '/' ) ) { #ifdef WIN32 slash[0]='\\'; #else slash[0]='/'; #endif slash[1]=0; } sprintf( target, "%s%s_%ld_%ld_%ld.wrk", prefix, slash, (long) process_id, (long) thread_id, (long) mod_gzip_iusn ); } else { sprintf( target, "_%ld_%ld_%ld.wrk", (long) process_id, (long) thread_id, (long) mod_gzip_iusn ); } mod_gzip_iusn++; if ( mod_gzip_iusn > 999999999L ) mod_gzip_iusn = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: target = [%s]",cn,npp(target)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( 0 ) >",cn ); #endif return 0; } int mod_gzip_type_checker( request_rec *r ) { int i = 0; int rc = 0; int field_ok = 0; int action_flag = 0; const char *tablekey = 0; const char *tablestring = 0; int accept_encoding_gzip_seen = 0; _table *t = 0; table_entry *elts = 0; mod_gzip_conf *dconf = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_type_checker()"; mod_gzip_conf *sconf = 0; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( " " ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ''''Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r = %ld", cn,(long)r); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->main = %ld", cn,(long)r->main); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->next = %ld", cn,(long)r->next); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev = %ld", cn,(long)r->prev); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->header_only = %ld", cn,(long)r->header_only ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->method_number = %ld", cn,(long)r->method_number ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->method = [%s]",cn,npp(r->method)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->unparsed_uri = [%s]",cn,npp(r->unparsed_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->uri = [%s]",cn,npp(r->uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->filename = [%s]",cn,npp(r->filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->handler = [%s]",cn,npp(r->handler)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->content_type = [%s]",cn,npp(r->content_type)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS if ( r->main ) { ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:UNHANDLED_SUBREQ")); } else if ( r->prev ) { ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:UNHANDLED_REDIR")); } else { ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:INIT1")); } ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_input_size", ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"0")); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_output_size",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"0")); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_compression_ratio",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"0")); #endif if ( r->filename ) { if ( mod_gzip_strendswith( r->filename, ".gz", 1 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS if ( r->prev ) { /* This is a mod_gzip negotiated .gz static file transmit... */ ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:STATIC_GZ_FOUND")); } else { /* This is a direct request from client for a .gz file... */ ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:FEXT_GZ")); } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->filename ends with '.gz'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->filename does NOT end with '.gz'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: OK to continue...",cn); #endif } #endif } dconf = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) ap_get_module_config( r->per_dir_config, &gzip_module ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 sconf = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) ap_get_module_config( r->server->module_config, &gzip_module ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->server->server_hostname = [%s]", cn,npp(r->server->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sconf = %ld", cn,(long)sconf); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sconf->loc = [%s]",cn,npp(sconf->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sconf->is_on = %ld", cn,(long)sconf->is_on); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf = %ld", cn,(long)dconf); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->loc = [%s]",cn,npp(dconf->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->is_on = %ld", cn,(long)dconf->is_on); #endif if ( !dconf ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:NO_DCONF")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'dconf' is NULL. Unable to continue.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >", cn); #endif return DECLINED; } if ( !dconf->is_on ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:OFF")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'dconf->is_on' is FALSE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mod_gzip is not turned ON for this location...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This transaction will be ignored...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } if ( ( r->method_number != M_GET ) && ( r->method_number != M_POST ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:NOT_GET_OR_POST")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->method_number is NOT M_GET or M_POST",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Ignoring this request...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } if ( r->header_only ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:HEAD_REQUEST")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->header_only is TRUE...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Ignoring this HEAD request...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } if ( r->main ) /* SUBREQUEST */ { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->main is TRUE - This is a subrequest...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->main is FALSE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This is NOT a subrequest in progress...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: OK to continue...",cn); #endif } if ( r->prev ) /* REDIRECT */ { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev is NON-NULL... This is a redirection",cn); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_SHOW_REQUEST_RECORD1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Showing contents of r->prev now...",cn); mod_gzip_show_request_record( r->prev, cn ); #endif #endif tablestring = ap_table_get(r->prev->notes, "mod_gzip_running"); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev->notes->mod_gzip_running = [%s]", cn,npp(tablestring)); #endif if ( tablestring ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'mod_gzip_running' note FOUND",cn); #endif if ( *tablestring == '1' ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'mod_gzip_running' note value is '1'...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ************************************************",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mod_gzip is currently 'running' so we ",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: must return DECLINED so that other type_checker",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: hooks can fire...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ************************************************",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: IMPORTANT: We must now 'replicate' the note flag",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: on this record or next time around r->prev",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: note flag check will be FALSE.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ************************************************",cn); #endif ap_table_setn(r->notes,"mod_gzip_running",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"1")); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->notes 'mod_gzip_running' set with value = '1'",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ************************************************",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'mod_gzip_running' note value is NOT '1'...",cn); #endif } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'mod_gzip_running' note NOT FOUND",cn); #endif } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev is NULL... This is NOT a redirection",cn); } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->min_http = %ld", cn, (long) dconf->min_http ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->proto_num = %ld", cn, (long) r->proto_num ); #endif if ( ( dconf->min_http > 0 ) && ( r->proto_num > 0 ) ) { if ( r->proto_num < dconf->min_http ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:HTTP_LEVEL_TOO_LOW")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HTTP protocol version level is TOO LOW", cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >", cn); #endif return DECLINED; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HTTP protocol version level is OK", cn); #endif } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Checking for [Accept-Encoding: gzip]", cn ); #endif tablestring = ap_table_get(r->headers_in, "Accept-Encoding"); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->headers_in->Accept-Encoding = [%s]", cn,npp(tablestring)); #endif if ( tablestring ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'Accept-Encoding' field seen...", cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Checking for 'gzip' value...", cn); #endif if ( mod_gzip_stringcontains( (char *)tablestring, "gzip" ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'gzip' value seen...", cn); #endif accept_encoding_gzip_seen = 1; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:NO_GZIP")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'gzip' value NOT seen...", cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >", cn); #endif return DECLINED; } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:NO_ACCEPT_ENCODING")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'Accept-Encoding' field NOT seen...", cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >", cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: accept_encoding_gzip_seen = %ld", cn, accept_encoding_gzip_seen ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->imap_total_entries = %d", cn, (int) dconf->imap_total_entries ); #endif if ( dconf->imap_total_entries < 1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:NO_ITEMS_DEFINED")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: There are no IMAP entries. Unable to include/exclude",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >", cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->imap_total_isreqheader = %d", cn, (int) dconf->imap_total_isreqheader ); #endif if ( dconf->imap_total_isreqheader > 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Checking inbound REQUEST header fields...", cn ); #endif t = (_table *) r->headers_in; elts = (table_entry *) t->a.elts; for ( i = 0; i < t->a.nelts; i++ ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: %3.3d key=[%s] val=[%s]", cn,i,npp(elts[i].key),npp(elts[i].val)); #endif tablekey = elts[i].key; tablestring = elts[i].val; if (( tablekey && tablestring )) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Checking key[%s] string[%s]", cn,npp(tablekey),npp(tablestring)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_validate1()...",cn); #endif field_ok = mod_gzip_validate1( (request_rec *) r, (mod_gzip_conf *) dconf, NULL, /* r->filename (Not used here) */ NULL, /* r->uri (Not used here) */ NULL, /* r->content_type (Not used here) */ NULL, /* r->handler (Not used here) */ (char *) tablekey, /* (Field key ) */ (char *) tablestring, /* (Field string ) */ MOD_GZIP_REQUEST /* (Direction ) */ ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_validate1()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: field_ok = %d",cn,field_ok); #endif if ( field_ok == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:REQ_HEADER_FIELD_EXCLUDED")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This request is EXCLUDED...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >", cn); #endif return DECLINED; } } } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: NO CHECK required on inbound REQUEST header fields...", cn ); #endif } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 ***: r->uri =[%s]", cn, npp(r->uri )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 ***: r->unparsed_uri=[%s]", cn, npp(r->unparsed_uri )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 ***: r->filename =[%s]", cn, npp(r->filename )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 ***: r->content_type=[%s]", cn, npp(r->content_type )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 ***: r->handler =[%s]", cn, npp(r->handler )); #endif if ( !r->content_type ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->content_type' is NULL...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Performing 'quick lookup'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_run_handlers(r,RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS)...",cn); #endif rc = mod_gzip_run_handlers( r, MOD_GZIP_RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_run_handlers(r,RUN_TYPE_CHECKERS)...",cn); if ( rc == OK ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d = OK",cn, rc ); } else if ( rc == DECLINED ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d = DECLINED",cn, rc ); } else if ( rc == DONE ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d = DONE",cn, rc ); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d = HTTP_ERROR?",cn, rc ); } #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->content_type' is VALID already...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: No 'quick lookup' was performed...",cn); } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 2 ***: r->uri =[%s]", cn, npp(r->uri )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 2 ***: r->unparsed_uri=[%s]", cn, npp(r->unparsed_uri )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 2 ***: r->filename =[%s]", cn, npp(r->filename )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 2 ***: r->content_type=[%s]", cn, npp(r->content_type )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 2 ***: r->handler =[%s]", cn, npp(r->handler )); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_validate1()...",cn); #endif action_flag = mod_gzip_validate1( (request_rec *) r, (mod_gzip_conf *) dconf, (char *) r->filename, (char *) r->uri, (char *) r->content_type, (char *) r->handler, NULL, /* Field key (Not used here) */ NULL, /* Field string (Not used here) */ 0 /* Direction (Not used here) */ ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_validate1()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = %d",cn,action_flag); if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC1",cn); } else if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC2 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC2",cn); } else if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1",cn); } else if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1",cn); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_??? Unknown action",cn); } #endif if ( action_flag != MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This transaction is a valid candidate...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Saving current r->handler value [%s] to mod_gzip_r_handler note...", cn, npp(r->handler) ); #endif if ( r->handler ) { ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_r_handler",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,r->handler)); } else { ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_r_handler",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"0")); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Forcing r->handler to be 'mod_gzip_handler'...", cn ); #endif r->handler = "mod_gzip_handler"; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->handler is now = [%s]", cn, npp(r->handler) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( OK ) >", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( " " ); #endif return OK; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This transaction is NOT a valid candidate...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:EXCLUDED")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( " " ); #endif return DECLINED; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED int mod_gzip_do_command( int this_command, /* MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_XXXX */ request_rec *r, /* Request record */ mod_gzip_conf *dconf /* Directory config pointer */ ) { /* Generic command response transmitter... */ char tmpbuf[2048]; /* Fill/flush as needed. Don't overflow */ char *tmp=tmpbuf; int tmplen=0; char s1[90]; #ifdef USE_MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip.c: mod_gzip_send_html_command_response()"; #endif /* Start... */ if ( this_command == MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION ) { mod_gzip_strcpy(s1,"No"); if ( dconf ) { if ( dconf->is_on == 1 ) mod_gzip_strcpy(s1,"Yes"); } sprintf( tmp, "" "mod_gzip is available...
\r\n" "mod_gzip_version = %s
\r\n" "mod_gzip_on = %s
\r\n" "", mod_gzip_version, s1 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"COMMAND:VERSION")); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:INVALID_COMMAND")); #endif return( DECLINED ); } /* Add the length of the response to the output header... */ /* The third parameter to ap_table_set() MUST be a string. */ tmplen = strlen( tmp ); sprintf( s1, "%d", tmplen ); ap_table_set( r->headers_out, "Content-Length", s1 ); /* Make sure the content type matches this response... */ r->content_type = "text/html"; /* Start a timer for this return trip... */ ap_soft_timeout( "mod_gzip: mod_gzip_do_command", r ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_COMMANDS_USE_LAST_MODIFIED /* Set the 'Last modified' stamp to current time/date... */ ap_set_last_modified(r); /* TODO? Add 'no-cache' option(s) to mod_gzip command responses */ /* so user doesn't have hit reload to get fresh data? This might */ /* be necessary for static files that are subject to an Apache */ /* lookup but mod_gzip command results as sent 'fresh' each */ /* time no matter what so there doesn't seem to be a need for */ /* any 'Last modified' information. Just pump a 200 + data and */ /* then turn and burn... */ #endif /* MOD_GZIP_COMMANDS_USE_LAST_MODIFIED */ /* Send the HTTP response header... */ ap_send_http_header(r); /* Send the response BODY... */ ap_send_mmap( tmp, r, 0, tmplen ); /* Clean up and exit... */ ap_kill_timeout(r); return OK; }/* End of mod_gzip_send_html_command_response() */ #endif /* MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED */ static int mod_gzip_handler( request_rec *r ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_handler()"; #endif int rc = DECLINED; int action_flag = 0; request_rec *r__next=0; mod_gzip_conf *sconf = 0; mod_gzip_conf *dconf = 0; const char *tablestring; const char *s1; const char *s2; const char *s3; const char *s4; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE struct stat statbuf; char *new_uri; char *new_name; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = r->server; mod_gzip_printf( " " ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ''''Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r = %ld", cn,(long)r); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->main = %ld", cn,(long)r->main); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->next = %ld", cn,(long)r->next); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev = %ld", cn,(long)r->prev); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->unparsed_uri = [%s]",cn,npp(r->unparsed_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->uri = [%s]",cn,npp(r->uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->filename = [%s]",cn,npp(r->filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->handler = [%s]",cn,npp(r->handler)); #endif if ( r->main ) /* SUBREQUEST */ { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->main is TRUE - This is a subrequest...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->main is FALSE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This is NOT a subrequest in progress...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: OK to continue...",cn); } #endif if ( r->filename ) { if ( mod_gzip_strendswith( r->filename, ".gz", 1 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS if ( r->prev ) { /* This is a mod_gzip negotiated .gz static file transmit... */ ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:STATIC_GZ_FOUND")); } else { /* This is a direct request from client for a .gz file... */ ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:FEXT_GZ")); } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->filename ends with '.gz'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->filename does NOT end with '.gz'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: OK to continue...",cn); #endif } #endif } if ( r->prev ) /* REDIRECT */ { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev is TRUE - This is a redirection...",cn); #endif /* This might be a 'directory' index lookup... */ tablestring = ap_table_get(r->prev->notes, "mod_gzip_running"); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev->notes->mod_gzip_running = [%s]", cn,npp(tablestring)); #endif if ( tablestring ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'mod_gzip_running' note FOUND",cn); #endif if ( *tablestring == '1' ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'mod_gzip_running' note value is '1'...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ************************************************",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mod_gzip is currently 'running' so we ",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: must return DECLINED.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ************************************************",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: IMPORTANT: We must now 'replicate' the note flag",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: on this record or next time around r->prev",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: note flag check will be FALSE.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ************************************************",cn); #endif ap_table_setn(r->notes,"mod_gzip_running",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"1")); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->notes 'mod_gzip_running' set with value = '1'",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ************************************************",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'mod_gzip_running' note value is NOT '1'...",cn); } #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'mod_gzip_running' note NOT FOUND",cn); } #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev is FALSE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This is NOT a redirection in progress...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: OK to continue...",cn); } #endif sconf = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) ap_get_module_config( r->server->module_config, &gzip_module ); dconf = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) ap_get_module_config( r->per_dir_config, &gzip_module ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->server->server_hostname = [%s]", cn,npp(r->server->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sconf = %ld", cn,(long)sconf); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sconf->loc = [%s]",cn,npp(sconf->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sconf->is_on = %ld", cn,(long)sconf->is_on); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf = %ld", cn,(long)dconf); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->loc = [%s]",cn,npp(dconf->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->is_on = %ld", cn,(long)dconf->is_on); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED /* NOTE: Certain mod_gzip 'commands' should return a response */ /* even if mod_gzip is OFF in the current location. Make sure */ /* the checks for these commands take place BEFORE checking */ /* the actual mod_gzip on/off status... */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->command_version = [%s]",cn,npp(dconf->command_version)); #endif /* Check for mod_gzip commands in the 'r->unparsed_uri' request */ /* line so the commands can actually be part of query parms that */ /* follow the '?'. 'r->uri' is simply he URI itself with any/all */ /* additional query arguments removed already... */ if ( dconf->command_version[0] != 0 ) { if ( mod_gzip_stringcontains(r->unparsed_uri,dconf->command_version)) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_do_command( MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION, r )...",cn); #endif /* mod_gzip_do_command() returns the correct command */ /* response page and (normally) just returns 'OK'... */ return( mod_gzip_do_command( MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION, r, dconf )); } } #endif /* MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED */ tablestring = ap_table_get(r->notes, "mod_gzip_r_handler"); if ( !tablestring ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->notes->mod_gzip_r_handler = NOT FOUND",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This transaction will be ignored...