[ Ups ] SignallingType = smart PortName = /dev/ttyS0 AutoUpsRebootEnabled = Yes AllowedPortNames = /dev/ttyS0,/dev/ttyS1 CableType = Normal [ EventLogging ] EventLogEnabled = Yes EventLogName = /var/log/powerchute.log EventLogMaxSize = 50000 [ DataLogging ] DataLogEnabled = Yes DataLogName = /var/log/powerchute.dat DataLogMaxSize = 50000 DataLogInterval = 600 [ ErrorLogging ] ErrorLogEnabled = Yes ErrorLogName = /var/log/powerchute.err ErrorLogMaxSize = 50000 [ Messaging ] MessageDelay = 5 MessageInterval = 30 [ SelfTests ] EnableSelfTests = Yes SelfTestDay = MONDAY SelfTestSchedule = At turn on SelfTestTime = 12:00 PM [ Shutdown ] ShutdownDelay = 30 AdminShutdownDelay = 900 DailyShutdownEnabled = No DailyShutdownTime = 6:00 PM DailyWakeupTime = 7:00 AM WeeklyShutdownEnabled = No WeeklyShutdownDay = Friday WeeklyShutdownTime = 6:00 PM WeeklyWakeUpDay = Monday WeeklyWakeUpTime = 7:00 AM [ Server ] HostName = [ UserInterface ] TemperatureUnits = Celsius SoundEffects = No [ BatteryCalibration ] Enabled = No BatteryCalibrationDay = Monday BatteryCalibrationTime = 07:00 AM [ Devices ] MeasureUps = NO [ EventText ] 100000 = *** PowerChute PLUS Version 4.5.2 (glibc) Started *** 100100 = *** PowerChute PLUS Stopped *** 100200 = Communication established 100300 = Normal power restored: UPS on line 100400 = UPS self-test passed 100401 = Scheduled UPS self-test passed 100402 = User initiated UPS self-test passed 100403 = Self-test at UPS passed 100500 = Administrative shutdown started 100501 = Administrative shutdown: User initiated 100502 = Administrative shutdown: Weekly shutdown 100503 = Administrative shutdown: Daily shutdown 100600 = Shutdown cancelled 100601 = User initiated shutdown cancelled 100602 = Weekly administrative shutdown cancelled 100603 = Daily administrative shutdown cancelled 100700 = UPS returned from low battery condition 100701 = UPS returned from low battery condition: #BATTERY_CAPACITY#% 100900 = UPS batteries no longer need replacing 101000 = Contact #CONTACT_NUMBER# normal (#NORMAL_POSITION#): #USER_COMMENT# 101300 = UPS overload condition solved 101400 = UPS run time calibration initiated 101500 = UPS run time calibration completed 101600 = Shutdown started 101601 = User initiated shutdown started 101602 = Weekly administrative shutdown started 101603 = Daily administrative shutdown started 101700 = UPS returned from bypass 101800 = Smart Cell Signal Restored 110000 = Ambient temperature back within thresholds 110100 = Ambient humidity back within thresholds 200000 = UPS on battery 200001 = UPS on battery: High input line voltage #MAX_VOLTAGE# V 200002 = UPS on battery: Brownout #MIN_VOLTAGE# V 200003 = UPS on battery: Blackout #MIN_VOLTAGE# V 200004 = UPS on battery: Small momentary sag #MIN_VOLTAGE# V 200006 = UPS on battery: Deep momentary sag #MIN_VOLTAGE# V 200005 = UPS on battery: Small momentary spike #MAX_VOLTAGE# V 200007 = UPS on battery: Large momentary spike #MAX_VOLTAGE# V 200008 = UPS on battery: Simulated power failure 200100 = System shutdown 200200 = UPS enabling SmartBoost 200300 = Low battery condition 200301 = Low battery condition: #BATTERY_CAPACITY#% 200400 = UPS run time calibration cancelled 200401 = UPS run time calibration cancelled by user 200402 = UPS run time calibration cancelled by power failure 200403 = UPS unable to perform run time calibration: Capacity < 100% 201301 = UPS on bypass: user set via software or