Summary: Sampling CPU profiler for Linux Name: sysprof Version: 1.1.6 Release: 1 License: GPL v2 Group: Applications/System Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz # Source0-md5: 219f888777771f3709cb35a64bb008a9 URL: BuildRequires: binutils-devel BuildRequires: gtk+2-devel BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.217 Requires: uname(release) >= 2.6.31 ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} %{x8664} BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n) %description Sysprof is a sampling CPU profiler for Linux that uses a kernel module to profile the entire system, not just a single application. Sysprof handles shared libraries and applications do not need to be recompiled. In fact they don't even have to be restarted. Just insert the kernel module and start sysprof. %prep %setup -q %build %configure %{__make} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{__make} install \ DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(644,root,root,755) %doc AUTHORS ChangeLog README TODO %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/sysprof %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/sysprof-cli %{_pixmapsdir}/*.png %{_datadir}/%{name} /etc/udev/rules.d/60-sysprof.rules