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->notes->mod_gzip_r_handler = FOUND",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->notes->mod_gzip_r_handler = [%s]",cn,npp(tablestring)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"INIT2")); #endif if ( !dconf->is_on ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:OFF2")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'dconf->is_on' is FALSE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mod_gzip is not turned ON for this location...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This transaction will be ignored...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } if ( *tablestring == '0' ) { r->handler = 0; } else { r->handler = tablestring; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->handler set back to = [%s]",cn,npp(r->handler)); #endif /* Verify it (again) in case names have changed... */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_validate1()...",cn); #endif action_flag = mod_gzip_validate1( (request_rec *) r, (mod_gzip_conf *) dconf, (char *) r->filename, (char *) r->uri, (char *) r->content_type, (char *) r->handler, NULL, /* Field key (Not used here */ NULL, /* Field string (Not used here) */ 0 /* Direction (Not used here) */ ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_validate1()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = %d",cn,action_flag); if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC1",cn); } else if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC2 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC2",cn); } else if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1",cn); } else if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1",cn); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_??? Unknown action",cn); } #endif if ( action_flag == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This transaction is NOT a valid candidate...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This transaction will be ignored...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:EXCLUDED_BY_HANDLER")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This transaction is a valid candidate...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->can_negotiate = %d",cn,(int)dconf->can_negotiate); #endif if ( dconf->can_negotiate == 1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->can_negotiate is TRUE...",cn); #endif /* Check for a static compressed version of the file requested... */ new_name = ap_pstrcat(r->pool, r->filename, ".gz", NULL); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call stat(new_name=[%s])...",cn,npp(new_name)); #endif if ( stat( new_name, &statbuf) != 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... stat() call FAILED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: OK to continue...",cn); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... stat() call SUCCEEDED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending precompressed version of file...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: GZ_REDIRECT: START...",cn); #endif new_name = ap_pstrcat(r->pool, r->uri, ".gz", NULL); if ( r->args != NULL ) { new_uri = ap_pstrcat(r->pool, new_name, "?", r->args, NULL); } else { new_uri = ap_pstrcat(r->pool, new_name, NULL ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call ap_internal_redirect(new_uri=[%s])...", cn,npp(new_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( " " ); #endif ap_internal_redirect( new_uri, r ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( " " ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back ap_internal_redirect(new_uri=[%s])...", cn,npp(new_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: GZ_REDIRECT: FINISHED...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( OK ) >",cn); #endif /* We are about to return OK to end the transaction but go */ /* ahead and make the mod_gzip final result a DECLINED */ /* condition since that's what actually happened... */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:STATIC_GZ_FOUND")); #endif return OK; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->can_negotiate is FALSE",cn); } #endif #endif /* MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_redir1_handler( r, dconf )...",cn); #endif rc = (int) mod_gzip_redir1_handler( r, dconf ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_redir1_handler( r, dconf )...",cn); if ( rc == OK ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d OK", cn, (int) rc); } else if ( rc == DECLINED ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d DECLINED", cn, (int) rc ); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d ( HTTP ERROR CODE? )", cn, (int) rc ); } #endif if ( rc != OK ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mod_gzip_redir1_handler() call FAILED...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"RECOVERY")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_WARNING, r->server, "mod_gzip: RECOVERY [%s]", r->the_request ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: RECOVERY_REDIRECT: START...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call ap_internal_redirect(r->unparsed_uri=[%s])...", cn,npp(r->unparsed_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( " " ); #endif ap_internal_redirect( r->unparsed_uri, r ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( " " ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back ap_internal_redirect(r->unparsed_uri=[%s])...", cn,npp(r->unparsed_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: RECOVERY_REDIRECT: FINISHED...",cn); #endif rc = OK; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS if ( r->next ) { r__next = r->next; s1 = ap_table_get( r->notes, "mod_gzip_result" ); s2 = ap_table_get( r->notes, "mod_gzip_input_size" ); s3 = ap_table_get( r->notes, "mod_gzip_output_size" ); s4 = ap_table_get( r->notes, "mod_gzip_compression_ratio" ); while( r__next ) { if ( s1 ) ap_table_setn( r__next->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r__next->pool,s1)); if ( s2 ) ap_table_setn( r__next->notes,"mod_gzip_input_size",ap_pstrdup(r__next->pool,s2)); if ( s3 ) ap_table_setn( r__next->notes,"mod_gzip_output_size",ap_pstrdup(r__next->pool,s3)); if ( s4 ) ap_table_setn( r__next->notes,"mod_gzip_compression_ratio",ap_pstrdup(r__next->pool,s4)); r__next = r__next->next; } } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_SHOW_REQUEST_RECORD2 mod_gzip_show_request_record( r, cn ); #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 r->connection->client->outcnt = %ld", cn, r->connection->client->outcnt ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 r->connection->client->bytes_sent = %ld", cn, r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 Sum of the 2......................= %ld", cn, r->connection->client->outcnt + r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); if ( rc == OK ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return ( rc = %d OK ) >",cn,(int)rc); } else if ( rc == DECLINED ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return ( rc = %d DECLINED ) >",cn,(int)rc); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return ( rc = %d HTTP_ERROR ) >",cn,(int)rc); } #endif return rc; } int mod_gzip_set_defaults1( mod_gzip_conf *cfg ) { int i; cfg->is_on = 0; cfg->is_on_set = 0; cfg->keep_workfiles = 0; cfg->keep_workfiles_set = 0; cfg->add_header_count = 0; cfg->add_header_count_set = 0; cfg->dechunk = 0; cfg->dechunk_set = 0; cfg->min_http = 0; cfg->min_http_set = 0; cfg->minimum_file_size = 300; cfg->minimum_file_size_set = 0; cfg->maximum_file_size = 0; cfg->maximum_file_size_set = 0; cfg->maximum_inmem_size = 0; cfg->maximum_inmem_size_set = 0; #ifdef WIN32 mod_gzip_strcpy( cfg->temp_dir, "c:\\temp\\" ); #else mod_gzip_strcpy( cfg->temp_dir, "/tmp/" ); #endif cfg->temp_dir_set = 0; cfg->imap_total_entries = 0; cfg->imap_total_ismime = 0; cfg->imap_total_isfile = 0; cfg->imap_total_isuri = 0; cfg->imap_total_ishandler = 0; cfg->imap_total_isreqheader = 0; cfg->imap_total_isrspheader = 0; for ( i=0; iimap[i]), 0, mod_gzip_imap_size ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED memset( cfg->command_version, 0, MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_MAXLEN ); cfg->command_version_set = 0; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE cfg->can_negotiate = 0; cfg->can_negotiate_set = 0; #endif return 0; } #ifdef REFERENCE static void *mod_gzip_merge_dconfig( pool *p, void *parent_conf, void *newloc_conf ) { mod_gzip_conf *merged_config = (mod_gzip_conf *) ap_pcalloc(p, sizeof(mod_gzip_conf)); mod_gzip_conf *pconf = (mod_gzip_conf *) parent_conf; mod_gzip_conf *nconf = (mod_gzip_conf *) newloc_conf; mod_gzip_merge1( ( pool * ) p, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) merged_config, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) pconf, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) nconf ); return (void *) merged_config; } #endif int mod_gzip_merge1( pool *p, mod_gzip_conf *merged_config, mod_gzip_conf *pconf, mod_gzip_conf *nconf ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_merge1():::::::"; char ch1 = 0; #endif char *p1 = 0; char *p2 = 0; int i = 0; int ii = 0; int l1 = 0; int l2 = 0; int match = 0; int total = 0; int total_ismime = 0; int total_isfile = 0; int total_isuri = 0; int total_ishandler = 0; int total_isreqheader = 0; int total_isrspheader = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( nconf->is_on_set ) { merged_config->is_on = nconf->is_on; ch1='!'; } else { merged_config->is_on = pconf->is_on; ch1='='; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->is_on = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->is_on ); #else merged_config->is_on = ( nconf->is_on_set) ? nconf->is_on : pconf->is_on; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( pconf->cmode == nconf->cmode ) { merged_config->cmode = pconf->cmode; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->cmode = MOD_GZIP_CONFIG_MODE_COMBO; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->cmode = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->cmode ); #else merged_config->cmode = (pconf->cmode == nconf->cmode) ? pconf->cmode : MOD_GZIP_CONFIG_MODE_COMBO; #endif merged_config->loc = ap_pstrdup( p, nconf->loc ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .............. : merged_config->loc = [%s]", cn, npp(merged_config->loc)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->add_header_count_set ) { merged_config->add_header_count = pconf->add_header_count; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->add_header_count = nconf->add_header_count; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->add_header_count = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->add_header_count ); #else merged_config->add_header_count = ( !nconf->add_header_count_set ) ? pconf->add_header_count : nconf->add_header_count; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->keep_workfiles_set ) { merged_config->keep_workfiles = pconf->keep_workfiles; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->keep_workfiles = nconf->keep_workfiles; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->keep_workfiles = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->keep_workfiles ); #else merged_config->keep_workfiles = ( !nconf->keep_workfiles_set ) ? pconf->keep_workfiles : nconf->keep_workfiles; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->can_negotiate_set ) { merged_config->can_negotiate = pconf->can_negotiate; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->can_negotiate = nconf->can_negotiate; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->can_negotiate = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->can_negotiate ); #else merged_config->can_negotiate = ( !nconf->can_negotiate_set ) ? pconf->can_negotiate : nconf->can_negotiate; #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->dechunk_set ) { merged_config->dechunk = pconf->dechunk; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->dechunk = nconf->dechunk; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->dechunk = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->dechunk ); #else merged_config->dechunk = ( !nconf->dechunk_set ) ? pconf->dechunk : nconf->dechunk; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->min_http_set ) { merged_config->min_http = pconf->min_http; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->min_http = nconf->min_http; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->min_http = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->min_http ); #else merged_config->min_http = ( !nconf->min_http_set ) ? pconf->min_http : nconf->min_http; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->minimum_file_size_set ) { merged_config->minimum_file_size = pconf->minimum_file_size; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->minimum_file_size = nconf->minimum_file_size; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->minimum_file_size = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->minimum_file_size ); #else merged_config->minimum_file_size = ( !nconf->minimum_file_size_set ) ? pconf->minimum_file_size : nconf->minimum_file_size; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->maximum_file_size_set ) { merged_config->maximum_file_size = pconf->maximum_file_size; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->maximum_file_size = nconf->maximum_file_size; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->maximum_file_size = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->maximum_file_size ); #else merged_config->maximum_file_size = ( !nconf->maximum_file_size_set ) ? pconf->maximum_file_size : nconf->maximum_file_size; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->maximum_inmem_size_set ) { merged_config->maximum_inmem_size = pconf->maximum_inmem_size; ch1='='; } else { merged_config->maximum_inmem_size = nconf->maximum_inmem_size; ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->maximum_inmem_size = %ld", cn, ch1, (long) merged_config->maximum_inmem_size ); #else merged_config->maximum_inmem_size = ( !nconf->maximum_inmem_size_set ) ? pconf->maximum_inmem_size : nconf->maximum_inmem_size; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->temp_dir_set ) { mod_gzip_strcpy(merged_config->temp_dir,pconf->temp_dir); ch1='='; } else { mod_gzip_strcpy(merged_config->temp_dir,nconf->temp_dir); ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->temp_dir = [%s]", cn, ch1,npp(merged_config->temp_dir)); #else if ( !nconf->temp_dir_set ) { mod_gzip_strcpy(merged_config->temp_dir,pconf->temp_dir); } else { mod_gzip_strcpy(merged_config->temp_dir,nconf->temp_dir); } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( !nconf->command_version_set ) { mod_gzip_strcpy(merged_config->command_version,pconf->command_version); ch1='='; } else { mod_gzip_strcpy(merged_config->command_version,nconf->command_version); ch1='!'; } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf %c= nconf : merged_config->command_version = [%s]", cn, ch1,npp(merged_config->command_version)); #else if ( !nconf->command_version_set ) { mod_gzip_strcpy(merged_config->command_version,pconf->command_version); } else { mod_gzip_strcpy(merged_config->command_version,nconf->command_version); } #endif #endif total = 0; for ( i=0; iimap_total_entries; i++ ) { memcpy( &(merged_config->imap[i]), &(nconf->imap[i]), mod_gzip_imap_size ); total++; if ( nconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME ) { total_ismime++; } else if ( nconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE ) { total_isfile++; } else if ( nconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI ) { total_isuri++; } else if ( nconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER ) { total_ishandler++; } else if ( nconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER ) { total_isreqheader++; } else if ( nconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER ) { total_isrspheader++; } } for ( i=0; iimap_total_entries; i++ ) { p1 = pconf->imap[i].name; l1 = mod_gzip_strlen( p1 ); match = -1; for ( ii=0; iiimap_total_entries; ii++ ) { p2 = nconf->imap[ii].name; l2 = nconf->imap[ii].namelen; if ( l1 == l2 ) { if ( mod_gzip_strncmp( p1, p2, l1 ) == 0 ) { match = ii; break; } } } if ( match != -1 ) { } else { if ( total < MOD_GZIP_IMAP_MAXNAMES ) { memcpy( &(merged_config->imap[ total ]), &(pconf->imap[i]), mod_gzip_imap_size ); total++; if ( pconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME ) { total_ismime++; } else if ( pconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE ) { total_isfile++; } else if ( pconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI ) { total_isuri++; } else if ( pconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER ) { total_ishandler++; } else if ( pconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER ) { total_isreqheader++; } else if ( pconf->imap[i].type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER ) { total_isrspheader++; } } } } merged_config->imap_total_entries = total; merged_config->imap_total_ismime = total_ismime; merged_config->imap_total_isfile = total_isfile; merged_config->imap_total_isuri = total_isuri; merged_config->imap_total_ishandler = total_ishandler; merged_config->imap_total_isreqheader = total_isreqheader; merged_config->imap_total_isrspheader = total_isrspheader; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf += nconf : merged_config->imap_total_entries = %ld", cn, (long) merged_config->imap_total_entries ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf += nconf : merged_config->imap_total_ismime = %ld", cn, (long) merged_config->imap_total_ismime ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf += nconf : merged_config->imap_total_isfile = %ld", cn, (long) merged_config->imap_total_isfile ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf += nconf : merged_config->imap_total_isuri = %ld", cn, (long) merged_config->imap_total_isuri ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf += nconf : merged_config->imap_total_ishandler = %ld", cn, (long) merged_config->imap_total_ishandler ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf += nconf : merged_config->imap_total_isreqheader = %ld", cn, (long) merged_config->imap_total_isreqheader ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: pconf += nconf : merged_config->imap_total_isrspheader = %ld", cn, (long) merged_config->imap_total_isrspheader ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ",cn); #endif return 0; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_is_on( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_is_on()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_ALTERNATIVE1 mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) ap_get_module_config(parms->server->module_config, &gzip_module); #endif if ( ( arg[0] == 'Y' )||( arg[0] == 'y' ) ) { mgc->is_on = 1; } else { mgc->is_on = 0; } mgc->is_on_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]", cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]", cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->is_on = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->is_on ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->is_on_set = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->is_on_set ); #endif return NULL; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_add_header_count( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_add_header_count()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; if ( ( arg[0] == 'Y' )||( arg[0] == 'y' ) ) { mgc->add_header_count = 1; } else { mgc->add_header_count = 0; } mgc->add_header_count_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]",cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]",cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->add_header_count = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->add_header_count ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->add_header_count_set = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->add_header_count_set ); #endif return NULL; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_keep_workfiles( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_keep_workfiles()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; if ( ( arg[0] == 'Y' )||( arg[0] == 'y' ) ) { mgc->keep_workfiles = 1; } else { mgc->keep_workfiles = 0; } mgc->keep_workfiles_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]",cn, npp(mgc->loc) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]",cn, npp(srv->server_hostname) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->keep_workfiles = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->keep_workfiles ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->keep_workfiles_set = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->keep_workfiles_set ); #endif return NULL; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE static const char * mod_gzip_set_can_negotiate( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_can_negotiate()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; if ( ( arg[0] == 'Y' )||( arg[0] == 'y' ) ) { mgc->can_negotiate = 1; } else { mgc->can_negotiate = 0; } mgc->can_negotiate_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]",cn, npp(mgc->loc) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]",cn, npp(srv->server_hostname) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->can_negotiate = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->can_negotiate ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->can_negotiate_set = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->can_negotiate_set ); #endif return NULL; } #endif static const char * mod_gzip_set_dechunk( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_dechunk()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; if ( ( arg[0] == 'Y' )||( arg[0] == 'y' ) ) { mgc->dechunk = 1; } else { mgc->dechunk = 0; } mgc->dechunk_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]",cn, npp(mgc->loc) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]",cn, npp(srv->server_hostname) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->dechunk = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->dechunk ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->dechunk_set = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->dechunk_set ); #endif return NULL; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_min_http( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_min_http()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; mgc->min_http = (int) atoi( arg ); mgc->min_http_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]",cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]",cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->min_http = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->min_http ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->min_http = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->min_http_set ); #endif return NULL; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_minimum_file_size( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_minimum_file_size()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg)); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; mgc->minimum_file_size = (long) atol( arg ); mgc->minimum_file_size_set = 1; if ( mgc->minimum_file_size < 300 ) { mgc->minimum_file_size = 300; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]",cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]",cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->minimum_file_size = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->minimum_file_size ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->minimum_file_size = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->minimum_file_size_set ); #endif return NULL; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_maximum_file_size( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_maximum_file_size()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg)); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; mgc->maximum_file_size = (long) atol( arg ); mgc->maximum_file_size_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]",cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]",cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->maximum_file_size = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->maximum_file_size ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->maximum_file_size = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->maximum_file_size_set ); #endif return NULL; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_maximum_inmem_size( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_maximum_inmem_size()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; mgc->maximum_inmem_size = (long) atol(arg); mgc->maximum_inmem_size_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]",cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]",cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->maximum_inmem_size = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->maximum_inmem_size ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->maximum_inmem_size = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->maximum_inmem_size_set ); #endif return NULL; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_temp_dir( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_temp_dir()"; #endif int arglen = 0; int rc = 0; struct stat sbuf; #ifdef WIN32 char dirsep[]="\\"; #else char dirsep[]="/"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); #endif if ( !arg ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: 