panel 201302 = GSUB_CHANGE13_HERE 300000 = Unable to communicate with UPS 300100 = UPS output overload 300200 = UPS self-test failed 300201 = Scheduled UPS self-test failed: Bad battery 300202 = Scheduled UPS self-test failed: Invalid test 300203 = User initiated self-test failed: Bad battery 300204 = User initiated self-test failed: Invalid test 300205 = Self-test at UPS failed: Bad battery 300206 = Self-test at UPS failed: Invalid test 300300 = UPS battery is discharged 300301 = UPS battery is discharged: #BATTERY_CAPACITY#% 300400 = Communication lost while on battery 300600 = Contact #CONTACT_NUMBER# fault (#CONTACT_POSITION#): #USER_COMMENT# 301000 = Check installation of Smart Cell signal cable 301300 = UPS on bypass internal temp over limit 301301 = UPS on bypass battery charger failure 301302 = UPS on bypass: severe DC imbalance overload 301303 = UPS on bypass: output voltage outside limits 301304 = UPS on bypass: top module fan needs repair 301400 = Base module fan needs repair 301500 = Base module bypass power supply needs repair 301600 = UPS battery needs replacing 310001 = Below lower ambient temperature threshold of #LOW_THRESHOLD# 310002 = Exceeded upper ambient temperature threshold of #HIGH_THRESHOLD# 310101 = Below humidity threshold of #LOW_THRESHOLD# 310102 = Exceeded upper humidity threshold of #HIGH_THRESHOLD# [ PopupText ] 1003 = Normal utility power at #HOSTNAME# has been restored. 1006 = Shutdown of #HOSTNAME# has been cancelled. 1007 = UPS batteries at #HOSTNAME# are no longer discharged. 1016 = Shutdown process started. 2000 = #HOSTNAME# is running on battery power. 2001 = #HOSTNAME# has been shutdown. 2003 = Low battery power at #HOSTNAME#. 3000 = #HOSTNAME# has lost communications with the UPS. 3003 = UPS batteries at #HOSTNAME# are discharged. [ FlexEventNames ] 1000 = PowerChute Started 1001 = PowerChute Stopped 1002 = Communication Established 1003 = Power Restored 1004 = UPS Self-Test Passed 1005 = Administrative Shutdown 1006 = Shutdown Cancelled 1007 = UPS Return From Low Battery 1009 = Battery No Longer Needs Replacing 1010 = Contact Normal 1013 = UPS Overload Condition Solved 1014 = UPS Run Time Calibration Initiated 1015 = UPS Run Time Calibration Completed 1016 = System Shutdown Starting 1017 = Return From Bypass 1018 = Smart Cell Signal Returned 1100 = Ambient Temp In Range 1101 = Humidity In Range 2000 = UPS On Battery 2001 = System Shutdown Complete 2002 = UPS Enabling SmartBoost 2003 = Low Battery Condition 2004 = Cancel Battery Calibration 2013 = UPS On Bypass: Maintenance 3000 = Unable To Communicate With UPS 3001 = UPS Output Overload 3002 = UPS Self-Test Failed 3003 = UPS Battery Is Discharged 3004 = Comm Lost While On Battery 3006 = Abnormal Contact Position 3010 = Check Smart Cell Signal 3013 = UPS On Bypass: Failure 3014 = Base Module Fan Failure 3015 = Base Module Power Supply Failure 3016 = UPS Battery Needs Replacing 3100 = Ambient Temp Out Of Range 3101 = Humidity Out Of Range [ Email ] Password = APC [ LineFail ] NotifyDelay = 5 NotifyInterval = 30 NotifyRepeat = Yes ShutdownDelay = 300 Actions = LUS [ AdminShutdown ] ShutdownDelay = 900 NotifyRepeat = Yes [ Network ] UseTCP = YES [ Security ] RunCommandFilesAsRoot = NO SendEmailAsRoot = NO [ Help ] WebBrowser = /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape [ Modem ] PortName = /dev/modem ModemAllowedPortNames = /dev/modem,/dev/ttyS0,/dev/ttyS1