]> git.pld-linux.org Git - packages/allegro5.git/blame_incremental - allegro.spec
- updated to 4.1.13
[packages/allegro5.git] / allegro.spec
... / ...
2# Conditional build:
3%bcond_without alsa # without ALSA modules
4%bcond_without arts # without aRts module
5%bcond_without dbglib # don't build debug versions of library
6%bcond_without proflib # don't debug profiling versions of library
7%bcond_without svga # without svgalib module
8%bcond_without sse # build without sse (valgrind doesn't support it yet)
10%ifnarch %{ix86} alpha
11%undefine with_svga
13Summary: A game programming library
14Summary(de): Eine Bibliothek zur Programmierung von Spielen
15Summary(es): Una libreria de programacion de juegos
16Summary(fr): Une librairie de programmation de jeux
17Summary(it): Una libreria per la programmazione di videogiochi
18Summary(pl): Biblioteka do programowania gier
19Name: allegro
20Version: 4.1.13
21Release: 1
22License: Giftware
23Group: Libraries
24Source0: http://dl.sourceforge.net/alleg/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
25# Source0-md5: 2a96046717cfe2ea6159cf76e11bf622
26Patch0: %{name}-info.patch
27Patch1: %{name}-examples.patch
28Patch2: %{name}-opt.patch
29Patch3: %{name}-ldflags.patch
30Patch4: %{name}-frame-pointer.patch
31Patch5: %{name}-alsa-1_0.patch
32URL: http://alleg.sourceforge.net/
33BuildRequires: XFree86-devel
34%{?with_alsa:BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel}
35%{?with_arts:BuildRequires: arts-devel}
36BuildRequires: autoconf
37BuildRequires: automake
38BuildRequires: esound-devel
39%{?with_svga:BuildRequires: svgalib-devel}
40BuildRequires: texinfo
41BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
44Allegro is a cross-platform library intended for use in computer games
45and other types of multimedia programming.
47%description -l de