'arg' is NULL...", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: No valid directory supplied.", cn ); #endif return "mod_gzip_temp_dir: ERROR: No valid directory supplied."; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; arglen = mod_gzip_strlen( arg ); if ( arglen < 256 ) { mod_gzip_strcpy( mgc->temp_dir, arg ); mgc->temp_dir_set = 1; if ( arglen > 0 ) { if (( arglen == 1 ) && ( *arg == 32 )) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Special ONE SPACE pickup seen.", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: temp_dir set to NOTHING.", cn ); #endif mod_gzip_strcpy( mgc->temp_dir, "" ); } else { if ( ( *(mgc->temp_dir+(arglen-1)) != '\\' ) && ( *(mgc->temp_dir+(arglen-1)) != '/' ) ) { mod_gzip_strcat( mgc->temp_dir, dirsep ); } rc = stat( mgc->temp_dir, &sbuf ); if ( rc ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... stat() call FAILED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Directory name is not valid.",cn); #endif return "mod_gzip_temp_dir: ERROR: Directory does not exist."; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... stat() call SUCCEEDED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Directory name appears to be valid.",cn); #endif } } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]", cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]", cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->temp_dir = [%s]", cn, npp(mgc->temp_dir)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->temp_dir_set = %d", cn, mgc->temp_dir_set); #endif return NULL; } else { return "mod_gzip_temp_dir pathname must be less than 256 characters."; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED static const char * mod_gzip_set_command_version( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_command_version()"; #endif int arglen = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); #endif if ( !arg ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: 'arg' is NULL...", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: No valid string supplied.", cn ); #endif return "mod_gzip_command_version: ERROR: No valid string supplied."; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: arg=[%s]", cn, npp(arg) ); #endif mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; arglen = mod_gzip_strlen( arg ); if ( arglen < MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_MAXLEN ) { mod_gzip_strcpy( mgc->command_version, arg ); mgc->command_version_set = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]", cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]", cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->command_version = [%s]", cn, npp(mgc->command_version)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->command_version_set = %d", cn, mgc->command_version_set); #endif return NULL; } else { return "mod_gzip_command_version string must be less than 128 characters."; } } #endif static const char * mod_gzip_imap_add_item( cmd_parms *parms, mod_gzip_conf *mgc, char *a1, char *a2, int flag1 ) { int x; char *p1; int ignorecase=0; int this_include=flag1; int this_type=0; int this_action=0; int this_direction=0; unsigned this_port=0; int this_len1=0; regex_t *this_pregex=NULL; char *regex; /* Diagnostic only #define MOD_GZIP_TEST_REGEX1 */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_TEST_REGEX1 char string[129]; int regex_error; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_imap_add_item()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 a1=[%s]", cn, npp(a1)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 1 a2=[%s]", cn, npp(a2)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_entries = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_entries ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_ismime = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_ismime ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_isfile = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_isfile ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_isuri = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_isuri ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_ishandler = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_ishandler ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_isreqheader = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_isreqheader ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_isrspheader = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_isrspheader ); if ( flag1 == 1 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: flag1 = %d = INCLUDE", cn, flag1 ); } else if ( flag1 == 0 ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: flag1 = %d = EXCLUDE", cn, flag1 ); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: flag1 = %d = ??? Unknown value", cn, flag1 ); } #endif this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISNONE; if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( a1, "mime", 4 ) == 0 ) { this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME", cn); #endif } else if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( a1, "file", 4 ) == 0 ) { this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE",cn); #endif } else if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( a1, "ur", 2 ) == 0 ) { /* Allow user to specify EITHER 'uri' or 'url' for this 'type' */ this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI",cn); #endif } else if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( a1, "hand", 4 ) == 0 ) { this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER",cn); #endif } else if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( a1, "reqh", 4 ) == 0 ) { this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER; this_direction = MOD_GZIP_REQUEST; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER",cn); #endif } else if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp( a1, "rsph", 4 ) == 0 ) { this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER; this_direction = MOD_GZIP_RESPONSE; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_type = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER",cn); #endif } if ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISNONE ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_type = ?? UNKNOWN ??",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( ERRORSTRING ) >",cn); #endif return "mod_gzip: ERROR: Valid item types are mime,file,uri,handler,reqheader or rspheader"; } p1 = a2; if ( ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER ) || ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER ) ) { while((*p1!=0)&&(*p1!=':')) { p1++; this_len1++; } if (*p1==':') { if ( this_len1 < 1 ) { return "mod_gzip: ERROR: Missing HTTP field name."; } p1++; } else { return "mod_gzip: ERROR: Missing HTTP field name. No colon found."; } while((*p1!=0)&&(*p1<33)) p1++; } regex = p1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: regex = [%s]", cn, npp(regex) ); #endif if ( !*regex ) { return "mod_gzip: ERROR: Missing regular expression string."; } ignorecase = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ignorecase = %d",cn,ignorecase); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call ap_pregcomp(%s)...",cn,npp(regex)); #endif this_pregex = ap_pregcomp(parms->pool, regex, (REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB | (ignorecase ? REG_ICASE : 0))); if ( this_pregex == NULL ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... ap_pregcomp(%s) FAILED...",cn,npp(regex)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: regex 'pre-compile' FAILED...", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( ERRORSTRING ) >",cn); #endif return "mod_gzip: ERROR: Regular expression compile failed."; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... ap_pregcomp(%s) SUCCEEDED...",cn,npp(regex)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: regex 'pre-compiled' OK", cn ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_TEST_REGEX1 if ( ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER ) || ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER ) ) { mod_gzip_strcpy( string, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt; TUCOWS)" ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call ap_regexec( regex=[%s], string=[%s] )", cn, npp(regex), npp(string) ); #endif regex_error = ap_regexec(this_pregex, string, 0, (regmatch_t *)NULL,0); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 if ( regex_error != 0 ) mod_gzip_printf( "%s: regex_error = %d = NO MATCH!", cn, regex_error ); else mod_gzip_printf( "%s: regex_error = %d = MATCH!", cn, regex_error ); #endif } #endif /* MOD_GZIP_TEST_REGEX1 */ this_action = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1; #ifdef FUTURE_USE if ( ( this_action != MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC1 ) && ( this_action != MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DYNAMIC2 ) && ( this_action != MOD_GZIP_IMAP_STATIC1 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: this_action = %d = MOD_GZIP_IMAP_??? Unknown action",cn,this_action); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: return( mod_gzip: ERROR: Unrecognized item 'action'",cn); #endif return( "mod_gzip: ERROR: Unrecognized item 'action'" ); } #endif if ( mgc->imap_total_entries < MOD_GZIP_IMAP_MAXNAMES ) { if ( mod_gzip_strlen( a2 ) < MOD_GZIP_IMAP_MAXNAMELEN ) { x = mgc->imap_total_entries; p1 = a2; mod_gzip_strcpy( mgc->imap[x].name, p1 ); mgc->imap[x].namelen = mod_gzip_strlen( mgc->imap[x].name ); mgc->imap[x].include = this_include; mgc->imap[x].type = this_type; mgc->imap[x].action = this_action; mgc->imap[x].direction = this_direction; mgc->imap[x].port = this_port; mgc->imap[x].len1 = this_len1; mgc->imap[x].pregex = this_pregex; mgc->imap_total_entries++; if ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISMIME ) { mgc->imap_total_ismime++; } else if ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISFILE ) { mgc->imap_total_isfile++; } else if ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISURI ) { mgc->imap_total_isuri++; } else if ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISHANDLER ) { mgc->imap_total_ishandler++; } else if ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISREQHEADER ) { mgc->imap_total_isreqheader++; } else if ( this_type == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_ISRSPHEADER ) { mgc->imap_total_isrspheader++; } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: return( mod_gzip: ERROR: Item name is too long",cn); #endif return( "mod_gzip: ERROR: Item name is too long" ); } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: return( mod_gzip: ERROR: Item index is full",cn); #endif return( "mod_gzip: ERROR: Item index is full" ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_entries = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_entries ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_ismime = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_ismime ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_isfile = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_isfile ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_isuri = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_isuri ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_ishandler = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_ishandler ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_isreqheader = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_isreqheader ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->imap_total_isrspheader = %d", cn, mgc->imap_total_isrspheader ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( NULL ) >",cn); #endif return NULL; } static const char * mod_gzip_set_item_include( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *a1, char *a2 ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; char *arg; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_item_include()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: a1=[%s]", cn, npp(a1) ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: a2=[%s]", cn, npp(a2) ); #endif arg = a1; mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]", cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]", cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); #endif return( mod_gzip_imap_add_item( parms, mgc, a1, a2, 1 ) ); } static const char * mod_gzip_set_item_exclude( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *a1, char *a2 ) { mod_gzip_conf *mgc; char *arg; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 server_rec *srv = parms->server; char cn[]="mod_gzip_set_item_exclude()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = srv; mod_gzip_printf( " "); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: a1=[%s]", cn, npp(a1)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: a2=[%s]", cn, npp(a2)); #endif arg = a1; mgc = ( mod_gzip_conf * ) cfg; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->loc = [%s]", cn, npp(mgc->loc)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->is_virtual = %ld", cn, (long)srv->is_virtual ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: srv->server_hostname = [%s]", cn, npp(srv->server_hostname)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mgc->cmode = %ld", cn, (long) mgc->cmode ); #endif return( mod_gzip_imap_add_item( parms, mgc, a1, a2, 0 ) ); } static void *mod_gzip_create_dconfig( pool *p, char *dirspec ) { mod_gzip_conf *cfg; char *dname = dirspec; cfg = (mod_gzip_conf *) ap_pcalloc(p, sizeof(mod_gzip_conf)); cfg->cmode = MOD_GZIP_CONFIG_MODE_DIRECTORY; dname = (dname != NULL) ? dname : ""; cfg->loc = ap_pstrcat(p, "DIR(", dname, ")", NULL); mod_gzip_set_defaults1( (mod_gzip_conf *) cfg ); return (void *) cfg; } static void *mod_gzip_merge_dconfig( pool *p, void *parent_conf, void *newloc_conf ) { mod_gzip_conf *merged_config = (mod_gzip_conf *) ap_pcalloc(p, sizeof(mod_gzip_conf)); mod_gzip_conf *pconf = (mod_gzip_conf *) parent_conf; mod_gzip_conf *nconf = (mod_gzip_conf *) newloc_conf; mod_gzip_merge1( ( pool * ) p, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) merged_config, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) pconf, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) nconf ); return (void *) merged_config; } static void *mod_gzip_create_sconfig( pool *p, server_rec *s ) { mod_gzip_conf *cfg; char *sname = s->server_hostname; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_server_now = s; #endif cfg = (mod_gzip_conf *) ap_pcalloc(p, sizeof(mod_gzip_conf)); cfg->cmode = MOD_GZIP_CONFIG_MODE_SERVER; sname = (sname != NULL) ? sname : ""; cfg->loc = ap_pstrcat(p, "SVR(", sname, ")", NULL); mod_gzip_set_defaults1( (mod_gzip_conf *) cfg ); return (void *) cfg; } static void *mod_gzip_merge_sconfig( pool *p, void *parent_conf, void *newloc_conf ) { mod_gzip_conf *merged_config = (mod_gzip_conf *) ap_pcalloc(p, sizeof(mod_gzip_conf)); mod_gzip_conf *pconf = (mod_gzip_conf *) parent_conf; mod_gzip_conf *nconf = (mod_gzip_conf *) newloc_conf; mod_gzip_merge1( ( pool * ) p, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) merged_config, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) pconf, ( mod_gzip_conf * ) nconf ); return (void *) merged_config; } char mod_gzip_command_no_longer_supported[] = "Configuration directive no longer supported."; static const char * mod_gzip_obsolete_command( cmd_parms *parms, void *cfg, char *arg ) { return mod_gzip_command_no_longer_supported; } static const command_rec mod_gzip_cmds[] = { {"mod_gzip_on", mod_gzip_set_is_on, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Yes=mod_gzip will handle requests. No=mod_gzip is disabled."}, {"mod_gzip_add_header_count", mod_gzip_set_add_header_count, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Yes=Add header byte counts to Common Log Format output total(s)."}, {"mod_gzip_keep_workfiles", mod_gzip_set_keep_workfiles, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Yes=Keep any work files used. No=Automatically delete any work files used."}, {"mod_gzip_dechunk", mod_gzip_set_dechunk, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Yes=Allow removal of 'Transfer-encoding: chunked' when necessary."}, {"mod_gzip_min_http", mod_gzip_set_min_http, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Minimum HTTP protocol value to support. 1000 = HTTP/1.0 1001 = HTTP/1.1"}, {"mod_gzip_minimum_file_size", mod_gzip_set_minimum_file_size, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Minimum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression"}, {"mod_gzip_maximum_file_size", mod_gzip_set_maximum_file_size, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Maximum size ( bytes ) of a file eligible for compression"}, {"mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size", mod_gzip_set_maximum_inmem_size, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Maximum size ( bytes ) to use for in-memory compression."}, {"mod_gzip_temp_dir", mod_gzip_set_temp_dir, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "The directory to use for work files and compression cache"}, {"mod_gzip_item_include", mod_gzip_set_item_include, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE2, "\r\nARG1=[mime,handler,file,uri,reqheader,rspheader] \r\nARG2=[Name of item to INCLUDE in list of things that should be compressed]"}, {"mod_gzip_item_exclude", mod_gzip_set_item_exclude, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE2, "\r\nARG1=[mime,handler,file,uri,reqheader,rspheader] \r\nARG2=[Name of item to EXCLUDE from list of things that should be compressed]"}, {"mod_gzip_add_vinfo", mod_gzip_obsolete_command, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, mod_gzip_command_no_longer_supported }, {"mod_gzip_do_static_files", mod_gzip_obsolete_command, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, mod_gzip_command_no_longer_supported }, {"mod_gzip_do_cgi", mod_gzip_obsolete_command, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, mod_gzip_command_no_longer_supported }, {"mod_gzip_verbose_debug", mod_gzip_obsolete_command, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, mod_gzip_command_no_longer_supported }, {"mod_gzip_post_on", mod_gzip_obsolete_command, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, mod_gzip_command_no_longer_supported }, #ifdef MOD_GZIP_COMMAND_VERSION_USED {"mod_gzip_command_version", mod_gzip_set_command_version, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "User defined pickup string to use for mod_gzip version command."}, #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CAN_NEGOTIATE {"mod_gzip_can_negotiate", mod_gzip_set_can_negotiate, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Yes=Negotiate/send static compressed versions of files No=Do not negotiate."}, #endif {NULL} }; static const handler_rec mod_gzip_handlers[] = { {"mod_gzip_handler", mod_gzip_handler}, {CGI_MAGIC_TYPE, mod_gzip_handler}, {"cgi-script", mod_gzip_handler}, {"*", mod_gzip_handler}, {NULL} }; module MODULE_VAR_EXPORT gzip_module = { STANDARD_MODULE_STUFF, mod_gzip_init, mod_gzip_create_dconfig, mod_gzip_merge_dconfig, mod_gzip_create_sconfig, mod_gzip_merge_sconfig, mod_gzip_cmds, mod_gzip_handlers, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, mod_gzip_type_checker, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; #ifdef NETWARE int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ExitThread(TSR_THREAD, 0); } #endif long mod_gzip_send( char *buf, long buflen, request_rec *r ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_send()"; #endif int bytes_to_send = 0; int bytes_sent = 0; long bytes_left = buflen; long total_bytes_sent = 0; char *p1=buf; int p1maxlen=4096; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_SEND1 mod_gzip_printf("%s: Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf("%s: buf = %ld",cn,(long)buf); mod_gzip_printf("%s: buflen = %ld",cn,(long)buflen); mod_gzip_printf("%s: r = %ld",cn,(long)r); #endif #endif if ( !buf ) return 0; if ( !buflen ) return 0; if ( !r ) return 0; for (;;) { if ( bytes_left <= 0 ) { break; } bytes_to_send = p1maxlen; if ( bytes_to_send > bytes_left ) { bytes_to_send = bytes_left; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_SEND1 mod_gzip_printf("%s: Call ap_rwrite(bytes_to_send=%d)...",cn,bytes_to_send); #endif #endif bytes_sent = ap_rwrite( p1, bytes_to_send, (request_rec *) r ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_SEND1 mod_gzip_printf("%s: Back ap_rwrite(bytes_to_send=%d)...",cn,bytes_to_send); mod_gzip_printf("%s: bytes_sent = %d",cn,bytes_sent); #endif #endif if ( bytes_sent > 0 ) { total_bytes_sent += bytes_sent; bytes_left -= bytes_sent; p1 += bytes_sent; } else { break; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf("%s: Done > return( total_bytes_sent = %ld ) >", cn, (long) total_bytes_sent); #endif return( total_bytes_sent ); } int mod_gzip_redir1_handler( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *dconf ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_redir1_handler()"; #endif int rc = 0; int status = 0; int pid = 0; int save_socket = 0; int dconf__keep_workfiles = 0; char *dconf__temp_dir = 0; char tempfile_redir1[ MOD_GZIP_MAX_PATH_LEN + 2 ]; #ifdef WIN32 int save_flags = 0; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( " " ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); #endif tempfile_redir1[0] = 0; dconf__keep_workfiles = dconf->keep_workfiles; dconf__temp_dir = dconf->temp_dir; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->proxyreq = %d", cn, (int) r->proxyreq ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__keep_workfiles = %d", cn, (int) dconf__keep_workfiles ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__temp_dir = [%s]", cn, npp(dconf__temp_dir)); #endif ap_table_setn( r->notes, "mod_gzip_running",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"1")); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->notes->mod_gzip_running set to '1'",cn); #endif pid = getpid(); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Saving 'r->connection->client->fd' value to 'save_socket' stack variable...",cn); #endif save_socket = (int) r->connection->client->fd; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->connection->client->fd' saved to 'save_socket' stack variable",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Creating 'tempfile_redir1' string now...",cn); #endif mod_gzip_create_unique_filename( dconf__temp_dir, (char *) tempfile_redir1, MOD_GZIP_MAX_PATH_LEN ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: tempfile_redir1 = [%s]",cn,npp(tempfile_redir1)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1(%s)...",cn,npp(tempfile_redir1)); #endif status = mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1( r, tempfile_redir1 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1(%s)...",cn,npp(tempfile_redir1)); #endif if ( status != OK ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1(%s)...",cn,npp(tempfile_redir1)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1() call FAILED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: status = %d",cn,status); #endif #ifdef WIN32 ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_WARNING, r->server, "mod_gzip: ERROR: CreateFile(%s) in dyn1_getfdo1",tempfile_redir1); #else ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_WARNING, r->server, "mod_gzip: ERROR: fopen(%s) in dyn1_getfdo1",tempfile_redir1); #endif ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_WARNING, r->server, "mod_gzip: ERROR: %s",mod_gzip_check_permissions); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes, "mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"DECLINED:DYN1_OPENFAIL_BODY")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1(%s)...",cn,npp(tempfile_redir1)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1() call SUCCEEDED",cn); #endif } #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: Saves/restores B_SOCKET flag as well...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: Saving 'r->connection->client->flags' value to 'save_flags' stack variable...",cn); #endif save_flags = (int) r->connection->client->flags; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags = %ld", cn, (long) r->connection->client->flags ); if ( r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET is TRUE",cn); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET is FALSE",cn); } #endif if ( r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: Clearing B_SOCKET flag now....", cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags &= ~B_SOCKET", cn); #endif r->connection->client->flags &= ~B_SOCKET; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: B_SOCKET flag not present...", cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: No action was taken...", cn); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags = %ld", cn, (long) r->connection->client->flags ); if ( r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET is TRUE",cn); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET is FALSE",cn); } #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call ap_internal_redirect(r->unparsed_uri=[%s])...", cn,npp(r->unparsed_uri)); mod_gzip_printf( " " ); #endif ap_internal_redirect( r->unparsed_uri, r ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( " " ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back ap_internal_redirect(r->unparsed_uri=[%s])...", cn,npp(r->unparsed_uri)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Before... ap_rflush()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->outcnt = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->outcnt ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call..... ap_rflush()...",cn); #endif ap_rflush(r); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back..... ap_rflush()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: After.... ap_rflush()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->outcnt = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->outcnt ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); #endif #ifdef WIN32 if ( r->connection->client->hFH ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: Call CloseHandle( r->connection->client->hFH )...",cn); #endif CloseHandle( r->connection->client->hFH ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: Back CloseHandle( r->connection->client->hFH )...",cn); #endif r->connection->client->hFH = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->hFH reset to ZERO",cn); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->hFH already closed.