%define _prefix /usr/X11R6 Summary: XFree86 misc fonts with DOS encodings Summary(pl): Fonty misc z DOS-owym kodowaniem Name: XFree86-fonts-dos Version: 4.2.0 Release: 2 License: Public Domain Group: X11/XFree86 Source0: XFree86-fonts-misc-%{version}.tar.bz2 # Source0-md5: cbadfe4e784653b2795def646b905fb4 Source1: %{name}-maps.tar.bz2 # Source1-md5: edd71dbe130ae9ce39704ee2ee9e185e Source2: %{name}-Mazovia.map BuildRequires: XFree86-fonts-utils BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description This package contains fixed fonts with DOS encodings. Fonts were taken from XFree86. %description -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z DOS-owym kodowaniem. Fonty zostały wzięte z dystrybucji XFree86. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP737 Summary: Fixed CP737 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP737 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP737 This package contains fixed fonts with CP737 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP737 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP737. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP775 Summary: Fixed CP775 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP775 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP775 This package contains fixed fonts with CP775 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP775 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP775. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP850 Summary: Fixed CP850 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP850 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP850 This package contains fixed fonts with CP850 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP850 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP850. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP852 Summary: Fixed CP852 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP852 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP852 This package contains fixed fonts with CP852 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP852 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP852. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP855 Summary: Fixed CP855 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP855 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP855 This package contains fixed fonts with CP855 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP855 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP855. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP857 Summary: Fixed CP857 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP857 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP857 This package contains fixed fonts with CP857 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP857 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP857. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP860 Summary: Fixed CP860 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP860 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP860 This package contains fixed fonts with CP860 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP860 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP860. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP861 Summary: Fixed CP861 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP861 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP861 This package contains fixed fonts with CP861 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP861 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP861. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP862 Summary: Fixed CP862 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP862 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP862 This package contains fixed fonts with CP862 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP862 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP862. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP863 Summary: Fixed CP863 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP863 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP863 This package contains fixed fonts with CP863 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP863 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP863. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP864 Summary: Fixed CP864 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP864 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP864 This package contains fixed fonts with CP864 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP864 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP864. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP865 Summary: Fixed CP865 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP865 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP865 This package contains fixed fonts with CP865 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP865 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP865. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP866 Summary: Fixed CP866 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP866 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP866 This package contains fixed fonts with CP866 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP866 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP866. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP869 Summary: Fixed CP869 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP869 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP869 This package contains fixed fonts with CP869 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP869 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP869. %package -n XFree86-fonts-CP874 Summary: Fixed CP874 fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe CP874 Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP874 This package contains fixed fonts with CP874 encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-CP874 -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem CP874. %package -n XFree86-fonts-Mazovia Summary: Fixed Mazovia fonts Summary(pl): Fonty rastrowe Mazovia Group: X11/XFree86 Requires(post,postun): %{_bindir}/mkfontdir Requires: %{_fontsdir}/misc %description -n XFree86-fonts-Mazovia This package contains fixed fonts with Mazovia encoding. %description -n XFree86-fonts-Mazovia -l pl Pakiet ten zawiera czcionki fixed z kodowaniem Mazovia. %prep %setup -q -n FONTS -a1 cp -f %{SOURCE2} map-Mazovia-0 %build for i in *.bdf do for j in 737 775 850 852 855 857 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 869 874 do ucs2any $i map-CP$j-0 CP$j-0 name=`basename $i .bdf`-CP$j-0 bdftopcf -t $name.bdf | gzip -9 > $name.pcf.gz rm -f $name.bdf done ucs2any $i map-Mazovia-0 Mazovia-0 name=`basename $i .bdf`-Mazovia-0 bdftopcf -t $name.bdf | gzip -9 > $name.pcf.gz rm -f $name.bdf done %install install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_fontsdir}/misc install *.pcf.gz $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_fontsdir}/misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP737 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP737 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP775 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP775 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP850 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP850 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP852 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP852 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP855 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP855 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP857 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP857 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP860 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP860 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP861 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP861 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP862 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP862 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP863 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP863 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP864 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP864 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP865 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP865 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP866 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP866 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP869 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP869 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-CP874 fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-CP874 fontpostinst misc %post -n XFree86-fonts-Mazovia fontpostinst misc %postun -n XFree86-fonts-Mazovia fontpostinst misc %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP737 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP737-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP775 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP775-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP850 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP850-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP852 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP852-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP855 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP855-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP857 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP857-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP860 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP860-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP861 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP861-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP862 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP862-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP863 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP863-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP864 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP864-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP865 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP865-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP866 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP866-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP869 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP869-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-CP874 %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*CP874-0.pcf.gz %files -n XFree86-fonts-Mazovia %defattr(644,root,root,755) %{_fontsdir}/misc/*Mazovia-0.pcf.gz