Summary: A graphical utility for controlling network interfaces. Name: usernet Version: 1.0.9 Release: 2 Copyright: GPL Group: Applications/System BuildRoot: /var/tmp/usernet-root Source: usernet-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}.tar.gz Requires: initscripts >= 3.20 %description The usernet utility provides a graphical interface for manipulating network interfaces (bringing them up or down and viewing their status). Users can only manipulate interfaces that are user-controllable. The superuser can control all interfaces. Install the usernet package if you'd like to provide a graphical utility for manipulating network interfaces. %prep %setup %build make VERSION=%{PACKAGE_VERSION} %install make install BR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT VERSION=%{PACKAGE_VERSION} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root) /usr/bin/usernet /usr/share/usernet/%{PACKAGE_VERSION} /usr/man/man1/usernet.1 /etc/X11/wmconfig/usernet