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: No CloseFile() call was necessary at this point.",cn); #endif } #else #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: UNIX: Call close( r->connection->client->fd )...",cn); #endif close( r->connection->client->fd ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: UNIX: Back close( r->connection->client->fd )...",cn); #endif #endif r->connection->client->fd = (int) save_socket; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'r->connection->client->fd' RESTORED from 'save_socket' stack variable",cn); #endif #ifdef WIN32 r->connection->client->flags = (int) save_flags; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags RESTORED from 'save_flags' stack variable...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags = %ld", cn, (long) r->connection->client->flags ); if ( r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET is TRUE",cn); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET is FALSE",cn); } #endif #endif r->connection->client->bytes_sent = 0; r->connection->client->outcnt = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Connection byte counts have been RESET...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->outcnt = %ld", cn, r->connection->client->outcnt ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->bytes_sent = %ld", cn, r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->bytes_sent = %ld",cn,(long)r->bytes_sent); if ( r->next ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->next->bytes_sent = %ld",cn,(long)r->next->bytes_sent); } if ( r->prev ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->prev->bytes_sent = %ld",cn,(long)r->prev->bytes_sent); } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_sendfile2(tempfile_redir1=[%s])...", cn, npp(tempfile_redir1)); #endif rc = (int) mod_gzip_sendfile2( r, dconf, tempfile_redir1 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_sendfile2(tempfile_redir1=[%s])...", cn, npp(tempfile_redir1)); if ( rc == OK ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d OK", cn, (int) rc); } else if ( rc == DECLINED ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d DECLINED", cn, (int) rc ); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d ( HTTP ERROR CODE? )", cn, (int) rc ); } #endif if ( rc != OK ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mod_gzip_sendfile2() call FAILED",cn); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: mod_gzip_sendfile2() call SUCCEEDED",cn); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->outcnt = %ld", cn, r->connection->client->outcnt ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->bytes_sent = %ld", cn, r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sum of the 2..................... = %ld", cn, r->connection->client->outcnt + r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: FINAL CLEANUP...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__keep_workfiles = %d", cn, dconf__keep_workfiles ); #endif if ( !dconf__keep_workfiles ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_delete_file(tempfile_redir1=[%s])...", cn, npp(tempfile_redir1)); #endif mod_gzip_delete_file( r, tempfile_redir1 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_delete_file(tempfile_redir1=[%s])...", cn, npp(tempfile_redir1)); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( OK ) >",cn,(int)rc); #endif return OK; } int mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1( request_rec *r, char *filename ) { int status = OK; int temp_fd = 0; int open_failed = 0; #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE temp_fdhan; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_dyn1_getfdo1()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: filename=[%s]",cn,npp(filename)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DYN1_GETFDO1_ERROR_TEST1 status = DECLINED; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ** TEST ** 'status' forced to 'DECLINED'...",cn); #endif return DECLINED; #endif #ifdef WIN32 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: Call CreateFile(filename=[%s],GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE )...", cn, npp(filename)); #endif temp_fdhan = CreateFile( filename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if ( temp_fdhan == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { open_failed = 1; } #else #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: UNIX: Call open(filename=[%s],O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IRWXU)...", cn, npp(filename)); #endif if ((temp_fd = open(filename,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,S_IRWXU)) == -1) { open_failed = 1; } #endif if ( open_failed ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef WIN32 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: .... CreateFile() call FAILED", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: temp_fd = %d", cn, temp_fd ); #else mod_gzip_printf( "%s: UNIX: .... open() call FAILED", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: UNIX: temp_fd = %d", cn, temp_fd ); #endif #endif ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r, "mod_gzip: ERROR: Couldn't create a file descriptor at HTTP : %s", filename); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ) >",cn); #endif return HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef WIN32 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: .... CreateFile() call SUCCEEDED", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: temp_fdhan = (WIN32 HANDLE) %d", cn, (int) temp_fdhan ); #else mod_gzip_printf( "%s: UNIX: .... open() call SUCCEEDED", cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: UNIX: temp_fd = (UNIX int) %d", cn, temp_fd ); #endif #endif #ifdef WIN32 r->connection->client->fd = (int) temp_fdhan; r->connection->client->hFH = (HANDLE) temp_fdhan; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->fd = (int ) %d", cn, (int ) r->connection->client->fd ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->hFH = (HANDLE) %ld", cn, (long) r->connection->client->hFH ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags = %ld", cn, (long) r->connection->client->flags ); if ( r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET is TRUE",cn); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: WIN32: r->connection->client->flags & B_SOCKET is FALSE",cn); } #endif #else r->connection->client->fd = temp_fd; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: UNIX: r->connection->client->fd = %d", cn, r->connection->client->fd ); #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( status=%d ) >", cn, status ); #endif return status; } long mod_gzip_sendfile1( request_rec *r, char *input_filename, FILE *ifh_passed, long starting_offset ) { FILE *ifh; int rc; int err; int bytesread; int byteswritten; long total_byteswritten=0; #define MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE1_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 char tmp[ MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE1_BUFFER_SIZE + 16 ]; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_sendfile1()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r = %ld", cn,(long)r); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: input_filename = [%s]",cn,npp(input_filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ifh_passed = %ld", cn,(long) ifh_passed); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: starting_offset = %ld", cn,(long) starting_offset); #endif if ( !r ) return 0; if ( ( !ifh_passed ) && ( !input_filename ) ) return 0; if ( ifh_passed ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'ifh_passed' is valid",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'ifh' set to 'ifh_passed'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: fopen() was NOT called...",cn); #endif ifh = ifh_passed; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'ifh_passed' was NULL...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fopen(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif ifh = fopen( input_filename, "rb" ); if ( !ifh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fopen() FAILED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( 0 ) >",cn); #endif return 0; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fopen() SUCCEEDED",cn); #endif } if ( starting_offset > -1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fseek(ifh,starting_offset=%ld,0)...", cn, (long) starting_offset ); #endif rc = fseek( ifh, starting_offset, 0 ); if ( rc != 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fseek() FAILED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( 0 ) >",cn); #endif return 0; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fseek() SUCCEEDED",cn); } #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sizeof( tmp ) = %d",cn,sizeof(tmp)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE1_BUFFER_SIZE = %d", cn,(int)MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE1_BUFFER_SIZE); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending file contents now...",cn); #endif for (;;) { bytesread = fread( tmp, 1, MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE1_BUFFER_SIZE, ifh ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_SENDFILE1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fread(): bytesread=%d",cn,bytesread); #endif #endif if ( bytesread < 1 ) break; byteswritten = (int) mod_gzip_send( tmp, bytesread, r ); if ( byteswritten > 0 ) { total_byteswritten += byteswritten; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_SENDFILE1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: byteswritten = %d",cn,(int)byteswritten); #endif #endif if ( byteswritten != bytesread ) { err = errno; #ifdef FUTURE_USE #if defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) err = WSAGetLastError(); #else err = errno; #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: TRANSMIT ERROR: bytesread=%d byteswritten=%d err=%d", cn,(int)bytesread,(int)byteswritten,(int)err ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Breaking out of transmit loop early...",cn); #endif break; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Done sending file contents...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: total_byteswritten = %ld",cn,total_byteswritten); #endif if ( !ifh_passed ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'ifh_passed' was NULL so close the",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: input file that was opened at the",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: start of this routine...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fclose(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif fclose( ifh ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fclose(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'ifh_passed' was VALID on entry.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: No call to fclose() was made.",cn); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( total_byteswritten = %ld ) >", cn, (long) total_byteswritten ); #endif return total_byteswritten; } int mod_gzip_sendfile2( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *dconf, char *input_filename ) { FILE *ifh=0; FILE *ofh=0; int ofh_used=0; int i=0; int rc=1; int err=0; int final_rc=1; int linecount=0; int bytesleft=0; int bytesread=0; int bytestoread=0; int skip_advance=0; int byteswritten=0; int bytestowrite=0; long total_bytes_sent=0; int valid_char_count=0; int total_bytes_left_to_copy=0; /* * TODO: This is a brain-teaser to solve. * * gcc UNIX compiler will report the following 'ok_to_send' * flag as no longer being 'used' inside this function but * if it is removed or even commented out then Apache GP faults * at runtime when logic enters this function ( but only if * MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 flag is OFF at compile time ?? ). * * There is no 'macro' anywhere that bears this name and * there doesn't seem to be any reason for this GP fault. * * If this 'ok_to_send' variable is removed everything is fine * for Win32... it is only UNIX gcc compiler that reports no * warning but will still GP fault at runtime. * * It's a mystery. Can anyone solve it? */ int ok_to_send = 1; /* This MUST remain or UNIX 'GP faults' ??? */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 int total_bytes_copied=0; #endif struct stat sbuf; #define MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE2_BUFFER_SIZE 4099 char tmp[ MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE2_BUFFER_SIZE + 16 ]; #define MOD_GZIP_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE 2048 char lbuf[ MOD_GZIP_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE + 16 ]; #define MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1_SENDFILE2 #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_sendfile2()"; #endif char *sp = 0; char *p1 = 0; int p1len = 0; char *p2 = lbuf; int p2len = 0; char *p3 = 0; long hbytes_in = 0; long bbytes_in = 0; long bbytes_out = 0; long bbytes_total = 0; int action_flag = 0; int header_done = 0; int body_done = 0; int te_seen = 0; int te_chunked = 0; int send_as_is = 0; int resp_code = 0; int ce_seen = 0; int ct_seen = 0; char ct_value[ 256 ]; int field_ok = 0; int fields_excluded = 0; char *fieldkey = 0; char *fieldstring = 0; char output_filename1[256]; long raw_input_length = 0; #define CHUNKE_GET_HEXSTRING 1 #define CHUNKE_WAIT_REAL_EOL1 2 #define CHUNKE_GET_FOOTER 3 #define CHUNKE_GET_REAL_DATA 4 #define CHUNKE_HEXSTRING_MAXLEN 10 int chunke_count = 1; char *chunke_errstr = NULL; int chunke_state = CHUNKE_GET_HEXSTRING; int chunke_nextstate = 0; long chunke_realdata_length = 0; long chunke_realdata_read = 0; int chunke_hexstring_oset = 0; char chunke_hexstring[ CHUNKE_HEXSTRING_MAXLEN + 1 ]; #ifdef CHUNKE_USES_OUTPUT_BUFFER char *chunke_obufstart = lbuf; char *chunke_obuf = chunke_obufstart; int chunke_obuflen = 0; int chunke_obuflenmax = MOD_GZIP_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE; #endif int dconf__dechunk = 0; int dconf__keep_workfiles = 0; char *dconf__temp_dir = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); #endif if ( !r ) return DECLINED; if ( !dconf ) return DECLINED; if ( !input_filename ) return DECLINED; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r = %ld",cn,(long)r); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->proxyreq = %d", cn,(int) r->proxyreq ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: input_filename = [%s]",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif ct_value[0] = 0; dconf__dechunk = dconf->dechunk; dconf__keep_workfiles = dconf->keep_workfiles; dconf__temp_dir = dconf->temp_dir; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__dechunk = %d", cn, (int) dconf__dechunk ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__keep_workfiles = %d", cn, (int) dconf__keep_workfiles ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__temp_dir = [%s]", cn, npp(dconf__temp_dir)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call stat(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif rc = stat( input_filename, &sbuf ); if ( rc ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... stat() call FAILED",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"STAT_FAILED")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: stat(%s) in sendfile2", input_filename ); ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: %s",mod_gzip_check_permissions); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } else { raw_input_length = (long) sbuf.st_size; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... stat() call SUCCEEDED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sbuf.st_size = %ld",cn,(long)sbuf.st_size); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: raw_input_length = %ld",cn,(long)raw_input_length); #endif if ( sbuf.st_size < 1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: The input file is EMPTY",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"CAP_FILE_EMPTY")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: EMPTY FILE [%s] in sendfile2", input_filename ); ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: %s",mod_gzip_check_permissions); return DECLINED; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fopen(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif ifh = fopen( input_filename, "rb" ); if ( !ifh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fopen() FAILED",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"CAP_FOPEN_FAILED")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: fopen(%s) in sendfile2", input_filename); ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: %s",mod_gzip_check_permissions); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fopen() SUCCEEDED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sizeof( tmp ) = %d",cn,sizeof(tmp)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE2_BUFFER_SIZE = %d", cn,(int)MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE2_BUFFER_SIZE); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Processing header now...",cn); #endif for (;;) { bytesread = fread( tmp, 1, MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE2_BUFFER_SIZE, ifh ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: %5.5d: Back fread(): bytesread=%d", cn,linecount,bytesread); #endif if ( bytesread < 1 ) break; p1 = tmp; p1len = 0; for ( i=0; i32)) p3++; while((*p3!=0)&&(*p3<33)) p3++; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: %5.5d: * p3=[%s]", cn,linecount,npp(p3)); #endif if ( *p3 != 0 ) { resp_code = (int) atoi( p3 ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: %5.5d: * resp_code = %d", cn,linecount,resp_code); #endif } else if ( lbuf[0] == 'T' ) { if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp(lbuf,"Transfer-Encoding:",18)==0) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: %5.5d: * 'Transfer-Encoding:' seen", cn,linecount); #endif te_seen = 1; if ( mod_gzip_stringcontains( lbuf, "chunked" ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: %5.5d: * 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' seen", cn,linecount); #endif te_chunked = 1; } } } else if ( lbuf[0] == 'C' ) { if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp(lbuf,"Content-Encoding:",17)==0) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: %5.5d: * 'Content-Encoding:' seen", cn,linecount); #endif ce_seen = 1; } else if ( mod_gzip_strnicmp(lbuf,"Content-Type:",13)==0) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: %5.5d: * 'Content-Type:' seen", cn,linecount); #endif ct_seen = 1; p3 = lbuf; while((*p3!=0)&&(*p3<33)) p3++; while((*p3!=0)&&(*p3>32)) p3++; while((*p3!=0)&&(*p3<33)) p3++; if ( p2len < 230 ) { mod_gzip_strcpy( ct_value, p3 ); } else { sprintf( ct_value, "%-230.230s", p3 ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: %5.5d: * ct_value=[%s]", cn,linecount,npp(ct_value)); #endif } } if ( ( fields_excluded < 1 ) && ( dconf->imap_total_isrspheader > 0 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->imap_total_isrspheader = %d", cn, (int) dconf->imap_total_isrspheader ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Checking RESPONSE header field...", cn ); #endif p3 = lbuf; while((*p3!=0)&&(*p3<33)) p3++; while((*p3!=0)&&(*p3>32)) p3++; while((*p3!=0)&&(*p3<33)) p3++; fieldkey = lbuf; fieldstring = p3; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_validate1()...",cn); #endif field_ok = mod_gzip_validate1( (request_rec *) r, (mod_gzip_conf *) dconf, NULL, /* r->filename (Not used here) */ NULL, /* r->uri (Not used here) */ NULL, /* r->content_type (Not used here) */ NULL, /* r->handler (Not used here) */ (char *) fieldkey, /* Field key */ (char *) fieldstring, /* Field string */ MOD_GZIP_RESPONSE /* Direction */ ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_validate1()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: field_ok = %d",cn,field_ok); #endif if ( field_ok == MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) { fields_excluded++; } } } p2 = lbuf; p2len = 0; valid_char_count = 0; } else { if ( *p1 > 32 ) valid_char_count++; if (( p2len < MOD_GZIP_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE )&&( *p1 != 13 )) { *p2++ = *p1; p2len++; } } p1++; p1len++; hbytes_in++; } if ( header_done ) break; } bbytes_total = raw_input_length - hbytes_in; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Done processing header...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: header_done = %d",cn,header_done); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: fields_excluded = %d",cn,fields_excluded); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: bytesread = %d",cn,bytesread); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: p1len = %d",cn,p1len); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: resp_code = %d (HTTP response code)",cn,resp_code); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: hbytes_in = %ld (Total HEADER bytes read)",cn,(long)hbytes_in); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: bbytes_total = %ld (Total BODY bytes left)",cn,(long)bbytes_total); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: te_seen = %d (Transfer-Encoding:)",cn,te_seen); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: te_chunked = %d (Transfer-Encoding: chunked)",cn,te_chunked); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ce_seen = %d (Content-Encoding:)",cn,ce_seen); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ct_seen = %d (Content-Type:)",cn,ct_seen); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ct_value = [%s]",cn,npp(ct_value)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__dechunk = %ld",cn,(long)dconf__dechunk); #endif if ( !header_done ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: 'header_done' flag is NOT SET",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: No valid HTTP 'End of header' was found...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"NO_HTTP_EOH")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: Invalid HTTP response header for r->the_request[%s] in sendfile2", r->the_request); ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: Invalid HTTP response header in FILE [%s] in sendfile2",input_filename); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } if ( !resp_code ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: 'resp_code' value is NOT SET",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: No valid HTTP response code was found...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"NO_HTTP_RESP_CODE")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: No valid HTTP response code for r->the_request[%s] in sendfile2", r->the_request); ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: No valid HTTP response code in FILE [%s] in sendfile2",input_filename); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: --------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Checking for various 'send as is' conditions...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: --------------------------------------------------",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS mod_gzip_strcpy( lbuf, "SEND_AS_IS"); #endif if ( resp_code != 200 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: resp_code is NOT '200'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing send_as_is++",cn); #endif send_as_is++; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS mod_gzip_strcat( lbuf, ":NO_200"); #endif } if ( ( !send_as_is ) && ( fields_excluded > 0 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'fields_excluded' = %d ( More than ZERO )", cn, fields_excluded ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing send_as_is++",cn); #endif send_as_is++; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS mod_gzip_strcat( lbuf, ":RESPONSE_FIELD_EXCLUDED"); #endif } if ( ( !send_as_is ) && ( bbytes_total < 1 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: bbytes_total is less than 1",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: There is no valid BODY data.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing send_as_is++",cn); #endif send_as_is++; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS mod_gzip_strcat( lbuf, ":NO_BODY"); #endif } if ( ( !send_as_is ) && ( ( te_seen == 1 ) && ( te_chunked == 0 ) ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'Transfer-Encoding:' is present but 'type' is UNKNOWN",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing send_as_is++",cn); #endif send_as_is++; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS mod_gzip_strcat( lbuf, ":UNKNOWN_TE_VALUE"); #endif } if ( ( !send_as_is ) && ( ce_seen == 1 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'Content-Encoding:' is already present...