From: Jakub Bogusz Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 20:56:54 +0000 (+0100) Subject: - new X-Git-Tag: auto/th/Collage-1.1.2-1 X-Git-Url:;h=262ad2677d74f1877c40af73681113480ce586cc;p=packages%2FCollage.git - new --- 262ad2677d74f1877c40af73681113480ce586cc diff --git a/Collage.spec b/Collage.spec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3b9a82 --- /dev/null +++ b/Collage.spec @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +# +# Conditional build: +%bcond_without apidocs # do not build and package API docs +# +Summary: Cross-platform C++ network library +Summary(pl.UTF-8): Wieloplatformowa biblioteka sieciowa dla C++ +Name: Collage +Version: 1.1.2 +Release: 1 +License: LGPL v2.1 +Group: Libraries +Source0:{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz +# Source0-md5: 89d37ca9f592da59ddfa57ac82eb83c3 +Source1: +# Source1-md5: 7abca85af7f36fec7e22d7f63d601cf8 +URL: +BuildRequires: Lunchbox-devel >= 1.10 +BuildRequires: boost-devel >= 1.41.0 +BuildRequires: cmake >= 2.8 +%{?with_apidocs:BuildRequires: doxygen} +BuildRequires: libibverbs-devel +BuildRequires: librdmacm-devel +BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel +BuildRequires: pkgconfig +BuildRequires: udt-devel +BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) + +%description +Collage is a cross-platform C++ library for building heterogenous, +distributed applications. Among other things, it is the cluster +backend for the Equalizer parallel rendering framework. Collage +provides an abstraction of different network connections, peer-to-peer +messaging, node discovery, synchronization and high-performance, +object-oriented, versioned data distribution. Collage is designed for +low-overhead multi-threaded execution which allows applications to +easily exploit multi-core architectures. + +%description -l pl.UTF-8 +Collage to wieloplatformowa biblioteka C++ do tworzenia +heterogenicznych, rozproszonych aplikacji. Jest to między innymi +backend klastrowy dla szkieletu równoległego renderowania Equalizer. +Zapewnia abstrakcję różnych połączeń sieciowych, przesyłania +komunikatów między węzłami, wykrywanie węzłów, synchronizację oraz +wydajne, zorientowane obiektowo i wersjonowane rozproszenie danych. +Collage został zaprojektowany pod kątem lekkiej wielowątkowości, co +pozwala aplikacjom łatwo wykorzystywać architektury wielordzeniowe. + +%package devel +Summary: Header files for Collage library +Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe biblioteki Collage +Group: Development/Libraries +Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} + +%description devel +Header files for Collage library. + +%description devel -l pl.UTF-8 +Pliki nagłówkowe biblioteki Collage. + +%package apidocs +Summary: Collage API documentation +Summary(pl.UTF-8): Dokumentacja API biblioteki Collage +Group: Documentation + +%description apidocs +API documentation for Collage library. + +%description apidocs -l pl.UTF-8 +Dokumentacja API biblioteki Collage. + +%prep +%setup -q -a1 + +%{__mv} CMake-* CMake/common +%{__rm} .gitexternals + +%build +install -d build +cd build +%cmake .. \ + -DBUILDYARD_DISABLED=ON +%{__make} + +%if %{with apidocs} +doxygen doc/Doxyfile +%endif + +%install +rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT + +%{__make} -C build install \ + DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT + +%{__rm} -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/Collage/{doc,tests} + +%clean +rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT + +%post -p /sbin/ldconfig +%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig + +%files +%defattr(644,root,root,755) +%doc AUTHORS CHANGES.txt LICENSE.txt doc/{README.IB,README.udt} build/doc/ +%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/coNetperf +%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/coNodeperf +%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/coObjectperf +%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/*.*.* +%attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/ + +%files devel +%defattr(644,root,root,755) +%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/ +%{_includedir}/co +%{_pkgconfigdir}/Collage.pc +%dir %{_datadir}/Collage +%{_datadir}/Collage/CMake + +%if %{with apidocs} +%files apidocs +%defattr(644,root,root,755) +%doc build/doc/html/* +%endif