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing send_as_is++",cn); #endif send_as_is++; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS mod_gzip_strcat( lbuf, ":HAS_CE"); #endif } if ( ( !send_as_is ) && ( ct_seen != 1 ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'Content-Type:' response field NOT PRESENT...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing send_as_is++",cn); #endif send_as_is++; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS mod_gzip_strcat( lbuf, ":NO_CONTENT_TYPE_IN_RESPONSE_HEADER"); #endif } else if ( !send_as_is ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'Content-Type:' response field is PRESENT",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->imap_total_ismime = %d", cn, (int) dconf->imap_total_ismime ); #endif if ( dconf->imap_total_ismime > 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_validate1(ct_value=[%s])...", cn,npp(ct_value)); #endif action_flag = mod_gzip_validate1( (request_rec *) r, (mod_gzip_conf *) dconf, NULL, /* r->filename (Not used here) */ NULL, /* r->uri (Not used here) */ ct_value, /* Content type (Used ) */ NULL, /* r->handler (Not used here) */ NULL, /* Field key (Not used here) */ NULL, /* Field string (Not used here) */ 0 /* Direction (Not used here) */ ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_validate1(ct_value=[%s])...", cn,npp(ct_value)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: action_flag = %d",cn,action_flag); #endif if ( action_flag != MOD_GZIP_IMAP_DECLINED1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This 'Content-Type:' is NOT EXCLUDED",cn); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This 'Content-Type:' is EXCLUDED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing send_as_is++",cn); #endif send_as_is++; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS mod_gzip_strcat( lbuf, ":RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE_EXCLUDED"); #endif } } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: --------------------------------------------------",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: send_as_is = %d",cn,send_as_is); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: --------------------------------------------------",cn); #endif if ( send_as_is > 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,lbuf)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending response 'as is'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing 'goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is'...",cn); #endif goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is; } if ( !te_seen ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fclose(%s)...",cn, npp(input_filename)); #endif fclose( ifh ); ifh = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fclose(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit()...",cn); #endif rc = mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit( r, dconf, input_filename, 1, bbytes_total, 0, hbytes_in, "" ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d",cn,rc); #endif if ( rc == DECLINED ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = DECLINED (FAILURE)",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending response 'as is'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing 'goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is'...",cn); #endif goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = OK (SUCCESS)",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_cleanup...",cn,rc); #endif final_rc = rc; goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_cleanup; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: * TRANSFER ENCODING DE-CHUNKING OPTION",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__dechunk = %ld",cn,(long)dconf__dechunk); #endif if ( dconf__dechunk ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__dechunk = YES",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: BODY data 'de-chunking' option is ON...",cn); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__dechunk = NO",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: BODY data 'de-chunking' option is OFF...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result", ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"SEND_AS_IS:DECHUNK_OPTION_IS_OFF")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: DECHUNK option is OFF in sendfile2"); ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: Cannot compress chunked response for [%s]", r->the_request); ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: ** Uncompressed responses that use 'Transfer-encoding: chunked'"); ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: ** must be 'de-chunked' before they can be compressed." ); ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: ** Turn DECHUNK option ON for this response category." ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending response 'as is'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing 'goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is'...",cn); #endif goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: De-chunking the body data now...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Creating 'output_filename1' string now...",cn); #endif mod_gzip_create_unique_filename( dconf__temp_dir, (char *) output_filename1, MOD_GZIP_MAX_PATH_LEN ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: output_filename1 = [%s]",cn,npp(output_filename1)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call OUTPUT fopen(%s)...",cn,npp(output_filename1)); #endif ofh = fopen( output_filename1, "wb" ); if ( !ofh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... OUTPUT fopen() FAILED",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result", ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"SEND_AS_IS:FOPEN_FAILED")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: fopen(%s) for OUTPUT in sendfile2", output_filename1 ); ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: %s",mod_gzip_check_permissions); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending response 'as is'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing 'goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is'...",cn); #endif goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... OUTPUT fopen() SUCCEEDED",cn); #endif ofh_used = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fseek(ifh,0,0)...",cn ); #endif rc = fseek( ifh, 0, 0 ); if ( rc != 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fseek(ifh,0,0) FAILED",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result", ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"SEND_AS_IS:FSEEK_FAILED")); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: fseek(ifh,0,0) in sendfile2" ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending response 'as is'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing 'goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is'...",cn); #endif goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fseek(ifh,0,0) SUCCEEDED",cn); } #endif total_bytes_left_to_copy = hbytes_in; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 total_bytes_copied = 0; mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Copying %ld header bytes now...", cn,(long)total_bytes_left_to_copy); #endif while( total_bytes_left_to_copy > 0 ) { if ( total_bytes_left_to_copy < MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE2_BUFFER_SIZE ) { bytestoread = total_bytes_left_to_copy; } else { bytestoread = MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE2_BUFFER_SIZE; } bytesread = fread ( tmp, 1, bytestoread, ifh ); byteswritten = fwrite( tmp, 1, bytesread, ofh ); total_bytes_left_to_copy -= byteswritten; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 total_bytes_copied += byteswritten; #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: %ld header bytes have been copied...", cn,(long)total_bytes_copied); #endif for (;;) { p1 = tmp; bytesread = fread( p1, 1, MOD_GZIP_SENDFILE2_BUFFER_SIZE, ifh ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fread(): bytesread=%d",cn,bytesread); #endif if ( bytesread < 1 ) break; bbytes_in += bytesread; bytesleft = bytesread; if ( te_chunked ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'te_chunked' flag is TRUE...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Filtering chunked data...",cn); #endif sp = p1; while ( bytesleft > 0 ) { switch( chunke_state ) { case CHUNKE_GET_HEXSTRING: if ((*sp==13)||(*sp==10)||(*sp==';')) { chunke_hexstring[chunke_hexstring_oset]=0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld chunke_hexstring=[%s]\n", chunke_count, npp(chunke_hexstring) ); #endif chunke_realdata_length = (long) strtol(chunke_hexstring,&chunke_errstr,16); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld realdata_length= 0x%X %ld\n", chunke_count, chunke_realdata_length, chunke_realdata_length ); #endif if ( chunke_realdata_length < 1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld END OF CHUNKED DATA\n", chunke_count); #endif } chunke_realdata_read = 0; if ( *sp == 10 ) { if ( chunke_realdata_length == 0 ) { chunke_state = CHUNKE_GET_FOOTER; } else { chunke_state = CHUNKE_GET_REAL_DATA; } } else { chunke_state = CHUNKE_WAIT_REAL_EOL1; if ( chunke_realdata_length == 0 ) { chunke_nextstate = CHUNKE_GET_FOOTER; } else { chunke_nextstate = CHUNKE_GET_REAL_DATA; } } } else { if ( ( chunke_hexstring_oset < CHUNKE_HEXSTRING_MAXLEN ) && ( *sp > 32 ) ) { chunke_hexstring[ chunke_hexstring_oset++] = *sp; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 chunke_hexstring[ chunke_hexstring_oset ] = 0; #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld chunke_hexstring is now [%s]\n", chunke_count, npp(chunke_hexstring) ); #endif } break; case CHUNKE_WAIT_REAL_EOL1: if ( *sp == 10 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld Real EOL seen...\n", chunke_count ); #endif chunke_state = chunke_nextstate; } break; case CHUNKE_GET_FOOTER: if ( *sp == 10 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld FOOTER EOL seen...\n", chunke_count ); #endif } break; case CHUNKE_GET_REAL_DATA: #ifdef CHUNKE_USES_OUTPUT_BUFFER *chunke_obuf++ = *sp; chunke_obuflen++; if ( chunke_obuflen >= chunke_obuflenmax ) { byteswritten = fwrite( chunke_obufstart, 1, chunke_obuflen, ofh ); if ( byteswritten > 0 ) { bbytes_out += byteswritten; } chunke_obuf = chunke_obufstart; chunke_obuflen = 0; } chunke_realdata_read++; #else bytestowrite = bytesleft; if ( ( chunke_realdata_read + bytesleft ) > chunke_realdata_length ) { bytestowrite = chunke_realdata_length - chunke_realdata_read; } byteswritten = fwrite( sp, 1, bytestowrite, ofh ); if ( byteswritten > 0 ) { sp += byteswritten; bytesleft -= byteswritten; bbytes_out += byteswritten; chunke_realdata_read += byteswritten; skip_advance = 1; } #endif if ( chunke_realdata_read >= chunke_realdata_length ) { #ifdef CHUNKE_USES_OUTPUT_BUFFER if ( chunke_obuflen > 0 ) { byteswritten = fwrite( chunke_obufstart, 1, chunke_obuflen, ofh ); if ( byteswritten > 0 ) { bbytes_out += byteswritten; } chunke_obuf = chunke_obufstart; chunke_obuflen = 0; } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld DONE reading CHUNK data...\n", chunke_count ); mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld realdata_length = %ld\n", chunke_count, chunke_realdata_length ); mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld realdata_read = %ld\n", chunke_count, chunke_realdata_read ); mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld Increasing 'chunke_count' to %d\n", chunke_count, chunke_count + 1 ); mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld Advancing to CHUNKE_WAIT_REAL_EOL1...\n", chunke_count ); #endif chunke_count++; chunke_hexstring[0] = 0; chunke_hexstring_oset = 0; chunke_realdata_length = 0; chunke_realdata_read = 0; chunke_state = CHUNKE_WAIT_REAL_EOL1; chunke_nextstate = CHUNKE_GET_HEXSTRING; } break; default: break; } if ( skip_advance ) { skip_advance = 0; } else { sp++; bytesleft--; } } #ifdef FUTURE_USE chunke_buffer_scan_done: ; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_CHUNKE_DIAG1 mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld Out of next buffer scan loop\n", chunke_count ); mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld realdata_length = %ld\n", chunke_count, chunke_realdata_length ); mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld realdata_read = %ld\n", chunke_count, chunke_realdata_read ); mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld realdata_left = %ld\n", chunke_count, chunke_realdata_length - chunke_realdata_read); mod_gzip_printf("chunke: %5.5ld Looping back for more input data...\n", chunke_count ); #endif } else { byteswritten = fwrite( p1, 1, bytesread, ofh ); if ( byteswritten > 0 ) { bbytes_out += byteswritten; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: byteswritten = %d",cn,(int)byteswritten); #endif if ( byteswritten != bytesread ) { err = errno; #ifdef FUTURE_USE #if defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) err = WSAGetLastError(); #else err = errno; #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: TRANSMIT ERROR: bytesread=%d byteswritten=%d err=%d", cn,(int)bytesread,(int)byteswritten,(int)err ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Breaking out of transmit loop early...",cn); #endif body_done = 1; break; } } if ( body_done ) break; } bbytes_total = bbytes_out; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Done processing BODY...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fclose(ofh)...",cn); #endif fclose( ofh ); ofh = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fclose(ofh)...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: bbytes_in = %ld (Total BODY bytes read)",cn,(long)bbytes_in); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: bbytes_out = %ld (Total BODY bytes written)",cn,(long)bbytes_out); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: bbytes_total = %ld (Same as bbytes_out)",cn,(long)bbytes_total); #endif if ( bbytes_total > 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fclose(%s)...",cn, npp(input_filename)); #endif fclose( ifh ); ifh = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fclose(%s)...",cn, npp(input_filename)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit()...",cn); #endif rc = mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit( r, dconf, output_filename1, 1, bbytes_total, 0, hbytes_in, "DECHUNK:" ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = %d",cn,rc); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__keep_workfiles = %d", cn, dconf__keep_workfiles ); #endif if ( !dconf__keep_workfiles ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_delete_file(output_filename1=[%s])...", cn, npp(output_filename1)); #endif mod_gzip_delete_file( r, output_filename1 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_delete_file(output_filename1=[%s])...", cn, npp(output_filename1)); #endif } if ( rc == DECLINED ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = DECLINED (FAILURE)",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending response 'as is'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing 'goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is'...",cn); #endif goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: rc = OK (SUCCESS)",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_cleanup...",cn,rc); #endif final_rc = rc; goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_cleanup; } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: bbytes_total is ZERO",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: Original response must be sent 'as is'",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Issuing 'goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is'...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result", ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"SEND_AS_IS:BODY_MISSING")); #endif goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is; } mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is: ; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: * SEND 'AS IS'...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: * label entry point: mod_gzip_sendfile2_send_as_is",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending response 'as is'...",cn); #endif if ( !ifh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Input file was closed.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Re-opening input_filename[%s]...", cn, npp(input_filename)); #endif ifh = fopen( input_filename, "rb" ); if ( !ifh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fopen() FAILED",cn); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: fopen(%s) on REOPEN in sendfile2", input_filename ); final_rc = DECLINED; goto mod_gzip_sendfile2_cleanup; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fopen() SUCCEEDED",cn); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_sendfile1()...",cn); #endif total_bytes_sent = (long) mod_gzip_sendfile1( r, NULL, ifh, 0 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_sendfile1()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... total_bytes_sent = %ld",cn,(long)total_bytes_sent); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts()...",cn); #endif mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts( r, dconf, hbytes_in, total_bytes_sent - hbytes_in ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts()...",cn); #endif final_rc = rc; mod_gzip_sendfile2_cleanup: ; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: * FINAL CLEANUP",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: * label entry point: mod_gzip_sendfile2_cleanup",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__keep_workfiles = %ld",cn,(long)dconf__keep_workfiles); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ifh = %ld (Input file handle)",cn,(long)ifh); #endif if ( ifh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Input file is still OPEN...",cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fclose(%s)...",cn, npp(input_filename)); #endif fclose( ifh ); ifh = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fclose(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Input file is already CLOSED...",cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: NO CALL MADE TO fclose(%s)",cn,npp(input_filename)); } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Caller must delete input_filename=[%s]", cn, npp(input_filename)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ofh_used = %ld (Output file usage flag)",cn,(long)ofh_used); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ofh = %ld (Output file handle)",cn,(long)ofh); #endif if ( ofh_used ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'ofh_used' is TRUE",cn ); #endif if ( ofh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Output file is still OPEN...",cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fclose(output_filename1=[%s])...", cn, npp(output_filename1)); #endif fclose( ofh ); ofh = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fclose(output_filename1=[%s])...", cn, npp(output_filename1)); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'ofh' is NULL. File is already CLOSED.",cn ); } #endif if ( !dconf__keep_workfiles ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'dconf__keep_workfiles' is FALSE",cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_delete_file(output_filename1=[%s])...", cn, npp(output_filename1)); #endif mod_gzip_delete_file( r, output_filename1 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_delete_file(output_filename1=[%s])...", cn, npp(output_filename1)); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'dconf__keep_workfiles' is TRUE.",cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Keeping output_filename1=[%s]", cn, npp(output_filename1)); } #endif ofh_used = 0; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: 'ofh_used' is FALSE",cn ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Output file was NOT USED",cn ); } #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: final_rc was......: %d",cn,final_rc); #endif final_rc = OK; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: final_rc is now...: %d",cn,final_rc); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( final_rc = %d ) >",cn,final_rc); #endif return final_rc; } long mod_gzip_send_header( request_rec *r, char *input_filename, long content_length ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_send_header()"; #endif FILE *ifh=0; int i; int bytesread=0; int ok_to_send=0; int valid_char_count=0; #define MOD_GZIP_SEND_HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 char tmp[ MOD_GZIP_SEND_HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE + 16 ]; #define MOD_GZIP_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE 2048 char lbuf[ MOD_GZIP_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE + 16 ]; char *p1; int p1len = 0; char *p2 = lbuf; int p2len = 0; int send_header = 0; int header_done = 0; int te_seen = 0; int te_chunked = 0; int ce_seen = 0; long hbytes_in = 0; long hbytes_out = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: input_filename = [%s]",cn,npp(input_filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: content_length = %ld", cn,(long)content_length); #endif if ( !r ) return 0; if ( !input_filename ) return 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fopen(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif ifh = fopen( input_filename, "rb" ); if ( !ifh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fopen() FAILED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( 0 ) >",cn); #endif return( 0 ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: .... fopen() SUCCEEDED",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sizeof( tmp ) = %d",cn,sizeof(tmp)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: MOD_GZIP_SEND_HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE = %d", cn,(int)MOD_GZIP_SEND_HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Processing header now...",cn); #endif send_header = 1; for (;;) { bytesread = fread( tmp, 1, MOD_GZIP_SEND_HEADER_BUFFER_SIZE, ifh ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: HEADER: Back fread(): bytesread=%d",cn,bytesread); #endif if ( bytesread < 1 ) break; p1 = tmp; p1len = 0; for ( i=0; i 32 ) valid_char_count++; if (( p2len < MOD_GZIP_LINE_BUFFER_SIZE )&&( *p1 != 13 )) { *p2++ = *p1; p2len++; } } p1++; p1len++; hbytes_in++; } if ( header_done ) break; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Done processing header...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fclose(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif fclose( ifh ); ifh = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fclose(%s)...",cn,npp(input_filename)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: p1len = %d",cn,p1len); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: hbytes_in = %ld (Total HEADER bytes read)",cn,(long)hbytes_in); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: hbytes_out = %ld (Total HEADER bytes sent)",cn,(long)hbytes_out); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( hbytes_out = %d ) >",cn,hbytes_out); #endif return (long) hbytes_out; } FILE *mod_gzip_open_output_file( request_rec *r, char *output_filename, int *rc ) { FILE *ifh; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_open_output_file():::"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: output_filename=[%s]",cn,npp(output_filename)); #endif ifh = fopen( output_filename, "rb" ); if ( !ifh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: Cannot open file [%s]", cn,npp(output_filename)); #endif ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: Cannot re-open output_filename=[%s]", output_filename ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,"SEND_AS_IS:WORK_OPENFAIL")); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( NULL ) >",cn); #endif *rc = DECLINED; return NULL; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: File is now open...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( FILE *ifh ) >",cn); #endif *rc = OK; return ifh; } int mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *dconf, long total_header_bytes_sent, long total_body_bytes_sent ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: total_header_bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long)total_header_bytes_sent); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: total_body_bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long)total_body_bytes_sent); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: total_bytes_sent (Sum) = %ld", cn,(long)total_header_bytes_sent + total_body_bytes_sent ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->add_header_count = %d", cn,(int )dconf->add_header_count ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Before... ap_rflush()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->outcnt = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->outcnt ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call..... ap_rflush()...",cn); #endif ap_rflush(r); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back..... ap_rflush()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: After.... ap_rflush()...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->outcnt = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->outcnt ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf->add_header_count = %ld", cn,(long)dconf->add_header_count); #endif if ( dconf->add_header_count ) { r->connection->client->bytes_sent = total_header_bytes_sent + total_body_bytes_sent; } else { r->connection->client->bytes_sent = total_body_bytes_sent; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: After count update...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->outcnt = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->outcnt ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->connection->client->bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long) r->connection->client->bytes_sent ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( 1 ) >",cn); #endif return 1; } int mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit( request_rec *r, mod_gzip_conf *dconf, char *source, int source_is_a_file, long input_size, int nodecline, long header_length, char *result_prefix_string ) { char *prefix_string = result_prefix_string; GZP_CONTROL gzc; GZP_CONTROL* gzp = &gzc; int rc = 0; int err = 0; FILE *ifh = 0; int bytesread = 0; long byteswritten = 0; long output_size = 0; long compression_ratio = 0; char *gz1_ismem_obuf = 0; int finalize_stats = 1; long output_offset = 0; long total_bytes_sent = 0; long total_header_bytes_sent = 0; long total_compressed_bytes_sent = 0; int gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated = 0; #define MOD_GZIP_LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE 4000 char tmp[ MOD_GZIP_LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE + 2 ]; char actual_content_encoding_name[] = "gzip"; char dummy_result_prefix_string[] = ""; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char scratch2[90]; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 char cn[]="mod_gzip_encode_and_transmit()"; #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS char log_info[90]; #endif char *dconf__temp_dir = 0; int dconf__keep_workfiles = 0; long dconf__minimum_file_size = 300; long dconf__maximum_file_size = 0; long dconf__maximum_inmem_size = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Entry...", cn); #endif /* * Initialize the GZP control deck on the stack with some * safe default values. As of this writing the filename and * scratch buffers do not need to be fully reset on entry * so there is no need to suffer the overhead of a full * 'memset( gzp, 0, sizeof( GZP_CONTROL )' call. */ gzp->decompress = 0; gzp->input_ismem = 0; gzp->input_ismem_ibuf = 0; gzp->input_ismem_ibuflen = 0; gzp->input_filename[0] = 0; gzp->input_offset = header_length; gzp->output_ismem = 0; gzp->output_ismem_obuf = 0; gzp->output_ismem_obuflen = 0; gzp->output_filename[0] = 0; gzp->result_code = 0; gzp->bytes_out = 0; if ( dconf ) { dconf__keep_workfiles = dconf->keep_workfiles; dconf__minimum_file_size = dconf->minimum_file_size; dconf__maximum_file_size = dconf->maximum_file_size; dconf__maximum_inmem_size = dconf->maximum_inmem_size; dconf__temp_dir = dconf->temp_dir; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__keep_workfiles = %d", cn, (int) dconf__keep_workfiles ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__temp_dir = [%s]",cn, npp(dconf__temp_dir)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__minimum_file_size = %ld", cn, (long) dconf__minimum_file_size ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__maximum_file_size = %ld", cn, (long) dconf__maximum_file_size ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__maximum_inmem_size = %ld", cn, (long) dconf__maximum_inmem_size ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: source_is_a_file = %d", cn, source_is_a_file ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: nodecline = %d", cn, nodecline ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: header_length = %ld", cn, header_length ); if ( source_is_a_file ) { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: source = [%s]", cn, npp(source)); } else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: source = MEMORY BUFFER", cn ); } mod_gzip_printf( "%s: input_size = %ld", cn,(long)input_size); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS if ( !prefix_string ) { prefix_string = dummy_result_prefix_string; } sprintf( log_info,"%sOK", prefix_string ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); sprintf( log_info,"%d", (int) input_size ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_input_size",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif if ( input_size < 1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: Input source has no valid length.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: This request will not be processed...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS sprintf( log_info,"%sDECLINED:NO_ILEN", prefix_string ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__minimum_file_size = %ld", cn, (long) dconf__minimum_file_size ); #endif if ( input_size < (long) dconf__minimum_file_size ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Source does not meet the minimum size requirement...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS sprintf( log_info,"%sDECLINED:TOO_SMALL", prefix_string ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Source meets the minimum size requirement.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Assuming OK to proceed...",cn); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__maximum_file_size = %ld", cn, (long) dconf__maximum_file_size ); #endif if ( ( dconf__maximum_file_size > 0 ) && ( input_size > (long) dconf__maximum_file_size ) ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Source exceeds the maximum size limit...",cn); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS sprintf( log_info,"%sDECLINED:TOO_BIG", prefix_string ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Source does not exceed the maximum size limit.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Assuming OK to proceed...",cn); #endif } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__maximum_inmem_size = %ld", cn, (long) dconf__maximum_inmem_size ); #endif if ( source_is_a_file ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Input source is file[%s]",cn,npp(source)); #endif mod_gzip_strcpy( gzp->input_filename, source ); gzp->input_ismem = 0; gzp->input_ismem_ibuf = 0; gzp->input_ismem_ibuflen = 0; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Input source is a MEMORY BUFFER",cn); #endif gzp->input_ismem = 1; gzp->input_ismem_ibuf = source; gzp->input_ismem_ibuflen = input_size; } gzp->decompress = 0; if ( dconf__maximum_inmem_size > (long) 60000L ) { /* TODO: Some OS'es will have a 'malloc()' problem if the */ /* in-memory size is greater than 64k so for now just set */ /* 60k as the fixed upper limit. Expand this later. */ /* NOTE: Testing has shown that for responses greater than */ /* 60k or so the 'swap to disk' option SHOULD be used, anyway. */ /* MOST responses will be far less than 60k. */ dconf__maximum_inmem_size = (long) 60000L; } if ( input_size < (long) dconf__maximum_inmem_size ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Input source is small enough for in-memory compression.",cn); #endif *gzp->output_filename = 0; gzp->output_ismem = 1; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call malloc( input_size + 1000 = %ld )...", cn,(long)(input_size+1000)); #endif gz1_ismem_obuf = (char *) malloc( input_size + 1000 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back malloc( input_size + 1000 = %ld )...", cn,(long)(input_size+1000)); #endif if ( !gz1_ismem_obuf ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: Cannot allocate GZP memory...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Defaulting to output file method... ",cn); #endif gzp->output_ismem = 0; } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ( %ld + 1000 ) bytes allocated OK",cn,(long)input_size); #endif gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated = 1; /* TODO: This probably isn't necessary and just wastes time... */ memset( gz1_ismem_obuf, 0, ( input_size + 1000 ) ); gzp->output_ismem_obuf = gz1_ismem_obuf; gzp->output_ismem_obuflen = input_size + 1000; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Input source is too large for in-memory compression.",cn); } #endif if ( gzp->output_ismem != 1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Ouput target is a FILE...",cn); #endif mod_gzip_create_unique_filename( dconf__temp_dir, (char *) gzp->output_filename, MOD_GZIP_MAX_PATH_LEN ); gzp->output_ismem = 0; gz1_ismem_obuf = 0; gzp->output_ismem_obuf = 0; gzp->output_ismem_obuflen = 0; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gzp->decompress = %d" ,cn,gzp->decompress); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gzp->input_ismem = %d", cn,gzp->input_ismem); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gzp->output_ismem = %d", cn,gzp->output_ismem); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gzp->input_filename = [%s]",cn,npp(gzp->input_filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gzp->input_offset = %ld", cn,gzp->input_offset); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gzp->output_filename = [%s]",cn,npp(gzp->output_filename)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call gzp_main(r,gzp)...",cn); #endif rc = gzp_main( r, gzp ); output_size = (long) gzp->bytes_out; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back gzp_main(r,gzp)...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: input_size = %ld",cn,(long)input_size); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: output_size = %ld",cn,(long)output_size); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gzp->bytes_out = %ld",cn,(long)gzp->bytes_out); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Bytes saved = %ld",cn, (long)input_size-gzp->bytes_out ); #endif compression_ratio = 0; if ( ( input_size > 0 ) && ( output_size > 0 ) ) { compression_ratio = 100 - (int) ( output_size * 100L / input_size ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Compression = %ld percent",cn, (long) compression_ratio ); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS sprintf( log_info,"%d", (int) output_size ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_output_size",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); sprintf( log_info,"%d", (int) compression_ratio ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_compression_ratio",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif if ( output_size < 1 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Compressed version has no length.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending the original version uncompressed...",cn); #endif finalize_stats = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS sprintf( log_info,"%sDECLINED:NO_OLEN", prefix_string ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif if ( gz1_ismem_obuf ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gz1_ismem_obuf is still a VALID pointer",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated = %d", cn,(int) gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated ); #endif if ( gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call free( gz1_ismem_obuf )...",cn); #endif free( gz1_ismem_obuf ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back free( gz1_ismem_obuf )...",cn); #endif gz1_ismem_obuf = 0; gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated = 0; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } if ( output_size > input_size ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Compressed version is larger than original.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending the original version uncompressed...",cn); #endif finalize_stats = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS sprintf( log_info,"%sDECLINED:ORIGINAL_SMALLER", prefix_string ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif if ( gz1_ismem_obuf ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gz1_ismem_obuf is still a VALID pointer",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated = %d", cn,(int) gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated ); #endif if ( gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call free( gz1_ismem_obuf )...",cn); #endif free( gz1_ismem_obuf ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back free( gz1_ismem_obuf )...",cn); #endif gz1_ismem_obuf = 0; gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated = 0; } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 else { mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Compressed version is smaller than original.",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending the compressed version...",cn); } #endif if ( !gzp->output_ismem ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Re-opening compressed output file [%s]...", cn, npp(gzp->output_filename)); #endif ifh = mod_gzip_open_output_file( r, gzp->output_filename, &rc ); if ( !ifh ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: ERROR: Cannot re-open file [%s]", cn,npp(gzp->output_filename)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS sprintf( log_info,"%sDECLINED:REOPEN_FAILED", prefix_string ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( DECLINED ) >",cn); #endif return DECLINED; } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Workfile re-opened OK...",cn); #endif } /* TODO: This isn't really necessary? */ r->content_encoding = actual_content_encoding_name; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: r->content_encoding is now [%s]", cn, npp(r->content_encoding)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Starting transmit phase...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: output_offset = %ld",cn, (long) output_offset ); #endif /* Send the response header... */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_send_header(source=%s)",cn,npp(source)); #endif total_header_bytes_sent = (int) mod_gzip_send_header( r, source, output_size ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_send_header(source=%s)",cn,npp(source)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: total_header_bytes_sent = %d",cn,rc); #endif total_compressed_bytes_sent = 0; /* Send the compressed data.. */ if ( gzp->output_ismem ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending in-memory output buffer...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: output_size = %ld",cn,(long)output_size); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: output_offset = %ld",cn,(long)output_offset); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DUMP_JUST_BEFORE_SENDING mod_gzip_hexdump( gz1_ismem_obuf, output_size ); #endif mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_send( gz1_ismem_obuf+output_offset=%ld, output_size=%ld )...", cn, (long) output_offset, (long) output_size ); #endif byteswritten = (long) mod_gzip_send( gz1_ismem_obuf+output_offset, output_size, r ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_send( gz1_ismem_obuf+output_offset=%ld, output_size=%ld )...", cn, (long) output_offset, (long) output_size ); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: byteswritten = %ld",cn,(long)byteswritten); #endif if ( byteswritten > 0 ) { total_compressed_bytes_sent = byteswritten; } if ( byteswritten != output_size ) { err = errno; #ifdef FUTURE_USE #if defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) err = WSAGetLastError(); #else err = errno; #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: TRANSMIT ERROR: output_size=%ld byteswritten=%ld err=%d", cn,(long)output_size,(long)byteswritten,(int)err ); #endif #ifdef MOG_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_log_comerror( r, "mod_gzip: TRANSMIT_ERROR:", err ); #else ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: TRANSMIT_ERROR:ISMEM:%d",(int)err); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_translate_comerror( err, scratch2 ); sprintf( log_info,"%sTRANSMIT_ERROR:ISMEM:%d:%s", prefix_string, (int) err, scratch2 ); #else sprintf( log_info,"%sTRANSMIT_ERROR:ISMEM:%d", prefix_string, (int) err ); #endif ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: sizeof( tmp ) = %d",cn,sizeof(tmp)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: MOD_GZIP_LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE = %d",cn,(int)MOD_GZIP_LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Transmit buffer size = %d",cn,sizeof(tmp)); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Sending output file...",cn); #endif if ( output_offset > 0 ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: output_offset = %ld",cn,(long)output_offset); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call fseek(ifh,%ld,1)...",cn,(long)output_offset); #endif fseek( ifh, (long) output_offset, 1 ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fseek(ifh,%ld,1)...",cn,(long)output_offset); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: output_offset = %ld = ZERO",cn,(long)output_offset); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: No fseek() call required before transmit.",cn); #endif } for (;;) { bytesread = fread( tmp, 1, MOD_GZIP_LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE, ifh ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back fread(): bytesread=%d",cn,bytesread); #endif if ( bytesread < 1 ) break; byteswritten = (long) mod_gzip_send( tmp, bytesread, r ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: byteswritten = %ld",cn,(long)byteswritten); #endif if ( byteswritten > 0 ) { total_compressed_bytes_sent += byteswritten; } if ( byteswritten != bytesread ) { err = errno; #ifdef FUTURE_USE #if defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) err = WSAGetLastError(); #else err = errno; #endif #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: TRANSMIT ERROR: bytesread=%ld byteswritten=%ld err=%d", cn,(long)bytesread,(long)byteswritten,(int)err ); #endif #ifdef MOG_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_log_comerror( r, "mod_gzip: TRANSMIT_ERROR:", err ); #else ap_log_error( APLOG_MARK,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_ERR, r->server, "mod_gzip: TRANSMIT_ERROR:%d",(int)err); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_translate_comerror( err, scratch2 ); sprintf( log_info,"%sTRANSMIT_ERROR:%d:%s", prefix_string, (int) err, scratch2 ); #else sprintf( log_info,"%sTRANSMIT_ERROR:%d", prefix_string, (int) err ); #endif ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_result",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); #endif #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Breaking out of transmit loop early...",cn); #endif break; } }/* End for(;;) loop that transmits workfile... */ }/* End 'else' */ /* Flush the output and update counts... */ total_bytes_sent = total_header_bytes_sent + total_compressed_bytes_sent; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Done Sending compressed data...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: total_header_bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long)total_header_bytes_sent); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: total_compressed_bytes_sent = %ld", cn,(long)total_compressed_bytes_sent); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: total_bytes_sent (Sum) = %ld", cn,(long)total_bytes_sent); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts()...",cn); #endif mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts( r, dconf, total_header_bytes_sent, total_compressed_bytes_sent ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back mod_gzip_flush_and_update_counts()...",cn); #endif /* Cleanup... */ #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Cleanup phase START...",cn); #endif if ( gzp->output_ismem ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Output source was MEMORY...",cn); #endif if ( gz1_ismem_obuf ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gz1_ismem_obuf is still VALID...",cn); #endif if ( gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated = TRUE",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Call free( gz1_ismem_obuf )...",cn); #endif free( gz1_ismem_obuf ); #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Back free( gz1_ismem_obuf )...",cn); #endif gz1_ismem_obuf = 0; gz1_ismem_obuf_was_allocated = 0; } } } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Output source was a WORKFILE...",cn); mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Closing workfile [%s]...",cn,npp(gzp->output_filename)); #endif fclose( ifh ); ifh = 0; #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: dconf__keep_workfiles = %d", cn, dconf__keep_workfiles ); #endif if ( !dconf__keep_workfiles ) { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Deleting workfile [%s]...", cn, npp(gzp->output_filename)); #endif #ifdef WIN32 DeleteFile( gzp->output_filename ); #else unlink( gzp->output_filename ); #endif } else { #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Keeping workfile [%s]...", cn, npp(gzp->output_filename)); #endif } } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_USES_APACHE_LOGS if ( finalize_stats ) { sprintf( log_info,"%d", (int) output_size ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_output_size",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); sprintf( log_info,"%d", (int) compression_ratio ); ap_table_setn( r->notes,"mod_gzip_compression_ratio",ap_pstrdup(r->pool,log_info)); } #endif if ( r->server->loglevel == APLOG_DEBUG ) { ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_DEBUG, r->server, "mod_gzip: r->uri=[%s] OK: Bytes In:%ld Out:%ld Compression: %ld pct.", r->uri, (long) input_size, (long) output_size, (long) compression_ratio ); } #ifdef MOD_GZIP_DEBUG1 mod_gzip_printf( "%s: Exit > return( OK ) >",cn); #endif return OK; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* COMPRESSION_SUPPORT: START */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define BIG_MEM typedef unsigned uns; typedef unsigned int uni; typedef unsigned char uch; typedef unsigned short ush; typedef unsigned long ulg; typedef int gz1_file_t; #ifdef __STDC__ typedef void *voidp; #else typedef char *voidp; #endif #if defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(MSDOS) # define MSDOS #endif #if defined(__OS2__) && !defined(OS2) # define OS2 #endif #if defined(OS2) && defined(MSDOS) # undef MSDOS #endif #ifdef MSDOS # ifdef __GNUC__ # define near # else # define MAXSEG_64K # ifdef __TURBOC__ # define NO_OFF_T # ifdef __BORLANDC__ # define DIRENT # else # define NO_UTIME # endif # else # define HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H # define NO_UTIME_H # endif # endif # define PATH_SEP2 '\\' # define PATH_SEP3 ':' # define MAX_PATH_LEN 128 # define NO_MULTIPLE_DOTS # define MAX_EXT_CHARS 3 # define Z_SUFFIX "z" # define NO_CHOWN # define PROTO # define STDC_HEADERS # define NO_SIZE_CHECK # define casemap(c) tolow(c) # include # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x00 # define SET_BINARY_MODE(fd) setmode(fd, O_BINARY) # if !defined(NO_ASM) && !defined(ASMV) # define ASMV # endif #else # define near #endif #ifdef OS2 # define PATH_SEP2 '\\' # define PATH_SEP3 ':' # define MAX_PATH_LEN 260 # ifdef OS2FAT # define NO_MULTIPLE_DOTS # define MAX_EXT_CHARS 3 # define Z_SUFFIX "z" # define casemap(c) tolow(c) # endif # define NO_CHOWN # define PROTO # define STDC_HEADERS # include # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x06 # define SET_BINARY_MODE(fd) setmode(fd, O_BINARY) # ifdef _MSC_VER # define HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H # define NO_UTIME_H # define MAXSEG_64K # undef near # define near _near # endif # ifdef __EMX__ # define HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H # define NO_UTIME_H # define DIRENT # define EXPAND(argc,argv) \ {_response(&argc, &argv); _wildcard(&argc, &argv);} # endif # ifdef __BORLANDC__ # define DIRENT # endif # ifdef __ZTC__ # define NO_DIR # define NO_UTIME_H # include # define EXPAND(argc,argv) \ {response_expand(&argc, &argv);} # endif #endif #ifdef WIN32 # define HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H # define NO_UTIME_H # define PATH_SEP2 '\\' # define PATH_SEP3 ':' # undef MAX_PATH_LEN # define MAX_PATH_LEN 260 # define NO_CHOWN # define PROTO # define STDC_HEADERS # define SET_BINARY_MODE(fd) setmode(fd, O_BINARY) # include # include # ifdef NTFAT # define NO_MULTIPLE_DOTS # define MAX_EXT_CHARS 3 # define Z_SUFFIX "z" # define casemap(c) tolow(c) # endif # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x00 #endif #ifdef MSDOS # ifdef __TURBOC__ # include # define DYN_ALLOC void * fcalloc (unsigned items, unsigned size); void fcfree (void *ptr); # else # include # define fcalloc(nitems,itemsize) halloc((long)(nitems),(itemsize)) # define fcfree(ptr) hfree(ptr) # endif #else # ifdef MAXSEG_64K # define fcalloc(items,size) calloc((items),(size)) # else # define fcalloc(items,size) malloc((size_t)(items)*(size_t)(size)) # endif # define fcfree(ptr) free(ptr) #endif #if defined(VAXC) || defined(VMS) # define PATH_SEP ']' # define PATH_SEP2 ':' # define SUFFIX_SEP ';' # define NO_MULTIPLE_DOTS # define Z_SUFFIX "-gz" # define RECORD_IO 1 # define casemap(c) tolow(c) # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x02 # define OPTIONS_VAR "GZIP_OPT" # define STDC_HEADERS # define NO_UTIME # define EXPAND(argc,argv) vms_expand_args(&argc,&argv); # include # define unlink delete # ifdef VAXC # define NO_FCNTL_H # include # endif #endif #ifdef AMIGA # define PATH_SEP2 ':' # define STDC_HEADERS # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x01 # define ASMV # ifdef __GNUC__ # define DIRENT # define HAVE_UNISTD_H # else # define NO_STDIN_FSTAT # define SYSDIR # define NO_SYMLINK # define NO_CHOWN # define NO_FCNTL_H # include # define direct dirent extern void _expand_args(int *argc, char ***argv); # define EXPAND(argc,argv) _expand_args(&argc,&argv); # undef O_BINARY # endif #endif #if defined(ATARI) || defined(atarist) # ifndef STDC_HEADERS # define STDC_HEADERS # define HAVE_UNISTD_H # define DIRENT # endif # define ASMV # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x05 # ifdef TOSFS # define PATH_SEP2 '\\' # define PATH_SEP3 ':' # define MAX_PATH_LEN 128 # define NO_MULTIPLE_DOTS # define MAX_EXT_CHARS 3 # define Z_SUFFIX "z" # define NO_CHOWN # define casemap(c) tolow(c) # define NO_SYMLINK # endif #endif #ifdef MACOS # define PATH_SEP ':' # define DYN_ALLOC # define PROTO # define NO_STDIN_FSTAT # define NO_CHOWN # define NO_UTIME # define chmod(file, mode) (0) # define OPEN(name, flags, mode) open(name, flags) # define SEEKFORWARD(handle, offset) lseek( handle, offset, 1 ) # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x07 # ifdef MPW # define isatty(fd) ((fd) <= 2) # endif #endif #ifdef __50SERIES # define PATH_SEP '>' # define STDC_HEADERS # define NO_MEMORY_H # define NO_UTIME_H # define NO_UTIME # define NO_CHOWN # define NO_STDIN_FSTAT # define NO_SIZE_CHECK # define NO_SYMLINK # define RECORD_IO 1 # define casemap(c) tolow(c) # define put_char(c) put_byte((c) & 0x7F) # define get_char(c) ascii2pascii(get_byte()) # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x0F # ifdef SIGTERM # undef SIGTERM # endif #endif #if defined(pyr) && !defined(NOMEMCPY) # define NOMEMCPY #endif #ifdef TOPS20 # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x0a #endif #ifndef unix # define NO_ST_INO #endif #ifndef OS_CODE # undef OS_CODE # define OS_CODE 0x03 #endif #ifndef PATH_SEP # define PATH_SEP '/' #endif #ifndef casemap # define casemap(c) (c) #endif #ifndef OPTIONS_VAR # define OPTIONS_VAR "GZIP" #endif #ifndef Z_SUFFIX # define Z_SUFFIX ".gz" #endif #ifdef MAX_EXT_CHARS # define MAX_SUFFIX MAX_EXT_CHARS #else # define MAX_SUFFIX 30 #endif #ifndef MIN_PART # define MIN_PART 3 #endif #ifndef EXPAND # define EXPAND(argc,argv) #endif #ifndef RECORD_IO # define RECORD_IO 0 #endif #ifndef SET_BINARY_MODE # define SET_BINARY_MODE(fd) #endif #ifndef OPEN # define OPEN(name, flags, mode) open(name, flags, mode) #endif #ifndef SEEKFORWARD # define SEEKFORWARD(handle, offset) lseek( handle, offset, 1 ) #endif #ifndef get_char # define get_char() get_byte() #endif #ifndef put_char # define put_char(c) put_byte(c) #endif #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #define OK 0 #define LZ1_ERROR 1 #define WARNING 2 #define STORED 0 #define COMPRESSED 1 #define PACKED 2 #define LZHED 3 #define DEFLATED 8 #define MAX_METHODS 9 #ifndef O_CREAT #include #ifndef O_CREAT #define O_CREAT FCREAT #endif #ifndef O_EXCL #define O_EXCL FEXCL #endif #endif #ifndef S_IRUSR #define S_IRUSR 0400 #endif #ifndef S_IWUSR #define S_IWUSR 0200 #endif #define RW_USER (S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) #ifndef MAX_PATH_LEN #define MAX_PATH_LEN 256 #endif #ifndef SEEK_END #define SEEK_END 2 #endif #define PACK_MAGIC "\037\036" #define GZIP_MAGIC "\037\213" #define OLD_GZIP_MAGIC "\037\236" #define LZH_MAGIC "\037\240" #define PKZIP_MAGIC "\120\113\003\004" #define ASCII_FLAG 0x01 #define CONTINUATION 0x02 #define EXTRA_FIELD 0x04 #define ORIG_NAME 0x08 #define COMMENT 0x10 #define ENCRYPTED 0x20 #define RESERVED 0xC0 #define UNKNOWN 0xffff #define BINARY 0 #define ASCII 1 #ifndef WSIZE #define WSIZE 0x8000 #endif #ifndef INBUFSIZ #ifdef SMALL_MEM #define INBUFSIZ 0x2000 #else #define INBUFSIZ 0x8000 #endif #endif #define INBUF_EXTRA 64 #ifndef OUTBUFSIZ #ifdef SMALL_MEM #define OUTBUFSIZ 8192 #else #define OUTBUFSIZ 0x4000 #endif #endif #define OUTBUF_EXTRA 2048 #ifndef DIST_BUFSIZE #ifdef SMALL_MEM #define DIST_BUFSIZE 0x2000 #else #define DIST_BUFSIZE 0x8000 #endif #endif #ifndef BITS #define BITS 16 #endif #define LZW_MAGIC "\037\235" #define MIN_MATCH 3 #define MAX_MATCH 258 #define MIN_LOOKAHEAD (MAX_MATCH+MIN_MATCH+1) #define MAX_DIST (WSIZE-MIN_LOOKAHEAD) #ifdef SMALL_MEM #define HASH_BITS 13 #endif #ifdef MEDIUM_MEM #define HASH_BITS 14 #endif #ifndef HASH_BITS #define HASH_BITS 15 #endif #define HASH_SIZE (unsigned)(1<block_start >= 0L ? (char*)&gz1->window[(unsigned)gz1->block_start] : \ (char*)NULL, (long)gz1->strstart - gz1->block_start, (eof)) #ifdef DYN_ALLOC # define ALLOC(type, array, size) { \ array = (type*)fcalloc((size_t)(((size)+1L)/2), 2*sizeof(type)); \ if (array == NULL) error("insufficient memory"); \ } # define FREE(array) {if (array != NULL) fcfree(array), array=NULL;} #else # define ALLOC(type, array, size) # define FREE(array) #endif #define GZ1_MAX(a,b) (a >= b ? a : b) #define tolow(c) (isupper(c) ? (c)-'A'+'a' : (c)) #define smaller(tree, n, m) \ (tree[n].fc.freq < tree[m].fc.freq || \ (tree[n].fc.freq == tree[m].fc.freq && gz1->depth[n] <= gz1->depth[m])) #define send_code(c, tree) send_bits(gz1,tree[c].fc.code, tree[c].dl.len) #define put_byte(c) {gz1->outbuf[gz1->outcnt++]=(uch)(c); if (gz1->outcnt==OUTBUFSIZ)\ flush_outbuf(gz1);} #define put_short(w) \ { if (gz1->outcnt < OUTBUFSIZ-2) { \ gz1->outbuf[gz1->outcnt++] = (uch) ((w) & 0xff); \ gz1->outbuf[gz1->outcnt++] = (uch) ((ush)(w) >> 8); \ } else { \ put_byte((uch)((w) & 0xff)); \ put_byte((uch)((ush)(w) >> 8)); \ } \ } #define put_long(n) { \ put_short((n) & 0xffff); \ put_short(((ulg)(n)) >> 16); \ } #ifdef CRYPT # define NEXTBYTE() \ (decrypt ? (cc = get_byte(), zdecode(cc), cc) : get_byte()) #else # define NEXTBYTE() (uch)get_byte() #endif #define NEEDBITS(n) {while(k<(n)){b|=((ulg)NEXTBYTE())<>=(n);k-=(n);} #define SH(p) ((ush)(uch)((p)[0]) | ((ush)(uch)((p)[1]) << 8)) #define LG(p) ((ulg)(SH(p)) | ((ulg)(SH((p)+2)) << 16)) #define put_ubyte(c) {gz1->window[gz1->outcnt++]=(uch)(c); if (gz1->outcnt==WSIZE)\ flush_window(gz1);} #define WARN(msg) { if (gz1->exit_code == OK) gz1->exit_code = WARNING; } #define get_byte() (gz1->inptr < gz1->insize ? gz1->inbuf[gz1->inptr++] : fill_inbuf(gz1,0)) #define try_byte() (gz1->inptr < gz1->insize ? gz1->inbuf[gz1->inptr++] : fill_inbuf(gz1,1)) #define d_code(dist) \ ((dist) < 256 ? gz1->dist_code[dist] : gz1->dist_code[256+((dist)>>7)]) typedef struct config { ush good_length; ush max_lazy; ush nice_length; ush max_chain; } config; config configuration_table[10] = { {0, 0, 0, 0}, {4, 4, 8, 4}, {4, 5, 16, 8}, {4, 6, 32, 32}, {4, 4, 16, 16}, {8, 16, 32, 32}, {8, 16, 128, 128}, {8, 32, 128, 256}, {32, 128, 258, 1024}, {32, 258, 258, 4096}}; typedef struct ct_data { union { ush freq; ush code; } fc; union { ush dad; ush len; } dl; } ct_data; typedef struct tree_desc { ct_data *dyn_tree; ct_data *static_tree; int *extra_bits; int extra_base; int elems; int max_length; int max_code; } tree_desc; struct huft { uch e; uch b; union { ush n; struct huft *t; } v; }; uch bl_order[BL_CODES] = {16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15}; int extra_lbits[LENGTH_CODES] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0}; int extra_dbits[D_CODES] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13}; int extra_blbits[BL_CODES] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7}; ulg crc_32_tab[] = { 0x00000000L, 0x77073096L, 0xee0e612cL, 0x990951baL, 0x076dc419L, 0x706af48fL, 0xe963a535L, 0x9e6495a3L, 0x0edb8832L, 0x79dcb8a4L, 0xe0d5e91eL, 0x97d2d988L, 0x09b64c2bL, 0x7eb17cbdL, 0xe7b82d07L, 0x90bf1d91L, 0x1db71064L, 0x6ab020f2L, 0xf3b97148L, 0x84be41deL, 0x1adad47dL, 0x6ddde4ebL, 0xf4d4b551L, 0x83d385c7L, 0x136c9856L, 0x646ba8c0L, 0xfd62f97aL, 0x8a65c9ecL, 0x14015c4fL, 0x63066cd9L, 0xfa0f3d63L, 0x8d080df5L, 0x3b6e20c8L, 0x4c69105eL, 0xd56041e4L, 0xa2677172L, 0x3c03e4d1L, 0x4b04d447L, 0xd20d85fdL, 0xa50ab56bL, 0x35b5a8faL, 0x42b2986cL, 0xdbbbc9d6L, 0xacbcf940L, 0x32d86ce3L, 0x45df5c75L, 0xdcd60dcfL, 0xabd13d59L, 0x26d930acL, 0x51de003aL, 0xc8d75180L, 0xbfd06116L, 0x21b4f4b5L, 0x56b3c423L, 0xcfba9599L, 0xb8bda50fL, 0x2802b89eL, 0x5f058808L, 0xc60cd9b2L, 0xb10be924L, 0x2f6f7c87L, 0x58684c11L, 0xc1611dabL, 0xb6662d3dL, 0x76dc4190L, 0x01db7106L, 0x98d220bcL, 0xefd5102aL, 0x71b18589L, 0x06b6b51fL, 0x9fbfe4a5L, 0xe8b8d433L, 0x7807c9a2L, 0x0f00f934L, 0x9609a88eL, 0xe10e9818L, 0x7f6a0dbbL, 0x086d3d2dL, 0x91646c97L, 0xe6635c01L, 0x6b6b51f4L, 0x1c6c6162L, 0x856530d8L, 0xf262004eL, 0x6c0695edL, 0x1b01a57bL, 0x8208f4c1L, 0xf50fc457L, 0x65b0d9c6L, 0x12b7e950L, 0x8bbeb8eaL, 0xfcb9887cL, 0x62dd1ddfL, 0x15da2d49L, 0x8cd37cf3L, 0xfbd44c65L, 0x4db26158L, 0x3ab551ceL, 0xa3bc0074L, 0xd4bb30e2L, 0x4adfa541L, 0x3dd895d7L, 0xa4d1c46dL, 0xd3d6f4fbL, 0x4369e96aL, 0x346ed9fcL, 0xad678846L, 0xda60b8d0L, 0x44042d73L, 0x33031de5L, 0xaa0a4c5fL, 0xdd0d7cc9L, 0x5005713cL, 0x270241aaL, 0xbe0b1010L, 0xc90c2086L, 0x5768b525L, 0x206f85b3L, 0xb966d409L, 0xce61e49fL, 0x5edef90eL, 0x29d9c998L, 0xb0d09822L, 0xc7d7a8b4L, 0x59b33d17L, 0x2eb40d81L, 0xb7bd5c3bL, 0xc0ba6cadL, 0xedb88320L, 0x9abfb3b6L, 0x03b6e20cL, 0x74b1d29aL, 0xead54739L, 0x9dd277afL, 0x04db2615L, 0x73dc1683L, 0xe3630b12L, 0x94643b84L, 0x0d6d6a3eL, 0x7a6a5aa8L, 0xe40ecf0bL, 0x9309ff9dL, 0x0a00ae27L, 0x7d079eb1L, 0xf00f9344L, 0x8708a3d2L, 0x1e01f268L, 0x6906c2feL, 0xf762575dL, 0x806567cbL, 0x196c3671L, 0x6e6b06e7L, 0xfed41b76L, 0x89d32be0L, 0x10da7a5aL, 0x67dd4accL, 0xf9b9df6fL, 0x8ebeeff9L, 0x17b7be43L, 0x60b08ed5L, 0xd6d6a3e8L, 0xa1d1937eL, 0x38d8c2c4L, 0x4fdff252L, 0xd1bb67f1L, 0xa6bc5767L, 0x3fb506ddL, 0x48b2364bL, 0xd80d2bdaL, 0xaf0a1b4cL, 0x36034af6L, 0x41047a60L, 0xdf60efc3L, 0xa867df55L, 0x316e8eefL, 0x4669be79L, 0xcb61b38cL, 0xbc66831aL, 0x256fd2a0L, 0x5268e236L, 0xcc0c7795L, 0xbb0b4703L, 0x220216b9L, 0x5505262fL, 0xc5ba3bbeL, 0xb2bd0b28L, 0x2bb45a92L, 0x5cb36a04L, 0xc2d7ffa7L, 0xb5d0cf31L, 0x2cd99e8bL, 0x5bdeae1dL, 0x9b64c2b0L, 0xec63f226L, 0x756aa39cL, 0x026d930aL, 0x9c0906a9L, 0xeb0e363fL, 0x72076785L, 0x05005713L, 0x95bf4a82L, 0xe2b87a14L, 0x7bb12baeL, 0x0cb61b38L, 0x92d28e9bL, 0xe5d5be0dL, 0x7cdcefb7L, 0x0bdbdf21L, 0x86d3d2d4L, 0xf1d4e242L, 0x68ddb3f8L, 0x1fda836eL, 0x81be16cdL, 0xf6b9265bL, 0x6fb077e1L, 0x18b74777L, 0x88085ae6L, 0xff0f6a70L, 0x66063bcaL, 0x11010b5cL, 0x8f659effL, 0xf862ae69L, 0x616bffd3L, 0x166ccf45L, 0xa00ae278L, 0xd70dd2eeL, 0x4e048354L, 0x3903b3c2L, 0xa7672661L, 0xd06016f7L, 0x4969474dL, 0x3e6e77dbL, 0xaed16a4aL, 0xd9d65adcL, 0x40df0b66L, 0x37d83bf0L, 0xa9bcae53L, 0xdebb9ec5L, 0x47b2cf7fL, 0x30b5ffe9L, 0xbdbdf21cL, 0xcabac28aL, 0x53b39330L, 0x24b4a3a6L, 0xbad03605L, 0xcdd70693L, 0x54de5729L, 0x23d967bfL, 0xb3667a2eL, 0xc4614ab8L, 0x5d681b02L, 0x2a6f2b94L, 0xb40bbe37L, 0xc30c8ea1L, 0x5a05df1bL, 0x2d02ef8dL }; typedef struct _GZ1 { long versionid1; int state; int done; int deflate1_initialized; unsigned deflate1_hash_head; unsigned deflate1_prev_match; int deflate1_flush; int deflate1_match_available; unsigned deflate1_match_length; char ifname[MAX_PATH_LEN]; char ofname[MAX_PATH_LEN]; struct stat istat; gz1_file_t zfile; int input_ismem; char *input_ptr; long input_bytesleft; int output_ismem; char *output_ptr; uns output_maxlen; int compr_level; long time_stamp; long ifile_size; int ifd; int ofd; int part_nb; int last_member; int save_orig_name; long header_bytes; long bytes_in; long bytes_out; uns insize; uns inptr; uns outcnt; uns ins_h; long block_start; uns good_match; uni max_lazy_match; uni prev_length; uns max_chain_length; uns strstart; uns match_start; int eofile; uns lookahead; ush *file_type; int *file_method; ulg opt_len; ulg static_len; ulg compressed_len; ulg input_len; uns last_flags; uch flags; uns last_lit; uns last_dist; uch flag_bit; int heap_len; int heap_max; ulg bb; uns bk; ush bi_buf; int bi_valid; uns hufts; int decrypt; int ascii; int msg_done; int abortflag; int decompress; int do_lzw; int to_stdout; int force; int verbose; int quiet; int list; int test; int ext_header; int pkzip; int method; int level; int no_time; int no_name; int exit_code; int lbits; int dbits; ulg window_size; ulg crc; uch dist_code[512]; uch length_code[MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1]; int heap[2*L_CODES+1]; uch depth[2*L_CODES+1]; int base_length[LENGTH_CODES]; int base_dist[D_CODES]; ush bl_count[MAX_BITS+1]; uch flag_buf[(LIT_BUFSIZE/8)]; #ifdef DYN_ALLOC uch *inbuf; uch *outbuf; ush *d_buf; uch *window; #else uch inbuf [INBUFSIZ +INBUF_EXTRA]; uch outbuf[OUTBUFSIZ+OUTBUF_EXTRA]; ush d_buf [DIST_BUFSIZE]; uch window[2L*WSIZE]; #endif #ifdef FULL_SEARCH #define nice_match MAX_MATCH #else int nice_match; #endif #ifdef CRYPT uch cc; #endif ct_data static_ltree[L_CODES+2]; ct_data static_dtree[D_CODES]; ct_data dyn_dtree[(2*D_CODES+1)]; ct_data dyn_ltree[HEAP_SIZE]; ct_data bl_tree[2*BL_CODES+1]; tree_desc l_desc; tree_desc d_desc; tree_desc bl_desc; #ifndef MAXSEG_64K ush prev2[1L<prev2 #define head (gz1->prev2+WSIZE) #else ush * prev2; ush * tab_prefix1; #define prev gz1->prev2 #define head gz1->tab_prefix1 #endif } GZ1; typedef GZ1 *PGZ1; int gz1_size = sizeof( GZ1 ); /* Declare some local function protypes... */ /* Any routine name that can/might conflict with */ /* other modules or object code should simply have */ /* the standard prefix 'gz1_' added to the front. */ /* This will only usually be any kind of problem at all */ /* if the code is being compiled directly into the parent */ /* instead of being built as a standalone DLL or DSO library. */ PGZ1 gz1_init ( void ); int gz1_cleanup ( PGZ1 gz1 ); ulg gz1_deflate ( PGZ1 gz1 ); ulg gz1_deflate_fast( PGZ1 gz1 ); /* The rest of the routines should not need the 'gz1_' prefix. */ /* No conflicts reported at this time. */ int inflate ( PGZ1 gz1 ); int inflate_dynamic( PGZ1 gz1 ); int inflate_stored ( PGZ1 gz1 ); int inflate_fixed ( PGZ1 gz1 ); void fill_window ( PGZ1 gz1 ); void flush_outbuf ( PGZ1 gz1 ); void flush_window ( PGZ1 gz1 ); void bi_windup ( PGZ1 gz1 ); void set_file_type ( PGZ1 gz1 ); void init_block ( PGZ1 gz1 ); int build_bl_tree ( PGZ1 gz1 ); void read_error ( PGZ1 gz1 ); void write_error ( PGZ1 gz1 ); int get_header ( PGZ1 gz1, int in ); int inflate_block ( PGZ1 gz1, int *e ); int fill_inbuf ( PGZ1 gz1, int eof_ok ); char *gz1_basename ( PGZ1 gz1, char *fname ); int longest_match ( PGZ1 gz1, unsigned cur_match ); void bi_init ( PGZ1 gz1, gz1_file_t zipfile ); int file_read ( PGZ1 gz1, char *buf, unsigned size ); void write_buf ( PGZ1 gz1, int fd, voidp buf, unsigned cnt ); void error( char *msg ); int zip( PGZ1 gz1, int in, int out ); ulg flush_block( PGZ1 gz1, char *buf, ulg stored_len, int eof ); void copy_block( PGZ1 gz1, char *buf, unsigned len, int header ); int ct_tally( PGZ1 gz1, int dist, int lc ); void send_bits( PGZ1 gz1, int value, int length ); void send_tree( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *tree, int max_code ); void send_all_trees( PGZ1 gz1, int lcodes, int dcodes, int blcodes ); void ct_init( PGZ1 gz1, ush *attr, int *methodp ); void lm_init( PGZ1 gz1, int pack_level, ush *flags ); void build_tree( PGZ1 gz1, tree_desc *desc ); void compress_block( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *ltree, ct_data *dtree ); void gen_bitlen( PGZ1 gz1, tree_desc *desc ); void pqdownheap( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *tree, int k ); int huft_build( PGZ1 gz1, unsigned *b, unsigned n, unsigned s, ush *d, ush *e, struct huft **t, int *m ); ulg updcrc( PGZ1 gz1, uch *s, unsigned n ); int inflate_codes( PGZ1 gz1, struct huft *tl, struct huft *td, int bl, int bd ); void gen_codes( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *tree, int max_code ); void scan_tree( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *tree, int max_code ); unsigned bi_reverse( PGZ1 gz1, unsigned code, int len ); int huft_free( PGZ1 gz1, struct huft *t ); PGZ1 gz1_init() { PGZ1 gz1=0; gz1 = (PGZ1) malloc( gz1_size ); if ( !gz1 ) { return 0; } memset( gz1, 0, gz1_size ); ALLOC(uch, gz1->inbuf, INBUFSIZ +INBUF_EXTRA); if ( !gz1->inbuf ) { free( gz1 ); return 0; } ALLOC(uch, gz1->outbuf, OUTBUFSIZ+OUTBUF_EXTRA); if ( !gz1->outbuf ) { FREE( gz1->inbuf ); free( gz1 ); return 0; } ALLOC(ush, gz1->d_buf, DIST_BUFSIZE); if ( !gz1->d_buf ) { FREE( gz1->outbuf ); FREE( gz1->inbuf ); free( gz1 ); return 0; } ALLOC(uch, gz1->window, 2L*WSIZE); if ( !gz1->window ) { FREE( gz1->d_buf ); FREE( gz1->outbuf ); FREE( gz1->inbuf ); free( gz1 ); return 0; } #ifndef MAXSEG_64K #else ALLOC(ush, gz1->prev2, 1L<<(BITS-1) ); if ( !gz1->prev2 ) { FREE( gz1->window ); FREE( gz1->d_buf ); FREE( gz1->outbuf ); FREE( gz1->inbuf ); free( gz1 ); return 0; } ALLOC(ush, gz1->tab_prefix1, 1L<<(BITS-1) ); if ( !gz1->tab_prefix1 ) { FREE( gz1->prev2 ); FREE( gz1->window ); FREE( gz1->d_buf ); FREE( gz1->outbuf ); FREE( gz1->inbuf ); free( gz1 ); return 0; } #endif gz1->method = DEFLATED; gz1->level = 6; gz1->no_time = -1; gz1->no_name = -1; gz1->exit_code = OK; gz1->lbits = 9; gz1->dbits = 6; gz1->window_size = (ulg)2*WSIZE; gz1->crc = (ulg)0xffffffffL; gz1->d_desc.dyn_tree = (ct_data *) gz1->dyn_dtree; gz1->d_desc.static_tree = (ct_data *) gz1->static_dtree; gz1->d_desc.extra_bits = (int *) extra_dbits; gz1->d_desc.extra_base = (int ) 0; gz1->d_desc.elems = (int ) D_CODES; gz1->d_desc.max_length = (int ) MAX_BITS; gz1->d_desc.max_code = (int ) 0; gz1->l_desc.dyn_tree = (ct_data *) gz1->dyn_ltree; gz1->l_desc.static_tree = (ct_data *) gz1->static_ltree; gz1->l_desc.extra_bits = (int *) extra_lbits; gz1->l_desc.extra_base = (int ) LITERALS+1; gz1->l_desc.elems = (int ) L_CODES; gz1->l_desc.max_length = (int ) MAX_BITS; gz1->l_desc.max_code = (int ) 0; gz1->bl_desc.dyn_tree = (ct_data *) gz1->bl_tree; gz1->bl_desc.static_tree = (ct_data *) 0; gz1->bl_desc.extra_bits = (int *) extra_blbits; gz1->bl_desc.extra_base = (int ) 0; gz1->bl_desc.elems = (int ) BL_CODES; gz1->bl_desc.max_length = (int ) MAX_BL_BITS; gz1->bl_desc.max_code = (int ) 0; return (PGZ1) gz1; } int gz1_cleanup( PGZ1 gz1 ) { #ifndef MAXSEG_64K #else FREE( gz1->tab_prefix1 ); FREE( gz1->prev2 ); #endif FREE( gz1->window ); FREE( gz1->d_buf ); FREE( gz1->outbuf ); FREE( gz1->inbuf ); free( gz1 ); gz1 = 0; return 0; } int (*read_buf)(PGZ1 gz1, char *buf, unsigned size); void error( char *msg ) { msg = msg; } int (*work)( PGZ1 gz1, int infile, int outfile ) = 0; #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma argsused #endif int get_header( PGZ1 gz1, int in ) { uch flags; char magic[2]; ulg stamp; unsigned len; unsigned part; if ( gz1->force && gz1->to_stdout ) { magic[0] = (char)try_byte(); magic[1] = (char)try_byte(); } else { magic[0] = (char)get_byte(); magic[1] = (char)get_byte(); } gz1->method = -1; gz1->header_bytes = 0; gz1->last_member = RECORD_IO; gz1->part_nb++; if ( memcmp(magic, GZIP_MAGIC, 2 ) == 0 || memcmp(magic, OLD_GZIP_MAGIC, 2 ) == 0 ) { gz1->method = (int)get_byte(); if ( gz1->method != DEFLATED ) { gz1->exit_code = LZ1_ERROR; return -1; } return -1; if ((flags & ENCRYPTED) != 0) { gz1->exit_code = LZ1_ERROR; return -1; } if ((flags & CONTINUATION) != 0) { gz1->exit_code = LZ1_ERROR; if ( gz1->force <= 1) return -1; } if ((flags & RESERVED) != 0) { gz1->exit_code = LZ1_ERROR; if ( gz1->force <= 1) return -1; } stamp = (ulg)get_byte(); stamp |= ((ulg)get_byte()) << 8; stamp |= ((ulg)get_byte()) << 16; stamp |= ((ulg)get_byte()) << 24; if ( stamp != 0 && !gz1->no_time ) { gz1->time_stamp = stamp; } (void)get_byte(); (void)get_byte(); if ((flags & CONTINUATION) != 0) { part = (unsigned) get_byte(); part |= ((unsigned) get_byte())<<8; } if ((flags & EXTRA_FIELD) != 0) { len = (unsigned) get_byte(); len |= ((unsigned) get_byte())<<8; while (len--) (void)get_byte(); } if ((flags & COMMENT) != 0) { while (get_char() != 0) ; } if ( gz1->part_nb == 1 ) { gz1->header_bytes = gz1->inptr + 2*sizeof(long); } } return gz1->method; } int fill_inbuf( PGZ1 gz1, int eof_ok ) { int len; int bytes_to_copy; gz1->insize = 0; errno = 0; do { if ( gz1->input_ismem ) { if ( gz1->input_bytesleft > 0 ) { bytes_to_copy = INBUFSIZ - gz1->insize; if ( bytes_to_copy > gz1->input_bytesleft ) { bytes_to_copy = gz1->input_bytesleft; } memcpy( (char*)gz1->inbuf+gz1->insize, gz1->input_ptr, bytes_to_copy ); gz1->input_ptr += bytes_to_copy; gz1->input_bytesleft -= bytes_to_copy; len = bytes_to_copy; } else { len = 0; } } else { len = read( gz1->ifd, (char*)gz1->inbuf+gz1->insize, INBUFSIZ-gz1->insize ); } if (len == 0 || len == EOF) break; gz1->insize += len; } while( gz1->insize < INBUFSIZ ); if ( gz1->insize == 0 ) { if( eof_ok ) return EOF; read_error( gz1 ); } gz1->bytes_in += (ulg) gz1->insize; gz1->inptr = 1; return gz1->inbuf[0]; } ulg updcrc( PGZ1 gz1, uch *s, unsigned n ) { register ulg c; if ( s == NULL ) { c = 0xffffffffL; } else { c = gz1->crc; if ( n ) { do{ c = crc_32_tab[((int)c ^ (*s++)) & 0xff] ^ (c >> 8); } while( --n ); } } gz1->crc = c; return( c ^ 0xffffffffL ); } void read_error( PGZ1 gz1 ) { gz1->abortflag = 1; } void mod_gzip_strlwr( char *s ) { char *p1=s; if ( s == 0 ) return; while ( *p1 != 0 ) { if ( *p1 > 96 ) *p1 = *p1 - 32; p1++; } } #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma argsused #endif char *gz1_basename( PGZ1 gz1, char *fname ) { char *p; if ((p = strrchr(fname, PATH_SEP)) != NULL) fname = p+1; #ifdef PATH_SEP2 if ((p = strrchr(fname, PATH_SEP2)) != NULL) fname = p+1; #endif #ifdef PATH_SEP3 if ((p = strrchr(fname, PATH_SEP3)) != NULL) fname = p+1; #endif #ifdef SUFFIX_SEP if ((p = strrchr(fname, SUFFIX_SEP)) != NULL) *p = '\0'; #endif if (casemap('A') == 'a') mod_gzip_strlwr(fname); return fname; } void write_buf( PGZ1 gz1, int fd, voidp buf, unsigned cnt ) { unsigned n; if ( gz1->output_ismem ) { if ( ( gz1->bytes_out + cnt ) < gz1->output_maxlen ) { memcpy( gz1->output_ptr, buf, cnt ); gz1->output_ptr += cnt; } else { write_error( gz1 ); } } else { while ((n = write(fd, buf, cnt)) != cnt) { if (n == (unsigned)(-1)) { write_error( gz1 ); } cnt -= n; buf = (voidp)((char*)buf+n); } } } void write_error( PGZ1 gz1 ) { gz1->abortflag = 1; } #ifdef __TURBOC__ #ifndef BC55 static ush ptr_offset = 0; void * fcalloc( unsigned items, unsigned size ) { void * buf = farmalloc((ulg)items*size + 16L); if (buf == NULL) return NULL; if (ptr_offset == 0) { ptr_offset = (ush)((uch*)buf-0); } else if (ptr_offset != (ush)((uch*)buf-0)) { error("inconsistent ptr_offset"); } *((ush*)&buf+1) += (ptr_offset + 15) >> 4; *(ush*)&buf = 0; return buf; } void fcfree( void *ptr ) { *((ush*)&ptr+1) -= (ptr_offset + 15) >> 4; *(ush*)&ptr = ptr_offset; farfree(ptr); } #endif #endif int zip( PGZ1 gz1, int in, int out ) { uch flags = 0; ush attr = 0; ush deflate_flags = 0; gz1->ifd = in; gz1->ofd = out; gz1->outcnt = 0; gz1->method = DEFLATED; put_byte(GZIP_MAGIC[0]); put_byte(GZIP_MAGIC[1]); put_byte(DEFLATED); if ( gz1->save_orig_name ) { flags |= ORIG_NAME; } put_byte(flags); put_long(gz1->time_stamp); gz1->crc = -1; updcrc( gz1, NULL, 0 ); bi_init( gz1, out ); ct_init( gz1, &attr, &gz1->method ); lm_init( gz1, gz1->level, &deflate_flags ); put_byte((uch)deflate_flags); put_byte(OS_CODE); if ( gz1->save_orig_name ) { char *p = gz1_basename( gz1, gz1->ifname ); do { put_char(*p); } while (*p++); } gz1->header_bytes = (long)gz1->outcnt; (void) gz1_deflate( gz1 ); put_long( gz1->crc ); put_long( gz1->bytes_in ); gz1->header_bytes += 2*sizeof(long); flush_outbuf( gz1 ); return OK; } ulg gz1_deflate( PGZ1 gz1 ) { unsigned hash_head; unsigned prev_match; int flush; int match_available = 0; register unsigned match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; #ifdef DEBUG long isize; #endif if (gz1->compr_level <= 3) { return gz1_deflate_fast(gz1); } while (gz1->lookahead != 0) { gz1->ins_h = (((gz1->ins_h)<window[gz1->strstart+MIN_MATCH-1])) & HASH_MASK; prev[ gz1->strstart & WMASK ] = hash_head = head[ gz1->ins_h ]; head[ gz1->ins_h ] = gz1->strstart; gz1->prev_length = match_length, prev_match = gz1->match_start; match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; if (hash_head != NIL && gz1->prev_length < gz1->max_lazy_match && gz1->strstart - hash_head <= MAX_DIST) { match_length = longest_match( gz1, hash_head ); if (match_length > gz1->lookahead) match_length = gz1->lookahead; if (match_length == MIN_MATCH && gz1->strstart-gz1->match_start > TOO_FAR){ match_length--; } } if (gz1->prev_length >= MIN_MATCH && match_length <= gz1->prev_length) { flush = ct_tally(gz1,gz1->strstart-1-prev_match, gz1->prev_length - MIN_MATCH); gz1->lookahead -= ( gz1->prev_length - 1 ); gz1->prev_length -= 2; do { gz1->strstart++; gz1->ins_h = (((gz1->ins_h)<window[ gz1->strstart + MIN_MATCH-1])) & HASH_MASK; prev[ gz1->strstart & WMASK ] = hash_head = head[gz1->ins_h]; head[ gz1->ins_h ] = gz1->strstart; } while (--gz1->prev_length != 0); match_available = 0; match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; gz1->strstart++; if (flush) FLUSH_BLOCK(0), gz1->block_start = gz1->strstart; } else if (match_available) { if (ct_tally( gz1, 0, gz1->window[gz1->strstart-1] )) { FLUSH_BLOCK(0), gz1->block_start = gz1->strstart; } gz1->strstart++; gz1->lookahead--; } else { match_available = 1; gz1->strstart++; gz1->lookahead--; } while (gz1->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && !gz1->eofile) fill_window(gz1); } if (match_available) ct_tally( gz1, 0, gz1->window[gz1->strstart-1] ); return FLUSH_BLOCK(1); return 0; } void flush_outbuf( PGZ1 gz1 ) { if ( gz1->outcnt == 0 ) { return; } write_buf( gz1, gz1->ofd, (char *)gz1->outbuf, gz1->outcnt ); gz1->bytes_out += (ulg)gz1->outcnt; gz1->outcnt = 0; } void lm_init( PGZ1 gz1, int pack_level, ush *flags ) { register unsigned j; if ( pack_level < 1 || pack_level > 9 ) { error("bad pack level"); } gz1->compr_level = pack_level; #if defined(MAXSEG_64K) && HASH_BITS == 15 for (j = 0; j < HASH_SIZE; j++) head[j] = NIL; #else memset( (char*)head, 0, (HASH_SIZE*sizeof(*head)) ); #endif gz1->max_lazy_match = configuration_table[pack_level].max_lazy; gz1->good_match = configuration_table[pack_level].good_length; #ifndef FULL_SEARCH gz1->nice_match = configuration_table[pack_level].nice_length; #endif gz1->max_chain_length = configuration_table[pack_level].max_chain; if ( pack_level == 1 ) { *flags |= FAST; } else if ( pack_level == 9 ) { *flags |= SLOW; } gz1->strstart = 0; gz1->block_start = 0L; #ifdef ASMV match_init(); #endif gz1->lookahead = read_buf(gz1,(char*)gz1->window, sizeof(int) <= 2 ? (unsigned)WSIZE : 2*WSIZE); if (gz1->lookahead == 0 || gz1->lookahead == (unsigned)EOF) { gz1->eofile = 1, gz1->lookahead = 0; return; } gz1->eofile = 0; while (gz1->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && !gz1->eofile) { fill_window(gz1); } gz1->ins_h = 0; for ( j=0; jins_h = (((gz1->ins_h)<window[j])) & HASH_MASK; } } void fill_window( PGZ1 gz1 ) { register unsigned n, m; unsigned more = (unsigned)( gz1->window_size - (ulg)gz1->lookahead - (ulg)gz1->strstart ); if ( more == (unsigned)EOF) { more--; } else if ( gz1->strstart >= WSIZE+MAX_DIST ) { memcpy((char*)gz1->window, (char*)gz1->window+WSIZE, (unsigned)WSIZE); gz1->match_start -= WSIZE; gz1->strstart -= WSIZE; gz1->block_start -= (long) WSIZE; for ( n = 0; n < HASH_SIZE; n++ ) { m = head[n]; head[n] = (ush)(m >= WSIZE ? m-WSIZE : NIL); } for ( n = 0; n < WSIZE; n++ ) { m = prev[n]; prev[n] = (ush)(m >= WSIZE ? m-WSIZE : NIL); } more += WSIZE; } if ( !gz1->eofile ) { n = read_buf(gz1,(char*)gz1->window+gz1->strstart+gz1->lookahead, more); if ( n == 0 || n == (unsigned)EOF ) { gz1->eofile = 1; } else { gz1->lookahead += n; } } } ulg gz1_deflate_fast( PGZ1 gz1 ) { unsigned hash_head; int flush; unsigned match_length = 0; gz1->prev_length = MIN_MATCH-1; while (gz1->lookahead != 0) { gz1->ins_h = (((gz1->ins_h)<window[ gz1->strstart + MIN_MATCH-1])) & HASH_MASK; prev[ gz1->strstart & WMASK ] = hash_head = head[ gz1->ins_h ]; head[ gz1->ins_h ] = gz1->strstart; if (hash_head != NIL && gz1->strstart - hash_head <= MAX_DIST) { match_length = longest_match( gz1, hash_head ); if (match_length > gz1->lookahead) match_length = gz1->lookahead; } if (match_length >= MIN_MATCH) { flush = ct_tally(gz1,gz1->strstart-gz1->match_start, match_length - MIN_MATCH); gz1->lookahead -= match_length; if (match_length <= gz1->max_lazy_match ) { match_length--; do { gz1->strstart++; gz1->ins_h = (((gz1->ins_h)<window[ gz1->strstart + MIN_MATCH-1])) & HASH_MASK; prev[ gz1->strstart & WMASK ] = hash_head = head[ gz1->ins_h ]; head[ gz1->ins_h ] = gz1->strstart; } while (--match_length != 0); gz1->strstart++; } else { gz1->strstart += match_length; match_length = 0; gz1->ins_h = gz1->window[gz1->strstart]; gz1->ins_h = (((gz1->ins_h)<window[gz1->strstart+1])) & HASH_MASK; #if MIN_MATCH != 3 Call UPDATE_HASH() MIN_MATCH-3 more times #endif } } else { flush = ct_tally(gz1, 0, gz1->window[gz1->strstart]); gz1->lookahead--; gz1->strstart++; } if (flush) FLUSH_BLOCK(0), gz1->block_start = gz1->strstart; while (gz1->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && !gz1->eofile) fill_window(gz1); } return FLUSH_BLOCK(1); } void ct_init( PGZ1 gz1, ush *attr, int *methodp ) { #ifdef DD1 int i,ii; #endif int n; int bits; int length; int code; int dist; gz1->file_type = attr; gz1->file_method = methodp; gz1->compressed_len = gz1->input_len = 0L; if ( gz1->static_dtree[0].dl.len != 0 ) { return; } length = 0; for ( code = 0; code < LENGTH_CODES-1; code++ ) { gz1->base_length[code] = length; for ( n = 0; n < (1<length_code[length++] = (uch)code; } } gz1->length_code[length-1] = (uch)code; dist = 0; for ( code = 0 ; code < 16; code++ ) { gz1->base_dist[code] = dist; for ( n = 0; n < (1<dist_code[dist++] = (uch)code; } } dist >>= 7; for ( ; code < D_CODES; code++ ) { gz1->base_dist[code] = dist << 7; for ( n = 0; n < (1<<(extra_dbits[code]-7)); n++ ) { gz1->dist_code[256 + dist++] = (uch)code; } } for ( bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++ ) { gz1->bl_count[bits] = 0; } n = 0; while (n <= 143) gz1->static_ltree[n++].dl.len = 8, gz1->bl_count[8]++; while (n <= 255) gz1->static_ltree[n++].dl.len = 9, gz1->bl_count[9]++; while (n <= 279) gz1->static_ltree[n++].dl.len = 7, gz1->bl_count[7]++; while (n <= 287) gz1->static_ltree[n++].dl.len = 8, gz1->bl_count[8]++; gen_codes(gz1,(ct_data *)gz1->static_ltree, L_CODES+1); for ( n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++ ) { gz1->static_dtree[n].dl.len = 5; gz1->static_dtree[n].fc.code = bi_reverse( gz1, n, 5 ); } init_block( gz1 ); } ulg flush_block( PGZ1 gz1, char *buf, ulg stored_len, int eof ) { ulg opt_lenb; ulg static_lenb; int max_blindex; gz1->flag_buf[gz1->last_flags] = gz1->flags; if (*gz1->file_type == (ush)UNKNOWN) set_file_type(gz1); build_tree( gz1, (tree_desc *)(&gz1->l_desc) ); build_tree( gz1, (tree_desc *)(&gz1->d_desc) ); max_blindex = build_bl_tree( gz1 ); opt_lenb = (gz1->opt_len+3+7)>>3; static_lenb = (gz1->static_len+3+7)>>3; gz1->input_len += stored_len; if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb) opt_lenb = static_lenb; #ifdef FORCE_METHOD if ( level == 1 && eof && gz1->compressed_len == 0L ) #else if (stored_len <= opt_lenb && eof && gz1->compressed_len == 0L && 0 ) #endif { if (buf == (char*)0) error ("block vanished"); copy_block( gz1, buf, (unsigned)stored_len, 0 ); gz1->compressed_len = stored_len << 3; *gz1->file_method = STORED; #ifdef FORCE_METHOD } else if (level == 2 && buf != (char*)0) { #else } else if (stored_len+4 <= opt_lenb && buf != (char*)0) { #endif send_bits(gz1,(STORED_BLOCK<<1)+eof, 3); gz1->compressed_len = (gz1->compressed_len + 3 + 7) & ~7L; gz1->compressed_len += (stored_len + 4) << 3; copy_block(gz1, buf, (unsigned)stored_len, 1); #ifdef FORCE_METHOD } else if (level == 3) { #else } else if (static_lenb == opt_lenb) { #endif send_bits(gz1,(STATIC_TREES<<1)+eof, 3); compress_block( gz1, (ct_data *)gz1->static_ltree, (ct_data *)gz1->static_dtree ); gz1->compressed_len += 3 + gz1->static_len; } else { send_bits(gz1,(DYN_TREES<<1)+eof, 3); send_all_trees( gz1, gz1->l_desc.max_code+1, gz1->d_desc.max_code+1, max_blindex+1 ); compress_block( gz1, (ct_data *)gz1->dyn_ltree, (ct_data *)gz1->dyn_dtree ); gz1->compressed_len += 3 + gz1->opt_len; } init_block( gz1 ); if ( eof ) { bi_windup( gz1 ); gz1->compressed_len += 7; } return gz1->compressed_len >> 3; } #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma argsused #endif unsigned bi_reverse( PGZ1 gz1, unsigned code, int len ) { register unsigned res = 0; do { res |= code & 1; code >>= 1, res <<= 1; } while (--len > 0); return res >> 1; } void set_file_type( PGZ1 gz1 ) { int n = 0; unsigned ascii_freq = 0; unsigned bin_freq = 0; while (n < 7) bin_freq += gz1->dyn_ltree[n++].fc.freq; while (n < 128) ascii_freq += gz1->dyn_ltree[n++].fc.freq; while (n < LITERALS) bin_freq += gz1->dyn_ltree[n++].fc.freq; *gz1->file_type = bin_freq > (ascii_freq >> 2) ? BINARY : ASCII; } void init_block( PGZ1 gz1 ) { int n; for (n = 0; n < L_CODES; n++) gz1->dyn_ltree[n].fc.freq = 0; for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) gz1->dyn_dtree[n].fc.freq = 0; for (n = 0; n < BL_CODES; n++) gz1->bl_tree[n].fc.freq = 0; gz1->dyn_ltree[END_BLOCK].fc.freq = 1; gz1->opt_len = 0L; gz1->static_len = 0L; gz1->last_lit = 0; gz1->last_dist = 0; gz1->last_flags = 0; gz1->flags = 0; gz1->flag_bit = 1; } void bi_init( PGZ1 gz1, gz1_file_t zipfile ) { gz1->zfile = zipfile; gz1->bi_buf = 0; gz1->bi_valid = 0; if ( gz1->zfile != NO_FILE ) { read_buf = file_read; } } int ct_tally( PGZ1 gz1, int dist, int lc ) { int dcode; gz1->inbuf[gz1->last_lit++] = (uch)lc; if ( dist == 0 ) { gz1->dyn_ltree[lc].fc.freq++; } else { dist--; gz1->dyn_ltree[gz1->length_code[lc]+LITERALS+1].fc.freq++; gz1->dyn_dtree[d_code(dist)].fc.freq++; gz1->d_buf[gz1->last_dist++] = (ush)dist; gz1->flags |= gz1->flag_bit; } gz1->flag_bit <<= 1; if ( (gz1->last_lit & 7) == 0 ) { gz1->flag_buf[gz1->last_flags++] = gz1->flags; gz1->flags = 0, gz1->flag_bit = 1; } if ( gz1->level > 2 && (gz1->last_lit & 0xfff) == 0) { ulg out_length = (ulg) ( gz1->last_lit * 8L ); ulg in_length = (ulg) ( gz1->strstart - gz1->block_start ); for ( dcode = 0; dcode < D_CODES; dcode++ ) { out_length += (ulg) ((gz1->dyn_dtree[dcode].fc.freq)*(5L+extra_dbits[dcode])); } out_length >>= 3; if ( gz1->last_dist < gz1->last_lit/2 && out_length < in_length/2 ) { return 1; } } return( gz1->last_lit == LIT_BUFSIZE-1 || gz1->last_dist == DIST_BUFSIZE ); } void compress_block( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *ltree, ct_data *dtree ) { unsigned dist; int lc; unsigned lx = 0; unsigned dx = 0; unsigned fx = 0; uch flag = 0; unsigned code; int extra; if (gz1->last_lit != 0) do { if ((lx & 7) == 0) flag = gz1->flag_buf[fx++]; lc = gz1->inbuf[lx++]; if ((flag & 1) == 0) { send_code(lc, ltree); } else { code = gz1->length_code[lc]; send_code(code+LITERALS+1, ltree); extra = extra_lbits[code]; if (extra != 0) { lc -= gz1->base_length[code]; send_bits(gz1,lc, extra); } dist = gz1->d_buf[dx++]; code = d_code(dist); send_code(code, dtree); extra = extra_dbits[code]; if (extra != 0) { dist -= gz1->base_dist[code]; send_bits(gz1,dist, extra); } } flag >>= 1; } while (lx < gz1->last_lit); send_code(END_BLOCK, ltree); } #ifndef ASMV int longest_match( PGZ1 gz1, unsigned cur_match ) { unsigned chain_length = gz1->max_chain_length; register uch *scan = gz1->window + gz1->strstart; register uch *match; register int len; int best_len = gz1->prev_length; unsigned limit = gz1->strstart > (unsigned)MAX_DIST ? gz1->strstart - (unsigned)MAX_DIST : NIL; #if HASH_BITS < 8 || MAX_MATCH != 258 error: Code too clever #endif #ifdef UNALIGNED_OK register uch *strend = gz1->window + gz1->strstart + MAX_MATCH - 1; register ush scan_start = *(ush*)scan; register ush scan_end = *(ush*)(scan+best_len-1); #else register uch *strend = gz1->window + gz1->strstart + MAX_MATCH; register uch scan_end1 = scan[best_len-1]; register uch scan_end = scan[best_len]; #endif if (gz1->prev_length >= gz1->good_match) { chain_length >>= 2; } do { match = gz1->window + cur_match; #if (defined(UNALIGNED_OK) && MAX_MATCH == 258) if (*(ush*)(match+best_len-1) != scan_end || *(ush*)match != scan_start) continue; scan++, match++; do { } while (*(ush*)(scan+=2) == *(ush*)(match+=2) && *(ush*)(scan+=2) == *(ush*)(match+=2) && *(ush*)(scan+=2) == *(ush*)(match+=2) && *(ush*)(scan+=2) == *(ush*)(match+=2) && scan < strend); if (*scan == *match) scan++; len = (MAX_MATCH - 1) - (int)(strend-scan); scan = strend - (MAX_MATCH-1); #else if (match[best_len] != scan_end || match[best_len-1] != scan_end1 || *match != *scan || *++match != scan[1]) continue; scan += 2, match++; do { } while (*++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && *++scan == *++match && scan < strend); len = MAX_MATCH - (int)(strend - scan); scan = strend - MAX_MATCH; #endif if (len > best_len) { gz1->match_start = cur_match; best_len = len; if (len >= gz1->nice_match) break; #ifdef UNALIGNED_OK scan_end = *(ush*)(scan+best_len-1); #else scan_end1 = scan[best_len-1]; scan_end = scan[best_len]; #endif } } while ((cur_match = prev[cur_match & WMASK]) > limit && --chain_length != 0); return best_len; } #endif void send_bits( PGZ1 gz1, int value, int length ) { if ( gz1->bi_valid > (int) BUFSIZE - length ) { gz1->bi_buf |= (value << gz1->bi_valid); put_short(gz1->bi_buf); gz1->bi_buf = (ush)value >> (BUFSIZE - gz1->bi_valid); gz1->bi_valid += length - BUFSIZE; } else { gz1->bi_buf |= value << gz1->bi_valid; gz1->bi_valid += length; } } void build_tree( PGZ1 gz1, tree_desc *desc ) { int elems = desc->elems; ct_data *tree = desc->dyn_tree; ct_data *stree = desc->static_tree; int n; int m; int max_code = -1; int node = elems; int new1; gz1->heap_len = 0, gz1->heap_max = HEAP_SIZE; for (n = 0; n < elems; n++) { if (tree[n].fc.freq != 0) { gz1->heap[++gz1->heap_len] = max_code = n; gz1->depth[n] = 0; } else { tree[n].dl.len = 0; } } while (gz1->heap_len < 2) { new1 = gz1->heap[++gz1->heap_len] = (max_code < 2 ? ++max_code : 0); tree[new1].fc.freq = 1; gz1->depth[new1] = 0; gz1->opt_len--; if (stree) gz1->static_len -= stree[new1].dl.len; } desc->max_code = max_code; for (n = gz1->heap_len/2; n >= 1; n--) pqdownheap(gz1, tree, n); do { n = gz1->heap[SMALLEST]; gz1->heap[SMALLEST] = gz1->heap[gz1->heap_len--]; pqdownheap(gz1, tree, SMALLEST); m = gz1->heap[SMALLEST]; gz1->heap[--gz1->heap_max] = n; gz1->heap[--gz1->heap_max] = m; tree[node].fc.freq = tree[n].fc.freq + tree[m].fc.freq; gz1->depth[node] = (uch) (GZ1_MAX(gz1->depth[n], gz1->depth[m]) + 1); tree[n].dl.dad = tree[m].dl.dad = (ush)node; gz1->heap[SMALLEST] = node++; pqdownheap(gz1, tree, SMALLEST); } while (gz1->heap_len >= 2); gz1->heap[--gz1->heap_max] = gz1->heap[SMALLEST]; gen_bitlen(gz1,(tree_desc *)desc); gen_codes(gz1,(ct_data *)tree, max_code); } int build_bl_tree( PGZ1 gz1 ) { int max_blindex; scan_tree( gz1, (ct_data *)gz1->dyn_ltree, gz1->l_desc.max_code ); scan_tree( gz1, (ct_data *)gz1->dyn_dtree, gz1->d_desc.max_code ); build_tree( gz1, (tree_desc *)(&gz1->bl_desc) ); for ( max_blindex = BL_CODES-1; max_blindex >= 3; max_blindex-- ) { if (gz1->bl_tree[bl_order[max_blindex]].dl.len != 0) break; } gz1->opt_len += 3*(max_blindex+1) + 5+5+4; return max_blindex; } void gen_codes( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *tree, int max_code ) { ush next_code[MAX_BITS+1]; ush code = 0; int bits; int n; for ( bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++ ) { next_code[bits] = code = (code + gz1->bl_count[bits-1]) << 1; } for ( n = 0; n <= max_code; n++ ) { int len = tree[n].dl.len; if (len == 0) continue; tree[n].fc.code = bi_reverse( gz1, next_code[len]++, len ); } return; } void gen_bitlen( PGZ1 gz1, tree_desc *desc ) { ct_data *tree = desc->dyn_tree; int *extra = desc->extra_bits; int base = desc->extra_base; int max_code = desc->max_code; int max_length = desc->max_length; ct_data *stree = desc->static_tree; int h; int n, m; int bits; int xbits; ush f; int overflow = 0; for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) gz1->bl_count[bits] = 0; tree[gz1->heap[gz1->heap_max]].dl.len = 0; for (h = gz1->heap_max+1; h < HEAP_SIZE; h++) { n = gz1->heap[h]; bits = tree[tree[n].dl.dad].dl.len + 1; if (bits > max_length) bits = max_length, overflow++; tree[n].dl.len = (ush)bits; if (n > max_code) continue; gz1->bl_count[bits]++; xbits = 0; if (n >= base) xbits = extra[n-base]; f = tree[n].fc.freq; gz1->opt_len += (ulg)f * (bits + xbits); if (stree) gz1->static_len += (ulg)f * (stree[n].dl.len + xbits); } if (overflow == 0) return; do { bits = max_length-1; while (gz1->bl_count[bits] == 0) bits--; gz1->bl_count[bits]--; gz1->bl_count[bits+1] += 2; gz1->bl_count[max_length]--; overflow -= 2; } while (overflow > 0); for (bits = max_length; bits != 0; bits--) { n = gz1->bl_count[bits]; while (n != 0) { m = gz1->heap[--h]; if (m > max_code) continue; if (tree[m].dl.len != (unsigned) bits) { gz1->opt_len += ((long)bits-(long)tree[m].dl.len)*(long)tree[m].fc.freq; tree[m].dl.len = (ush)bits; } n--; } } } void copy_block( PGZ1 gz1, char *buf, unsigned len, int header ) { #ifdef CRYPT int t; #endif bi_windup( gz1 ); if ( header ) { put_short((ush)len); put_short((ush)~len); } while( len-- ) { #ifdef CRYPT if (key) zencode(*buf, t); #endif put_byte(*buf++); } } int file_read( PGZ1 gz1, char *buf, unsigned size ) { unsigned len = 0; unsigned bytes_to_copy = 0; if ( gz1->input_ismem ) { if ( gz1->input_bytesleft > 0 ) { bytes_to_copy = size; if ( bytes_to_copy > (unsigned) gz1->input_bytesleft ) { bytes_to_copy = (unsigned) gz1->input_bytesleft; } memcpy( buf, gz1->input_ptr, bytes_to_copy ); gz1->input_ptr += bytes_to_copy; gz1->input_bytesleft -= bytes_to_copy; len = bytes_to_copy; } else { len = 0; } } else { len = read( gz1->ifd, buf, size ); } if ( len == (unsigned)(-1) || len == 0 ) { gz1->crc = gz1->crc ^ 0xffffffffL; return (int)len; } updcrc( gz1, (uch*)buf, len ); gz1->bytes_in += (ulg)len; return (int)len; } void bi_windup( PGZ1 gz1 ) { if ( gz1->bi_valid > 8 ) { put_short(gz1->bi_buf); } else if ( gz1->bi_valid > 0 ) { put_byte(gz1->bi_buf); } gz1->bi_buf = 0; gz1->bi_valid = 0; } void send_all_trees( PGZ1 gz1, int lcodes, int dcodes, int blcodes ) { int rank; send_bits(gz1,lcodes-257, 5); send_bits(gz1,dcodes-1, 5); send_bits(gz1,blcodes-4, 4); for ( rank = 0; rank < blcodes; rank++ ) { send_bits(gz1,gz1->bl_tree[bl_order[rank]].dl.len, 3 ); } send_tree(gz1,(ct_data *)gz1->dyn_ltree, lcodes-1); send_tree(gz1,(ct_data *)gz1->dyn_dtree, dcodes-1); } void send_tree( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *tree, int max_code ) { int n; int prevlen = -1; int curlen; int nextlen = tree[0].dl.len; int count = 0; int max_count = 7; int min_count = 4; if (nextlen == 0) max_count = 138, min_count = 3; for ( n = 0; n <= max_code; n++ ) { curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].dl.len; if (++count < max_count && curlen == nextlen) { continue; } else if (count < min_count) { do { send_code(curlen, gz1->bl_tree); } while (--count != 0); } else if (curlen != 0) { if ( curlen != prevlen ) { send_code(curlen, gz1->bl_tree); count--; } send_code( REP_3_6, gz1->bl_tree ); send_bits(gz1,count-3, 2); } else if (count <= 10) { send_code(REPZ_3_10, gz1->bl_tree); send_bits(gz1,count-3, 3); } else { send_code(REPZ_11_138, gz1->bl_tree); send_bits(gz1,count-11, 7); } count = 0; prevlen = curlen; if (nextlen == 0) { max_count = 138, min_count = 3; } else if (curlen == nextlen) { max_count = 6, min_count = 3; } else { max_count = 7, min_count = 4; } } } void scan_tree( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *tree, int max_code ) { int n; int prevlen = -1; int curlen; int nextlen = tree[0].dl.len; int count = 0; int max_count = 7; int min_count = 4; if (nextlen == 0) max_count = 138, min_count = 3; tree[max_code+1].dl.len = (ush)0xffff; for ( n = 0; n <= max_code; n++ ) { curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].dl.len; if ( ++count < max_count && curlen == nextlen ) { continue; } else if ( count < min_count ) { gz1->bl_tree[curlen].fc.freq += count; } else if ( curlen != 0 ) { if ( curlen != prevlen ) gz1->bl_tree[curlen].fc.freq++; gz1->bl_tree[REP_3_6].fc.freq++; } else if ( count <= 10 ) { gz1->bl_tree[REPZ_3_10].fc.freq++; } else { gz1->bl_tree[REPZ_11_138].fc.freq++; } count = 0; prevlen = curlen; if ( nextlen == 0 ) { max_count = 138; min_count = 3; } else if (curlen == nextlen) { max_count = 6; min_count = 3; } else { max_count = 7; min_count = 4; } } } void pqdownheap( PGZ1 gz1, ct_data *tree, int k ) { int v = gz1->heap[k]; int j = k << 1; while( j <= gz1->heap_len ) { if (j < gz1->heap_len && smaller(tree, gz1->heap[j+1], gz1->heap[j])) j++; if (smaller(tree, v, gz1->heap[j])) break; gz1->heap[k] = gz1->heap[j]; k = j; j <<= 1; } gz1->heap[k] = v; } #define GZS_ZIP1 1 #define GZS_ZIP2 2 #define GZS_DEFLATE1 3 #define GZS_DEFLATE2 4 int gzs_fsp ( PGZ1 gz1 ); int gzs_zip1 ( PGZ1 gz1 ); int gzs_zip2 ( PGZ1 gz1 ); int gzs_deflate1( PGZ1 gz1 ); int gzs_deflate2( PGZ1 gz1 ); int gzp_main( request_rec *r, GZP_CONTROL *gzp ) { char cn[]="gzp_main()"; PGZ1 gz1 = 0; int rc = 0; int final_exit_code = 0; int ofile_flags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY; gzp->result_code = 0; gzp->bytes_out = 0; gz1 = (PGZ1) gz1_init(); if ( gz1 == 0 ) { return 0; } gz1->decompress = gzp->decompress; mod_gzip_strcpy( gz1->ifname, gzp->input_filename ); mod_gzip_strcpy( gz1->ofname, gzp->output_filename ); gz1->input_ismem = gzp->input_ismem; gz1->input_ptr = gzp->input_ismem_ibuf + gzp->input_offset; gz1->input_bytesleft = gzp->input_ismem_ibuflen; gz1->output_ismem = gzp->output_ismem; gz1->output_ptr = gzp->output_ismem_obuf; gz1->output_maxlen = gzp->output_ismem_obuflen; if ( gz1->no_time < 0 ) gz1->no_time = gz1->decompress; if ( gz1->no_name < 0 ) gz1->no_name = gz1->decompress; work = zip; if ( !gz1->input_ismem ) { errno = 0; rc = stat( gz1->ifname, &gz1->istat ); if ( rc != 0 ) { ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_DEBUG, r->server, "%s: stat(gz1->ifname=%s) FAILED", cn, gz1->ifname ); gz1_cleanup( gz1 ); return 0; } gz1->ifile_size = ( gz1->istat.st_size - gzp->input_offset ); if ( gz1->ifile_size < 0 ) gz1->ifile_size = 0; gz1->ifd = OPEN( gz1->ifname, gz1->ascii && !gz1->decompress ? O_RDONLY : O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, RW_USER ); if ( gz1->ifd == -1 ) { ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_DEBUG, r->server, "%s: OPEN(gz1->ifname=%s) FAILED", cn, gz1->ifname ); gz1_cleanup( gz1 ); return 0; } if ( gzp->input_offset > 0 ) { SEEKFORWARD( gz1->ifd, gzp->input_offset ); } } if ( !gz1->output_ismem ) { if ( gz1->ascii && gz1->decompress ) { ofile_flags &= ~O_BINARY; } gz1->ofd = OPEN( gz1->ofname, ofile_flags, RW_USER ); if ( gz1->ofd == -1 ) { ap_log_error( "",0,APLOG_NOERRNO|APLOG_DEBUG, r->server, "%s: OPEN(gz1->ofname=%s) FAILED", cn, gz1->ofname ); if ( gz1->ifd ) { close( gz1->ifd ); gz1->ifd = 0; } gz1_cleanup( gz1 ); return 0; } } gz1->outcnt = 0; gz1->insize = 0; gz1->inptr = 0; gz1->bytes_in = 0L; gz1->bytes_out = 0L; gz1->part_nb = 0; if ( gz1->decompress ) { gz1->method = get_header( gz1, gz1->ifd ); if ( gz1->method < 0 ) { if ( gz1->ifd ) { close( gz1->ifd ); gz1->ifd = 0; } if ( gz1->ofd ) { close( gz1->ofd ); gz1->ofd = 0; } return 0; } } gz1->save_orig_name = 0; gz1->state = GZS_ZIP1; for (;;) { gzs_fsp( gz1 ); if ( gz1->done == 1 ) break; } if ( gz1->ifd ) { close( gz1->ifd ); gz1->ifd = 0; } if ( gz1->ofd ) { close( gz1->ofd ); gz1->ofd = 0; } gzp->result_code = gz1->exit_code; gzp->bytes_out = gz1->bytes_out; final_exit_code = (int) gz1->exit_code; gz1_cleanup( gz1 ); return final_exit_code; } int gzs_fsp( PGZ1 gz1 ) { int rc=0; switch( gz1->state ) { case GZS_ZIP1: rc = gzs_zip1( gz1 ); break; case GZS_ZIP2: rc = gzs_zip2( gz1 ); break; case GZS_DEFLATE1: rc = gzs_deflate1( gz1 ); break; case GZS_DEFLATE2: rc = gzs_deflate2( gz1 ); break; default: gz1->done = 1; break; } return( rc ); } int gzs_zip1( PGZ1 gz1 ) { uch flags = 0; #ifdef FUTURE_USE ush attr = 0; ush deflate_flags = 0; #endif gz1->outcnt = 0; gz1->method = DEFLATED; put_byte(GZIP_MAGIC[0]); put_byte(GZIP_MAGIC[1]); put_byte(DEFLATED); if ( gz1->save_orig_name ) { flags |= ORIG_NAME; } put_byte(flags); put_long(gz1->time_stamp); gz1->crc = -1; updcrc( gz1, NULL, 0 ); gz1->state = GZS_ZIP2; return 0; } int gzs_zip2( PGZ1 gz1 ) { #ifdef FUTURE_USE uch flags = 0; #endif ush attr = 0; ush deflate_flags = 0; bi_init( gz1, gz1->ofd ); ct_init( gz1, &attr, &gz1->method ); lm_init( gz1, gz1->level, &deflate_flags ); put_byte((uch)deflate_flags); put_byte(OS_CODE); if ( gz1->save_orig_name ) { char *p = gz1_basename( gz1, gz1->ifname ); do { put_char(*p); } while (*p++); } gz1->header_bytes = (long)gz1->outcnt; gz1->state = GZS_DEFLATE1; return 0; } int gzs_deflate1( PGZ1 gz1 ) { if ( !gz1->deflate1_initialized ) { gz1->deflate1_match_available = 0; gz1->deflate1_match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; gz1->deflate1_initialized = 1; } if ( gz1->compr_level <= 3 ) { gz1->done = 1; return 0; } if ( gz1->lookahead == 0 ) { if ( gz1->deflate1_match_available ) { ct_tally( gz1, 0, gz1->window[gz1->strstart-1] ); } gz1->state = GZS_DEFLATE2; return (int) FLUSH_BLOCK(1); } #ifdef STAY_HERE_FOR_A_CERTAIN_AMOUNT_OF_ITERATIONS while( iterations < max_iterations_per_yield ) { #endif gz1->ins_h = (((gz1->ins_h)<window[gz1->strstart+MIN_MATCH-1])) & HASH_MASK; prev[ gz1->strstart & WMASK ] = gz1->deflate1_hash_head = head[ gz1->ins_h ]; head[ gz1->ins_h ] = gz1->strstart; gz1->prev_length = gz1->deflate1_match_length, gz1->deflate1_prev_match = gz1->match_start; gz1->deflate1_match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; if ( gz1->deflate1_hash_head != NIL && gz1->prev_length < gz1->max_lazy_match && gz1->strstart - gz1->deflate1_hash_head <= MAX_DIST) { gz1->deflate1_match_length = longest_match( gz1, gz1->deflate1_hash_head ); if ( gz1->deflate1_match_length > gz1->lookahead ) { gz1->deflate1_match_length = gz1->lookahead; } if (gz1->deflate1_match_length == MIN_MATCH && gz1->strstart-gz1->match_start > TOO_FAR) { gz1->deflate1_match_length--; } } if ( gz1->prev_length >= MIN_MATCH && gz1->deflate1_match_length <= gz1->prev_length ) { gz1->deflate1_flush = ct_tally(gz1,gz1->strstart-1-gz1->deflate1_prev_match, gz1->prev_length - MIN_MATCH); gz1->lookahead -= ( gz1->prev_length - 1 ); gz1->prev_length -= 2; do { gz1->strstart++; gz1->ins_h = (((gz1->ins_h)<window[ gz1->strstart + MIN_MATCH-1])) & HASH_MASK; prev[ gz1->strstart & WMASK ] = gz1->deflate1_hash_head = head[gz1->ins_h]; head[ gz1->ins_h ] = gz1->strstart; } while (--gz1->prev_length != 0); gz1->deflate1_match_available = 0; gz1->deflate1_match_length = MIN_MATCH-1; gz1->strstart++; if (gz1->deflate1_flush) FLUSH_BLOCK(0), gz1->block_start = gz1->strstart; } else { if ( gz1->deflate1_match_available ) { if ( ct_tally( gz1, 0, gz1->window[gz1->strstart-1] ) ) { FLUSH_BLOCK(0), gz1->block_start = gz1->strstart; } gz1->strstart++; gz1->lookahead--; } else { gz1->deflate1_match_available = 1; gz1->strstart++; gz1->lookahead--; } while (gz1->lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && !gz1->eofile ) { fill_window(gz1); } } return 0; } int gzs_deflate2( PGZ1 gz1 ) { #if !defined(NO_SIZE_CHECK) && !defined(RECORD_IO) if (gz1->ifile_size != -1L && gz1->isize != (ulg)gz1->ifile_size) { } #endif put_long( gz1->crc ); put_long( gz1->bytes_in ); gz1->header_bytes += 2*sizeof(long); flush_outbuf( gz1 ); gz1->done = 1; return OK; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* COMPRESSION_SUPPORT: END */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/